Defense News: NUWC Division Newport employees recognized for developing innovative technology

Source: United States Navy

The first of what will become quarterly ceremonies was held in front of Division Newport’s new “Wall of Innovation,” designed to reflect innovation and state-of-the-art accomplishments by the workforce.

“This is what the Wall of Innovation was designed for, to display our technical and scientific advancements and innovation on a rotating basis to the entire community,” Chief Technology Officer Dr. Jason Gomez said as he welcomed attendees to the ceremony.

Technical Director Ron Vien cited the Division Newport mission and its long history of growth, innovation and evolution into new technical areas.

“I’m a bit biased, but we’re pretty cool, what we do here at NUWC, and it’s work like this that really demonstrates our people and technical capabilities,” he said.
Commanding Officer Capt. Chad Hennings agreed.

“To be the first to think of an idea and to be able to share that idea, that’s really impressive,” Hennings said.

Patent awards
Eighteen current and former employees were awarded 12 patents, an important part of the innovation process as patents protect intellectual property, award inventors for innovative ideas and make novel technologies available to the broader scientific and engineering communities.

“We have a strong history and culture in patents here at Division Newport,” said Gomez.