Statement on Threat Made to the University of Michigan

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Crime News (b)

Yesterday, the FBI, with the assistance of the University of Michigan Division of Public Safety and Security, identified an individual responsible for posting an online threat against the women of the University of Michigan. Special agents from the FBI’s Baltimore Division, which covers the entire states of Maryland and Delaware, contacted the individual, who has been cooperative with law enforcement. During the interview, agents assessed the individual had neither the means nor the opportunity to carry out the threat.

There is no current or pending threat to the University of Michigan community from this individual.

Each and every threat brought to our attention is taken seriously and is investigated to determine whether the threat was made in violation of state or federal law. We are still collecting and reviewing evidence in this case. While that process is ongoing, we cannot provide any additional information—including the identity of the individual.

As always, we encourage the public to remain vigilant and to promptly report suspicious activities that could represent a threat to public safety.