Security News: 14 Alleged Traveling Vice Lord Gang Members Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges

Source: United States Department of Justice News

Memphis,  TN  –A  federal  grand  jury  has  indicted  fourteen  alleged members  and associates  
of   the   Traveling   Vice   Lord   /Junk  Yard   Dogs   (TVL/JYD),   a   criminal organization  
whose  members  and  associates  engaged  in   a  racketeering  conspiracy involving acts of 
murder, attempted murder, and drug trafficking.

According to the indictment, the TVL/JYD is a violent criminal street gang that operates throughout 
the Western District of Tennessee.  The TVL is a subset of the Almighty Vice Lord Nation which 
originated in Chicago, Illinois,  and other parts of the United States. The TVL were organized into 
different positions, including Chief of Streets, Deck Holder, Enforcer, Treasurer and Chief of 
Security.  Participation  in violent acts directed at rival gangs  or  as   directed  by   gang  
leadership,  increases  the   respect  accorded  to  that member/associate and can result in 
membership, maintenance, and increased position in the gang, and opens the door to promotion of a 
leadership position  within the gang. Violations of rules and orders may result in the loss of 
membership, physical punishment in the form of beatings and in some instances, death.

This is the culmination of a two-year investigation into the Traveling Vice Lord subset the Junk 
Yard Dogs who operated mostly in Fayette County, TN.  Between June 2020  and August 2020,  the  
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives 
(ATF) investigated five different shootings.

The  investigation  revealed,  between  June  17,  2020,   and   August  2020,   Tomarcus 
Baskerville ordered Martivus Baskerville, Deonte Walker, Toorrence Fitzpatrick, Deandra Rivers and 
Trevin Hullom, to conduct five separate shootings against rival gang members, the  Gangster 
Disciples  and  the  4  Corner  Hustlers  with  the  intent  to  kill  those  gang
members.  As a result of these crimes, nine individuals were shot, and one person died.

Named in the indictment are:
•    Tomarcus BASKERVILLE, 33, a/k/a “TC”, a/k/a “Glove.”   Held the rank of “Chief of 
•    Christopher PEELER,30, a/k/a “Lil Chris.”  Held the rank of 3UE
•    Martivus  BASKERVILLE,  28,  a/k/a  Tavis.    Held  the  rank  of  “Deck Holder”
•    Thomas SMITH, 22, a/k/a “TJ.”   Held the rank of 5BE
•    Davaius WORRLES, 29, a/k/a, “Mighty”, a/k/a “Mighty Shun.”  Held the rank of 5BE
•    Curtis BASKERVILLE, 36, a/k/a “CB.”   Held the rank of 3BE
•    Montaveen   TAYLOR,21,    a/k/a,    “CGE    Tay.”       Held    the    rank    of 
“representative” and functioned as the “first seat.”
•    Mardarius McNEAL, 24.  Held the rank of “representative” and functioned as the 
•    Deandra RIVERS, 26, a/k/a “Dre.”   Held the rank of “representative” and functioned 
as “chief of security.”
•    Deonte WALKER, 27, a/k/a, “Tez.”  Held the rank of “representative” and functioned as 
the “man of literature.”
•    Trevin HULLOM,  29, a/k/a  “Scooter.”   Held the  rank of representative and 
functioned as the “assistant man of literature.”
•    Torrance    FITZPATRICK,    27,    a/k/a    Phat.        Held    the    rank    of 
•    Bianca JACKSON, 20.  Held the rank of “representative”
•    Courtland  SPRINGFIELD,  30,  a/k/a,  “Hot  Box.”     Held  the  rank  of 

The RICO conspiracy charge in this case carries a maximum sentence of life.  The Murder in Aid of 
Racketeering charge in this case carries a sentence of death or life imprisonment. Each of the 
Brandishing and Discharging a Firearm during and in Relation to a Crime of Violence carries a 
penalty of not less than 10 years consecutive to its  related Attempted Murder (Violent Crime in 
Aid in Racketeering).

This  case is  being investigated by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) and the Bureau of 
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

This case is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorneys Neal Oldham and Beth Boswell.

The   charges  and  allegations   in   the   indictment   are  merely   accusations,  and  the 
defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
