Defense News: Connecticut hero always remembered, inducted into Navy Fire Fighter Hall of Fame

Source: United States Navy

On May 18, 2022, Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) formally presented the Navy Fire and Emergency Services Awards for 2021, in which Assistant Fire Chief Kenneth Jeffrey was posthumously inducted into the F&ES Hall of Fame during an annual award ceremony at the U.S. Navy Museum. 

Jeffery’s wife and son attended the ceremony to receive the award and honor on his behalf.

“Well, he’d be very humbled by it,” said Kathy Jeffery, Kenneth’s wife. “And he couldn’t have done this without the guys, all the guys that came up with him. And it’s been such a pleasure to see them. To see the guys that started underneath him and [they] are now chief of the departments. He would be so proud of them.”

“My most memorable moment was when he let me go to work with him when I was a little kid,” said Timothy Jeffrey, son of Kenneth whom followed in his father’s footsteps as a Windsor fire fighter. “I liked to ride the rigs and sleep in the bunker room with the guys, and like all the guys just took me in and… you’re really thinking you’re a firefighter for the night.”

Kenneth Jeffery’s dedication to training and safety would create a lasting impact on the fire fighter community that echoed even beyond his career.

He began his F&ES career as a firefighter at the former Westover Air Force Base, now the Westover Air Reserve Base, in Chicopee and Ludlow, Massachusetts in 1974. 

Kenneth continued fire fighting with the Navy at Naval Submarine Base (SUBASE) New London’s Fire Department on April 9, 1979, working his way up through the ranks from firefighter to assistant chief on B-Shift.

While at SUBASE New London, Kenneth assisted in standing up the hazardous material team and served as senior instructor for the Connecticut Fire Academy.

Additionally, Kenneth served as the fire chief of Windsor Locks, Connecticut where he oversaw the procurement of new apparatus and grant projects to improved operations for career and volunteer fire departments.

One night at building 87 in December 1987, Kenneth was the incident commander which took quick actions in saving and salvaging critical records and equipment during a large scaled incident.

“He and his crew, the chief guys, made a miraculous save and saved the government lots of money,” Kathy recalled. “He was so proud of that and the guys.”

Within the same month, he led teams on a federal response to a 17-alarm fire incident in an old textile mill at Putnam, Connecticut.

In November 1989, two members of the Mariner Hotel became trapped in the basement. Kenneth was the first arriving officer and coordinated a rescue plan which saved both members.

One of Kenneth’s last accomplishments during his 32 years of service was working with Connecticut State Senator Cathy Cook to obtain new thermal imaging cameras for all Connecticut Fire Departments. They proposed a statewide initiative to increase safety for the citizens of Connecticut, and presented to Governor John Rowland in August 2003. Rowland allocated $3 million to purchase 325 thermal imaging cameras for use by career and volunteer firefighters in the 300 fire departments across Connecticut, the Connecticut Fire Academy, regional fire schools, and state agency fire departments, which included at that time SUBASE New London’s Fire Department.

He actively advocated for and participated in firefighter community engagements as a member of the International Association of Fire Chiefs, the Groton Fire Officers Association and the New London County Fire Chiefs Association. Kenneth was also involved with the Little League Baseball teams in Windsor Lock and SUBASE New London.

Many friends and family easily recall Kenneth greeting them with a smile, having a joke of the day, always being in a good mood and people would gravitate around him. He would often end his conversations saying, “See ya at the big one!”

After his passing, the Windsor Locks community would not just have a simple memorial service, but have a “Big One” with hundreds in attendance followed by a Fire Services March to the cemetery on Jan. 4, 2004. 

Jeffery last reported for duty at SUBASE New London Station 23 on Dec. 25, 2003, when he experienced chest pain and was taken to a cardiac care unit. He passed away a few days later.

Nearly two decades after his passing, the historic Washington Navy Yard’s U.S. Navy Museum reopened its doors following last year’s pandemic closure and filled its exhibit bays with fire fighters, emergency technicians, family and friends from across CNIC’s 10 regions and 71 installations for the annual ceremony.

The Navy F&ES Awards Program was instituted in 1997 to recognize the most outstanding fire departments and personnel for achieving the highest degree of excellence in mission support and fire protection management.

“It really goes to show that, you know, the doors never forget really hold true, especially after all these years of him being gone and coming here today,” said Timothy prior to the ceremony.

Kenneth Jeffery is memorialized at the National Fallen Fighters Foundation wall in Emmitsburg, Maryland; Connecticut Fire Academy Memorial Wall; at the International Association of Firefighters Memorial in Colorado Springs; and the Training Room at SUBASE New London Fire Station 23.

“He would be very humbled and very proud of the direction that the department went in and where they’re headed. I just thank the United States Navy for everything that they’ve given my family and Sub Base New London for keeping his memory alive,” Timothy added.

“I’m just very appreciative of the fire service,” said Kathy. “It is truly a brotherhood. And, you know, like Tim said, that he’s still remembered after all these years. It’s very heartwarming.”

Photos from Kenneth Jeffery’s memorial service and more than 140 personal messages for the beloved fire chief can be viewed here: 

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