Security News: U.S. Attorney Parker affirms commitment to uphold civil rights of Ohioans in Southern District

Source: United States Department of Justice News

CINCINNATI – United States Attorney Kenneth L. Parker announced today the creation of a civil rights referral initiative for the Southern District of Ohio.

Members of the public may now report potential civil rights violations directly to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. A referral form is now available at the office’s main website at

“My office – in coordination with the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice – is charged with enforcing federal civil rights laws throughout the Southern District of Ohio,” U.S. Attorney Parker said. “We are strongly committed to upholding the civil rights of the residents of our District. We welcome any information from the public that brings to our attention possible violations of our Nation’s civil rights laws.”

Potential civil rights violations may involve topics such as access to reproductive health, disability rights, hate crimes, housing discrimination (including sexual harassment by landlords, property managers or other housing providers), voting rights, law enforcement misconduct, and religious liberties.

“Hate and discrimination have never had a place in our society. They have no place today,” added U.S. Attorney Parker. “People should be able to practice their faith and worship, go grocery shopping, vote, find housing, and celebrate their heritage without any worry of instances of hate or discrimination being committed toward them.”

Mr. Parker noted that the U.S. Attorney’s Office is primarily a litigating office and not an investigative agency. Information provided on the civil rights referrals may be forwarded by the U.S. Attorney’s Office to the appropriate law enforcement or administrative agency.

Assistant United States Attorneys Ebunoluwa Taiwo (Criminal Division) and Michael Downey (Civil Division) will serve as the points of contact for this initiative. Inquiries can be sent to

To view the referral form, visit:

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