Defense News: CNO Gilday and Linda Gilday Issue Message for Military Spouse Appreciation Day 2022

Source: United States Navy

CNO: Shipmates, CNO Gilday here with my wife Linda to celebrate and recognize Military Spouse Appreciation Day.  We are a stronger military because of the support, selflessness and service of our better halves – our spouses… our partners.  

LINDA: Military Spouse Appreciation Day, held annually the Friday before Mother’s Day, is a day for us to pause and recognize all of our military spouses.  

CNO: Being a military spouse has unique challenges; through long deployments, stressful missions, duty days, and countless PCS moves, our spouses carry heavy burdens… often while navigating careers of their own. Military spouses do all of this with grace and are a constant source of strength, inspiration and motivation for us all. 

Linda: Together, we applaud everything you do for your Sailor and the entire Navy family. We appreciate your service and do not take your sacrifice nor the challenges you face for granted.  

CNO: To my wife Linda – and to all of the incredible spouses around the world – Thank you. Each of you serve our nation and I am grateful for your service. I know that we couldn’t do it without you.