Defense News: U.S. Navy Leaders Celebrate 1 Year Milestone of the Pennsylvania Talent Pipeline Project

Source: United States Navy

In May 2021, the Navy, in partnership with the Office of the Secretary of Defense Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment program, launched an initiative to engage and energize the greater Philadelphia defense industrial base by creating maritime-focused manufacturing talent pipelines. These efforts aim to recapitalize the defense workforce and address critical trade skill gaps across the maritime and defense ecosystems, including the Navy, Coast Guard, and Maritime Administration. For instance, across the Pennsylvania’s maritime ecosystem, there is a significant demand for critical trade skills including welders, machinists, metal fabricators, electricians, ship fitters, and quality assurance.

“It is no accident that re-capitalizing our strategic ballistic missile submarines is the number one priority of the United States Navy,” said Frederick Stefany, Principal Civilian Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy. “The graduates of this program have opportunities to be a part of that amazing effort, to build the next generation, to build the next 50 to 60 years of ballistic missile submarines.”

The signing ceremony formally recognized the commitment of 29 defense employers in southeastern Pennsylvania to hire and retain more than 200 new workforce members into mission-critical careers.

“I am most satisfied and gratified by the young men and women who are going to cross this stage,” said Rear Adm. Scott Pappano. “They are critical to the national defense of this nation … [Working for] a shipbuilding manufacturing industrial base [partner] for the United States [is] as important as anything that a soldier, sailor, airman, or Marine does at the pointy end of our nation’s spear.”

The U.S. Navy and the Department of Defense have more than $300 billion planned for investments in new submarines, aircraft carriers, and ships over the next several decades. Pennsylvania is a center of gravity for these shipbuilding and ship sustainment programs, with several hundred defense industry partners across the region. The state also has more critical submarine and aircraft carrier suppliers than any other state in the country.

The Pennsylvania Talent Pipeline Project is working to strengthen the trade skills workforce through recruiting, hiring, training, and retaining next generation workforce members who are mission critical to building the submarines, ships, and systems the Navy needs.

“This is the way … this has to work. This program, and the partnerships it has created are the foundation of how we get there,” shared Matt Sermon, Executive Director, Strategic Submarines. These next generation workforce members are going into skilled, sustainable, high paying jobs, and they will be directly supporting the Navy’s crucial mission, stated Sermon.

“I am thrilled to hear that dozens of Philadelphia CTE graduates will be starting their careers at local manufacturing businesses, thanks to the Navy’s Talent Pipeline Program,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “Programs like this one are essential to creating quality jobs, strengthening our local manufacturing businesses, and growing our future economy.”

For more information visit: Pennsylvania Pipeline Project – Philly (

Defense News: USS Gravely and USS Gunston Hall arrive in Helsinki, Finland

Source: United States Navy

The ships’ presence in the Finnish port city demonstrates the United States’ commitment, alongside regional Allies and Partners, to preserving Baltic regional security and stability.

“The USS Gunston Hall Navy and Marine Corps team is motivated to work with our Allies and Partners in the Baltic Region,” said Cmdr. Beth Nelson, commanding officer of USS Gunston Hall. “We are excited to be able to visit the fine country of Finland. We were met with a kind, warm welcome by our gracious hosts and my Sailors and Marines look forward to experiencing the rich culture in Helsinki.”

Like Gunston Hall, Gravely’s crew looks forward to strengthening U.S.-Finnish relations and experiencing Finnish history and culture through this port visit.

“Every Sailor aboard Gravely recognizes the importance and privilege of visiting Finland during these historic times,” said Cmdr. Hunter Washburn, Gravely’s commanding officer. “The U.S. continues to work with our Partners and Allies, just as we have done for 70 years, and we look forward to building on these partnerships now and in the future.”

Prior to their port visit, Gunston Hall and Gravely conducted extensive operations with Allies and Partners in the Baltic Sea, including a series of maneuvering exercises with the Finnish and Swedish navies. Working alongside regional Partners improves participants’ ship handling, communication, and tactical precision.

“It has been an absolute pleasure working alongside so many NATO Allies and Partners while we have been in the Baltic Sea,” said Washburn. “Each time we sail with like-minded nations, we strengthen our interoperability and enhance regional stability.”

Gunston Hall also concluded participation in the Estonian national exercise Siil 2022 this week, known in English as Hedgehog. Hedgehog exercised battalion-level command and control of amphibious operations to enhance Allied interoperability in the Baltic region with a focus on defensive maneuvers. During Siil, Gunston Hall Sailors and Marines from the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) participated in various training events with the Estonian Defense Force, including ship to shore operations, mass casualty and casualty evacuation drills, and an amphibious assault on Saaremaa Island, Estonia.

While in port Helsinki, Gunston Hall will host a pier side engagement with representatives from a U.S. congressional delegation, as well as leaders from the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Army. Gunston Hall also plans to host a key leader engagement tour aboard for U.S. ambassadors, U.S. Embassy staff, and the Finnish Ministry of Defence to thank Finland for welcoming the ship and its crew to the country.

The Kearsarge ARG and embarked 22nd MEU are under the command and control of Task Force 61/2. The ARG consists of Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3); San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship USS Arlington (LPD 24); and Whidbey Island-class dock landing ship USS Gunston Hall (LSD 44).

Embarked commands with the Kearsarge ARG include Amphibious Squadron SIX, 22nd MEU, Fleet Surgical Team 2, Fleet Surgical Team 4, Tactical Air Control Squadron 22, Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 22, Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 28, Assault Craft Unit 2, Assault Craft Unit 4, Naval Beach Group 2, and Beach Master Unit 2.

Amphibious ready groups, and larger amphibious task forces, provide military commanders a wide range of flexible capabilities including maritime security operations, expeditionary power projection, strike operations, forward naval presence, crisis response, sea control, deterrence, counter-terrorism, information operations, security cooperation and counter-proliferation, and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

Security News: Tuba City Man Sentenced to 262 Months for Second Degree Murder

Source: United States Department of Justice News

PHOENIX, Ariz. – On Wednesday, Kristopher Lionel Goldtooth, 38, of Tuba City, Arizona, was sentenced by Senior U.S. District Judge David G. Campbell to 262 months in prison, followed by five years of supervised release. Goldtooth previously pleaded guilty to one count of second degree murder.

On April 24, 2019, Goldtooth intentionally shot the victim in the face with a shotgun, killing him. The murder took place on the Navajo Nation Indian Reservation, where Goldtooth is an enrolled tribal member.    

The FBI and the Navajo Nation Department of Criminal Investigation conducted the investigation in this case. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Ryan Powell and Amy Chang, District of Arizona, Phoenix, handled the prosecution.

CASE NUMBER:           CR-19-08108-PCT-DGC
RELEASE NUMBER:    2022-084_Goldtooth

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For more information on the U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona, visit
Follow the U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona, on Twitter @USAO_AZ for the latest news.

Security News: Operators of Key West Labor Staffing Company Sentenced to Prison for Tax Conspiracy and Immigration Crimes

Source: United States Department of Justice News

The operators of a Key West, Florida, labor staffing company were sentenced to prison today for tax and immigration crimes related to their operation of the business.

Former City of Key West Police Officer Igor Kasyanenko was sentenced to 22 months in prison, and Roman Riabov was sentenced to 18 months in prison, for conspiring to defraud the IRS and conspiring to harbor aliens and induce them to remain in the United States.

Mikus Berzins was sentenced to 28 months in prison, and Andrejs Kozlovs was sentenced to 12 months and one day in prison. Both men knowingly hired 10 or more aliens who were not authorized to work in the United States.

According to court documents and statements made in court, from approximately 2014 to 2020, Berzins, Kasyanenko and Riabov owned and operated Phoenix ADB Services Inc. Kozlovs worked for the company from approximately 2016 to 2020. They each facilitated the employment of individuals in hotels, bars and restaurants in Key West and other locations, even though the employees were not authorized to work in the United States. In addition, all four men paid the workers without withholding Social Security, Medicare and income taxes from their wages, and then did not report those wages to the IRS as required by law. Kasyanenko and Riabov also encouraged workers to enter the United States and remain in the country, in violation of immigration laws.

In addition to the term of imprisonment, U.S. District Judge Donald L. Graham ordered defendants Berzins and Kasyanenko to each serve three years of supervised release, and Riabov and Kozlovs to each serve two years of supervised release. Kasyanenko and Riabov were also ordered to pay approximately $3.4 million in restitution, and Kozlovs was ordered to pay approximately $3 million in restitution. Berzins was ordered to pay a fine of $250,000.

Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General Stuart M. Goldberg of the Justice Department’s Tax Division and U.S. Attorney Juan Antonio Gonzalez for the Southern District of Florida made the announcement.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Investigations and IRS-Criminal Investigation investigated the case.

Senior Litigation Counsel Sean Beaty and Trial Attorneys Jessica A. Kraft and Nicholas J. Schilling, Jr. of the Tax Division and Assistant U.S. Attorney Chris Clark for the Southern District of Florida prosecuted the case.

Security News: Albuquerque Man Charged with Smuggling Aliens and Placing Life in Jeopardy

Source: United States Department of Justice News

TUCSON, Ariz. – Isaiah Osorio, 23, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, was charged by criminal complaint with Transportation of Illegal Aliens for Profit while Placing in Jeopardy the Life of Any Person and High Speed Flight from an Immigration Checkpoint. Osorio was arrested on May 24 and appeared in federal court yesterday afternoon.

The complaint alleges that Osorio met an alien smuggling coordinator on Facebook and then arranged the smuggling event through WhatsApp communications. On May 24, Osorio drove to southern Arizona and picked up multiple undocumented non-citizens. After transporting the individuals for approximately half an hour, Osorio noticed law enforcement behind him. He stopped and began yelling at his passengers to get out. The last passenger had not fully exited the vehicle when Osorio pushed him out and started driving again. The passenger fell and Osorio ran over him as he fled from law enforcement. United States Border Patrol immediately rendered aid and called for emergency medical services to respond. The passenger was transported to the hospital where he was treated for injuries including abrasions and head trauma. Osorio later fled from a Border Patrol immigration checkpoint before eventually yielding to agents.

A criminal complaint is merely an allegation of criminal conduct, not evidence. An individual is presumed innocent until evidence is presented to a jury that establishes guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Customs and Border Protection’s U.S. Border Patrol is conducting the investigation in this case. The United States Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona, Tucson, is handling the prosecution.

CASE NUMBER:           22-MJ-04608
RELEASE NUMBER:    2022-083_Osorio

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For more information on the U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona, visit
Follow the U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona, on Twitter @USAO_AZ for the latest news