Security News in Brief: Statement by Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Pamela S. Karlan on International Transgender Day of Visibility

Source: United States Department of Justice News

On this International Transgender Day of Visibility, the U.S. Department of Justice recognizes the many contributions of the transgender community, and the discrimination that many transgender individuals continue to face today. All Americans, including transgender individuals, should live and work free from fear of losing a job, being denied housing or medical care, or being harassed or assaulted because of who they are.

Defense News in Brief: Reserve Sailors return to birthplace to support naval exercise, share origins of success

Source: United States Navy

TEMA, Ghana – Obangame Express (OE21) is an annual naval interoperability exercise hosted by a rotating roster of West African nations in the Gulf of Guinea that was held in Accra, Ghana this year from March 14-27, 2021. This was the first multinational exercise of this magnitude on the African continent since the start of the global Covid-19 pandemic.