Security News in Brief: Florida’s NCH Healthcare System Agrees to Pay $5.5 Million to Settle Common Law Allegations for Impermissible Medicaid Donations

Source: United States Department of Justice News

WASHINGTON – NCH Healthcare System (NCH), which operates two hospitals in Collier County, Florida, has agreed to pay the United States $5.5 million to resolve allegations that it made donations to local units of government to improperly fund the state’s share of Medicaid payments to NCH. 

Security News in Brief: Hermanos peruanos condenados a más de siete años de cárcel por estafar a miles de inmigrantes de habla hispana

Source: United States Department of Justice News

Dos ciudadanos peruanos responsables de operar una serie de centros de llamadas en Perú que estafaban y amenazaban a residentes de habla hispana en los Estados Unidos fueron sentenciados en el Tribunal de Distrito de EE.UU. del Distrito Sur de Florida a cumplir condena de cárcel. El 9 de febrero de 2022, el Juez de Distrito de EE.UU., Robert N. Scola Jr., condenó a Josmell Espinoza Huerta (Josmell Espinoza), de 32 años, a cumplir 88 meses en prisión. Hoy mismo, el Juez Scola ordenó que Carlos Alberto Espinoza Huerta (Carlos Espinoza), de 40 años, fuera encarcelado durante 102 meses.

Security News in Brief: Peruvian Brothers Sentenced to More than Seven Years in Prison for Defrauding Thousands of Spanish-Speaking Immigrants

Source: United States Department of Justice

Two Peruvian nationals responsible for operating a series of call centers in Peru that defrauded and threatened Spanish-speaking U.S. residents were sentenced to serve prison time in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida. On Feb. 9, U.S. District Judge Robert N. Scola Jr. sentenced Josmell Espinoza Huerta (Josmell Espinoza), 32, to serve 88 months in prison. Earlier today, Judge Scola ordered Carlos Alberto Espinoza Huerta (Carlos Espinoza), 40, to be imprisoned for 102 months.  

Security News in Brief: Major Columbus Area Methamphetamine Trafficker Pleads Guilty

Source: United States Department of Justice News

COLUMBUS, Ga. – A known methamphetamine trafficker considered a major drug distributor in the Columbus community has pleaded guilty to his crimes in federal court.

Brandon Juwan Jones, 37, of Columbus, pleaded guilty to possession of methamphetamine before U.S. District Clay Land on Feb. 10. Jones faces a maximum 20 years in prison to be followed by at least three years of supervised release and a $1,000,000 fine. Sentencing is scheduled for May 10.

Security News in Brief: Florida’s NCH Healthcare System Agrees to Pay $5.5 Million to Settle Common Law Allegations for Impermissible Medicaid Donations

Source: United States Department of Justice News

NCH Healthcare System (NCH), which operates two hospitals in Collier County, Florida, has agreed to pay the United States $5.5 million to resolve allegations that it made donations to local units of government to improperly fund the state’s share of Medicaid payments to NCH.