Community Outreach Seeks to Improve Hate Crime Reporting

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Crime News (b)

Months later, the statistics collected by the FBI would show the reports coming into Stop AAPI Hate were no anomaly. The 2020 hate crime statistics showed 8,052 single-bias incidents involving 11,126 victims. These numbers are the highest since 2008 and showed an increase in crimes targeting Black, Asian, and Jewish individuals.

It is also highly likely that these numbers represent an incomplete count, in part because law enforcement agencies are encouraged to report these numbers but are not required to do so, and also because so many victims never come forward.

Among Jeung’s recommendations for addressing the reporting gap were to show how reporting makes a difference, recruit more FBI agents and personnel from diverse backgrounds, and use Asian-language media to encourage reporting. The professor was also able to explain the roots of racism against Asians and offer other suggestions for improving relationships.

“Many communities don’t always feel comfortable coming forward to law enforcement. That’s a big problem for us,” said Biebesheimer. “As investigators, we can’t do anything about the crimes we don’t know about. We have to get better.”

That commitment is echoed by FBI Supervisory Special Agent Daudshah Andish, the program coordinator for the Civil Rights Division in San Francisco. It’s why his squad assigned agents to be dedicated hate crime coordinators—and why he sees their work as an essential part of the FBI’s mission to defend civil rights.

“Hate crimes are not only an attack on the victim, but they also threaten and intimidate the entire community,” Andish said. “Everybody should be able to get out of their houses, enjoy the public spaces, and go about their business without any fear of violence or retribution.”

Security News in Brief: Director for COVID-19 Fraud Enforcement Kevin Chambers Delivers Remarks at COVID-19 Fraud Enforcement Task Force Roundtable

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

Thank you, Mr. Attorney General, Madam Deputy Attorney General, I’m honored to take on this new role and I’m excited to continue to work with the women and men in the Department of Justice and also with all of you at the law enforcement agencies and Office of Inspector General that have been such good partners to us.

Security News in Brief: Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco Delivers Remarks at COVID-19 Fraud Enforcement Task Force Roundtable

Source: United States Department of Justice News

Thank you so much, Mr. Attorney General. It is great to be here and to have all of you here in person. It’s great to see so many friendly and familiar faces, to actually see faces, and I’m really hopeful that we’ll continue to do this in person and see more of us gathered together in person for these types of meetings.

Security News in Brief: Director for COVID-19 Fraud Enforcement Kevin Chambers Delivers Remarks at COIVD-19 Fraud Enforcement Task Force Roundtable

Source: United States Department of Justice News

Thank you, Mr. Attorney General, Madam Deputy Attorney General, I’m honored to take on this new role and I’m excited to continue to work with the women and men in the Department of Justice and also with all of you at the law enforcement agencies and Office of Inspector General that have been such good partners to us.

Security News in Brief: Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco Delivers Remarks at COIVD-19 Fraud Enforcement Task Force Roundtable

Source: United States Department of Justice News

Thank you so much, Mr. Attorney General. It is great to be here and to have all of you here in person. It’s great to see so many friendly and familiar faces, to actually see faces, and I’m really hopeful that we’ll continue to do this in person and see more of us gathered together in person for these types of meetings.