Defense News in Brief: ‘You’re the Key’ – Naval Safety Center Launches Motor Vehicle Safety Campaign

Source: United States Navy

NORFOLK, Va. – The Naval Safety Center (NAVSAFECEN) launched a Motor Vehicle Safety Campaign April 26 to increase awareness on the top contributing factors to motor vehicle accidents and inform Sailors and Marines on ways they can reduce the likelihood and severity of motor vehicle mishaps through appropriate risk management strategies and best practices.

Defense News in Brief: Unsafe and Unprofessional Interaction with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN)

Source: United States Navy

On April 2, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) Harth 55, accompanied by three fast attack craft (FAC)/fast inshore attack craft (FIAC), approached U.S. Coast Guard patrol boats USCGC Wrangell (WPB 1332) and USCGC Monomoy (WPB 1326) while the U.S. vessels were conducting routine maritime security patrols in the international waters of the southern Arabian Gulf.