Summer 2021 High School Teen Programming

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) State Crime News

Interested in learning a bit more about your local FBI? The FBI Denver Field Office will be hosting a few programs for high school teens this summer!

The FBI Denver Field Office conducts Teen Academies annually across Colorado and Wyoming. Teen Academies are one-day events where attendees learn about FBI career options, hear a case presentation, participate in interactive Evidence Response and SWAT demonstrations, and learn about online safety. Thirty to forty students will be selected to participate at each of two locations: Loveland, Colorado, on June 18, 2021; and Rock Springs, Wyoming, on July 10, 2021. Applications for the Teen Academies can be found on the FBI Denver’s website and are due on Friday, April 30, 2021. field-offices/denver/community-outreach

New in 2021, the FBI Denver Field Office will be conducting several Cyber Security Teen Bootcamps (CSTB) in Colorado and Wyoming. During each CSTB, attendees will hear presentations on cyber security/privacy and have hands-on training with a MacBook Pro, virtual Windows 10 PC, iPhone 11 and a Google Pixel phone. Each session will be limited to 10 students, will occur at venues based on the locations of the majority of interested parties, and will be facilitated by the FBI Denver Chief Security Officer Michael Mercer, who has more than 13 years of experience in cyber security and privacy.

If interested in participating in a CSTB, please email Community Outreach Specialist Leah Hapner at with the following information by May 28, 2021:

  • Name
  • Birthdate
  • 2020-2021 school name
  • 2020-2021 grade/year in school
  • City of residence (if in Denver metro, please indicate neighborhood/area name)
  • Contact email (ensure email address will be accessible during the summer) and phone number

If you represent a youth organization interested in a CSTB presentation, please complete our speaker request form, select “other” in the Presentation Topic box, and enter “Cyber Security Teen Bootcamp” in the Comments box at the bottom of the form.

The FBI Rocky Mountain Safe Streets Task Force and the Denver Police Department Need Your Help Identifying a Bank Robber

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) State Crime News

The FBI Rocky Mountain Safe Streets Task Force and the Denver Police Department need your help identifying an individual who displayed a weapon when he robbed the Bank of the West located at 2050 South Downing Street, Denver, Colorado, at approximately 2:45 p.m. on Monday, April 05, 2021.

The individual is described as a Caucasian male, approximately 6’0” tall with a medium/heavy build. He was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt with a large pug on the front with the words “PUG LIFE,” a black knitted hat, and blue jeans. He was carrying a blue reusable Walmart grocery bag.

Please be on the lookout for anyone matching the description of the suspect. Be aware of anyone similar who might have recently changed their spending habits or discussed coming into money suddenly.

Bank robbery is punishable up to a 20-year prison sentence for each offense and increases if a dangerous weapon is used in the commission of the crime. The FBI continues to provide financial institutions with the best practices for security to make them less vulnerable to robberies.

If anyone has any information on the bank robbery above, or any bank robbery, please call the FBI Rocky Mountain Safe Streets Task Force at 303-629-7171; or, you can remain anonymous and earn up to two thousand dollars ($2,000) by calling CRIMESTOPPERS at 720-913-STOP (7867).

FBI San Francisco and SFPD Seeking Public Tips on Arianna Fitts

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) State Crime News

Today marks the five-year anniversary of the recovery of Nicole Fitts’ remains, which were found in McLaren Park in south San Francisco on April 8, 2016. Nicole was the mother of then-two-year-old Arianna, who is still missing. The San Francisco Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) are asking for the public’s assistance in finding Arianna.

“We want to take the opportunity today to assure the public, and those who knew Nicole and Arianna, that we will continue to investigate this matter as long as it takes to find out what happened. This is a tragic situation for everyone involved,” said FBI Special Agent in Charge Craig Fair. “We would also like to thank everyone in our community for all the help you’ve given us over the years and are asking for your continued assistance and support.”

Nicole Fitts was last seen on the night of April 1, 2016. Her remains were discovered nearly one week later, on April 8, 2016, in McLaren Park near the intersection of Woolsey Street and University Street. Arianna Fitts was reported missing from the San Francisco area on April 5, 2016. She was last seen in Oakland in February of 2016. The FBI believes Arianna was not with her mother when Nicole was killed.

The FBI continues to support SFPD in this active investigation, and has deployed numerous federal resources with expertise in missing child investigations, including the FBI’s Child Abduction Rapid Deployment Team (CARD) and the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU).

The FBI and SFPD want to speak to everyone who interacted with Nicole leading up to her disappearance. Try to remember every detail you can, no matter how insignificant you think it may be. If you remember something, please contact us even if you previously talked with us. As we have continued to collect information, analyze forensic evidence, and have developed new leads, SFPD and the FBI will be reaching out to people again in the coming months.

SFPD has authorized a $100,000 reward for information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the murder of Nicole and the disappearance of Arianna. The FBI has no involvement in the administration of these rewards or any of their governing terms or conditions.

If you have any information on Arianna’s whereabouts or the homicide of Nicole, please contact the FBI San Francisco Division at 415-553-7400 or Tips can remain anonymous. You can also contact the San Francisco Police Department’s Anonymous Tip Line at 415-575-4444, or Text a Tip to TIP411 and begin the text message with SFPD, which guarantees the callers’ anonymity.

FBI Missing Persons Poster:

For media inquiries, please contact the FBI San Francisco Media Office at

FBI El Paso’s 2020 Director’s Community Leadership Award Nominations

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) State Crime News

Press release available in both English and Spanish.

EL PASO—Luis Quesada, special agent-in-charge of the El Paso Field Office, is pleased to announce the nominations for 2020 FBI’s Director’s Community Leadership Award (DCLA). In year’s past, the FBI has only released the final recipient. This year SAC Quesada felt it was important to share the importance all of these organizations made to the El Paso community during a time when the community needed assistance.

Director’s Community Leadership Award

The FBI can only conduct investigations and protect the American people from crime and acts of extremism when it has the support and understanding of the American people. That’s why the special agents-in-charge of each of our 56 field offices work so closely with their communities and community organizations. What happens when these special agents-in-charge get such tremendous support from people in their communities that they want to specially recognize them? They nominate them for a Director’s Community Leadership Award (DCLA).

In year’s past, the FBI has only released the final recipient. This year SAC Quesada felt it was important to share the importance that all of these organizations made to the El Paso community during a time when the community needed to come together to overcome a significant tragedy.

2020 FBI El Paso-DCLA Nomination: One Fund El Paso

Following the tragic events of August 3, 2019, at the Walmart in El Paso, Texas, in which 23 people were killed and hundreds physically and emotionally injured, The El Paso Community Foundation rose up to this significant challenge and assisted with donation management of the financial contributions that immediately poured in from individuals, businesses, and organizations across the nation wanting to help those affected. In doing so, the One Fund El Paso emerged and developed in partnership with Stephanie Karr and Sanjay Mathur who took the lead and were instrumental in ultimately getting millions of dollars from generous donors into the hands of those who needed it the most.

El Paso FBI Victim Specialists, along with the FBI Victim Services Response Team, deployed to El Paso and joined other local victim service providers to work closely with Ms. Karr and Mr. Mathur to identify victims and convey their immediate and long-term needs. Ms. Karr and Mr. Mathur worked tirelessly in the hours, days, and months following the shooting to get monies distributed immediately to the next-of-kin of the deceased, surviving victims who had been shot, and eventually to those emotionally injured. This immediate and orderly distribution of funds financially supported some of the most pressing needs of these victims and ultimately led to the distribution of over $11,000,000.00 by December 2019, within just a few short months following the shooting.

The organizing, implementation, and speed at which the funds were distributed and the volume of work that went into getting this monumental task accomplished not only demonstrated community leadership, but also care, kindness, and compassion for victims and a community devastated by a horrible act of mass violence.

2020 FBI El Paso-DCLA Nomination:

Following the tragic events of August 3, 2019, at the Cielo Vista Walmart, The website was created to serve as a central hub of information to provide victims and the community with resources and information related to the shooting. The EPStrong website was developed by Laura Cruz Acosta, City of El Paso Strategic Communications Director, and Araceli Guerra, City of El Paso IT Director.

Ms. Cruz Acosta and Ms. Guerra, along with their teams, provided information regarding two crucial resource centers for victims and their families: the Family Assistance Center, which was established to address the immediate needs in the weeks following the shooting, and the El Paso United Family Resiliency Center later established to provide long-term assistance. From its creation after August 2019, and well into 2020, went on to provide other critical information to the community of El Paso, such as emerging facts and cautions regarding COVID-19 Pandemic, which is still ongoing. In addition to mental health and social service resources, they have become a vital point of information for COVID-19 statistical information, testing, and now vaccine distribution.

Information is one of the most critical needs of individuals affected by tragedy, trauma, and disasters. has not only demonstrated community leadership by providing critical and strategic communication infrastructure, but also care, kindness, and compassion for victims and a community devastated by a horrible act of mass violence and now a community reeling from the toll COVID-19 has taken on it.

2020 FBI El Paso-DCLA Nomination: Emergence Health Network

Hundreds of El Pasoans were physically and emotionally injured following the tragic events of August 3, 2019, at the Cielo Vista Walmart. The Emergency Health Network (EHN), led by Kristen Daugherty, moved quickly to provide for the mental health needs of victims and the community alike.

Ms. Daugherty and her staff first reported immediately to support the Family Reunification Center and Family Assistance Center. The EHN team then developed a multi-media campaign to inform victims and the community of mental health services available to them while attempting to remove the stigma of receiving mental health counseling by encouraging people to seek counseling.

Emergence Health Network and Ms. Daugherty continued to serve the El Paso community throughout 2020, which transitioned into facing the COVID-19 Pandemic and the severe mental health toll it had taken on individuals. The mental health impact of violent crime, trauma, tragedy, and disaster is one of the most under-recognized and difficult aspects to treat. In her efforts, Ms. Daugherty demonstrated not only community leadership but also care, kindness, and compassion for the victims and a community devastated by a senseless act of mass violence and now a community reeling from the mental health toll that the COVID-19 Pandemic had placed on it.

El FBI En El Paso Anuncia Las Nominaciones Al Premio Del Director Por Liderazgo Comunitario 2020

El Agente Especial a Cargo (SAC) de la Oficina del FBI en El Paso, Luis M. Quesada, se complace en anunciar los nomidados al Premio del Director por Liderazgo Comunitario (DCLA) 2020. En años anteriores, el FBI únicamente ha dado a conocer al ganador final. Sin embargo, este año el SAC Quesada sintió que era esencial compartir la importancia de las siguientes organizaciones y su función en la comunidad de El Paso durante un tiempo tan difícil para la comunidad.

Premio del Director por Liderazgo Comunitario

El FBI logra llevar a cabo investigaciones y proteger al pueblo estadounidense de crímenes y actos extremistas solamente si cuenta con el apoyo y la comprensión del pueblo estadounidense. Es por eso que los Agentes Especiales a Cargo en cada una de las 56 oficinas del FBI trabajan en estrecha colaboración con la comunidad y las organizaciones comunitarias. ¿Y qué sucede cuando estos Agentes Especiales a Cargo reciben un apoyo extraordinario por parte de alguien en la comunidad a quien quieren reconocer? Lo nombran como candidato para el Premio del Director por Liderazgo Comunitario (DCLA).

En años anteriores, el FBI únicamente ha dado a conocer al ganador final. Sin embargo, este año el SAC Quesada sintió que era esencial compartir la importancia de las siguientes organizaciones y su función en la comunidad de El Paso durante un tiempo tan difícil donde la comunidad se ha tenido que unir para superar una tragedia.

Nominado al Premio DCLA 2020 en El Paso: One Fund El Paso

Tras los trágicos acontecimientos del 3 de agosto del 2019 en la tienda Walmart de El Paso, Texas, en los cuales 23 personas perdieron la vida y cientos de personas se vieron afectadas física y emocionalmente, El Paso Community Foundation asumió el reto significativo y asistió con el manejo de las donaciones monetarias que comenzaron a recibirse de inmediato por parte de individuos, negocios, y organizaciones a través del país que deseaban ayudar a las personas afectadas. De este modo, Stephanie Karr y Sanjay Mathur desarrollaron One Fund El Paso y tomaron el mando desempeñando un rol fundamental en la distribución de millones de dólares de parte de donantes generosos a aquellas personas que más lo necesitaban.

Los Especialistas en Asistencia a Víctimas del FBI en El Paso en conjunto con el Equipo de Respuesta de Servicios para Víctimas del FBI que fue desplegado a El Paso y otros proveedores de servicios locales trabajaron estrechamente con la Srta. Karr y el Sr. Mathur para idenficar a las víctimas y poder transmitir las necesidades inmediatas y a largo plazo. La Srta. Karr y el Sr. Mathur trabajaron sin cesar durante las horas, días, y meses después del tiroteo para distribuir fondos inmediatos al familiar más cercano en caso de muerte, o a las víctimas que sobrevivieron heridas de balas, y eventualmente a aquellos que sufrieron daños emociales. Esta distribución inmediata de fondos hizo posible que se atendieran la mayoría de las necesidades más urgentes de las víctimas, y finalmente resultó en la distribución de más de $11,000,000 para diciembre del 2019, solo meses después del tiroteo.

La rapidez con la que los fondos fueron distribuidos y la cantidad de trabajo que se realizó para poder lograr el cumplimiento de esta tarea tan monumental no solo demostró el liderazgo comunitario sino también el cuidado, la bondad, y la compasión hacia las víctimas y la comunidad afectada por tan terrible acto de violencia masiva.

Nominado al Premio DCLA 2020 en El Paso:

Tras los trágicos eventos del 3 de agosto del 2019 en la tienda Walmart de Cielo Vista, la página web fue creada para servir como un enlace central de información para proveer a las víctimas y a la comunidad con los recursos y la información relacionados al tiroteo. La página web fue desarrollada por la Directora de Comunicaciones Estratégicas de la Ciudad de El Paso, Laura Cruz Acosta, y la Directora de Información Tecnológica de la Ciudad de El Paso, Araceli Guerra.

La Srta. Cruz Acosta y la Srta. Guerra, en conjunto con sus equipos, proporcionaron información crítica sobre dos centros de recursos para las víctimas y sus familias, Family Assistance Center el cual fue establecido para asistir con las necesidades inmediatas durante las semanas después del tiroteo y El Paso United Family Resiliency Center el cual fue creado después para proveer asistencia a largo plazo. Desde su creación en agosto del 2019 y gran parte del 2020, proporcionó información crítica a la comunidad de El Paso, tal como información emergente y precauciones de la pandemia del COVID-19, la cual continúa. No solo han sido un recurso para servicios de salud mental y servicios sociales, sino que también han sido un lugar vital para la información estadística y las pruebas del COVID-19, y últimamente la distribución de vacunas.

La información es una de las necesidades más críticas para los individuos afectados por tragedia, trauma y desastres. no solo ha demostrado liderazgo en la comunidad al proveer infraestructura de comunicación crítica y estratégica, sino que también lo ha hecho con cuidado, con bondad y con compasión hacia las víctimas de una comunidad devastada por un horrible acto de violencia masiva y ahora con una comunidad que se ha visto afectada por los efectos del COVID-19.

Nominado al Premio DCLA 2020 en El Paso: Emergence Health Network

Cientos de Paseños fueron heridos física y emocionalmente después de los trágicos eventos del 3 de agosto del 2019 en la tienda Walmart de Cielo Vista. El Emergency Health Network (EHN), dirigido por Kristen Daugherty, se movió rápidamente para proveer asistencia a las necesidades de salud mental de las víctimas y la comunidad por igual. La Srta. Daugherty y su personal se reportaron de inmediato para apoyar al Family Reunification Center y al Family Assistance Center. El grupo de Emergency Health Network (EHN) desarrolló una campaña de multi-medios para informarle a las víctimas y a la comunidad de los servicios de salud mental que estaban disponibles, mientras intentaban remover el estigma de recibir consejería de salud mental al alentar al público a recibir los servicios.

Emergence Health Network y la Srta. Daugherty continuaron sirviendo a la comunidad de El Paso a lo largo del año 2020, el cual se transformó para enfrentar los efectos de la pandemia del COVID-19 y el daño severo a la salud mental de los individuos. El impacto a la salud mental que resulta por crímenes violentos, trauma, tragedia y desastres es unos de los aspectos más difíciles para tratar y menos reconocidos en la salud mental. En sus esfuerzos, la Srta. Daugherty no solo demostró liderazgo comunitario sino también cuidado, bondad y compasión hacia la víctimas y hacia una comunidad devastada primeramente por un acto de violencia masiva y después por las consecuencias de la salud mental que causara la pandemia del COVID-19.

FBI El Paso Sees Surge in Fraudulent Unemployment Insurance Claims Filed Using Stolen Identities

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) State Crime News

Press release available in both English and Spanish.

The FBI El Paso field office has seen an increase in fraudulent unemployment insurance claims complaints related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic involving the use of stolen personally identifiable information (PII)

Nationwide, individuals have been victimized by criminal actors impersonating the victims and using the victims’ stolen identities to submit fraudulent unemployment insurance claims online. The criminals obtain the stolen identity using a variety of techniques, including the online purchase of stolen PII, previous data breaches, computer intrusions, cold-calling victims while using impersonation scams, email phishing schemes, physical theft of data from individuals or third parties, and from public websites and social media accounts, among other methods.

Many victims of identity theft related to unemployment insurance claims do not know they have been targeted until they try to file a claim for unemployment insurance benefits, receive a notification from the state unemployment insurance agency, receive an IRS Form 1099-G showing the benefits collected from unemployment insurance, or get notified by their employer that a claim has been filed while the victim is still employed

The FBI advises the public to be on the lookout for the following suspicious activities:

  • Receiving communications regarding unemployment insurance forms or payments when you have not applied for unemployment benefits.
  • Receiving a state taxable income form 1099-G reflecting unemployment benefits you have not applied for.
  • Receiving a notice that your claim was rejected because there is a claim already in your name.
  • Unauthorized transactions on your bank or credit card statements related to unemployment benefits.
  • Any fees involved in filing or qualifying for unemployment insurance.
  • Unsolicited inquires related to unemployment benefits.
  • Fictitious websites and social media pages mimicking those of government agencies.

Tips on how to protect yourself:

  • Be wary of telephone calls and text messages, letters, websites, or emails that require you to provide your personal information or other sensitive information, especially birth dates and Social Security numbers. Be cautious with attachments and embedded links within emails and texts, especially from an unknown sender.
  • Monitor your bank accounts on a regular basis and request your credit report ( at least once a year to look for any fraudulent activity. If you believe you are a victim, review your credit report more frequently.
  • Immediately report unauthorized transactions to your financial institution or credit card provider.
  • Follow good computer hygiene and cybersecurity practices.
  • Research unemployment benefit websites, including state unemployment insurance agencies, before providing your PII. There are many fake websites mimicking legitimate websites.

If you are a victim of a fraudulent unemployment insurance claim, the FBI recommends taking the following actions:

  • Immediately contact the three major credit bureaus to place a fraud alert on your credit records.
  • Notify the Internal Revenue Service by filing an Identity Theft Affidavit (IRS Form 14039) through or
  • Immediately call the Texas Workforce Commission at 1-800-252-3642 and request a corrected Form 1099-G.
  • Notify your employer of the fraudulent claim as they will also need to file documentation.

If you believe you have been a victim of identity theft related to fraudulent unemployment insurance claims, report the fraud to law enforcement, your state unemployment insurance agency, the IRS, credit bureaus, and your employer’s human resources department. The FBI encourages victims to report fraudulent or any suspicious activities to the Internet Crime Complaint Center at or with the National Center for Disaster Fraud at 1-866-720-5721. You may consult for help in reporting and recovering from identity theft.

El FBI en El Paso Nota un Aumento en Reclamos Falsos de Desempleo Utilizando Identidades Robadas

La Oficina del FBI en El Paso ha notado un aumento en los reclamos de seguro por motivo de desempleo relacionados con la pandemia existente del COVID-19 utilizando información robada de datos personales.

Muchas personas a través del país han sido víctimas de individuos que se han hecho pasar por las víctimas y han utilizado la identidad robada de una víctima para presentar un reclamo falso de seguro por desempleo de forma electrónica por internet. Los delincuentes logran obtener identidades robadas utilizando una variedad de técnicas; éstas incluyen la compra electrónica de dicha información por internet, la violación de datos personales, la intrusión por computadoras, llamadas telefónicas directamente a las víctimas utilizando estafas de identidad, técnicas de fraude electrónico (Phishing) para obtener información a través de correo electrónico, y el robo físico de datos de personas o terceras partes, sitios web y medios sociales, entre otras.

Muchas víctimas del robo de identidad relacionado a los reclamos de desempleo están ajenas a lo sucedido hasta que intentan presentar su reclamo para beneficios de desempleo y reciben notificación de la oficina de desempleo del estado, o reciben un formulario de la Oficina de Impuestos sobre Renta (IRS) número 1099-G donde indica que recibieron beneficios del seguro de desempleo, o reciben notificación de su empresa que se hizo un reclamo mientras la víctima sigue empleada.

El FBI advierte al público a estar en alerta de la siguiente actividad sospechosa:

  • Recibir información relacionada a formularios o pagos de desempleo cuando no se han solicitado dichos beneficios de desempleo.
  • Recibir un formulario de impuestos 1099-G donde refleja beneficios de desempleo que usted no haya solicitado.
  • Recibir notificación de un rechazo de reclamo porque ya existe otro reclamo bajo su nombre.
  • Transacciones no autorizadas en estados de cuentas bancarias o tarjetas de crédito relacionadas a beneficios de desempleo.
  • Cualquier cobro por concepto de presentación o cualificación para seguro de desempleo.
  • Consultas no solicitadas relacionadas a beneficios de desempleo.
  • Sitios web y páginas de medios sociales falsas que imitan los sitios de agencias gubernamentales.

Cómo protegerse a sí mismo:

  • Tenga cautela con las llamadas telefónicas, mensajes de texto, cartas, sitios web, o correos electrónicos que soliciten que provea su información personal u otro tipo de información confidencial, especialmente su fecha de nacimiento y número de seguro social. Tenga prudencia con los archivos adjuntos y los enlaces integrados en los correos electrónicos y los mensajes de texto, especialmente si son de una fuente desconocida.
  • Monitoree su cuenta bancaria periódicamente y solicite un informe de crédito ( al menos una vez al año para identificar actividad sospechosa. Si usted considera que ha sido víctima, revise su informe de crédito con más frecuencia.
  • Notifique inmediatamente cualquier transacción no autorizada a la institución bancaria o al proveedor de su tarjeta de crédito.
  • Siga buenas prácticas de computación y de seguridad cibernética.
  • Haga una búsqueda de sitios web que ofrezcan beneficios de desempleo, incluyendo a las agencias estatales de desempleo, antes de proveer cualquier información personal que lo identifique a usted. Existen muchos sitios web falsos que imitan sitios legítimos.

Si usted es víctima de un reclamo falso de desempleo, el FBI recomienda que tome los siguientes pasos:

  • Comuníquese de inmediato con las tres agencias de crédito reconocidas para colocar una alerta de fraude en su historial de crédito.
  • Notifique a la Oficina de Impuestos Sobre Renta (IRS) para presentar una declaración de robo de identidad (Formulario de IRS 14039) a través de o
  • Comuníquese de inmediato con Texas Workforce Commission al 1-800-252-3642 para solicitar un formulario 1099-G corregido.
  • Notifique a su agencia de empleo sobre el reclamo falso ya que ellos tendrán que presentar su propia documentación.

Si usted cree que ha sido víctima del robo de identidad relacionado a beneficios de desempleo, reporte el fraude a las agencias policíacas, su agencia estatal de desempleo, al IRS, a agencias de crédito, y al departamento de recursos humanos de su agencia de empleo. El FBI recomienda que las víctimas reporten la actividad sospechosa al Centro de Quejas de Delitos por Internet a o al Centro Nacional de Desastre de Fraude al 1-866-720-5721. Para más información de cómo reportar un delito y cómo recuperarse del robo de identidad, consulte

