Defense News: Navy Calls for FY24 Officer Board Deferment Requests

Source: United States Navy

Congress approved this ability to defer promotion consideration under certain conditions along with other officer personnel reforms in 2018.  To be eligible, officers must not have previously failed to select to the grade the deferment is requested. 

Active component and Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR) unrestricted line officers are eligible to apply to be considered as “in-zone or above-zone not previously considered” to the grades of lieutenant commander, commander, or captain.

Deferments are only for the year the officer initially requested, meaning officers whose assignments are longer than 12 months must annually request renewal of the deferment. 

Lists of the types of assignments qualifying officers for the deferment are available in the NAVADMIN.

In general, qualifying assignments are those determined to be “broadening” for the officer, including high-level education or fellowship opportunities, tours with industry or anything else considered “of significant value” to the service, such as defense attaché or personnel exchange program assignments.

With their command’s endorsement, officers send their requests to the community managers at the Bureau of Naval Personnel. A detailed description of the approval process is outlined in the message.

Officers will receive a notification letter either approving or disapproval no later than 45 calendar days before the fiscal year 2024 promotion cycle begins.

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