Defense News in Brief: NPS Professor, Students Explore Innovative Ways to Power the Navy

Source: United States Navy

MONTEREY , Calif. – Imagine a machine that collected water from the air, broke the water down into hydrogen and oxygen, then used hydrogen as a power source. That’s the goal of Dr. Anthony Gannon, associate professor at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) school, and his rotating group of thesis students, who are applying their interdisciplinary education and research to support developing these new capabilities. Gannon has been working with students towards this goal since 2016.

Defense News in Brief: NPS’ Peter Denning Adds Computer Pioneer Award to Long List of Honors

Source: United States Navy

MONTEREY, Calif. – The list of accolades and awards for Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Distinguished Professor Peter Denning continues to get longer. The Institute of Electrical and Electrical Engineers (IEEE), which recently renamed its Computer Pioneer Award to the IEEE Computer Society Women of Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) Award, recognized Denning for significant contributions in virtual memory, Internet development, infrastructure, and computing education on Feb. 2, 2021.

Security News in Brief: Two California Men Indicted in Hate Crimes Case Alleging They Attacked Family-Owned Restaurant and Threatened to Kill the Victims Inside

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

A federal grand jury in Los Angeles has indicted two Los Angeles-area men on conspiracy and hate crime offenses for allegedly attacking five victims at a family-owned Turkish restaurant while shouting anti-Turkish slurs, hurling chairs at the victims and threatening to kill them.