Defense News: Barksdale AFB to Receive New Weapons Generation Facility

Source: United States Navy

Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Southeast awarded a $33 million firm-fixed-price construction contract, May 19, to SLSCO, LTD, from Galveston, Texas, for early site work in preparation for a new Weapons Generation Facility (WGF) located at Barksdale Air Force Base (AFB), Louisiana.

WGFs consolidate the weapon maintenance, storage and training functions required to support B-52 bomber missions.

“The award of phase one of the WGF project is the culmination of an incredible effort by key stakeholders, to include the Air Force, NAVFAC, and the Architectural/Engineering (A/E) firm,” said Resident Officer in Charge of Construction (ROICC) Lt. Kevin Dorian. “All of these agencies worked collaboratively towards this significant project milestone.”

This first phase of the project consists of an Early Start Package (ESP) which includes preliminary site work in preparation for the follow on construction phase. This includes clearing, grading and drainage, environmental remediation, building demolition, demolition and relocation of existing utilities, secure fencing, and roadway construction.

Dorian stated, “At ROICC Barksdale, we are excited to be moving into the project execution and construction phase while continuing to collaborate with our key stakeholders to deliver critical new infrastructure to Barksdale AFB in direct support of the National Defense Strategy.”

The first phase of the project is expected to be completed by Sept. 2023. The second phase is scheduled to begin shortly after and will require a separate contract.