Defense News: CNO Gilday Message to the U.S. Navy Reserve

Source: United States Navy

CNO:  Shipmates, CNO Gilday here. Today’s forum is an important opportunity to glance at our wake, discuss the challenges ahead of us, and deliver the outcomes that will grow America’s naval power.

Our Naval Reserve Force is vital to our national security.  Deploying and training side-by-side with your active duty counterparts, you provide a unique combination of military experience and civilian expertise that gives the Navy our competitive advantage.

And that advantage is needed now, more than ever.

Today, we once again find ourselves in the breach of strategic competition, and it’s real.  China and Russia are rapidly mobilizing their militaries, attempting to undermine our alliances and degrading the free and the open order.  The Chinese battle force is the largest in the world, and it is growing. They are also strengthening their space capabilities and they’re stockpiling an arsenal of long-range missiles to hold us and our allies and partners at risk.  Russia, they’re modernizing their navy and conducting deployments closer to our shores, making the waters of the Atlantic once again a contested space. 

Our Navy’s role in this competition remains crystal clear.  America needs a flexible, forward deployed, engaged fleet that keeps the seas open and free, generates credible deterrence at sea, and provides quick response options for U.S. leadership.  It needs to be a fleet that can control the seas and project power across all domains at a time and place of our choosing.

Together, we must stand ready to protect and defend this great nation against any who might challenge us. Your service is absolutely critical.

Last year, I released my Navigation Plan to provide a roadmap and a set of priorities that matter in this critical decade – a decade that I believe may set the maritime balance of power for the rest of this century.  The transformation underway in our Navy Reserve is an absolutley critical part of that plan. 

I’m so encouraged by the progress under the leadership of VADM Mustin, and the teamwork across the force, that’s providing important capabilities to the competition.  Over the last 14 months, you have reinvigorated the Navy Reserves and postured yourselves to meet demands of an evolving and complex security environment.

Your hard work also proved the concept of Adaptive Mobilization.  I have great confidence the Reserve Force will rapidly deploy when called, arriving in short order, wherever and whenever needed.  You demonstrated this capability already during the ongoing pandemic, with medical responders deploying to the hardest hit areas, and maintenance personnel surging to get our carriers and submarines out of the public shipyards, and back to the fleet where they belong. 

I’m a student of Colonel John Boyd, the legendary Air Force pilot and military strategist who used to say, “People, ideas, machines — in that order,” when applying his military thinking to organizations.  We can never lose sight of that.

Success in day-to-day competition, crisis, and – if need be – in conflict, does not simply come from ships, sensors, or bombs. It comes from the intersections between technology and people, the ideas of those people, and the culture those people belong to.

As we continue to institute necessary changes to meet the demands of a changing security environment, remember it is an honor to serve and personal readiness is as important as operational readiness.  

People are our military’s asymmetric advantage. The simple and honest truth though is that people are vulnerable.  So, I’d ask you to keep a close watch on your own mental, physical, and emotional health, and the health of those you lead. When someone needs help, get them help without judgment or without hesitancy.  Asking for help should be seen as a sign of courage and strength. 

To each citizen-Sailor in the Reserve Force and to the family members who support you, thank you for your commitment to our national security.  I am proud of all that you do, and I have confidence that each of you will be ready – on Day One – to do what will be necessary to preserve the security of our nation.

We’ll see you in the Fleet.

Defense News: AN/SPQ-9B Radar Set

Source: United States Navy

The AN/SPQ-9B is an X-Band, pulse Doppler, frequency agile radar which was designed specifically for the littoral environment. It has a very high clutter improvement factor supporting a very low false track rate in the littorals and in high clutter environments.

The AN/SPQ-9B scans out to the horizon and performs simultaneous and automatic air and surface target detection and tracking of low flying Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles (ASCMs), surface threats and low/slow flying aircraft, UAVs and helicopters.

The radar consists of four air cooled below deck cabinets, a motor generator and one above deck Antenna unit. The antenna is designed, constructed and tested for low radar cross-section reflectivity (or signature) as required for stealth ship design and meets all MIL-STD-901D shock requirements. The AN/SPQ 9B radar is an unattended system. Preventative maintenance is scheduled for 3.5 hours per week.

AN/SPQ-9B training has an established Navy Enlisted Classification (1326) with a Navy-approved curriculum. The design of the radar includes built-in training aids that support both stand-alone and team training with the Combat System. The AN/SPQ-9B radar has completed all U.S. Navy qualification testing required for full-rate production. Operational evaluation (OPEVAL) was successfully completed in October 2002 onboard USS Olendorf (DD 972).

The radar is installed on CVN-68, LPD-17, CG-47, WMSL-750, LHD-1 and LHA-6 ship classes. The radar is also to be installed on DDG-51 class, DDG 39, 41, 42 (AUS), DDG AMOD, CG MOD (CG 63 and follows). CVN-68, DDG-51, LPD-17, CG-47, LHD-1, LHA-6 ship classes will receive PDD Upgrade.

The radar has 90dB of clutter rejection in the air channel and 70dB of clutter rejection in the surface channel. This provides superior sub-clutter visibility.

Above decks, the radar uses a mechanically rotating, electronically stabilized antenna. The lightweight (1,500 lbs.) antenna consists of dual planar arrays mounted back-to-back, each connected to independent transmitters and receivers. The antenna and entire system passed MIL-S-901D shock as well as shipboard shock testing on USS Mesa Verde (LPD 19).

Below decks, the radar consists of three cabinets (processor, receiver/exciter and transmitter), Radar set control and motor generator. The processor cabinet performs all logical, signal processing, tracking and interface functions. The receiver/exciter generates the frequencies and clocks required by the system. The receiver/exciter also contains three receivers; two receive the radar echoes from the air and surface radio frequency (RF) received in the two arrays, and the third receives signals from the “auxiliary” antenna in the array. The auxiliary antenna is for the purpose of electronic counter-countermeasures. The output of each receiver is converted to digital baseband I-Q data for Doppler processing in the processor cabinet. The transmitter cabinet receives the RF pulses from the receiver/exciter and amplifies them for output to the antenna. The radar set control provides remote control and monitoring of radar operation in the ships Combat Information Center.

The AN/SPQ-9B radar has digital interfaces to the Aegis combat systems, the MK 34 Gun Weapon System (GWS), the MK 48 GWS and Cooperative Engagement Capability/Ship Self Defense System.

The AN/SPQ-9B Anti-Ship Missile Defense (ASMD) radar program was developed under the auspices of the Program Executive Office (PEO) for Ship Defense as part of the Ship Self Defense Program in response to Chief of Naval Operations letter (serial number N865/3S6496612) dated April 2, 1993, “Requirement for ASMD Upgrade of AN/SPQ-9 Radar (U).” The improved radar initially referred to as AN/SPQ-9 (I), was developed as an Ordnance Alteration to the MK-86 Gun Fire Control System.

A previous program using the AN/APQ-164 radar was officially cancelled due to development cost growth, anticipated high production costs and doubt as to the effectiveness against very low Radar Cross-Section (RCS) targets. The remaining funding was used to develop concepts for a low cost, more conventional reflector type rotating antenna, using signal processing techniques and functional designs developed under exploratory development block programs at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). The Horizon Emphasis proof of concept program was defined in late 1990 and continued in 1991 as the ASMD Radar Program. In 1991, NRL Radar Division supported by the PEO Theater Air Defense developed a new AN/SPQ-9B radar concept for ASMD. The concept included an air mode that provided a new, low-cost, low RCS sea-skimmer detection capability and a surface mode with improved performance over the AN/SPQ-9A.

An Advanced Development Model radar was constructed by NRL and successfully demonstrated in land based tests in 1993-94 against ASMD representative targets, at-sea, and onboard the Self Defense Test Ship (e.g., USS DECATUR) in 1994-95. A Prime Item Development Specification was prepared and used for the solicitation of competitive bids to fabricate two (2) Production Proof Kits (PPKs) with a FY 1997 option for six (6) Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) units. Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems, formerly Northrop Grumman Norden Systems, was selected as the best value competitor and awarded the Cost Plus Award Fee contract 13 October 1994. Acquisition reform initiatives were incorporated into the AN/SPQ-9B ASMD program with the intent of reducing the normal development time, lowering costs and increasing the system reliability. Proof of concept success allowed the AN/SPQ-9B program to commence with LRIP at the completion of the Critical Design Review and Production Readiness Review. This plan was to reduce the delivery time to the ship by approximately 12 months. The statement of work was written so that any design corrections discovered during the remaining Engineering and Manufacturing Development of the PPKs would be incorporated into LRIP units prior to delivery.

Defense News: Evolved Seasparrow Missile Block 1 (ESSM) (RIM 162D)

Source: United States Navy

ESSM Block 1 is part of a 10-nation international cooperative development program between the U.S., NATO partner nations and Australia and is a kinematic upgrade to the RIM-7P SEASPARROW Missile that leverages U.S. guidance technology. ESSM is a medium-range, semi-active homing missile that makes flight corrections via radar and midcourse data uplinks. The missile provides reliable ship self-defense capability against agile, high-speed, low-altitude anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs), low velocity air threats (LVATs), such as helicopters, and high-speed, maneuverable surface threats. ESSM is integrated with a variety of U.S. and international launchers and combat systems across the Consortium navies and several Foreign Military Sales customer nations.

ESSM has 10-inch diameter control and rocket motor sections that tapper to an 8-inch diameter guidance section and utilizes a radome-protected antenna for semi-active homing. The high-thrust, solid-propellant rocket motor provides high maneuverability with tail control and incorporates a Thrust Vector Controller (TVC).

ESSM’s effective tracking performance and agile kinematics result from S- and X-band midcourse uplinks, high average velocity and tail control. Increased firepower and lethality are realized with the MK 25 quad pack canister used for MK 41 Vertical Launch System (VLS)-equipped ships and an improved warhead.

The follow-on to ESSM Block 1, the ESSM Block 2, began development in 2014. The Block 2 utilizes the same propulsion section and increases the diameter of the guidance section to 10-inches. The new guidance section will utilize a dual seeker head that will employ semi-active and active guidance. The ESSM Block 2 is scheduled for IOC in 2020.

ESSM is a cooperative effort among 10 of 12 NATO SEASPARROW Consortium nations governed by a series of Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) and multinational work share arrangements. In addition to the United States, ESSM member nations include Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, and Turkey.

The first production ESSM was delivered in late 2002 to the U.S. Navy by Raytheon Missile Systems (RMS) and has been in full operational use in the U.S. since 2004. ESSM is fired from the following U.S., NATO and other launcher systems: MK 29 trainable launcher, MK 41 VLS, MK 57 VLS, MK 48 Guided Missile VLS, and the MK 56 Dual Pack ESSM Launching System. ESSM also interfaces with a variety of combat systems, including the Aegis Weapon System, MK 57 NATO SEASPARROW Missile System (NSSMS), Ship Self-Defense System (SSDS), Total Ship Computing Environment, ANZAC, Dutch Configuration, FLEXFIRE, and APAR combat systems.

U.S. Navy General Characteristics Primary Function: Surface-To-Air and Surface-To-Surface radar-guided missile. Contractor: Raytheon Missile Systems, Tuscson, Arizona
ESSM users: (Consortium Members): Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Turkey, United States.
Other ESSM users: (FMS): Japan, United Arab Emirates, Thailand. Date Deployed: 2004 Unit Cost: $787K – $972K depending on configuration Propulsion: NAMMO-Raufoss, Alliant Length: 12 feet Diameter: ESSM: 8 inches Guidance/10 inches Control/RM Weight: 622 pounds Speed: Classified Range: Classified Guidance System: Semi-active on continuous wave or interrupted continuous wave illumination. Platforms: U.S. Navy Surface Platforms: CVN, LHA, LHD, DDG 51, CG47, DDG 1000 classes. Warhead: Annular blast fragmentation warhead, 90 pounds.    

Defense News: Aircraft Carriers – CVN

Source: United States Navy

Aircraft carriers are the centerpiece of America’s Naval forces – the most adaptable and survivable airfields in the world. On any given day, Sailors aboard an aircraft carrier and its air wing come to the fight trained and equipped across a full range of missions. They are ready to control the sea, conduct strikes, and maneuver across the electromagnetic spectrum and cyberspace. No other naval force fields a commensurate range and depth of combat capabilities. 

Aircraft carriers continue to be the centerpiece of the forces necessary for operating forward. In times of crisis, the first question leaders ask is: “Where are the carriers?”

Often the presence of an aircraft carrier has deterred potential adversaries from striking against U.S. interests. Aircraft carriers support and operate aircraft that engage in attacks on airborne, afloat and ashore targets that threaten free use of the sea and engage in sustained power projection operations in support of U.S. and coalition forces.

The aircraft carrier and its strike group also engage in maritime security operations to interdict threats to merchant shipping and prevent the use of the seas for terrorism and piracy. Aircraft carriers also provide unique capabilities for disaster response and humanitarian assistance. The embarked carrier air wing provides helicopters for direct support and C4I assets to support them and ensure aid is routed quickly and safely.

The Nimitz and Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers are the largest warships in the world, each designed for an approximately 50-year service life with just a single mid-life refueling.
USS Nimitz (CVN 68), USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70), USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) and USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) have all completed their refueling complex overhauls (RCOH) at Newport News, Virginia, with USS George Washington (CVN 73) and USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) currently in Refueling Complex Overhaul.

The lead ship of the next generation of aircraft carrier, USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) was delivered in 2017 as the force structure replacement for USS Enterprise (CVN 65), which was inactivated in 2012.

Gerald R. Ford-class

The Gerald R. Ford-class is the replacement for Enterprise and Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. The lead ship, USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), was commissioned in 2017. The Gerald R. Ford-class will be the premier forward asset for crisis response and early decisive striking power in a major combat operation.

Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers and carrier strike groups will provide core capabilities of forward presence, deterrence, sea control, power projection, maritime security and humanitarian assistance. The class brings improved warfighting capability, quality of life improvements for our sailors and reduced total ownership costs.

USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) completed Full Ship Shock Trials (FSST) in August 2021, after finishing an 18-month Post Delivery Test and Trials (PDT&T) period and Combat Systems Ship’s Qualification Trials (CSSQT) in mid-April with exceptional performance.  During PDT&T, the ship completed all required testing, accomplished work ahead of plan, improved system reliability for new technologies and served as the east coast platform for conducting pilot carrier qualifications for over 400 newly qualified and re-qualifying pilots. 

Over 8,100 launches/arrestments have been conducted using the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launching System (EMALS) and Advanced Arresting Gear (AAG) since delivery. The ship is now completing its inaugural Planned Incremental Availability (PIA) and will be available for fleet tasking in 2022. Improvements aboard CVN 78 will be carried forward to the next carriers of the class: John F. Kennedy (CVN 79), Enterprise (CVN 80) and Doris Miller (CVN 81). Each ship in the class will save nearly $4 billion in total ownership costs during its 50-year service life, compared to the Nimitz-class.

The Ford -class is designed to operate effectively with almost 600 fewer crew members than a Nimitz-class ship. Improvements in the ship design will also allow the embarked air wing to operate with fewer personnel. New technologies and ship design features reduce watch standing and maintenance workload for the crew.

USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) is the first aircraft carrier designed with all electric utilities, eliminating steam service lines from the ship, reducing maintenance requirements and improving corrosion control. The new A1B reactor, Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS), Advanced Arresting Gear (AAG) and Dual Band Radar (DBR) all offer enhanced capability with reduced manning. The Gerald R. Ford-class is designed to maximize the striking power of the embarked carrier air wing. The ship’s systems and configuration are optimized to maximize the sortie generation rate (SGR) of embarked strike aircraft, resulting in a 33 percent increase in SGR over the Nimitz-class.

The ship’s configuration and electrical generating plant are designed to accommodate new systems, including directed energy weapons, during its 50-year service life. The Gerald R. Ford-class builds upon the Navy’s legacy of aircraft carrier innovation, stretching back to the first aircraft carrier, USS Langley (CV-1) and continuing to the present day.

The introduction of jet aircraft, angled decks and nuclear power were all innovations that kept the aircraft carrier fleet as relevant for Cold War needs as it is during today’s era of great power competition. The Gerald R. Ford-class continues the aircraft carrier history of innovation and adaptability that will enable her to serve our country for decades to come.

General Characteristics, Nimitz class
Huntington Ingalls Industries Newport News Shipbuilding Co., Newport News, Virginia
Date Deployed: May 3, 1975 (USS Nimitz)
Unit Cost: About $8.5 billion in constant year FY 12 dollars
Propulsion: Two nuclear reactors, four shafts
Length: 1,092 feet (332.85 meters)
Beam: 134 feet (40.84 meters); Flight Deck Width: 252 feet (76.8 meters)
Displacement: Approximately 97,000 tons (87,996.9 metric tons) full load
Speed: 30+ knots (34.5+ miles per hour)
Crew: Ship’s Company: 3,000-3,200, air wing: 1,500, other: 500
Armament: Multiple NATO Sea Sparrow, Phalanx CIWS and Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) mounts
Aircraft: Approximately 60+
USS Nimitz (CVN 68), Bremerton, Washington
USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), Norfolk, Virginia
USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70), San Diego, California
USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), Bremerton, Washington  
USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72),  San Diego, California
USS George Washington (CVN 73), Newport News, Virginia
USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74), Newport News, Virginia
USS Harry S Truman (CVN 75), Norfolk, Virginia
USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), Yokosuka, Japan
USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), Norfolk, Virginia

General Characteristics, Gerald R. Ford class
Builder: Huntington Ingalls Industries Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, Virginia
Two nuclear reactors, four shafts
Length: 1,092 feet
Beam: 134 feet, Flight Deck Width: 256 feet
Displacement: approximately 100,000 long tons full load
Speed: 30+ knots (34.5+ miles per hour)
Crew: 4,539 (ship, air wing and staff)
Armament: Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile, Rolling Airframe Missile, CIWS
Aircraft: 75+
USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), Norfolk, Virginia
PCU John F. Kennedy (CVN 79)
PCU Enterprise (CVN 80)
PCU Doris Miller (CVN 81)

Defense News: MH-60S Seahawk

Source: United States Navy

The MH-60S replaced the aging fleet of H-46D helicopters, which led to significant reductions in costs per flight hour, mission aborts, component removals, and unscheduled maintenance actions. The MH-60S with its glass cockpit incorporates active matrix liquid crystal displays, used to facilitate pilot and co-pilot vertical and horizontal situation presentations. Another major design of the MH-60S is a “common cockpit,” which is shared with the MH-60R. This allows pilots to shift from one aircraft to another with minimal re-training.

The MH-60S Seahawk missions are anti-surface warfare, combat support, humanitarian disaster relief, combat search and rescue, aero medical evacuation, SPECWAR and organic airborne mine countermeasures.
Program Status
Inventory: 256
Initial Operational Capabilities (IOC) date: August 2002
Operational Capabilities (FOC) date: 2016
General Characteristics
Primary Function:
Anti-Surface Warfare, Combat Support, Humanitarian
Contractor: Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, Lockheed Martin Systems
Date Deployed: 2002
Propulsion: 2-GE T700-GE-401 (C)
Length: 64 feet, 10 inches
Height: 17 feet
Weight: 14,430 pounds (empty), 23,500 pounds (max gross)
Airspeed: 180 knots (max)
Ceiling: 13,000 feet
Range: 245 Nautical Miles
Crew: Four