Defense News: Sibling Rivalry

Source: United States Navy

Teams from their respective ships competed in friendly volleyball, softball and soccer exhibitions to promote goodwill and sportsmanship.

“It was fun for everybody to get out and be a little competitive,” said Master Chief Gas Turbine Systems Electrician Sean Helm, from Hendersonville, Tennessee, a member of Tripoli’s softball team. “A little competition between two crews is good. It builds respect.”

America challenged Tripoli to the friendly competition to keep Sailors physically active and create lasting memories across the Navy.

“It was great to build relations with the Tripoli,” said Senior Chief Retail Services Specialist Pablo Ayala, from New York, an America soccer team member. “It was challenging. Both commands gave 100 percent and had a great time.”

While America won the volleyball and softball games, Team Tripoli scored a win in soccer.

“In the grand scheme of things, it’s about camaraderie with our sister ship, the USS America,” said Master Chief Logistics Specialist David Rowe, Tripoli’s soccer team coach. “It was an honor and a privilege to be a part of that but knowing the scores from the other games was extra motivation to win the [soccer] game.”

When all was said and done, players shook hands with their newfound friends.

“We really enjoyed getting to meet Sailors from the America, and we had a good time on and off the field.” said Lt. Cmdr. Scott Robertson, from Tripoli’s soccer team. “We look forward to more events like this.”

As the sun set, players developed lasting memories with their sister ship.

Tripoli is operating in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations to enhance interoperability with allies and partners and serve as a ready response force to defend peace and maintain stability in the Indo-Pacific region.

For more information about Tripoli, head to the command’s Facebook ( and Instagram ( pages.