Defense News: MSC Intern Receives Judith C. Gilliom Workforce Recruitment Program Award

Source: United States Navy

Brooklyn, New York, native Tammie Bingley-Gadson has worked at MSC nearly a year and a half as an Equal Employment and Opportunity (EEO) administrative assistant, becoming an integral part of the team that ensures the rights of MSC employees.

“I’m overjoyed and I’m thankful that someone thought so kindly enough to recognize the work that I have done assisting our office,” she said. “I count it as a blessing, and I don’t take my blessings lightly.”

Bingley-Gadson’s contributions were key to sustaining successful operations at a critical time at MSC. During the COVID-19 pandemic and an unexpected turnover rate, she was first to volunteer to man the office and keep things running smoothly.

“Tammie is a highly-motivated individual who is eager to make an impact here,” said Equal Employment Opportunity Program Director Bryan Osborne. “She has always demonstrated the upmost professionalism of a seasoned federal employee with a ‘can-do, will-do’ mindset, willing to take on any task.”

Bingley-Gadson says she is proud to have the opportunity to work in an area where she can directly impact the lives of the thousands of employees at MSC who serve this nation every day.

“Equal opportunity in the workplace is one of our nation’s most cherished and heartfelt values,” she said. “My enjoyment is playing a part in assisting individuals within the EEO office with the critical role in protecting workers’ rights and eradicating workplace discrimination.”

She recognized the importance of this recognition and credited her faith, family and friends as the driving force behind her being able to come to work and do her job at a high level.

“I’d like to thank my heavenly Father because He makes all things possible,” she said. “My children and my husband who keep me going and most of all I’d like to thank Sarah Kelly, the former deputy director. She opened my eyes to a whole new world within the EEO office and how vital it is to the organization.”

In addition to contributing to MSC, Bingley-Gadson is enrolled at Norfolk State University pursuing a Masters of Arts Degree in Urban Affairs. She says her goal is to become a permanent EEO specialist at MSC and hopefully one day a supervisor or director within the organization.

The WRP awards honor the legacy and advocacy of Judith C. Gilliom, who served as the DOD Disability Program Manager for 25 years and was one of the founders of the WRP.

For more than 20 years, the WRP has been advancing employment opportunities for college students and recent graduates with disabilities. The WRP is a federal recruitment and referral program that connects federal sector employers nationwide and around the globe with college students and recent graduates with disabilities for summer internships and permanent jobs.