Defense News in Brief: CIWT Restores Language Testing in Hawaii and Japan

Source: United States Navy

11 April 2022

From Center for Information Warfare Training’s Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture Team

PENSACOLA, Fla. – The Center for Information Warfare Training is pleased to announce the restoration of testing under the Navy Defense Foreign Language Testing Program (N-DFLTP) in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and Yokosuka, Japan.

Appointments are now available for the Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB) and the Defense Language Proficiency Tests (DLPTs) at Navy Language Testing Centers (NLTCs) in Pearl Harbor and Yokosuka.  To schedule a language test for you or for a Sailor in your charge, please, use the scheduling tool at
For more information contact:
NLTC Hawaii –
NLTC Yokosuka –
The Center for Information Warfare Training is working to restore N-DFLTP testing at NLTCs in the following locations:  Naples, Italy; Rota, Spain; Sasebo, Japan and will release additional information as these new sites become operational.
For information about Navy’s Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC) program and language testing, please visit:
