Defense News: RQ-21A Blackjack

Source: United States Navy

Blackjack provides the warfighter with dedicated day and night Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) coverage, target acquisition, and communication relay via a dedicated and cost effective airborne sensor system capable of delivering actionable intelligence to the tactical commander in real time. The expeditionary nature of the Blackjack, which does not require a runway for launch and recovery, makes it possible to deploy with minimal footprint from both austere land-based and shipboard environments.

A system is comprised of five air vehicles, two ground control systems, and launch and recovery support equipment. At eight feet long, a wingspan of 16 feet and endurance up to 16 hours, the air vehicle’s open-architecture configuration is designed to seamlessly integrate multi mission payloads, to include day/night full-motion video cameras, infrared marker, laser range finder, communications relay package, Automatic Identification System receivers, as well as the addition of other payloads as determined by requirements. Additional payloads are beginning to be incorporated to include Synthetic Aperture Radar/Ground Moving Target (SAR/GMTI) and signals intelligence.

Blackjack, currently in full rate production, is in operational use by Navy and Marine Corps units.

The RQ-21A Blackjack provides the warfighter with dedicated day and night Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) coverage, target acquisition, and communication relay via a dedicated and cost effective airborne sensor system capable of delivering actionable intelligence to the tactical commander in real time. The expeditionary nature of the Blackjack, which does not require a runway for launch and recovery, makes it possible to deploy with minimal footprint from both austere land-based and shipboard environments.

Range: 50 km
Speed: 60 kts
Endurance: up to 16 hrs
Altitude: up to 20,000 ft
Wing Span: 15.7 ft
Length: 8.2 ft
Weight: 135 lbs
Original Equipment Manufacturer: Insitu, Inc.

Defense News: MQ-25A Stingray

Source: United States Navy


The MQ-25™ Stingray will be the world’s first operational, carrier-based unmanned aircraft and provide aerial refueling and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities that enhance capability and versatility for the Carrier Air Wing (CVW) and Carrier Strike Group (CSG). Integration of a persistent, sea-based tanker into the CVW will make better use of our combat strike fighters and extend the range of our aircraft carriers. The system will be a critical part of the future CVW and is central to the Navy’s strategic Unmanned Campaign Framework, laying the foundation for all future carrier-based unmanned systems and pioneering the cutting-edge manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-T) operational concept. The Navy plans for all NIMITZ and FORD-class carriers to eventually be MQ-25 capable.


MQ-25 is comprised of two major segments: The MQ-25 Air System (air vehicle), and the Unmanned Carrier Aviation Mission Control System (UMCS), the system required for carrier integration and command and control of the MQ-25 air vehicle and payload. PMA-268 manages these segments as the government Lead Systems Integrator (LSI).


MQ-25 is currently in flight test, gaining valuable early insight from the contractor-owned MQ-25 predecessor, T1. In 2019, the government/industry team conducted its first flight with the MQ-25 T1 test asset. Data from early T1 testing allows for learning and discovery to advance the development of major systems and software, and supports a rapid developmental test program. 

The Navy awarded an Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) contract to The Boeing Company in August 2018 for the design, development, fabrication, test, delivery, and support of four MQ-25A Engineering Development Models (EDMs). In 2020, the Navy executed a contract option to purchase three additional test aircraft.

During summer 2021, the MQ-25 T1 test asset successfully conducted aerial refueling flights with the F/A-18 Super Hornet, the F-35C and E-2D Advanced Hawkeye. The Navy also completed an Unmanned Carrier Aviation Demonstration (UCAD) with the MQ-25 unmanned air system prototype in December 2021 aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), laying the groundwork for future carrier-based UAS operations.

Over the next few years, Boeing will deliver the EDM aircraft and testing will occur at its facility in St. Louis, Missouri before transiting to NAS Patuxent River for the duration of the flight test program, with additional testing taking place in Lakehurst, New Jersey, and Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. 

Defense News: VH-60N Night Hawk Helicopter

Source: United States Navy

Executive transport helicopter.
The VH-60N is a twin engine, all-weather helicopter flown by Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1) and supports the executive transport mission for the President of the United States.
The VH-60N is an executive transport helicopter derived from both the U.S. Army’s UH-60 Black Hawk and the U.S. Navy’s SH-60 Seahawk aircraft. The H-60 family of helicopters is widely used throughout the Department of Defense for anti-submarine warfare, search and rescue, drug interdiction, anti-ship warfare, cargo lift, and special operations. The VH-60N was first delivered to HMX-1 in 1989 as a replacement for the VH-1N.

General Characteristics
Primary Function: Executive transport
Contractor: Sikorsky Aircraft Division of United Technologies, Stratford, Connecticut
Date Deployed: 1989
Propulsion: Two General Electric T700-GE-401 engines
Length: 64 feet 10 inches (19.6 meters)
Height: 16 feet, 10 inches (5.1 meters)
Weight: Basic: 15,100 pounds (6,850 kg); Maximum takeoff weight is 22,000 pounds (9,980 Kg)
Crew: Three to four

Defense News: House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Holds Hearing on Navy and Marine Corps Installations

Source: United States Navy

Below is a transcript of the testimony:


This hearing on the Military Construction of Veterans Affairs and Related Agency subcommittee will come to order. Thank you all for participating in this hearing about the Navy and Marine Corps installations and quality of life update. Before we begin, as this is a hybrid hearing, we must address a few housekeeping matters.

For the members joining virtually, once you start speaking there is a slight delay before you are displayed on the main screen. Speaking into the microphone activates the camera, displaying the speaker on the main screen. Do not stop your remarks if you do not immediately see the screen switch. If the screen does not change after several — several seconds, please make sure you are not muted.

To minimize background noise and ensure the correct speaker is being displayed, we ask you to remain on mute unless you have sought recognition. Myself or staff I designate may mute participants’ microphones when they are not under recognition to eliminate inadvertent background noise. Members who are virtual are responsible for muting and amusing themselves.

If I notice when you are recognized that you have not unmuted yourself, I will ask the staff to send you a request to unmute yourself. Please then accept that request, so you are no longer — muted. I remind all members and witnesses that the five-minute clock still applies. If there is a technology issue, we will move to the next member until the issue is resolved and you will retain the balance of your time.

In terms of the speaking order, we will follow the order set forth in the house rules, beginning with the chair and ranking member. Then members present at the time the hearing is called to order will be recognized in the order of seniority alternating between majority and minority and finally members not present at the time the hearing is called to order.

Finally, House rules require me to remind you that we have set up an email address to which members can send anything they wish to submit in writing at any of our hearings or markups. That email address has been provided in advance to your staff. The subcommittee has come to order. Good morning. Today, we welcome Navy and Marine Corps installations officials and senior enlisted personnel to discuss the fiscal year 2023 budget, quality of life issues as well as receive an update on installations.

Today, we have before us Ms. Meredith Berger, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Environment Installations and Energy. Vice Admiral Ricky Williams — Williamson, excuse me, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Fleet Readiness and Logistics. Lieutenant General Edward Banta, Deputy Commandant of Installations and Logistics for the Marine Corps.

Master Chief Russell — Master Chief Russell Smith, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy. And Sergeant Major Troy Black Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. Thank you all for joining us today to provide testimony on some very critical issues. We as always have a lot to discuss, and I look forward to a productive conversation.

Today, we look forward to engaging with the Department of the Navy on a host of important subjects that impact our sailors and marines. I was very pleased that the FY ’23 President’s budget request was delivered to Congress early enough to allow us to discuss the request in-depth at this year’s hearing. And I was also happy to see the FY ’23 request is larger than what we saw as an inadequate request last year.

However, as with other services, I’m once again concerned with the budget requests for perennial reduction of funding for military construction compared to the previous year’s enacted levels. This trend not only directs impact — directly impacts the mission readiness of our forces, but also the quality of life of service members and their families.

The FY ’23 budget request for the Department of the Navy and Marine Corps is $4.5 billion, which is $399 million less than the FY ’22 enacted level. That’s an 8 percent cut. Now I recognize that the fiscal year 2022 spending bill offered a particularly high mark compared to recent years. However, with so much important MILCOM work to be done, higher funding should be the norm, not the anomaly.

This is especially important as we continue to see enormous cost increases in projects due to inflation, supply chain issues, and labor shortages. MILCOM needs are rapidly increasing, and the budget should be a reflection of the best way to address those needs. While the Navy and Marine Corps don’t have the most egregious cuts below last year’s levels, you still should not rely on Congress to continuously bail you out.

I shouldn’t have to remind everyone that the military’s own estimate is that nearly a third of our military infrastructure is in fair or poor condition. And repeatedly, whenever I ask people who are in front of our subcommittee, why the cuts continue to be proposed? The answer is just as well, it’s a matter of priorities.

Well, the quality of life of our service members should be a high priority. And the readiness of our troops should be a high priority. And toys, for lack of a better term, should not be a higher priority than making sure that the quality of where our troops live the readiness in terms of prep — preparing them through training centers and other infrastructure investments caring for their children, all of those things impact a service members ability to do their job.

And it shouldn’t be an afterthought or just discarded as the first time something else becomes more important. You know, even though the spent — defense spending overall is increased every single year, military construction continually faces attempted reductions. MILCOM isn’t just about weapon warehouses and war fighting.

It’s about constructing modern resilient installations that can withstand increasingly more powerful natural disasters. And no one knows that better than Judge Carter and I and other members on this committee. It’s combating climate change and reducing environmental impact. It’s building child development centers, schools, and hospitals.

It’s remediating land and water contaminated by harmful chemicals like PFAS. It’s providing quality housing for our service members and their families. As all the services has said — have said in these hearings and I assume the Navy and Marine Corps will say so today that the most valuable asset they have is their people.

Well, you know, as the expression goes words matter, but action matters more. The recruitment, retention, comfort, health protection, and readiness of those people start with MILCOM. And there’s a more colloquial expression way to say that as well, which I will spare you in a public setting. Reducing military construct — it’s just bad government.

That being said, this hearing will also go beyond just this fiscal year’s budget request. Today, the subcommittee also looks forward to discussing quality of life issues and an update on installations. Sexual assault is still rampant across all services, including the Navy and Marine Corps. The subcommittee will seek out answers as to why it’s still such a significant problem and what the Navy and Marine Corps are doing to remedy it. We’ll talk about child development centers, a high priority of our committee members, which strive to provide young children of our service members safe and comfortable childcare but are still not receiving the attention they deserve from the department.

We will look for explanations as to why privatized housing continues to struggle with oversight and quality assurance, including the ongoing fraud scandal by one of its leading housing companies. And ask what the Navy and Marine Corps is doing to ensure it supports its service members while holding Its housing partners accountable.

We’ll talk about what the Navy and Marine Corps plans on doing about the concerning rise in suicides among sailors and Marines as well as the worrying discriminatory state laws that impact — impact all service members. And additionally, we look forward to hearing how the Navy and Marine Corps are addressing the ongoing remediation of PFAS contamination and the transfer of closed installations to their local communities.

As you can see, we have many important issues to discuss. And as is the ongoing mission of this subcommittee, these hearings is yet another great opportunity to identify how we can do more to those — to serve those who serve us. We look forward to a candid and fruitful conversation. And now I’d like to recognize my friend and colleague Ranking Member Judge Carter, for his opening remarks.


Thank you, Madam Chair. Good morning to everybody. Welcome. We’re glad to have you here. We’re glad to see the Navy and the Marine Corps witnesses here today. It’s — today, the hearing is going to conclude a review of the services FY ’23 budget requests. As we prepare to write our bill, we face many challenges including cost increases, inflation and how to address the large backlog of inadequate military facilities and infrastructure.

We didn’t arrive at this situation overnight. And there’s no one — one thing or one group that is responsible. While I regrettably must agree with — that the Defense Department is underfunded military construction, I believe it is incumbent upon this — subcommittee to rectify that. And therefore as my wife told my son when he had chosen to play — go to spring practice instead of go to baseball his junior year, and she said, and then you wanted to play baseball.

My wife said, if you don’t ask, the answer’s no. Well, you got to ask if you want something and tell us these things. And we’ll fight the fight. Thank you, Madam Chairman for leading this subcommittee. I look forward to continuing to work with you and our colleagues to do our best for our nation soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, guard — guardians and veterans in FY ’23. be sure to ask if you got something we need to know about.

I yield back.


I don’t — thank you. The gentleman yields back. Thank you, judge Carter for your remarks. I don’t see either Chairwoman DeLauro or Ranking Member Granger, so appreciate all the witnesses taking the time to be here and sharing your expertise. For opening testimony, we’ll start with Assistant Secretary Berger and move down the list as follows: Vice Admiral Williamson, Lieutenant — Lieutenant General Banta, Master Chief Smith and then Sergeant Major Black.

Without objection, all written statements will be entered into the record, and you’ll be recognized for 5 minutes to summarize your opening statements. Assistant Secretary Berger, you’re not recognized for your open — opening statement to summarize your remarks.


Thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you, Ranking Member Carter and distinguished members of the Committee. It’s my pleasure to be here today to testify on the Department of Navy’s installations and qualities of life. Secretary Del Toro has identified three enduring priorities for the Department of Navy to maintain and strengthen our maritime dominance, empower our people and strengthen our partnerships.

And we’ve requested priorities that support — excuse me, we have requested resources that support these priorities. Our 95 Navy and Marine Corps installations across the country and around the world play an integral role in enabling the capacity lethality modernization and readiness of our naval forces.

They are the shore platforms that support and project our maritime dominance. The Department fiscal year ’23 budget requests nearly $3.8 billion for military construction projects, a $1 billion increase over our ’22 request. With these resources, we will continue to optimize our naval shipyards, enable operating capability of platforms such as the Columbia class submarine and the F-35, modernize our support infrastructure and support the relocation of submarines from Japan to Guam.

This budget also invests in facilities that empower our people and improve quality of life for our sailors, marines and their families through the construction of new family housing in Guam, a new child development center in San Diego and barracks complexes in Japan. This budget request also continues our commitment to improve oversight of our privatized housing for families.

I appreciate this committee’s persistent attention in this area, and I’m committed to working with you to ensure our service members and their families have the safe and healthy homes that they deserve. With an eye towards partnerships and alliances, Marine Corps and Navy installations are uniquely situated to build relationships in the local communities that host them.

We work together to collaborate on shared challenges to develop regional plans that enable military readiness and support community priorities. And to partner with local governments to obtain installation support services. Finally, as members of this committee know and the chair acknowledged in her opening remarks, we’ve all seen how climate change, sea level rise and extreme weather directly impacts the readiness of our installations This budget request continues the Department and Navy’s long-standing approach to incorporate resilience into how we operate, plan, construct and recapitalize our installations.

We are also building resilience to flooding and storm surge through shoreline restoration projects and deploying nature-based solutions across our ranges and installations. I’d like to thank the Committee for your steadfast support and attention to issues most critical to our marines and sailors and for your partnership with the Department of Navy.

I look forward to answering your questions and engaging today.


Thank you, Secretary Berger. Appreciate your — your remarks and — and your service. Vice Admiral Williamson your full written testimony will be entered into the record, and you are recognized for 5 minutes to summarize your remarks.


Thank you, ma’am. Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz, Ranking Member Carter and distinguished members of the subcommittee. In conjunction with the other members of the panel, I appreciate the opportunity to provide an update on the quality and resilience of our naval installations. On behalf of our sailors and their families, thank you for your continued support of the Navy, its military construction program and our 71 installations around the world, which enable us to strengthen readiness and to support the delivery of more lethal platforms.

Additionally, thank you for your ongoing focus on the Navy’s quality of life programs, which are critical to the overall success of our Navy. In December of last year, the Chief of Naval Operations issued a call to action for every Navy leader to apply a set of Navy proven leadership in problem solving practices that empower our people to achieve exceptional performance.

For my organization, we have fully embraced this call because this is how we have always done business. Constantly self-assessing and benchmarking as part of an effort to get real and self-correcting our discrepancies to get better. To meet the challenges of strategic competition in an evolving threat environment, we must enable global logistics with the resilient shore infrastructure and be honest about our current performance.

Maintaining our advantage at sea requires transformational change ashore to support and sustain the fleet of the future. We recently released the Naval Global Strategy Ashore, which is the Navy’s strategic direction for the Navy Shore Enterprise aligned with the National Defense Strategy. Our Navy requires shore platforms to be capable of supporting full spectrum, multi-domain conflicts with near-peer competitors, while also protecting against and responding to and recovering from attacks or disruptions intended to degrade operations.

This strategy provides a roadmap for identifying and resourcing all shore operations activities and investments, enabling fleet warfare capabilities that align with the CNOs navigation plan. Navy installations located in the United States and around the world are essential shore platforms from which naval forces train, deploy, maintain forward presence to enable geographic combatant commanders to meet operational requirements.

They modernize in ready organic industrial base is a vital component of readiness. The Navy is leading the efforts to take an enterprise-wide approach to optimize infrastructure at shipyards, depots and logistics complex — complexes which repair and modernize our ships, submarines and aircraft. The Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program, SIOP is a critical program to prepare the nation’s four public shipyards to meet the future needs of the Navy’s nuclear-powered submarine and aircraft carrier force.

Funding applied to our installation also supports climate resilience, which is an important component of the installation mission readiness. The Navy works to ensure installations and infrastructure are resilient to a wide range of challenges including extreme weather events. It is a privilege to testify before the committee today.

I look forward to answering your questions.


Thank you, Admiral Williamson. I appreciate your remarks and your service. Lieutenant General Banta, your full written testimony will be included in the record, and you’re recognized for 5 minutes.


Good morning, Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz, Ranking Member Carter and distinguished members of the committee. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the Marine Corps FY ’23 Military Construction Budget request today. First, I’d like to thank you for the funding for last year’s budget request and our unfunded priorities list.

That funding which totaled over $2 billion accelerates our Commandant’s Force Design initiative, supports quality of life projects and invests in the Marine Corps ability to fulfill its Title ten obligations now and in the future. Our installations play a key role in meeting the challenges facing our nation.

The Marine Corps overseas installations are especially critical as advanced naval bases in support of naval and joint operations. We need modernized infrastructure that is resilient against threats ranging from kinetic attack to cybersecurity breaches to damage from extreme weather. To meet these challenges, the Marine Corps has requested over $1.2 billion for military construction projects in FY ’23. This year’s request has a broad focus and includes projects that invest in several key areas including life, health and safety issues, quality of life projects and infrastructure support for new platforms.

Over half of this request is focused in the Pacific, including four projects on Guam that will help posture the 22,000 Marines located west of the international dateline in a fighting stance. The quality of life for our marines, sailors and their families is integral to the readiness and effectiveness of our force.

A new child development center at MCAS Miramar will be complete this summer and three more projects are planned in the fit up. The Marine Corps is in the process of renovating 12 barracks in FY ’22 and we plan to renovate 15 more in FY ’23, which will improve the lives of approximately 4000 Marines. Last year, the Marine Corps focussed on family housing included implementation of the remaining provisions in the Tenants Bill of Rights.

The Marine Corps continues to work with its housing partners and the other services to ensure that our housing is safe and meets the needs of our residents. This year we plan to invest over $230 million in family housing construction and operations, including building family housing units in Guam. The Marine Corps strives to invest in resilient installations that enable operational readiness.

Recent infrastructure investments include projects that reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and off base energy grids. For example, Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany is the first Marine Corps net zero installation. The base generated more power through green energy sources than it consumed in calendar year 2021 and provided about eight megawatts back to the local grid.

The Marine Corps is also invested in microgrids at five installations that can power mission essential functions for more than two weeks ensuring continuity of operations. Finally, the Marine Corps is investing in the modern — modernization of its organic industrial base. These projects optimize existing facilities, construct new facilities and improve workflow processes and productivity at the Marine Corps two depots.

The Marine Corps is currently undergoing a significant transition in how it is organized, trained and equipped to meet current and evolving threats from our peer adversaries. Our operational capabilities are adapting to meet threat changes and we need to invest in next generation infrastructure to match the Marine Corps evolving capabilities.

Thank you for the opportunity to testify before you today and for your oversight, input and support as we determine the infrastructure requirements that will best position the Marine Corps for mission accomplishment. I look forward to working with you to sustain our warfighting capability and the readiness of our — of our power projection platforms.

And I look forward to your questions. Thank you.


Thank you, General Banta, and thank you for your service. Master Chief Smith, you are recognized for 5 minutes to summarize your opening statement. And my apologies for not greeting you properly when I came in. You’re recognized for 5 minutes.


Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz, Ranking Member Carter and distinguished members of the subcommittee. I’m honored to speak to you on behalf of the sailors who serve our United States Navy. I’ve appreciated this opportunity over the past four years as an enlisted sailor unique to my position to speak to Congress with very unambiguous language.

Our budget request will perpetuate our readiness to fight near-peer competitors. And my testimony allows me to highlight our greatest priorities. Continuous fleet engagement with sailors and their families indicates that mental health, childcare, competitive compensation, continuing education and sailor quality of life issues are at the forefront of concern.

An increasingly unstable geopolitical environment has led to greater demands for naval forces. Sustained adequate funding ensures that we stand ready whenever and wherever our nation requires it. Our people are the X factor, the decisive advantage that cannot be seen when comparing forces on paper. To attract and retain a capable force, we must invest in them on par with our investment in aircraft ships in the submarines we trust them to operate.

While our ships are deployed at a consistent pace over the past 34 years, we do so today with just over half the sailors we had then and just — and less than half the ships. This op tempo has significantly increased challenges to mental health and quality of life for our sailors. You rightfully expect our sailors deliver — to deliver and they absolutely endeavor to, but they need critical support.

Emerging from pandemic constraints. We face some of the perennial challenges such as critical shortfalls in childcare and mental health care capacity. The post-COVID environment has also created some new challenges. Most formidably with recruiting. An abundance of altruism among this generation portends continued success in meeting recruiting goals, but the cost of that effort is — is climbing.

John Paul Jones once said sailors mean more than guns in the rating of a ship, implying that the value of combat units lies in the quality of the sailors. Sailors living and working conditions directly equate — and their living conditions directly equate to combat readiness and are as important as technical training, parts availability and operational sets and reps the flight hours and steaming days — days we need to be ready.

The pandemic exacerbated an already critical need for greater mental health care capacity as it has for many Americans. We’ve closed some gaps with creative approaches, but still battle to better support our sailors. Except for the most egregious cases, those are the precipice of suicide, appointment times average five weeks.

I can personally attest to this as I sought care last year — last spring and I had to use a private provider at my own expense, something our sailors should never have to endure. We are legendary and the most successful models to maximize efficiency. An example of this is the San Diego based Mental Health Operational Outreach Division or the MHOOD Clinic, which serves as a hub for regional resource coordination between the chaplaincy, fleet and family support and many levels of clinical treatment, caring for proximally 100 walk-ins each week.

Scaling this success and increasing close access to support services including on board ships and at the waterfront optimizes readiness, it builds trust with units and commanders, and reinforces that there is no wrong door for sailors seeking care. We’ve had some success, but few outcomes remain achievable through efficiencies alone.

Mental health programs must continue to receive support and recognize we are in a fierce competition with the civilian sector for the talent that facilitates it. The shortage of quality — of affordable quality childcare remains a significant issue. Today, the demand is as high as ever and the pandemic reduced available options and led to cost for private care practically unaffordable for the junior sailor income.

Military construction generated over 2000 new spaces and increases to the subsidy assistance programs have defrayed the cost. However, the demand still far outstrips the supply, leaving a shortage of 4700 spots in fleet concentration areas and an average of 128 days on the wait list for childcare. A key component of combat readiness is retaining our workforce.

The US Naval Community College will growth critical thinking skills and advanced fleet performance, yield warfighting advantages and increase job satisfaction and retention. We also continue to improve our advancement and assignment processes. The detailing market assignment policy great places — places greater emphasis on sailor desire, comparing available billets with optimal assignment timelines and eventually paying compensation.

By better recognizing and promoting true talent, we are ensuring our best performers feel incentivized to stay in Navy. To fight and win across the maritime domain, we will always be the Navy’s top priority. Best served by ensuring sailors are trained, equipped and their critical needs met, able to focus on the fight.

Our equipment is among the best in the world, but requires trained and resilient sailors to operate it. Our sailors will enable victory over an enemy of superior numbers and cannot be taken for granted. Years from now, I believe we will look back on this time and understand this to be an inflection point for the Navy.

The demands on our service are high as are the stakes. I am grateful to the Congress for their continued strong support to ensure sailors are equipped to defend the nation as we can all agree that do more with less is no longer a viable course of action in today’s security environment. It’s an honor to be here before you my final time representing our sailors and I thank you for your unwavering support for the men and women of the United States Navy.


Thank you, Master Chief and thank you for your service. And I really wish you Godspeed on — on the way to your next endeavor. Last but certainly not least, Sergeant Major Black, your full written testimony will be included in the record, and you are recognized for 5 minutes. To summarize your remarks.


Ma’am, thank you. Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz, Ranking Member Carter and distinguished members of the subcommittee. I’m honored to speak to you today on behalf of your United States Marine Corps. You care attention to our marines and our families is not lost on me. And we all appreciate all the endeavors in evidence you have provided to us in order to meet our challenges.

As you know, we’re fighting the single most important thing to our corps. The Marine Corps is your crisis response force because we require to be the nation’s most ready when least ready. And since I met — last met with you last year, the Marine Corps called upon to respond to many crises from aboard amphibious ships 24th Expeditionary Unit along with special Mag Taft crisis our Central Command responding last year in Afghanistan to conduct the largest noncombatant evacuation operation in US history.

We lost 11 marines, one Navy corpsman and one soldier in an operation in 16 other marines were wounded, but we brought to the United States 100,000 people from Afghanistan. The Marines also supported in CONUS the assistance to those refugees. Simultaneously, a 7.2 earthquake hit Haiti and marines respond aboard the USS Anchorage in support of that delivery security and 113,000 pounds of support to the Haitian people.

Over the last year, the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit again aboard Navy ships simultaneously provided full combat logistics and combat support to Central Command and Africa Command. Our 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit operating in the Indo-Pacific in support of deterrence against our adversaries and providing support and security to our partners and allies.

In Southern Command, the Marine Corps took part in exercise unit toss, [ph] an annual exercise involving 19 partnered Marine and Navy organizations. And most recently, the United States Marine Corps Second Expeditionary Force was deployed in support of Exercise Corps response in Norway, strengthening alliances in Europe.

And today like every day throw a 30,000 Marines forward deployed and forward stationed in support of our national defense. Your Marines are currently engaged with our partners and allies across the globe, and we thank you for their support. In addition to the stresses that are associated with these deployments and the operation commitment of the Marine Corps life stressors continue to impact our Marines.

Marines are subject to the same exact stressors as all Americans. With regard to suicide, this past year we had a 30 percent decrease in deaths by suicide. However, with this decrease, we are still focused on getting even lower an impact and how we impact suicide prevention. Our education and training in those aspects and leadership that is provided to mitigate the suicide behaviors is paramount.

Sexual assault and sexual harassment remain a challenge within the military and the Marine Corps. These behaviors all affect the quiet life of our marines, and they are not tolerated. I’d like to think this Congress for your continued support with prevention programs and resources to help us mitigate mental health challenges, suicidal behaviors, sexual assault cases.

However, we are always looking for ways to improve. Our Marine Corps doctrine publication on warfare talks about the human dimension. Success in the battlefield is through the moral, mental and physical success of our marines. As such, one of the things the Marine Corps has taken on in the last couple of years is develop a holistic human performance program that addresses all of these issues and one holistic program.

The strategy is ongoing, and I look forward to bring you updates in the future of how we’ve collected all of our resources, placed them in one strategy that will impact the moral, mental, physical, spiritual and social fitness of our core. As mentioned previously about — by my peer, the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, our true advantage against our adversaries is our people, not equipment, not things.

It’s time for us to begin to treat our people like we do those equipment like we do those things. This Congress continues to support and gives us advice on how to best do that. And I personally thank you. I think you’re also for the recent resources to — construct new child development centers, barracks and privatize military house — housing that do improve the quality of life for our marines.

However, one of the top reasons that marines leave our service is due to their poor living conditions. We must continue to seek resources in order to prove — improve those conditions. The Marine Corps is also thankful to us support through our commandant with a force designed, specifically talent management.

This is the recruit and retention conversation that we continue to have, how we continue to find the very best marines to serve, how we continually find ways to retain those very best marines, train and educate them to be able to compete and overwhelm our adversaries. And this is only through our talent management procedures and — and practices that we are conducting.

Lastly, we want to healthy — we want to continue to foster healthy commands leaders of irreproachable character and then make it known to our friends and partners that warfare is what we do and what we do best. We are the Marines. We train, we fight, and we win period. Chairwoman, Ranking Member, thank you for your continued support.

For all members of this committee, I’m look forward to your questions and discussion. Thank you.


Thank you very much, Sergeant Major Black. Thank you for your service. And thank you all for your testimony. We will proceed — proceed in the standard five-minute rounds alternating sides recognizing members in order of seniority as they joined or were seated at the beginning of the hearing. Please be mindful of your time and allow the witnesses to answer within your five-minute turn.

I want to begin today Assistant Secretary Berger by welcoming you to your first MILCOM VA hearing. And I recognize that the FY ’22 MILCOM, you know, the whole appropriations bill in the omnibus was only enacted in March. But you know, every single year, the president’s request seeks to increase overall defense spending as I mentioned in my opening remarks.

But you know, I would say for some reason, but I really kind of know what you’re likely to respond. Military construction is consistently neglected. The Navy and Marine Corps have requested four and a half billion dollars. That’s $400 million less than in FY ’22 enacted level of $4.9 billion. That’s an 8 percent reduction from one year to the next.

And given the testimony of Sergeant Major Black, there are really significant quality of life needs. And those quality of life needs when not addressed, affect retention. And we want to make sure that no matter what branch of the service that we retain — recruit and retain our best and brightest. And they don’t feel very respected or appreciated and aren’t as prepared as they should be without making sure that they don’t have distractions from their quality of life.

So can — can you talk about what impact the level of funding that we provided in FY ’22 had? And — and now — and then explain to the committee why the department’s request for FY ’23 was dramatically lower than what was enacted in FY ’22? And does that indicate because it’s certainly in the message that we would receive that the Navy and Marine Corps simply have less needs in FY ’23?


Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz, first, thank you for the additional funding that you were able to put in last year. It is funding that we will use and use well and purposefully. The request that we put in this year, while lower than enacted is higher than the request that we put in last year. And so as ranking member said, we’re — we’re telling you more of — of what we need.

And so we did put in that higher request for that reason. Some of the highlights that you’ll see in the ways that we’re using this funding are for SIOP, which will give us a once in a lifetime opportunity to recapitalize our shipyards. This is important for our people and our quality of life because this is how we will make sure that they are equipped with what they need to succeed in terms of mission.

We have barracks that are coming in at Kadena in Japan. This goes straight to the heart of what you talked about, making sure that people have the places to live that are in a — in a place that’s comfortable for them and supports their ability to live, train and be equipped to fight. We are looking across at — at other opportunities as well to ensure that we’re providing people with the things they need.

The childcare center that will go in at San Diego is one of 12 across the fit up. And so as we look to make sure that people have what they need so they can focus on their work, those are some of the highlights in the way that you’ll see us spending. We are also taking a hard look at — that MILCOM is one of our tools and making sure that we are using resources wisely and well in both the Navy and Marine Corps.

And I’ll turn to my colleagues to give them an opportunity to expand but are looking at how we look at our portfolio as a whole, so that we are using our MILCOM wisely and well. And along the other types of funding that we have to make sure that we are taking care of our installations and supporting our people.


Okay. Well — thank you. As we turn to the vice admiral and the general, I’d like you to give the committee and a sense of how you are held back by — and I realize that the requests, you know, are not — you know, that they’re sent up and your — you’re defending what was — what was ultimately in the President’s budget.

But how are we going to actually make sure we protect the quality of life and address the needs of the military, particularly your branches of the service with, you know, continually lower — seemingly lower requests than what you actually need. For both of you, the admiral and — and general, whichever, whoever wants to go first.


Chairwoman, thanks very much for the opportunity to comment on this. So as Secretary Berger mentioned, we are making investments this year in our quality of life to include maintaining our CDCs, investing in family housing and renovating barracks. And we –.


I don’t have much time, so if you can answer my question specifically. Because it’s a lower request, 8 percent lower, you definitely have more needs than what was in your request.


Yes, ma’am. It is part of the balanced approach that we take across our portfolio. So it does meet our immediate needs. We recognize that there is more to do. And we would certainly appreciate continued support from the Congress as we go forward.


Right. As I said in my opening statement, we can’t budget where you ask for less than you need counting on us to give you more that is more closely aligned to your need. That’s not fair. And it’s not fair to your service members. And it’s not fair to us in terms of how we prepare our — our mark for consideration.

Admiral Williamson?


Yes, ma’am. As Secretary Berger said and General Banta, the same holds true for us, not to give you the prioritization. But one thing that I want to emphasize to you is obviously we take the care of our sailors and their families very seriously. One of the things that we have implemented and is I believe reflected in our budget submittal.

You mentioned it. My chief taught me a long time ago, a ship’s just a hunk of steel. What makes it lethal are the sailors that go in it. And so having that discussion and implying that to our operational outcome has forced us to look internally and make the choices necessary as we’ll discuss and its childcare, housing, some of these other things where you see the increase in our budget request.


And just before I — I yield to the Ranking Member, if Master Chief Smith and Black can both answer the — how these requests impact the quality of life of the people you represent.


Chairwoman, I — I think both Sergeant Major and I both very clearly stated our — in our opening statement that we — we place the highest premium on people. And to the ranking members comment in the beginning about, ask. I’ve been bringing it up at this committee every year I’ve come in here that we need money for firefighting trainer to ensure our ships are ready to prevail in combat because the next fight is going to be — it’s going to start there and we’re going to need that.

But getting that built, getting that on the list and staying on the list because of the — the low threshold of — of what gets built with the small budget that we have has been painstaking.


Sergeant Major?


Ma’am, first, I’ll concur with the master petty officer of the Navy, but in every conversation, I’ve ever had when it comes to our people, I’ve ended with one thing, need to put more resources towards quality of life for — for our marines and their families. Installations writ large, I mean, I think we all know we’re doing a lot of infrastructure that’s aged.

So how do we get rid of some of that infrastructure? How do we replace it or just not replace it? The cost to maintain all of it, however, is another — another part of that resource that we have. So it becomes a case of too much too little to sustain it. And then what we need to do. Well — that rolls over on how the workspaces our marines work in, the spaces that our families live in, the recreation, all those things are impacted by these decisions.

Just reinforcing what the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy said in every conversation I’ve ever been, I’ve said we probably need — we need more to get after that.


Well, this is why we have the chief enlisted leaders here as well, because we need to make sure that we get a balanced perspective. And — and that helps us prioritize, so I appreciate it. My time has expired, and the ranking member is recognized for 5 minutes.


Thank you, Madam Chairman. Did you get us information about what — if you have any information about firefighting equipment and the cost, get it to us and let us take a look at it.


Sir, I — I do have that information. I think that EN4 probably has the finite information you’re looking for with costs, but it’s approximately $240 million is the ask for the — the damage control and firefighting trainer. What we have right now is a facility that can only demonstrate. It cannot train or qualify because it’s got a crack in the foundation, and it has to be raised and rebuilt.

They cannot put sailors on air, so they can’t face fire the way you would in a training scenario that would allow us to qualify those sailors. So sailors go out to the Bonhomme Richard. They arrive the week before the fire. They’re not qualified damage control firefighters and have to be removed from the situation rather than be contributing to a firefight they’re not qualified to be in.


Well, if you get us that information that — if we get lucky, we — you know, can always get lucky. Maybe we can help. I’ve got a couple of questions for you and Admiral Williamson. The USS George Washington, I just read an article about unfortunate suicides aboard the George Washington while undergoing midlife restoration.

It appears that the living conditions aboard the ship are a contributing factor and affecting the morale of the sailors. My question is what’s going on? Why are the living conditions poor? What’s the Navy done? And why does it seem that the ship’s leadership acted — or has it been actively involved?


Sir, thank you for the opportunity to answer that. Frankly, as you probably are aware there was quite a bit of social media furor over a non-statement that I didn’t make. But what it did unearth was some real significant frustration with the conditions that sailors are exposed to there and frankly in a lot of other places.

I think that it’s too early to tell you that there’s a problem with leadership because frankly that isn’t what I smelled when I walked aboard. I had a talk with the crew that was very frank. I was very complimentary of what they have to do and the conditions they have to endure. Because to be honest with you, as a sailor who’s been through several dry — dry docking, it is the hardest thing.

Far harder than deployment to go through a yard period where you are in dry dock. And I dutifully own the decisions of our service to prioritize the way they do. And when I said things like I can’t get you, I can’t build you, it’s me recognizing that there are no resources apportioned for that, but sailors do need those things.

They do need quality places to live. They need places to get out of the heat zone, so to speak, in a yard period and escape it. You know there are some — some — some challenges that come with the geography of Newport News and parking that just don’t look easily solvable. And the pragmatic answer is just to be honest with them and acknowledge and validate how they’re feeling, the frustration that they’re facing while still telling them that frankly, if they don’t do what they do, Stennis doesn’t have another — or I’m sorry, the George Washington doesn’t have another 25 years of life to defend this nation.

So I think we will probably know more after they take a little bit deeper look into what — what’s going on in general on the ship. We’ve already moved some folks off. There were some sailors who did not want to move — did not want to leave the ship. The CNO and I talked about this yesterday, but those who are willing to and wanted to were moved off recognizing that they’re going to be in the yards quite a bit longer than maybe they originally thought.


So is it — is it Newport News is the problem?


I wouldn’t say that Newport News is the problem, but the geography of the base and where it’s at, the fact that there are two carriers in RCOH which is not happen often makes it really, really pressurized when it comes to parking facilities of all sorts. And the ability to take care of sailors the way we would choose to if we could.


Now, are they working on the ships or are they just living there while somebody else works on the ships?


No, no, no, they’re working, sir. Everybody that’s there has — has — has jobs. It’s not frankly, which is the frustration. It’s not what they were paid to do by the Navy. It’s not why we hired them. It’s what they do to maintain their equipment much like a racecar driver might be very interested in the mechanics that go on underneath the hood before they take it out on the track.

Our sailors have a job to do that it also involves maintaining the equipment that they fight with.


Well, that’s unfortunate suicide right there And George Bush, George H.W. Bush had the same issues with suicide. It just seems to me that the Navy ought to be looking into that and come up with some ideas to save those lives. Admiral, do you want to comment?


Yes, sir, I absolutely agree. In my previous life I was an engineer and I’ve done several availabilities. And I absolutely agree with MCPON. That is probably some of the most challenging times we have. I also agree with MCPON that, you know, it’s not that — it’s not Hampton Roads itself, but the conditions.

Obviously, we’re looking at that as SIOP. You know, how do we build back better. How do we build what is necessary to accommodate two ships and availability going forward, not only for the maintenance of the ship but also the maintenance of the sailor?


Well, thank you. That’s not real satisfactory, but at least we got some glimmer in there what is — what is going on. By the way, I live in Williamson County, Texas named after a hero of the Battle of San Jacinto, so you’ve got a good name. [Laughter] The — the issues on the firefighting equipment, we got some extra last year.

We might get some this year. We always pray for it. And maybe we could do something about that. Because I know fire on-board ship is a really, really, really bad thing. And you’ve got to be able to be well trained on that. And if we’re not getting the equipment for them to train, we got to do it somehow.

So we’ll — I’m going to we start to work on that for you. I yield back.


Thank you. The gentleman yields back. The chair of the full committee, Ms. DeLauro, you are recognized for 5 minutes and welcome to MILCOM VA.


Well, thank you very, very much, Madam Chair. And I appreciate the opportunity to be here. And — and I want to thank our witnesses for the testimony this morning. As the chairwoman of — of the subcommittee, Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz and myself, you know that we are committed to doing all that we can to help improve the quality of life for our service members and for their families.

On February 17th of this year, a recall was issued on Abbott Nutrition’s infant formula products due to bacteria contaminating products at the company’s Sturgis, Michigan plant. That has resulted in infant deaths and hospitalizations. I’ve been closely tracking all the national infant formula shortage as has a member of this subcommittee, Congressman Sanford Bishop, who chairs the Agriculture Subcommittee of Appropriations and we’ve been tracking that and the recalled product with food safety at the forefront.

And while we’ve introduced emergency supplemental appropriations bill to address the domestic supply of the formula, we look also to address the long-term root causes of the issue so that it — we can try to prevent this from happening again. And military families are not exempt from the challenges that face other American families.

And I’m eager to hear from you about how we can address the infant formula shortage issue for service members and their families. And I just have two questions which I’d like to pose to Assistant Secretary Berger and anyone else who might want to join. What challenges are military stores having in restocking their shelves?

How can we better support them in securing infant formula for service members’ families? And what is — what are your departments hearing regarding the current experience of service members and their families in securing infant formula?


Congresswoman, this is an issue of which I am aware, but I also know that our senior enlisted have very good visibility on the topic and I would like to yield for their expertise for our responses.


Thank you. Thank you.


Ma’am, good morning. Sergeant Major Black here. Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. Madam, this is — this is a great topic. And this — this current challenge with baby formula — just highlights a greater challenge that we’re having. And I’ll give you one example. Primarily, I would — I would use the conversations that the commandant and I’ve had on travel when we get out to our more — distant locations, things outside of the United States, Okinawa for us, Guam, for us. At the end of the supply chain as it were, in those locations, we learned a few things during COVID and that was at the end of the supply chain there’s less and less opportunity for families to have what they need.

And this is just another — in a series of those challenges. Now how that supply chain works, the myriad challenges that are to maintain that and to get — to get supplies we need to — to sustain our families is a very complicated one, ma’am. I think it’s something that we should probably come back with a more detailed description of. But what I can tell you having visited those locations, ma’am, there are challenges and there are things we need to get after.

And with this current challenge with the formula is just one of those.


Well, I know. And I — I — I see Congressman Bishop on the phone. And as I say on the — on the zoom in, he chairs the AG Subcommittee. And this issue is important to that subcommittee. And to that end, we’re going to be — there is a hearing tomorrow that he’s holding with the director of the FDA, Dr. Califf.

But what we need to know from you is how — we need to work together with you as to how we are really providing for our servicemen and women here. And I’m sure they’re frantic about being able to get, you know, a product so that they can, you know, feed their babies. And so we would really like to know what the situation is with the military.

And then work with you as to how we can address it so that that becomes part of the — of our — the answer to — to this very, very serious of crisis which is putting — families should not have to choose between a supply and safety. And we want to make sure that when we’re talking about families, we’re including our military families as well.

And we would very much appreciate a report from you or information from — from all of you that can provide us with what information we need to work in conjunction with addressing this problem, so. Thank you, Madam Chair. And I’m happy to — to yield back.


Thank you, Madam Chair. The gentlelady yields back. Mr. Gonzales, you are recognized for 5 minutes of questions.


Thank you, Madam Chair. I appreciate your leadership on this hearing. I’m going to focus on the USS George Washington because when we think about housing, we traditionally think about brick and mortar, but not life on — on board a ship. And for me, my toughest time in the Navy was when I was in three section duty as a senior chief on the Michael Murphy.

You’re either on duty, getting off duty or about to get on back on duty. And it was very difficult for my family. I’m going to lean on you, MCPON because one, there’s no more stars we can give you. There’s no more medals we can pin on your chest. And I think you can give me some straight answers. One is how many sailors have passed away during your time as MCPON?


Sir, I don’t — I don’t have the exact number of how many have passed away since August 28th, 2018. I — I read all the sitrep messages that come through that discuss suicides. As somebody who myself as a young kid was in that same situation, I can empathize and sympathize. And that’s why we place the highest priority on our people.


Right, right. What about you Sergeant Major, how many Marines have died under your — while you’ve been sergeant major of the Marine Corps?


Over 150.


Thank you. This is very important. Sailors dying is — is the last thing we want any family member to have to deal with. MCPON Smith, out of the sailors that died on board the USS George Washington, how many were living on board the ship?


It’s my understanding that four were living on board the ship.


Okay. I — I’ve been told that — that sailors eventually had the option of moving off the ship is what pretty much stopped the suicides from occurring. Why did it take three sailors committing suicide in a week to find them habitable housing?


The ability to — first of all the — the actions of the crew and — and the — and the — the horrible circumstance of suicide did not wake someone to the problem to make them say now we need to move people off board. Recognizing that they were going to be in the yards a lot longer and knowing that instead of moving them off and then trying to move them right back on a month later that now we’re projecting, I think it’s — it’s March of — of ’23 that we can put them somewhere where they’ll be put.

And not — and minimize the churn. Frankly, moving them on, moving them off, moving them on because that’s also incredibly disruptive. I think it’s telling that — that some sailors did not choose to move off.


If you — and I’ve got a limited time here, if you lose one sailor or marine or airman or soldier or guardian, I mean that should be a wakeup call to any leadership. If there’s a DUI, if there’s a sexual assault, anything of that line, that’s a red flag that says something is wrong. Three — three people in an a week is a glaring issue.

What I’m getting at is we can’t just continue to run the same plays and expect different results to happen, finding ways around it. This isn’t going to be the last ship that’s in the yards. And how do we prevent that next ship from having these same issues. My next question is for you, MCPON. The Navy sent a special psychiatric rapid intervention team sprint to the USS George Washington in late April.

These teams provide short term mental health support to requesting commands after traumatic events. Who requested this team and when did they arrive?


The command requested the team. And they — they arrived within I believe 48 hours of being requested. I’d have to go back and look.


Okay, that’s fair. How many personnel are on this team?


I can’t tell you. It depends on the size of the unit. It depends on what the need of the command is. What the ask is. It’s tailored to the — to the issue at hand.


Was this Sprint team able to connect with any sailors? Was the Sprint team able to connect any sailors with local resources for long term mental health care?




Do you know how many sailors?


I don’t know. I’ve got my head.


Okay. To me the damage — basically the water — the dam broke, the sailors were dying. The sprint team to me is what stopped that. And the leaders — it took the leadership a while to figure out to use the sprint time. I would love to learn more about it. I love for us to study how we can get ahead of this.

Do you know what the cost — how many sprint teams could have been deployed — do you know the cost of the sprint teams?


I don’t know the exact cost because again at scale it depends on the circumstance. So it’s going to be more depending on the size of the unit and what the ask is. What I can tell you is that as soon as the ask was made, the team was put together and they were sent down there to talk to the crew. It’s not the only thing it was done.

And it was not the third suicide that prompted it because we offer — we always make the offer for help and assistance as soon as something like that happens on any unit. There is an investigation that will, I believe look into the command climate and other things that may have been contributing factors.

But it’s too early to tell. And I don’t have the results of that, so I can’t comment.


I’ll just say and I know I’m out of time, but I’ll just say when we think of housing, we traditionally think of brick and mortar. It isn’t that way in the Navy. It isn’t that way in the Marine Corps. It isn’t the way in services. And I just — I want to prevent how can this committee help prevent the next suicide — the next death from occurring regardless of — of service.

So, Madam Chair, I’m out of time and I yield back.


Would you like a response or are you finished?


No, I’m finished. I’ll wait for the second round.


Okay. Thank you, the gentleman yields back. Mr. Case, you’re recognized for 5 minutes.


Master Chief, I do want to follow on my colleague’s questions, because you know we — we can talk installations and buildings and all the things, but when — when you lose three sailors like that, it breaks your heart and it makes you ask the question that I have asked which is what are we doing or not doing in this Congress.

I had a very long talk with Sergeant Major Black yesterday about this and I asked him a simple question. Is — what are we missing? Are we — Are we missing that — are we missing that conditions are different or that personnel are different or that command is different or that installations are different?

Why are we still losing good people?


So —


And let me just make one other point. And I’m asking it not only broadly as a member of Congress, not only as a member of the Appropriations Committee, but today as a member of the Military Construction Committee. So I think your answer from that perspective is well, I’ll take care of housing and childcare and — and you know facilities that can actually maintain and improve the quality of life.

But I have to ask myself the question is that — is that it? I mean is that all I can do on this subcommittee at least, so I need that same straight answer. What — what am I missing?


So the best answer I can give you, sir, frankly sailors are no different than we were. We have different priorities. We have different skills and attributes. But sailors are no better or worse than we were when — when I first came in. They still have the basic human — same basic human needs. When a sailor takes their own life, it breaks my heart because there are a lot of things that we do to try and keep people on the team.

And we need every member we have on our team. I have myself been in a place where I struggled, and I had teammates who swelled up around me. I lived on my first two ships. I — we don’t do that anymore. We have home port of shore. But there is a — there are lots of things that have to converge. Some of it is our — on our end.

Our chief petty officers, our senior NCOs need to do more to lean in and be that first care provider to be that first compassionate shoulder that says what’s going on that recognizes the difference in or a change in pattern that lets you know that something’s different and something needs to be done. I had a friend, Commander Joe Price who was the — was one of my junior officers when I was at SEAL Team 4 in the mid-nineties.

And when I ran into him again, he was getting ready to take over as a SEAL of SEAL Team 4 and we met over in the Far East. And I had a great couple of days with him. And when I left and went back to the fleet as a command master chief on a destroyer and I heard that he had taken his own life as the CEO of that team in theater, it — it blew me away because I just seen him.

And I still to this day wonder, did I miss something or was there something I didn’t see? Suicide is a massive problem for us because it’s the one thing we can prevent, absolutely, by getting inside people’s headspace and connecting to them. And we talk a lot at the deck-plate-level about the connectedness.

There’s no app. There’s no — honestly better barracks will help. You know, quality of life issues absolutely make a difference. But the way we need to get after this is mostly in our end, we need to connect in a way that we haven’t done in a couple of decades because electronics have taken us away from that human interconnection that helps us understand what’s going on in a teammate’s head.

But to the point that you ask, what can you do? Sir, I have to be honest with you, the priorities as the chairwoman pointed out and the sergeant major and I prioritize people, it’s really hard for the Navy because you know, they’re not toys, they’re weapons. These are the things we use to fight. We are — a Navy can’t fight without a ship or an aircraft, a submarine or the things we use as implements of war.

And that’s a conundrum because we have to buy those things and the technology that comes in them matters. But a ship is not — when you commission a ship, they say now bring her to life. And it’s when the sailors rush in that, that actually happens. And we do place the highest premium on people. I would probably make different puts and takes to make sure that I had the shore facilities.

We had a secretary who used to say constantly infrastructure equals readiness. If you look back to the shore and there’s no pier. If you look back at the shore and there’s no logistics chain like we have been experiencing on both — in both theaters, we are not able to fight. The Truman — after they got the RAZ, [ph] I went out to the Truman last week and went — right before I got there, they had a RAZ that brought them up to 32 percent.

They have 600 pallets on the way that will make them whole on about the first or 2nd of June, but it’s taken that long to get supplies because of all a confluence of problems and issues. Some preventable — a lot of them not. But nobody cares, I promise you more than the quality of life of our sailors and marines than the two of us sitting at the ends of this table.


Thank you for your honest answer.


The gentleman yields back. Mr. Valadao, you’re recognized for 5 minutes.


Thank you, Madam Chair. And thank you to all our witnesses today for your time and testimony. I want to echo what my colleagues have said today that regarding suicide and mental health. In preparing for today’s hearing, I was reviewing some of the questions from last year and my first question was on mental health and I’m obviously incredibly concerned again when you discussed these tragic losses of life.

I don’t know if the problem lies in funding, culture, access or that we were simply just not asking the right questions. But from some of the testimony today, it’s — obviously, it’s all of the above. But we need to do more, because what we were doing is obviously not enough. On the George Washington, there was 2700 soldiers from — or sailors on there from what I understand.

400 of them were staying on the ship itself. And from what I’ve read almost 300 have been given accommodations off the facility or off the ship. There’s still about 100 left. What’s the situation with those hundred?


It’s my understanding there’s about 184 that still reside on the ship. And what I got in the conversation I had indirectly because I wasn’t there yesterday, is that they chose to stay on the ship. So — to be honest with you, as — as somebody who does not like a long commute, I have — I have suffered through conditions on — on ships because I would rather not deal with a longer commute.

But it’s my understanding also that those sailors were all offered a place to move off to.


So they do have access to some facility if they wanted to — if they chose to leave the ship right now?


Yes, sir.


Okay. And then you mentioned a review of the situation there. From what I’ve read, it looks like it might not be ready till March of next year. Is that accurate?


It’s my understanding that March of ’23, but I — I will find out and I’ll get a better answer back to you.


Okay. Is there any way we can speed that up if it is accurate that it is March?


I would probably have to defer to a whole lot of other folks that — that do ship maintenance to answer that. But I will get you an answer. We’ll take that for the record, sir, and answer that.


And then, my colleague here mentioned having people on — having access to folks to talk to — that our sailors have the ability to talk to. I’ve married into a Navy family. And obviously, I have a lot of friends with the Naval Air Station, Lemoore being in the district. A lot of constituents and friends who are sailors and have spent a lot of time away from family not having access to ways of communicating with their family.

Has that changed much over the years? Is that something we’re looking into?


The ability to communicate with — Person — with their own family? Obviously, we want them to have access to people who are experts. But if they have — they don’t have that at least having access to talk to their own family to give them some sense of home. So over Thanksgiving, I went out to the USS Carl Vinson, served them Thanksgiving dinner.

And when we were out there, noted that they have something called O3B, which provides near constant access to the Internet. Obviously, operational concerns. They do shut it off from time to time, but sailors could face time from their personal device at sea. And we have something called Star — Starlink?


Yes, sir.


Starlink, which is going to be far cheaper and we’re able to put it on smaller platforms. And that’s — that’s going to be coming in –. And incidentally the — the Carl Vinson saw dramatic drop in suicide related behaviors after they installed O3B.


And so with people having access on it, you mentioned it, but that — making sure that sailors aren’t giving away any sort of critical mission details is obviously concerns, but we haven’t seen any concerns on that front yet.


Well, to be honest with you, as a CI person, their — there’s always risk and that scares the crap out of me. But frankly, the way the ship has managed it with — with what we call it mission control incom, [ph] they’ve — they’ve done a great job.


And the Starlink you mentioned is the one that I think we’ve all heard about from the private side, right?


Yes, sir.


All right. Well, I appreciate that. And that’s something obviously that there’s a lot of concern from all of us.


And to the point, sir, that you made. The best part about that is with O3B, Vinson saw a dramatic drop in suicide related behaviors. There is something to being able to be connected when you’re away from home.


Well, and even just in the last few days, I’ve had at least one spouse mentioned that they haven’t communicated with their spouse in probably four weeks, so.


Not every unit has it, but they do have things like sailor phones, email and lots of other ways to communicate currently.


All right. Well, I appreciate that. Ms. Berger, on-base housing, it’s great to hear that you’re prioritizing visiting our bases. I can personally attest to that that you gain much deeper understanding of the issues facing our service members by seeing these facilities firsthand. And I’m sure you would agree that there is much to be done.

In your testimony, you mentioned you’re working on a review of the unaccompanied housing facilities and a ten-year plan to address those facilities that are in unsatisfactory condition. Can you tell us about what you have seen so far?


Yes, I’ve had the opportunity to visit some of the unaccompanied housing and see firsthand. And as you noted leadership [inaudible] is important. We are taking our work as directed under the NDA to make sure that we have a ten-year plan with a focus first on those that are in the — the worst day of repairs.

So our Q3, Q4 and making sure that we prioritize those first and will provide the report to — to Congress as — as requested with more detail.


Any idea when that report will be done?


I will need to check, but I think it’s this summer that will have it.


Okay, I appreciate that because I think all of us are very interested in the results of that. And I’m sorry, I didn’t notice the time. I’m out of time, so I yield back.


Thank you. The gentleman yields back. I’m adding leeway just because of how critical some of these topics really are. Okay. Mr. Bishop, you — you’re recognized for 5 minutes of questions and Mr. Bishop is virtual.


Thank you. Thank you very much, Madam Chair. Let me just emphasize the concerns that were raised by Chairwoman, Ms. DeLauro. She and I introduced legislation to try to address the situation with the infant formula. And I understand that it’s a great deal — it has a tremendous impact on the morale and welfare of our — of the Navy personnel if their problems at home of feeding there — their babies.

And of course, the shortage of the infant formula, the safety of the infant formula is something that has got to be vitally important to the quality of life of our military personnel. I would like to ask you if you would just comment on whether or not you have heard of concerns from service members and families with regard to that?

And if — during the last several weeks where it has come to the forefront, there has been any — any response at all with respect — with respect to Navy personnel. Is APHIS and does the commissaries have access to adequate infant formula? Is it a problem with our military families just as it is with the broader general public?


Congressman Bishop, thank you again for the question, sir. Sir, I’ll just make a comment that I mentioned before. The current challenge with baby formula highlights a longer problem that’s been going on for some time, mostly COVID related originally complicated by our supply chain challenges during that period.

And now it’s being highlighted once again with the baby formula issue. Here’s what I would offer, sir, is — is another just reinforcement on that point. The commandant and I traveled to Okinawa here a couple of months ago. That’s about at the end of our — of our supply chain when it comes to their support to our families, the commissaries exchanges in this thing.

And in those locations, it did not just occur in the last couple of weeks that there were a shortage of necessary items. So baby formula currently is — isn’t — is an issue, but the overall challenge, sir, is not something new. So in a greater sense, the supply chain challenges that we have are — are the root cause at this point of the challenges for our families in disparate locations.


Thank you. Please know that we’re doing our darndest to try to get this bull by the horns and get it addressed. Let me turn to climate change for a moment. Could I ask you to — the panel to comment on concerns with regard to changes in the naval operations as a result of climate change? And what has the Navy and Marine Corps done — what have they done to implement resiliency for you with respect to climate change and sea — sea levels which have accompanied that?

How — how has that impacting naval operations? And what are the projections? And how are you going to handle it?


Congressman Bishop, the Department of the Navy has identified climate change and its impacts as a mission critical focus. It is something that impacts everything that we do from acquisition to execution of mission. And it is a warfighting imperative. We have identified critical — critically in trouble installations on both coasts.

And we are looking across the enterprise at how we can be more resilient. This includes our buildings, the way that we are building and assessing the resilience. We have put installation resilience plans into effect across the Navy and will be soon complete on the Marine Corps. This is something that touches at every point, and I want to make sure to leave some time for my partners here to comment specifically on how impactful it is to them.


Yes, sir. Thank you very much for the question. Obviously, a lot of our Marine Corps and Navy bases are very close to the coastline, so mission readiness is absolutely vital in being able to combat against any threat that impacts that mission and our bases. We work very closely with our commands. We have a climate change handbook which allows us to better plan our base design.

We’ve increased work with academia in local communities who also in those areas suffer from the same things. And that is — is a result of our — results in us looking at higher standards, whether it be earthquake, hurricanes, whatever the case may be. In addition to that, we also use the climate assessment tool which gives a commander the potential impact to his base and also some degree of the exposure of his base.

We’re also leveraging technology. The United States Naval Academy is a fantastic example of this where they have actually built a digital twin, which shows the impact to climate potential — climate change over time. We’re looking at being able to expand that to our other bases. And I can give you more examples, but I want to be courteous at the time.


Marine Corps?


Thank you, Congressman. Just to add to what both Admiral Williamson and Secretary Berger said. I completely concur with the impact that it has to our installations and the importance of resilience in the face of climate change. I would offer you as an example. The rebuilding of Camp Lejeune in the wake of Hurricane Florence.

Building to all the latest unified facilities criteria, re — building in areas that are out of the 100 or 200 year flood plain. And then also leveraging other — other things like installation, master planning efforts and microgrids to improve the resiliency of our — of our power systems and our water systems aboard our installations to better protect against — against the effects of climate change.

Thank you.


I believe my time has expired, but I thank you for your responses.


Thank you — thank you, Mr. Bishop. The gentleman’s time has expired. Mr. Rutherford, who is participating virtually, you’re recognized for 5 minutes of questions.


Thank you, Madam Chair and Ranking Member. I’d like to follow up on Congressman Bishop’s line of questioning on some of the shoreline repair projects. Assistant Secretary Berger, I understand there’s an issue where some shoreline repair projects using sheet piling are designated as construction projects where — that require millions of dollars, while other projects using Riprap are classified as repair projects and would require O&M [ph] dollars.

And my understanding is that the use of sheet piling is more cost effective, requires less of a footprint actually and is actually more — has less environmental impact. So last year Assistant Secretary Schaffer said the department was working on classifying the definition — reclassify and I guess the definition so that shoreline repair projects would be more easily accessible to installations.

Are — can you tell me, are these discussions still continuing? And are you going to expand the definition of what qualifies as a repair project?


Congressman Rutherford, first agree that shoreline resilience is essential to making sure that we enhance our resilience. I was remiss as long as we are on this theme of climate and resilience. The Navy — the Department of the Navy is soon to release its climate strategy and you’ll see a lot of the items that you all are identifying reflected in there as we continue to move forward very purposefully on focusing on this type of resilience in the aggregate.

To your specific question, sir, I would need to go back and get you a firm answer on that. I do not know where the definition exchange is, but I am glad to follow up on that and give you a fuller answer.


That would be great. I know Marine Corps support facility in Blount Island specifically has some work that could certainly use a — a redefinition. And so let me — let me ask this question as well. The last time I visited Naval Station, Mayport, they reached me on the projects that they have developed to address resiliency issues on — on the base there.

And it’s my understanding that they were able to bundle all of their resiliency projects, it would cost $180 million in military construction. However, MILCOM process requires them to request each project individually. Our — are you looking at ways that we can actually, you know, bundle these projects so that we can get better cost savings out of it?


Congressman, in terms of our acquisition strategies in general, we always look to make sure that we are getting the — the best return on value for dollars. And so if there is an opportunity to package any of these projects that we are pursuing, whether because they are near in geography or they are of similarly suited need where we might be able to find inefficiency there, it’s certainly something that we pursue.

This is also a place where we can make sure that we are considering our small business partners and taking a look to make sure that we’re connecting those opportunities which can often be more of a challenge. So we use an eye towards that as well to make sure that we’re inclusive of the people who can provide support services to us.


Okay. Thank you. And I’d like to jump back to privatized military housing. I know earlier Vice Admiral Williamson, Lieutenant General Banta, we — we had a hearing earlier this year on the issues with military private — privatized housing. And quite frankly, I was shocked to hear how many children were falling out of windows.

And I know in the FY ’18 NDAA, the Navy was working to implement the Evans law that came out of that — that bill to check back to retrofit these — these windows of privatized military housing facilities. But I understand we’ve even had one child fall out of the building that had the retrofit. Is — is anyone looking to make sure that — that the retrofit is going to be sufficient to stop children from falling out?

Obviously, it’s not right now because we’ve already had one fall out again. Can either of you answer that, what we’re doing on that?


Sir, this is Admiral Williamson. I’m sorry, I was not tracking that incident, but you’re absolutely right. If that did occur after we put the required compliance to prevent that, we absolutely will have to go back and take a look at it. So I’ll be happy to come back to you, do the research and provide you any information I can find.


Thank you very much. And I — Madam Chair, I see my time’s expired.


Thank you, Mr. Rutherford. The gentleman’s times expired. Ms. Pingree, you’re recognized for 5 minutes of questions.


Thank you very much, Madam Chair. Thank you so much to all of the witnesses. I appreciate your service and your testimony today. I apologize. I’ve been going back and forth to other hearings and haven’t had a chance to listen to all the questions. But let me ask a couple of things. I want to talk about something in the — in the CIA. [ph] As you might know, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard is in my district in Kittery, Maine.

And I want to address climate change issues there, which I know a couple of your recent questions have also done. Naval shipyards obviously are — are very vulnerable to sea level rise. And a 2016 report from the Union of Concerned Scientists found that without efforts to prevent or reduce flooding, Portsmouth would be permanently impacted by increasingly frequent and severe tidal flooding.

And the threat of storm surge may become intolerable for shipyard operations. Fortunately, I know there are efforts underway at Portsmouth to address resilience need and to mitigate flood risk. Additionally, this subcommittee included language in the FY ’22 report urging DOD to prioritize efforts to improve the resilience of military installations and to encourage installations to develop plans that take into account future and current — current and future risk from extreme weather including sea level rise.

So Admiral Williamson, as part of the SIOP, I understand the Navy is formulated detailed area development plans intended to guide the key improvements at each shipyard based on modeling information developed as part of the shipyard’s data collection efforts. How is the Navy incorporating data and modeling around climate risk including sea level rise into these plans?

And to what extent will the Navy prioritize infrastructure upgrades that specifically address installation resiliency?


Yes, ma’am. Thank you very much for the question. Obviously, as we build the detailed plans to build the shipyards back, the resilience of the shipyard is absolutely a priority. I’ll give you a great example of the dry dock in Norfolk that’s currently being constructed. We exceeded the NDAA language in the build back.

We went to the 300-year flood plain. As you mentioned using data. I talked about the Naval Academy and the modeling they did based upon the projected sea level rise there, how it will leverage that — that data and apply it to all the shipyards to get a more holistic view of when we develop our projects that not only are we in accordance with the UFC standards, but also in accordance with resilience as it pertains to those shipyards.

Additionally, I think for all the shipyards, we’re very dependent along — on the local community. So also looking and partnering with the local community, local academia, as I mentioned, ODU down in Norfolk, University of Hawaii in Pearl Harbor to gain better understanding and leverage their learning. So that when we put back the shipyard that it will last, you know, for the next hundred years and also be resilient to any potential earthquake, flooding, hurricanes, all those things.

Over, ma’am.


Thank you. And I — I — I so much appreciate that this is part of the focus because those of us who are in coastal communities in coastal states are — are certainly worried about this. My other question is about the — the Portsmouth dry dock extension project and I might run out of time, but I — if we don’t get a chance to answer, I’ll be happy to get your answer afterwards.

You know, in — in that — in the current plan there’s the ongoing multi-mission dry dock number one modernization project, which I think we all know is critical to East Coast maintenance and repair capabilities for the Virginia class submarines. We all know how critical those investments are. And years of underfunding in the shipyard infrastructure facilities and capital equipment, most of which is past its expected service life had left — has left all four shipyards in poor condition.

I want to talk about the serious challenges the Navy has had in accurately assessing what this effort will cost. The initial price tag of $21 billion over ten years looks to be a significant underestimation. The GAO recently reported the dry dock costs alone have already exceeded the expected level by over 400 percent.

For Portsmouth in particular, we know the naval cost — estimate for the multi-mission dry dock project was well off the mark. And without the additional funding that this committee was able to provide for FY ’22, the project could have been disrupted due to the Navy’s miscalculation. I’m just interested to know what specific lessons the Navy has learned from the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard dry dock modernization project in terms of improving its cost estimates And how is the Navy applying these lessons learned to ensure that cost estimates for the future improvements of funding for Portsmouth and other dry dock projects are as accurate as possible?

I just used up the last minute of my time, so I know we’ll move on to another member, but I really would appreciate if you could follow up in writing on that particular question. Thank you so much. I yield back, Madam Chair.


Thank you. The gentlelady yields back. And I assume your — you’ll be able to answer her question for the record. Thank you. The gentleman from Florida, Mr. Crist is recognized for 5 minutes.


Thank you, Madam Chair. Secretary Berger, I was pleased to see in your testimony that the Navy’s investing in energy, climate and cyber resiliency in fiscal year 2023. As you know, there are Navy installations across Florida like in Pensacola, Key West, Jacksonville where the storm surges could inundate these installations and flood waters.

You touched on this briefly in your testimony, but can you expand on the investments the Navy is making to rapidly respond to extreme weather events?


Yes, Congressman and thank you for the question. Being from Florida, I know we both really appreciate the impacts that happen when we see the impacts of climate change.


Where in Florida are you from?


Fort Lauderdale, sir.


Excellent. Beautiful Broward.


Yes, beautiful Broward.


Please continue, thank you.


Yes, sir. But I grew up knowing about those impacts and so recognize them very forcefully and sharply as I think about it in the context of the Department of the Navy. And so the investments that we’re making go across the spectrum, it is to harden our installations when we do have the opportunity to be strengthening, rebuilding, repairing when we see those impacts.

It is creating opportunities for resilience in terms of our energy. So that if we do see a storm impact come through, there is opportunity for both storage in that resilience so that we can continue with mission. It’s making sure that we are thinking about what it means to be operating in this environment, everything from salinity to temperature to other impacts that we see on our installations.

And we are investing across the spectrum as we think about this. And I mentioned the strategy that is coming out. We think about this as climate readiness as mission readiness. And we see this as a warfighting imperative because we think about our installations at — as the place from which we launch. And in every way that they are impacted, we are further challenged in the way that we execute.

And so for that reason that — those are the types of investments we’re making. Our energy resilience, making sure that we have that independence when we are impacted by storms, strengthening those installations and ensuring that the people who live there work there, train there and launch from there Are able to succeed in their mission.


Excellent. Hurricane Michael caused considerable disruption to shipbuilding operations in Panama City, Florida. There are many shipbuilding hubs just not on the Gulf Coast, but across the country that face similar risks. It’s only a matter of time before we may see major damage to a shipyard from a hurricane or similar extreme weather event.

What are we doing to improve resiliency at shipyards, especially those where we are building vessels vital to our national defense security? Please.


Yes. As — as Admiral Williamson mentioned in terms of shipyard resilience, that’s a consideration as we do our planning in SIOP. We have to plan against flood plains, storm surges and some of the impacts that I just mentioned. I have had the chance to travel to shipyards where we are seeing these building and they are considering similar resilience efforts as — as we consider as the Department of Navy.

And so whether it is in our public shipyards where we are focused and working or at our partners at private shipyards, they are similarly looking at opportunities to share energy resilience and other wise strengthen. They are often — also lifting things up off the ground to make sure that it is at that higher flood plain.

So as I have had the chance to interact with our shipbuilding partners in the private sector as well, I have seen similar resilience measures to those types of considerations that Admiral William — Williamson mentioned in his testimony.


Wonderful. Thank you very much. As a point of personal privilege, please give your father my regards. And I yield back, Madam Chair. Thank you.


The gentleman yields back. We’re going to begin our second round. I would anticipate us wrapping up at 12:30. Master Chief Smith and then Sergeant Major Black, sexual assault continues to be a problem for DOD, including the Navy and Marine Corps. I would say, especially the Navy and Marine Corps in FY ’20. And your annual report on sexual assault in the military, 1724 reports of sexual assault were filed in the Navy and Marine Corps.

I really would like to explore with you why there is such an exceedingly high number. Additionally, when breaking out the Marine Corps statistics in FY ’20 in that report, sexual assault report rate skyrockets to 5 — 5.9 reports of sexual assault per 1000 Marines, which is the highest rate of any service and the highest level since the Marine Corps started recording in 2010. So starting with — with you Sergeant Major Black, can you explain to the subcommittee why that number is so high?

And for both of you, what is the problem in the Navy in the Marine Corps with sexual assault? And you’re not being — I don’t feel like in the time that I’ve either been the chair or the ranking member that there has been an appreciable reduction on the contrary in — in sexual assault in your service.


Madam Chairwoman, thank you for the question. Sexual harassment, sexual assault continues to be a top priority in the Marine Corps. I know you expect me to say that. Quite frankly, I’m not satisfied with the numbers myself. I can’t tell you the continued support of this and all other members who are concerned about these actions inside of our services is beneficial.

I will point to some of the recent changes that I think are going to help us. The changes to military justice and how we’re going to now be able to work through our sexual assault cases and in particular through the adjudication process and investigatory process. Those will help. I think the continuing education we provide to our leaders to our individual marines will continue to help.

I’m never satisfied with the conversation in that because when reporting goes up there’s more trust. And because the actual number of sexual assaults has not necessarily come down. However, I do know there is continued trust in the chain of command because there are more reported. Few go unnoticed. Few go unaddressed.

And few go unadjudicated. In fact, none go unadjudicated. And I can provide separate numbers specific to our adjudications, ma’am, if you’d like in writing at the end of this. I think what we should not do is have a discussion about — about what we should not be doing. And what we should not be doing is taking their eye off the ball.

I’m not giving you a satisfying answer either because the numbers haven’t shown that there’s actually anything occurring, ma’am. But I can tell you from me personally, I’m married to a retired marine, and I live every day with the experience of what a woman’s career in the Marine Corps looks like. She’s a retiree.

We’ve got two children. We’ve had a whole entire career inside the Marine Corps. And I can tell you right now that if — that we should continue to — continue to press this issue because until it — until it — we get the numbers going in the — opposite direction, ma’am, I’m not satisfied any more than you are with where we’re going.


Sergeant Major, what — what new steps is the Marine Corps taking to tackle what is an unacceptable — there’s no sexual assault that’s acceptable, but yours of any branch is unacceptably high. How are your efforts evolving year over year? What are you doing when you have, you know, a problem as serious as this and you have to do something disruptive?

And I’m not hearing you talk about any specific steps that you’re taking to try to make an appreciable difference in reducing sexual assaults.


Ma’am, first of all, I’d like to offer you a long list of the things that the Marine Corps is doing. But that’s a long-extended list, ma’am, and I don’t think our time provides that. But what I’ll tell you is that, again, as you talked about –.


Then then instead answer what you’re doing to change the culture of the Marine Corps so that it’s ingrained in everyone that sexual assault is absolutely unacceptable. And not tolerated.


And a change — ma’am, the change in our Marine Corps is that our leaders are telling the marines what is right and wrong. I believe also the continued understanding of how we respect each other, no matter what our gender etc. is, is part of the solution here, ma’am. And I think that any continued changes that we have seen in military justice are going to help.

Culturally, ma’am, I don’t — I don’t see systematic challenge. What I do see is in individuals that don’t necessarily understand what is right and wrong. We need to continue to get after those individuals. But ma’am, I will not sit here in front of you and tell you that the Marine Corps has — has a sexual issue.


This is — Sergeant Major, this isn’t about individuals. This is about your culture. If you have individuals, too many individuals that — that don’t understand that sexual assault is unacceptable and that they don’t have the right to do whatever they want with another — with a woman then — then you’ve got a culture problem.

So is there anything being done programmatically to address the clear culture problem in the Marine Corps on this subject?


Ma’am, the culture — the cultural challenges as you describe are individual issues. Culture of the Marine Corps is not one where sexual assault, ma’am, is acceptable. These are individual issues.


Then you’re recruiting the wrong people and not — not screening. If you’re saying that by individual, you mean that you’ve got people who don’t understand that are Marines that they can’t just do whatever they want to a woman. And so that would — that begs the question, do you have a screening problem.

Chris Mark and are you recruiting the wrong type of Marine who doesn’t understand the sexual assault is a really serious problem among be tolerated?


We continue to look at our recruiting process, ma’am, for many reasons. We do. I can tell you that — we take the very finest that we have and we recruit them. We bring them in to be marines. They become great marines. But there are individuals, ma’am, that once we have them we have to — we have to continue to change the way that they are, the way that they think.


Okay, we’re going to really — I’m going to need you to come in and talk with me in — in my office more specifically because your answers are really just not acceptable.


Yes, ma’am.


Master Chief?


Thank you, ma’am. I appreciate the opportunity to talk. Frankly, to start with, and — and I’ll echo what Sergeant Major said. No answer is going to be good when we have numbers that are trending in the wrong direction, frankly. We continue to drive culture and ethics lower into our leadership training to the point where we are now discussing these things more robustly inside the boot camp envelope.

It starts actually in — in the delayed entry program for sailors that are in it. And then in boot camp and beyond at every level of leadership training, we now talk more specifically and deliberately about culture and ethics and getting ahead of it. We did a task force which met with some scrutiny from members of this committee last year when I was questioned called Task Force One Navy.

And through it, we learned that we do have a lot of simmering issues to include racism to include bias to include misogyny. And frankly what Task Force One Navy informed us, and frankly, junior sailors have asked for is a change to our core values. Because as you pointed out when you started words matter.

And bringing respect, which is already mentioned in two of our three core values up to the top line and making it a fourth core value is something that the CNO has on his plate and he’s preparing to talk to the Secretary of the Navy about. I’m not going to tell you that just adding a word to the core values is going to make everything better.

But when we start to institutionally talk more about as Sergeant Major and I have talked at these conferences, we do on — on the national discussion on sexual assault, you don’t assault someone you respect. You don’t sexually assault someone you respect. And learning to treat our female teammates and frankly male on male sexual violence happens as well.

And it’s very unreported. But all of these things, if you respect your teammates, you don’t hurt them, you value them and you look to fold them in. It’s — that’s — it’s in all ties together with what we talked about with regards to suicide, connectedness and belonging, and feeling like you have a place on the team, and you are valued.

And so we are preaching and teaching that at every level of leadership opportunity that we have.


Okay, I’ll say the same. And I appreciate your — your more empathetic answer, but I’d like an opportunity to talk with you further about this because culturally, there’s something wrong. If individuals don’t understand that sexual assault is unacceptable. I’m just going to take one additional minute to — to ask this question and then — and then I’ll turn it over to Judge Carter.

As you know, on Monday, May 2nd, an initial draft majority opinion was leaked, which will likely result in the Supreme Court voting down the landmark Roe versus Wade decision. If the opinion goes unchanged in its final form, there will be massive ramifications for women, including those in the armed services.

Women in the military already have a higher rate of unintended pregnancies than civilian women. Currently, the Defense Health Agency has the limited authority to only provide abortions in the cases of rape, incest or danger to a woman’s life. For those female soldiers in states with restrictive abortion laws, their options for safe abortions might be completely erased if Roe V Wade is overturned.

Last week, the Army told the subcommittee they were crafting policy to address this situation. Master Chief Smith and Sergeant Major Black are the Navy and Marine Corps, also working on a policy to protect and support female service members and their families if Roe versus Wade is overturned? Master Chief?


Ma’am, I would just say that I — I think ahead of any change in the law, it would be premature for me to comment on what the surgeon general, the CNO and the secretary may be doing within the Navy.


I’m just asking if there’s any policy being worked on now in anticipation of that possibility.


Ma’am, I’d have to take that for the record and go back and talk to the surgeon general and some others in our chain of command to find out and get back to you.


Okay. Sergeant Major?


Ma’am, likewise, but no specific change yet. In terms of the law, I’m not aware, but we can come back on the record, ma’am, and answer that question for you.


Okay. And then I just ask both of you, what would the department — will the department do to offset the expected impact on recruitment and retention of qualified female troops if this does — if the decision is handed down who currently make up 20 percent of the active-duty force?


Again, ma’am, ahead of any change in the law, I — I have no idea what this might do to retention or recruitment. I — I think we’ll have to take a hard look at that if — if the law actually changes.


Ma’am, again, likewise, I’m not certain what — what Roe v Wade has to do with our recruitment and how that would affect retention, ma’am. I just don’t know at this point. We have no data to support that.


You already have really restrictive policies. And in states where access to abortion care might be completely eliminated. Obviously, it would be really difficult and impact retention because the percentage of female — the percentage of female troops that — that end up unexpectedly pregnant is higher than the average population.

So you would be disproportion — if you aren’t aware of that already, you would be disproportionately impacted. So it is something that you should definitely go back and suggest be looked at more carefully. Thank you for your indulgence, Dr. Carter. You’re recognized for 5 minutes.


Thank you, Madam Chairman. The Army and Air Force have reported that they are expecting projects for FY ’23 cost — to cost between 25 and 30 percent more. What increases does the Navy anticipate? Why wasn’t the increase factored into the budget request question mark. And as you begin preparing for ’24 when you factor in inflation to your request?

Ms. Berger?


We — we, Ranking Member, are mindful of a moving inflation target and supply chain impacts and others that can impact the cost. We are watchful of that and especially as we look forward continue to monitor it. But do see that we have had that impact — ’22 where we’re seeing that impact now is as we look at the mid-year.

And we’ll continue to be watchful of that in terms of what inflation impacts will — will be considered. But we have taken that into account and anticipate that we’ll need to be watchful of unanticipated things and mindful of that.


Thank you. Because that’s your job. We — we need you to help us keep up with that stuff. Shipyard — the shipyard infrastructure program will cost billions and billions of dollars, and it will take up to 20 years. And I understand the cost of these. They are four big projects. However, I’m concerned — concerned about 20 years because we just heard in the big committee about what’s going on in the Pacific.

And quite honestly that’s — that 20-year timeline is not acceptable. And what can we do to — to get that better? I don’t want us to lose sight of our original goal and get sidetracked. Just tell me what you think about the timeline. Is it realistic? And can we speed it up? If Congress can provide additional funding in ’23, could you use it? Are there other ways this subcommittee can support a program such as just the planning and design funding that can speed the process along?


Yes, sir. thank you very much for the question. As the site op matures, obviously the dry docks were a must do. We had to do that. We had Virginia class and Ford coming out. That — absolutely must do. But when you look at the other two LOEs associated with the dry docks, obviously the recapitalization of our infrastructure that being equipment, what we — what the workers actually use.

But then the — the actual optimization piece. As we develop our area development plans and those become more mature, we’re beginning to get clearer vision of what the critical path is. We have to build the shipyard while we’re maintaining the ships that go through the shipyard. As we mature that process, I do believe there are some tremendous opportunities to pull things to the left.

Matter of fact, in our budget we have set aside a lot of resources for PND money as we begin to see clear. Additionally, I believe as we mature that and we understand better the market, obviously right now you mentioned inflation had a tremendous impact on some of the projects. We’ve looked at that going forward to keep those on track.

We’ve added money into the projects. Additionally, we’ve also found that adding additional PND money and getting to about a 30 to 40 percent design is also very critical in ensuring that we maintain — maintain our momentum. We’re also very grateful of the ads that you provided us last year that helped us move.

We’re also looking at our environmental studies. We’re looking at all the digital twins, the digital threads that we’re developing now, which should add to that maturity and allow us to come back to Congress with full transparency on what that plan is going to look like in the future, sir.


Well, you know, we — we could get in the future in a situation where no new starts can — can be not funded. Therefore, we need to get high behind getting every one of these four shipyards as a beginning board. So we’re not stuck — we’re stuck with a CR somewhere down the line with a no new start issue.

So I encourage you and I encourage the secretary to look hard about what we can do to assist you. But quite honestly, we are way behind in shipbuilding as compared with our — our potential enemy in the Pacific. And they’re just rolling them out faster than you can imagine. And they may be junk, but the rolling them out.

And we got — we’ve got to be able to be ready when the time comes. I have — if anything’s going to keep me up at night, that’s going to be it.


Yes, sir.


So do you — put your thinking cap on and see the ways we can begin to look at every shipyard and give us at least some kind of start on the — process so if we run up against a CR, which we all hate, then we can still have an issue to do some things, Okay?


Yes, sir.


Thank you. I yield back.


The gentleman’s time — time has expired. He yields back. Mr. Case, you are recognized for 5 minutes.


Thank you, Madam Chair. Secretary Berger, we’ve all been through a long and difficult and intense six months plus on the Navy bulk fuel storage facility at Red Hill. Thank you for your own efforts. We obtained through this Congress and through the President funding for FY 2022 $1.1 billion-plus, which is rapidly being used.

The president came back for FY 2023 and his budget coming out of DOD with a $1 billion request for FY 2023. But to my knowledge, we don’t have the details of exactly what will be requested and towards what so that we can make informed decisions. At least I haven’t seen it yet. Do you know whether there is a — what is the status of the further evaluation of the request on the Red Hill funding at $1 billion?

Which — which by the way I completely support. I think we’re going to be north of $1 billion even in FY 2023 as we sort through this really, really difficult process of — of — you know, stabilizing, remediating d fueling and closing Red Hill, which is all happening in a very short period of time and locating alternative bulk fuel storage facility or other capabilities for our country.

so a straight appropriators question, where’s — where’s the detail?


Congressman just a quick thank you for the time we got to spend together in Hawaii. I really appreciated your perspective, especially as we at the front end of what will be an enduring and purposeful focus on making sure that we remediate and — and follow everything through to its end in direct — in keeping with the Secretary of Defense’s direction, but also the environmental and community — commitments that we have there that are critically important.

As for the funding, this is a please and thank you for the funding that we — we got this year as well to be able to get after some of these really critically important focuses. Going forward, we’ll have environmental remediation to do. We will have support of closure per the secretary’s direction. We’ll have community aspects to focus on to include health, environmental wellness and other aspects.

And so I will take back and work with OSD, who is the overall overseer of this funding and so working purposefully with them, but also, we’ll make sure to get you the details that you’re looking for.


But do you have the expectation that it will be a $1 billion — it will continue to be a $1 billion request in this FY 2023 for the totality of Red Hill out of DOD?


Out of DOD, I — I don’t want to speak for DOD since it is ultimately a Department of Defense request, but it is something I can take back to make sure you get a good answer, sir.


Okay. And also just obviously this — this — this subcommittee has a significant piece of that, but so — so obviously do other subcommittees especially ACT D. [ph] Thank you. Admiral Williamson, back to SIOP. And appreciate all of your interaction and efforts on SIOP, on the shipyards. I endorse everything that Congressman Pingree talked about.

I’m looking forward to your answer to her question. On Pearl Harbor in particular, we of course, are part of SIOP Dry Dock 3. Is a major improvement necessary for the next class of subs? We’re on a tight, tight timetable. We’ve worked, I think well with you. You have it in your budget. You have it in your out years.

I think we’re — you know, not — I want to — I don’t want to say on track on these projects, but certainly it’s coming along. The waterfront production facility was a critical part of SIOP for Pearl Harbor, which was left out altogether of this budget and future year defense planning. Over on the Senate side, last week, my colleague and coconspirator on this Congress — sorry, Senator Hirono directly as secretary — Assistant Secretary Stefani [ph] to commit to a review of the waterfront production facility, which is — which is designed for efficiencies and cost benefits over the long run.

And you’ve been to Pearl Harbor, and you know that you can build a world class dry dock, but if you don’t have the production facilities to go with it, then you’re going to lose the efficiencies of that dry dock, much less the — the utilization of it. And so can I ask for your commitment similarly to the Senate side to go back and take a look at the waterfront production facility as to — as to putting it back on your tracking in future years?


Yes, sir. Thank you very much for the question and the support obviously for the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard. As a way of an update, the plan in engineering, as you know is done this year. We’re going into design next year with construction to start in ’27. We’re looking right now very actively of balancing not only the waterfront support facility, but also that with the construction of the dry dock.

It’s very critical that we don’t get those two things in contrast with each other. But you have my commitment to come back to you with a more detailed answer.


Thank you very much.


The gentleman yields back. Mr. Valadao, you’re recognized for 5 minutes.


Thank you, Madam Chair. Another issue that’s obviously going to have an impact on morale is inflation in supply chain. Master Chief Smith, Sergeant Major Black, either one can respond to this. But inflation in the supply chain concerns have driven up prices around the country and our service members are feeling the pain just as much as the rest of us. Some of my constituents have expressed concern about Ray’s — rising food and supply costs at the commissaries.

And a Blue Star Families survey noted that 14 percent of the enlisted active-duty families are concerned about food security. From a quality of life and force readiness standpoint, are there any other flex — additional flexibilities or resources you may need to ensure our military families basic needs are being met?


Sir, thank you for the question. I’ll go first. It’s — it’s an additional portion of what Mr. Bishop had asked, sir. Sir, the answer is all yes. Inflation impacts all of us. It impacts us in this room. It definitely impacts our junior service members. And our youngest marines right now feel the largest impact to — to inflation.

That inflation cost is found in our food costs, whether it’s in a commissary, which generally is below the — outside the base market, but definitely outside the base because, well, a lot of our marines live out there as well. Challenges with BAH rates, not only are our we impacted by — impacted by inflation.

The — the challenges of flexible BAH rates that move as fast as the housing market does, obviously, those two things online. Those are impacts to our families. The challenges to our supply chain. I mentioned our disparate locations, which obviously would be a concern of all of us in this room. Being here in the United States, there’s more access.

When you’re in a location such as and again, I’ll mention Okinawa or Guam. That’s as far away as you can be from the proverbial flagpole, things get there last. And when they get there, they’re at a greater cost. So inflation impacts that whole spectrum. It goes from childcare costs. It goes down to all the things we’ve spoken about — about here.

Those are cost to our families. That cost to our families — we have a saying in the Marine Corps, I think all the servers are shared. You might recruit a marine, but you retain a family. And if we can’t get a handle on those costs that are in burdened by our families, then that’s going to impact our retention.

So there’s kind of a holistic look at it, sir.


Sir, thank you. The — frankly the — the danger in going second is he said most of the things that matter. But — but frankly I can’t overstate –.


I’m just going go to the third question here. I mean, we got a lot of great questions and obviously we struggle.


I can’t overstate how important the commissaries are to our folks because that does put affordable food in — in front of them and gives them the opportunity to purchase it.


Yeah, that’s an issue that we’ve been struggling with here and it affects a lot of us on a lot of different fronts. But obviously the cost is something that has to have a huge impact on — on the — all of our enlisted sailors, marines, airmen, everyone. So next one on the infrastructure. Vice Admiral Williamson, the Navy’s facilities maintenance backlog and I know this has been touched upon already, but it is something we really need to push on. Our backlog is hovering around $21.9 billion, while the fiscal year ’23 budget request includes $3.5 billion for facility sustainment and restoration, I’m concern that we are critically behind in our maintenance And while I welcome and encourage new construction, we must prioritize facility sustainment and modernization, otherwise our investments rapidly lose their value and degrade overall readiness.

I did have a trip a few years back that we traveled to Okinawa and Japan and saw some of our facilities and I’m still surprised by deterioration of some of the buildings. I mean to the point where the guys were actually having chips, flakes of metal fall on them as they were working on engines because the roof was so deteriorated.

What’s the plan? What’s — how are we moving forward from this, especially since the request was so low?


Yes, sir. Thank you very much for the question. Absolutely, I concur. And part of the — the strategy that — that I talked about in my opening comments is actually aimed exactly at what you talk about. Our self-talk is we have so much infrastructure, we can’t afford it. My first question is okay, what did you demo?

So how do we systematically look at the infrastructure we have and relate it to an operational outcome? As we look at those mission capability chains, that should give us some insight in what’s needed, not needed. Because I’m not simply going to be able to get $21 billion to sustain what I have. Additionally, moving forward, our self-talk, we got to get innovative about this.

Our self-talk is I build a building that has a life expectancy of 67.5 years. I have care — carriers in our — or hangers in our inventory that are approaching 100 years of life. And yet I’m putting the brand-new generation aircraft in it. We talked about the impact of the sailor. You know, I have to leave and go to another hangar to use the head.

I’m working in an unlighted facility. It’s time for those to go. So can I buy back ten of those for the same price as a brick and mortar would cost me? Can I still meet the fleet’s requirements? Those things will also help us drive down and better highlight which pieces of critical infrastructure we need to sustain.

Additionally, I think — and you know, we talked about SIOP. We’re about to spend a lot of taxpayer’s money on SIOP. How much is it going to cost us to own it and sustain it properly for the next 100 years? Those are all things we’re doing to get after it. We have to drive down our footprint and also be very focused on our investments and also be very innovative in our approaches to being able to solve this problem, sir.


My time is up, so I appreciate it. And I yield back.


Thank you. The gentleman yields back. And Mr. Bishop, you are recognized for 5 minutes.


Thank you very much, Madam Chair. The Marine Corps logistics base in Albany, Georgia is a vital component of the Marine Corps logistical operations, and it houses the command and has the headquarters. It’s home to the Marine Corps Logistic Command’s Maintenance Center. And they recently achieved the platinum level in the sector of the Navy’s Energy Excellence Awards, which will be officially declared net zero emission status, I think next week.

I’m very proud of their efforts in combating that, so I just kind of wanted to highlight that and give them a salute. But General Banta, you included Albany’s Consolidated Communications Facility at the Marine base as one of your MILCOM unfunded priorities. I believe very strongly that this facility is worthy of an investment of taxpayer dollars as it will serve the — as the installation service notes to support innovation with the realm of robotics industrial technology.

It is one of my top priorities for the Marine Corps and I’d like to get some indication from you as to how we can get that moved up to your higher priority so that we can get — get that done. Another priority of mine is to support the Albany base’s agreement to co-locate an Army Reserve center from the 81st Veterans Division of the Army Reserves.

The Army Reserves will manage the construction, but we’ll be depending upon the Marine Corps to check back to provide the necessary oversight and project support so they can meet their project timelines and milestones. It’s an efficient and effective use of MILCOM funds across services. And I’d like to check back to check back to have your comments on those — those items, if you could.


Congressman, thank you very much for the question and also for acknowledging our logistics base. Albany’s accomplishment as the first net zero installation for the Marine Corps is certainly worth — worth acknowledging, so thank you for that. To your point about the — the relative positioning of the projects on Albany in terms of moving it up, our — our unfunded priority list is prioritized based on those projects that provide the greatest value back to the commandant’s priorities, particularly with force design and with supporting the budget themes that he has.

So I could come back to you perhaps with a more detailed discussion on that, but right now we feel that it’s appropriately sited on our unfunded priority list relative to other projects. In terms of the — the Army Reserve unit coming to Albany, I am aware of that issue. I don’t have that much information on it right now.

If it would be okay, I would like to be able to take that for the record and come back. But I do agree that if there are opportunities where we can co-locate DOD commands aboard installations, and it makes sense from both a fiscal perspective and is a better use of taxpayer dollars than we should consider that.

Sir, I hope that is sufficient for an initial answer to your question. I’d be happy to come back to you with more details.


Thank you very much. I would like to — to — I do have some follow up with you in that regard, maybe have some discussions about how we can be able to establish the justification for moving it up. So perhaps the commandant can perhaps look at — take a second look at it. And of course, it’s my understanding that there’s already an agreement to — to locate the Army Reserve Center on the base.

It’s just a matter of meeting the timelines and having all of the support in place and the necessary logistics to meet the project timelines. I just kind of wanted to bring that to your attention and lift it up to make sure that the Marine Corps did all that it could do to make sure that — that the trains run on time in getting that done.


Congressman, thank you. I’ll make sure that we get back to you with information on both of those issues.


Thank you very much. My time is about to expire, so I will yield back.


Thank you, Mr. Bishop. The gentleman yields back. I believe there are no other members who are planning to ask a question in the second round. And so that concludes today’s hearing. I want to thank all of our witnesses for participating and for their service. Obviously, your testimony here today will help us as we begin to craft the FY ’23 Appropriations Bill.

We appreciate your service and look forward to continuing this important work with you. The committee staff will be in contact with your Budget Office regarding questions for the record and then we’ll have several questions to submit as came up. And you have some — some follow up for us as well. And I’d imagine other members of the subcommittee will have additional questions to submit for the record.

If you’d please work with OMB to return the information for the record to the subcommittee within 30 days of receiving them, we’ll be able to publish the transcript of today’s hearing and make informed decisions for FY ’23. I want to remind members that our next hybrid hearing is the MILCOM VA member day, which is tomorrow, May 19th at 9 a.m. And with that, this hearing is adjourned.

List of Panel Members



















Defense News: Senate Armed Services Committee Holds Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2023 Navy Budget Request

Source: United States Navy


Good morning. The committee meets today to receive testimony on the plans and programs of the Department of the Navy and review of the President’s fiscal year 2023 defense budget request. I would like to welcome Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Gilday, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps General David Berger.

We are grateful for your service, for the service of the men and women under your command, and for the support of all Navy and Marine families. The Administration’s defense budget request for fiscal year 2023 includes approximately $231 billion in funding for the Department of the Navy, an increase of $10.6 billion from the fiscal year 2022 enacted budget.

As the leaders of the Navy and Marine Corps, I understand you face significant challenges as you strive to balance current operations and readiness alongside broad modernization efforts. Our naval forces continue to maintain an extremely high operations tempo across all areas. Demand is overwhelming for attack submarines, air and missile defense cruisers, destroyers, and strike fighter inventories.

As a result, our ships in the fleet are not meeting maintenance requirements on time or within budget. A number of ships have been waiting several years for maintenance including the USS Boise, which will spend another year at pier side without diving certifications because of deferred maintenance. I’m also concerned that the Navy will not be able to maintain a larger fleet of ships when it is struggling to maintain its current fleet of 294 ships on a consistent schedule.

Deferred ship maintenance, reduced steaming and flying hours, and canceled training and deployments have created serious readiness problems within the Navy. These problems are not limited to one sector, but are also being experienced by private shipyards and navy shipyards. The 2022 National Defense Authorization Act directed the Navy to study how to improve the capacity in our shipyard industrial base.

And the Navy has since begun the shipyard infrastructure optimization program to modernize and improve the efficiency of the public sector shipyards. We look forward to seeing the results of that effort. Looking ahead, I’m pleased that the USS Gerald Ford has conducted full ship shock trials and we understand that she may be deployed later this year.

Looming on the horizon over the next decade, the Navy will need to buy new Columbia class ballistic missile submarines to replace the Ohio class fleet. This is an expensive undertaking on a very tight schedule and I trust the Navy is making every effort to keep this program on track. I would ask our witnesses for an update on these plans.

This year the Navy is proposing to retire a number of ships before the end of their useful service lives. This includes a plan to retire nine littoral combat ships early, one of which would only be three years old. I understand the LCS program showed promise when it was first conceived, but the threats we face have changed and the Navy no longer believes these vessels would contribute much to a high end conflict.

The Navy made a difficult choice to retire some of the ships now and free up more resources in the future. On the other hand, it seems that this plan would take us in the opposite direction of the Navy’s goal for a 355 ship fleet. This committee will want an update on this issue. Turning to the United States Marines, the Marine Corps is restructuring around two concepts, littoral operations in a contested environment and expeditionary advanced base operations.

The key element of these concepts is a more flexible amphibious force that can support a broader naval fight once ashore. Rather than simply acting as a landing force, the Marine Corps hopes to help control the sea and air around them in support of the Navy and the other services. To accomplish this, I understand the Marine Corps is prioritizing modernization of its ground vehicles, including partnership with the Army on the joint like tactical vehicle or the JLTV to replace the Humvee.

And targeted investments in the high mobility artillery rocket system or HIMARS to provide Marines with ground base indirect fire support. In addition, programs like the amphibious combat vehicle, the ground based anti-ship missiles, and long range precision fires will provide critical modernization, increased force protection, and enhanced lethality to Marines.

General Berger, I appreciate your consultations and discussions with the members of this committee as you began this restructuring and I appreciate your continued engagement with the committee as this process proceeds. There also may be discussions this morning about the appropriate amphibious force structure.

I understand that the Commandant said he needs 31 large amphibious ships to meet his requirements in addition to any smaller vessels invented to support the Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations concept. Others in the Defense Department have determined that only 24 to 28 large amphibious ships are needed.

And I would ask for an update on these discussions. Again, I want to thank the witnesses for appearing today and I look forward to their testimonies. Let me now recognize the Ranking Member, Senator Inhofe.


Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And I join you in welcoming these three great leaders. For four years this committee has used the — the 2018 National Defense Strategy Commission as our roadmap to meet the threats that we face. It’s — it’s — it’s operated very well during this time. Unfortunately, the Administration has sent to the Congress a budget request that does not provide the resources required to combat that threat and — and other threats.

The Department of Navy Budget provides an increase of only four percent. And more troubling, the Marine Corps portion includes just 1.8 percent increase. That’s nowhere close to the real — the real growth and — and — and for the Marines, once again to — you account for inflation it — it’s actually a cut.

Given the inadequate budget request it is no surprise that Admiral Gilday — Gilday and General Berger and their unfunded priorities list — and we call those the risk list — total $7.5 billion. More broadly, I’m concerned about the state of our Navy and its downward trajectory. And I actually had four items I was going to mention on here.

However, they were — all four ended up being in the Chairman’s opening remarks. So I won’t use those. But the real growth is going to have to be applied to programs to move the needle. On that topic, I’d like to note General Berger’s initiative in implementing the National Defense Strategy and his efforts to keep this committee informed of his plans.

So I look forward to discussing these topics and under — from our witnesses and the risk that we have. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


Thank you very much, Senator Inhofe. Secretary Del Toro, please.


Good morning, Senator Reed.


Could you bring that microphone as close as possible, Mr. Secretary.


Good morning, Chairman Reed. Ranking Member Inhofe, distinguished members of the committee, it is an honor to be here alongside General Berger and Admiral Gilday to discuss the posture of the Department of the Navy. I look forward to working with you to ensure that our sailors and Marines are equipped, trained, and prepared to the best of our ability so they can fulfill our vital role to provide combat ready forces in support of the joint force.

The United States requires a strong Navy and a Marine Corps. Our global economy and the self-determination of free nations everywhere depends on sea power. Our national security depends on sea power. That’s particularly true in the Indo-Pacific where Beijing’s aggressions threatens the rules based international order and protects us all.

To answer that challenge, your Navy and Marine Corps must have the resources and the power to maintain credible integrated deterrence by campaigning forward. Forward from the sea, on the shore, and in the air. Thanks to the leadership of President Biden and Secretary Austin, this budget does provide the right balance of capacity, lethality, modernization, and readiness that we need to execute the national defense strategy.

We will invest these resources through the execution of a concise, clear, and transparent strategy rooted in three guiding principles. First, maintain and strengthen our maritime dominance so that we can deter potential adversaries and fight and win decisively. Second, empower our sailors and Marines by fostering a culture of war fighting excellence founded on strong leadership, dignity, and respect for each other.

And third, strengthen our strategic partnerships across the joint force, industry, and our inter — international partners around the globe. We are executing this strategy through the integrated visions of the Marine Corps Force Design 2030 and the Navy Navigation Plan. I strongly support these visions and I’m committed to fielding the ready, capable, and modernized force required to ensure their success.

To maintain and strengthen maritime dominance, we have to be serious about fielding and maintaining the right capabilities to win wars. That’s why our budget strongly invests in a nimble, networked, and survivable navy with platforms like Colombia, DDG flight three, with enhanced cyber and autonomous capabilities that enable our fleet to campaign forward in a distributed manner.

And this budget invests in a truly expeditionary and persistent Marine Corps with the mobility and readiness to respond in force wherever and whenever needed. We’re advancing cyber security and resilience efforts across the Department with investments to expand the cyber mission force teams, harden networks, and leverage artificial intelligence, and machine learning to defend information infrastructure.

To ensure the combat readiness of our platforms we are more than doubling shipyard infrastructure optimization program — SIOP — investments over the previous budget. This budget invests in the climate resiliency of our forts and our facilities while continuing efforts to substantially reduce our impact on climate change.

We’re also investing in facilities that promote the quality of life of our personnel and their families. We owe it to our military families to ensure their safety and well-being. And when we do fall short, we look our problem square in the eye and we take actions to fix those problems. We are investing in our efforts to recruit, retain, train, and promote the best from all of America And we are increasing funding for naval and cyber education, enhanced shipboard training, and hand — enhan — enabling sailors and marines to build their careers wherever the service takes them.

We appreciate the committee’s interest in ensuring our forces have the right facilities to train, fight, and win, including the potential expansion of the Fallon Training Range complex. We also appreciate the committee’s efforts to include new tools within the NDAA to deter destructive behavior and prosecute sexual assault, domestic violence, and other offenses.

At every level of leadership, we are determined to prevent sexual assault and sexual harassment, hold offenders accountable, and create a safer, stronger, and more inclusive Navy Marine Corps team. I want to close by noting the importance of strategic partnerships, from the joint force and our industrial base to our allies and partners around the world.

I have seen our partnerships and alliances personally in action, from F-35B operations in the Indo-Pacific to NATO exercises in Norway and the Mediterranean. But our most important partnership is indeed with the American people. And that’s why I’m grateful for the oversight and interest of this committee, and I look forward to continuing to work with you in the years ahead.

Thank you.


Thank you, Mr. Secretary. Admiral Gilday, please.


Chairman Reed, Ranking Member Inhofe, distinguished members of the committee, good morning and thank you for the opportunity to appear this morning with Secretary Del Toro and General Berger. For nearly eight decades. America’s naval superiority — maritime superiority has guaranteed security and prosperity across the world’s oceans.

And it has played a unique and predominant role in protecting our nation’s most vital national interests. Maintaining maritime superiority is fundamental to implementing our new national defense strategy. Global competition is heating up, the pace of innovation is accelerating, and the environment our naval forces are operating in every day is growing more transparent, more lethal, and definitely more contested.

Everyone in this room is familiar with these trends, particularly China’s massive investment in highly capable forces designed to deny our access to the oceans. Our Navy’s role has never been more consequential or more expansive. America needs a combat credible naval force that can protect our interests in peace and they can prevail in war, not just today but tomorrow, and for the long term competition that lies ahead.

Our budget submission for PB 23 reflects that imperative. It fully funds the Columbia Class submarine to ensure continuity for our nation’s most survivable strategic deterrent. It keeps our fleet ready to fight tonight, funding maintenance accounts, filling magazines with ammunition, putting spare parts in storerooms, and giving our sailors the steaming days and the flying hours they need to hone their skills.

It modernizes our fleet by investing in weapons with increased range and speed, integrated systems to improve fleet survivability in a resilient, cyber secure network infrastructure. And it invests in affordable capable capacity, building towards the goal of a larger distrib — — A good hybrid fleet in the decade ahead.

And taking into account the insights we are gaining on a monthly basis from our fleet battle problems with the United States Marine Corps, with exercises like large scale exercise 2021, the largest in the world last summer. And also just a few months ago, the world’s largest international unmanned maritime exercise in the Middle East.

These exercises and analysis and many others are helping us to refine our warfighting concepts, experiment with unmanned systems at speed and innovate — at the speed of innovation, and grow the fighting power of our Navy Marine Corps team across all domains. The need to field a ready fleet today, as we are some simultaneously modernizing for the future, has forced us to make difficult decisions including the decommissioning of platforms that do not bring the needed lethality to a high end fight in contested areas.

While building this capacity at the expense of readiness and modernization can sound like an attractive option, it is not one that I endorse. We have been there before and we have seen tragic results. I refuse to repeat it again. We cannot field a fleet larger than one we can sustain, and at today’s fiscal levels quantity simply cannot substitute for quality, especially as our adversaries are building advanced war fighting systems.

Failing to modernize to meet those threats would erode America’s maritime superiority at a time when command of the seas will decide the global strategic balance of power for the rest of this century. The stakes in this competition are extremely high, which is why your sailors, active and reserve, uniform and civilian are committed to strengthening our naval power every single day.

Thank you again for inviting me to testify and I’m grateful for the committee’s support to our Navy and Marine Corps team. I look forward to answering your questions.


Thank you Admiral Gilday, General Berger please.


Chairman Reed, Ranking Member Inhofe, and distinguished members of the committee, as we sit here this morning in the backdrop of a war raging in Ukraine and the malign activities that are ongoing in the Indo-Pacific it’s a good reminder for me that we don’t have the luxury of building a joint force for one threat, for one region, for one form of warfare.

We have to be prepared for the full range of operations in places we might not expect and probably on timelines we didn’t anticipate. That’s why your Marine Corps’ ability to respond to crisis in any clime and place is essential to our national security. Three years ago as the Chairman and Ranking met — mentioned, we embarked on an ambitious program of modernization.

In an effort to ensure that your Marine Corps could continue to meet its statutory role as America’s force in readiness. And with the bipartisan support of the members of this committee, that modernization effort is on track and it’s building momentum. Over the past three years, your Marine Corps has self-funded $17 billion worth of modernization.

Today I’d like to offer you an update in three areas where we’ve seen significant progress over the past 12 months. First, over the last 18 months out in 29 Palms California, which is our live fire maneuver training site, we’ve conducted nine force on force exercises over the past year and a half. Here’s what we’ve learned.

And these lessons — these learned lessons have really validated what — what we thought from the beginning. Basically that smaller, more mobile, more distributed units, if they can employ 21st century combined arms and they have organic ISR and they have loitering munitions, they are more lethal than larger units that employ traditional sort of force structures and traditional concepts.

And that is entirely consistent so far with what we have seen in Ukraine. In less than two years we formalized a concept for stand in forces, and we built a capability that has dramatically expanded what we can achieve in support of both land and maritime operations. One of those stand in forces is now forward deployed in Europe.

And as a Yukon Commander recently testified here in DC, his words, that force is precious for effective deterrence. Second, we achieved some important operational milestones. This year we’re going to deploy the amphibious combat vehicle for the first time aboard ship on a marine expeditionary unit. And we will retire the AAV, the aging AV ahead of schedule.

And we’re doing that because of the support of this committee. This year marked the first deployment of an F-35B squadron aboard an allied carrier. The first deployment of an F-35C squadron aboard a Navy carrier, US Navy carrier. In fact, some of you all probably heard the brief from VMFA211 aboard the HMS Queen Elizabeth.

That was, in our opinion, significant advancement in not just interoperability, but interchangeability with both UK jets and Marine Corps, US jets, F-35s on board the Queen Elizabeth. That’s how you commit to allies and partners. The Marine Expeditionary Unit, the MEU, enabled by amphibious ships is the crown jewel of our naval expeditionary forces.

No naval vessel in our inventory is capable of supporting a wider set of missions than the amphibious warship. And Secretary Del Toro, the CNO, and I all agree that the minimum number of L class traditional warships, amphibious warships the US needs is 31. And your support for sustaining that minimum capacity is essential to national security.

Finally, this past year we published a plan to modernize our personnel system. That will allow us to better recruit, train, align the skills of individual Marines, retain them, match them with the needs of the Marine Corps. All that said, what the Marine Corps does for this nation will not change. We remain America’s force in readiness.

We’re capable of a diverse set of missions across the operational spectrum. But how we accomplish those missions is changing. And your support is critical to our collective success. And in closing, just like to offer to Ranking Member Inhofe our sincere gratitude for the three of us for your 50 years, Sir, of public service.

Army veteran, state legislator, Mayor, US Representative, Senator. Just on behalf of the sailors and Marines and all of us here at this table, thank you, Sir for your years of service. And with that I look forward to your questions.


Thank you very much, General Berger. Secretary Del Toro, one of the issues that is arising is the performance of shipyards. We saw, for example, in the attack submarines there’s a slippage in terms of both the delivery time and the increase in cost. The reason that most people give is the difficulty of securing the appropriate labor and workers.

What can you do and what can the industrial base do to get back on track?


Thank you, Senator. I’m also deeply concerned about the pace with which both our public shipyards and our private shipyards keep up with the maintenance that’s required by both our submarine fleet as well as our surface fleet as well. I have visited most of the yards, all fo — four public shipyards and most of the private yards as well.

I’ve met with the leadership of those shipyards to try to better understand the challenges that they face. Without question the — the impact of COVID over the last three years has been significant. We continue to cooperate very collaboratively thanks to the support of the Congress as well in making investments in those shipyards, both capital investments and also investments with regards to the talent management that’s necessary to run those shipyards.

I believe that there’s still a lot of work that needs to be done. And it does take a team to work this through, obviously. But the other message that I’ve also relayed to the leadership of these shipyards is that they also have a responsibility to deliver these platforms on time and on schedule. And they need to divert the proper resources necessary to do so in terms of capital equipment and also in terms of hiring the necessary workforce at those shipyards in order to increase the pace at which these maintenance cycles are taken.

And let me — in my — if I could ask the CNO to just weigh in as well on this issue.


Could I —


— Yes, Sir. Forgive me.


I thank you. Cause General Burger, force design 2030 recognizes that this is a much different world than 10 years ago, 20 years ago, certainly 30 years ago. Since World War Two we’ve basically had guaranteed air superiority if we choose to fight. We also had relatively uncontested logistics. We’ve had uninterrupted communications.

And the concept of joint operations has been evolving for a long time, but it’s now more critical than ever. So when you look at all of these factors, the — the lack of air superiority, logistics difficulties, communications that might be disrupted, and the need to operate as a truly joint force, I assume that has informed your view of what you want to do with the Marine Corps in terms of your new design?


That’s entirely accurate, Chairman. I don’t think any of the — of the Joint Chiefs if you were — if all of us were lined up here would say it any different. Especially on the high end, we will fight, we will operate as a joint force. And we have — we have to have a pretty keen understanding of the joint capabilities involved there and where — each one of us where the overlaps are and where the gaps are.

The areas that you highlighted, air superiority, command and control logistics, absolutely are part of the focus. We also know that we’re not going to match the — a country like the PLAN number for number, but that’s not actually how we’re going to deter and how we’re going to dissuade them. It’s going to be asymmetric.

Lastly, I would say the — the need to operate forward as the Secretary and CNO highlighted, paramount. You’ve got to know what they’re doing. You have to paint a picture for the Joint Force Commander 24/7. And that’s our role.


Thank you very much. A question I’ll address to Admiral Gilday and with time to General Berger is that the Navy’s unfunded priority list is four billion dollars this year. The Marine Corps is 3.5 billion. Last year, because of the committee’s support for Senator Inhofe’s initiative, we were able to cover all of your unfunded priorities.

We can’t assume that this year. So I assume that these unfunded priorities are really in priority order, that if we go to the first one that’s the most critical, the second one the second most critical. Is that accurate, Admiral?


It’s absolutely accurate, Sir. And so my priorities — everything on the unfunded list were high regrets that we couldn’t get into the budget. And they’re primarily readiness related. So as an example, for weapons that range in speed, LRASM, JASSM-ER, Maritime Strike Tomahawk, SM-6. What we’re trying to do is maximize domestic production lines to send a demand signal so we can fill our magazines with — with weapons and make sure that if the fight does go down tonight or in the 2027 timeframe that we’re ready to go. Likewise, those priorities include flying hours, steaming days, maintenance, spare parts in both the aviation side and for our ships as well.

It’s funding for people. And so those are all — those all have to do with near to midterm readiness. There are also some modernization priorities there as well.


Thank you very much. General Berger, I will ask your response in writing for the record so that we can recognize Senator Inhofe. Senator Inhofe, please.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. We — and General Berger, thank you very much for your nice remarks. As noted in my opening remarks, the unfunded priorities total $7.5 billion, approximately four billion dollars for the Navy and three and a half for the — for the Marine Corps. The question I would ask is a yes or no question.

Is everything on your list executable today?


Yes, Sir.


Same for the Marine Corps. Yes, sir.


Yes. All right. Thank you very much. Secretary Del Toro and Admiral Gilday, it’s been three and a half years now since I visited the USS Gerald Ford. And at that time they had just completed — they were — they — everything’s been late on that — on that effort.


The — the catapult and the arresting gears I think at that time three and a half years ago were just — just about completed. And my understanding is that the elevators now — which is the last thing — are finally — finally done, albeit seven years later and $2.8 billion over budget. The burden that this seven year delay of the Ford has placed on the rest of the — of the aircraft fleet can’t be overstated.

And I’d like to get from all three of you who — in — in whatever or you’d like the — the — a couple of things, several things here. One is what kind of a burden has that placed — that seven year delay placed? And then when — when will it deploy? And — and probably the lessons learned that — this would be the significant thing, I believe.

The lessons learned. And I’ve talked to each one of you over a period of time on the, you know, how much of this could be a — the result of the sole source situation. So any comments you want to make just on the — on the Ford now that we’re reached this important time zone I’d like to hear from you.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. First, I’d like to say that you charged me at my confirmation hearing to fix the elevators on the Ford. I’m at least pleased to say that they’re fixed on the Ford now. I think when acquiring ships of this nature, which are extremely com — complicated, it’s very important to ensure that we fully understand the whole — we fully understand the maturity of the technologies that we’re going to put on those platforms before we actually acquire them.

And I think that those are the — some of the key lessons that are being learned as we look at DDG flight three, as we look at our future DDPX or SSGX, as well as the Constellation Class frigate. And so I’d like to say that the mistakes that were made in the past are being applied very aggressively to these new acquisition programs that are going to be rolled out in the future.

I think the criticality of land based testing, for example, for the engineering plants is also very critical to this and the sub modules that are necessary to go on to these platforms. And I’ll ask the CNO to continue the conversation in the limited time we have.


Sir, the biggest lesson learned from Ford and other platforms is that we need to drive down technical risk in these programs. And so we do that with land based prototyping. We do that with — with plenty of testing up front before we become an informed customer and come to you for the money to scale these platforms like we have.

LCS would — would be another example. If I take a look at the Columbia class submarine, we’re at 85 percent design right now as we’re building that submarine. If I compare that to the Ohio class, we were at four percent. Seawolf 25 percent. Virginia class 40 percent. And so we are learning our lessons with respect to Ford and putting them to good work now.

We have money in the budget with respect to unmanned to actually have land based prototyping, significant land based prototyping in Philadelphia as we’ve had with other ships. So that again we can make informed dec — decisions before we scale platforms.


Yeah. Let me comment before the third — I wasn’t being critical in terms of — certainly not any of the three of you. But the fact that it did take a longer period of time does have implications on other vehicles that are out there.


Yes, Sir. It has — obviously funds have been diverted in order to keep, you know, Ford moving along track. We’re very pleased to get her deployed later on this year and likely again the following year. I want to keep her in a high — high degree of op tempo. This past year she has had the highest — probably the highest op tempo of any ship in the Navy.

She is our carrier qual aircraft carrier off the East Coast of the United States. She was qualifying our new pilots with their cats and traps. And so we’re going to continue that high degree of op tempo with her, keeping in mind of course stress and the crew. But they want to go to sea. They’re proud of this ship.

And its operating to our expectations right now.


Good. Okay, thank you, Mr. Chair.


Thank you, Senator Inhofe. Senator Shaheen please.


Thank you. Good morning to each of you. Thank you for being here and thank you for your service to the country. Secretary Del Toro, I — I would like to begin with you and Admiral Gilday because the Navy’s request includes $503 million in funding for the SIOP Multi-Mission Drydock project at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in New Hampshire and Maine.

And I know that you have both been up there to see this project. But given the cost overruns that we saw last year, are you confident that that 503 million is going to be enough to keep the project on schedule this year?


Senator, I think I’m confident that we’re moving in the right direction. These are extremely complicated programs as you well know. It’s our largest capital project in the Department of the Navy. And I think that there are going to be more discoveries that will be made. But I don’t think that they’ll be of — of the nature and increases of the past mistakes that were made previously.

One of the charges that I’ve given our acquisition for — force is to ensure that we actually do take the necessary time to come up with accurate cost estimations for the projects that we have going on now and will propose in the future. And that takes sometimes additional time to reach those answers. And so I’d like to think that we’re actually moving in the right direction with the necessary discipline to make accurate cost estimations.


Well, I appreciate that. I — I guess it’s — I’m trying to understand then why the Navy hasn’t adopted the GAO recommendations from the 2017 report that just re — this GAO report just came out recently that identified concerns with SIOP planning including adopting best practices for cost estimation. And it also points out that the performance metrics that were expected to be done by now are not going to be done until 2025. So can you talk about why the delay there and what needs to happen in order to get things back on track?


Yes, Ma’am. I can’t make it — I’m not going to make excuses for the ills of the past. I do know that certainly since I’ve become Secretary, we’re taking this responsibility very seriously and trying to come up with very accurate cost estimations and being allowed to be given the time to come up with those cost estimations so that we’re not just flying by the cuff.


And I recognize that the war in Ukraine has happened since the budget was developed, and that along with inflation have added to costs. So do you have any estimate on how that’s going to affect the budget numbers that you’ve — we have before us now?


So I don’t today, but that is an accurate assessment. The — the increasing inflation and the shortages in the supply chain as well too will have an impact on — on costs as we continue to evolve these projects.


And and so how soon will you be back to the committee?


So I — I promise in the next several months we will have more accurate numbers. We’ve been working on this very aggressively. In the time that I’ve been Secretary I’ve demanded that we have an accurate accounting of projected costs for the SIOP program so that we’re on track. We’ve also made some additional adds to the program management team as well to make sure that we have the right skill sets on that program management team to address all the necessary risks that are involved.


Thank you. General Berger, both the Chair and Ranking Member talked about the challenges and you’ve — you all have talked about the challenges of recruitment and retention in the Marine Corps. The Marines historically have had the smallest percentage of women compared to the other services. Obviously that’s one place where there is talent that the Marine Corps could look to for the future.

So can you talk about how talent manage — management 2030 is going to look at more gender inclusivity in the Marine Corps and — and how you expect to incorporate more women?


The system that we’ve had since the all-volunteer force was put in place largely replaced 75 percent of the Marines every year. Very young force. That’s what we needed at that time. And it suited us fine. But going forward, as you’ve highlighted and others, this is a competitive market for people and the requirements that we’re going to have for Marines and sailors, all service members is going to be even — even more demanding, even more challenging.

So the — the change for talent management is instead of the — view them as a whole body, each person matching their — what they have coming in. And we have to do a better job of assessing that when they come in, matching that with what the Marine Corps needs, and then a path for each individual to go forward.

That’s the difference.


And do you expect to have any particular focus on recruiting women or how do you expect to get those numbers up?


The — the recruiters across the country, as you’ve highlighted, there — the last two years of not being in high schools has been a real challenge during COVID. Because their — their exposure and the high school students’ exposure to recruiters is really tough. You have to have the right recruiters out there and they have to have access to the high schools, which now they’re back in.


Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


Thank you Senator Shaheen. Senator Fischer please.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Good morning, gentlemen. Thank you for being here today. General Berger, how is the Marine Corps looking to change existing logistics processes and procedures to better align with the Force Design 2030 initiative, particularly looking at the Indo-Pacific theater?


The framework we have for logistics in the Indo-Pacific theater that you highlight largely assumed a protected backside. It assumed that we would not be contested. We don’t assume that going forward. So the large depot style like hub and spoke of parts and and all classes of supply and from there would be distributed, that’s got to change.

Because we’re — we assume that it’s going to be contested all the way from the most forward units back to the factory, all the way. And not just physically of course, but in cyber as well. So what does that mean for us? We have to have organically the means to move that. Move that sustainment supplies op — tactically to operationally.

In other words at that level organically. That’s why things like the 53K, CH-53K, the MV22 unmanned systems that are going to allow us to push supplies laterally, that’s what we have to have. That we don’t have in — in numbers yet. Everything that we do logistics has to be — has to assume that they’re going to try to contest it. Which means we gotta decoy it, we have to camouflage it. We have to move it in smaller numbers.

We have to just operate in a different way. But that’s — this is natural for Marines to do. It’s not a — it’s not a new thing. But the — the change probably is an assumption that all of that will be contested.


Thank you. Mr. Secretary, do you have anything to add?


Yes, Ma’am. We’re actually making major investments over at the Fed up and additioning — adding additional oilers, for example, to support the ships that will be necessary and the sealift that’s necessary. We’re also making investments in sealift, buying more used sealift as well too. All of this is integrated into force design 2030 along with the addition of an additional amphibious lift and as well as the law is to provide the shore to shore connectors that are necessary for the Marines to be able to effectively execute their expeditionary mission.


Thank you. General Berger, since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we’ve seen how small groups of war fighters armed with missiles and laundering munitions, they have real impacts on the ground. While I agree it’s too early to draw definitive conclusions from the ongoing conflict, how do you expect the Marine Corps to incorporate any insights that are gained so far into future exercises as you test out new concepts of operations?


One advantage that we have in the Army is the same as we are deployed — we have deployed units in Europe right now. So they can see firsthand a lot closer than you and I from Washington DC what — what is working and what is not. We have a built in model within the Marine Corps to feed that back in through our warfighting laboratory at Quantico into the ideas, the concepts, the capabilities of force design 2030. There is no filters.

It’s a constant feedback loop. I think as you hinted, although you got to be patient in terms of jumping on lessons learned too early while conflict’s going on, I think the two for me the — the character versus the nature of warfare. Some things, in other words, are enduring. And those lessons learned haven’t changed frankly.

Some of them that — that my counterparts have highlighted in terms of the importance of small unit leaders and decentralized command and control, speed, momentum, inside the operating decision cycle of an adversary. Those are enduring things. But the things that are changing, of course, the character of war as you highlighted, the unmanned, the sensors, the — the growing importance of instilling confidence in those junior leaders to make decisions on their own quickly.

Some — so some things are staying the same and validated. Some things in terms of the character of war we need to ac — absolutely feed back into the modernization effort. And we have a means to do that.


Have you started any kind of consultation with our allies, especially within NATO, look — looking ahead at situations that — that are currently ongoing or that may develop in the — in the near future?


In NATO specifically, yes. Yesterday I met with the Chief of Defense of Norway. We traveled to Norway last month, met with my counterparts and the Vice CHOD in Norway. In Poland right now we have Marine units operating in Poland and Latvia and Estonia. We have a good exchange back and forth about what’s working and what’s not.


Thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


Thank you, Senator Fischer. Senator Kaine, please.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you to the witnesses. General Berger in his opening statement said we are all on the same page. We need 31 amphibious ships. I just want to make —


Secretary Del Toro and Admiral Gilday, that is — he was putting — not putting words in your mouth but stating a consensus opinion.


Thank you, Senator. This administration is very committed to amphibious lift without any question. As you all know, there’s over $2 billion in the — in the budget this year alone in support of LHD and LPD 32 as well too. I commissioned an amphibious study when I became Secretary of the Navy to try to get at what the right requirements are.

That was coordinated closely between the Navy and the Marine Corps, and we inform the CAPE as well of all of our progress. That amphibious study is today being reported out here in the next couple of weeks within the Department. The findings of that amphibious study will also be included in the ongoing Force Naval Structure Analysis that takes place — is taking place right now in preparation for POM 24. And I suspect that as we conclude all those assessments, we’ll see considerable support for amphibious lift moving forward.


Admiral Gilday?


Yes, sir. So this study that we — we just completed concluded 31. And we actually took a look at three cases that are consistent with the NDS, the new NDS strategy. We took a look at traditional — amphibious by themselves looking across the spectrum of war. And what they contribute both in deterrence and also in the fight.

We took a look at light amphibious warships in the future with those vessels in express — expeditionary advanced bases. And then we took a look at traditional amphibious and light amphibious together. And so we tried to take a look at holistically, not just in the first two cases, but at the total amphibious fleet postulating as best we can, how we use them in the future.

That’s informing both the final number and then our acquisition path that field them.


Well, this is good news that, you know, there — there have been mixed messages about this. And the OSD CAPE had numbers as low as 12 or 24. So I know the study will be out formally soon based on the testimony they — we expect to see that it at 31. And I appreciate your testimony. Secretary Del Toro, I want to ask you about the George Washington.

There’s been the series of deaths, but also the underlying conditions that sailors endure while a carrier is undergoing an overhaul. These overhauls are unlike others which might be months at a time. They take several years. The GW has been in overhaul since 2017. And that means that some sailors will spend their entire career on a ship that never goes to sea, and they’ll never perform the duties that they trained for after graduating from boot camp.

I wonder if that fact the length of these berths in the shipyard is a challenging factor. And I know that you were in a shipyard with one of the ships you commanded for 18 months during your active-duty career. Talk a little bit about how the Navy is looking at this George Washington situation, not only the particular instances, but the particular challenges that result from these very lengthy shipyard berths.


Yes, sir. And thank you for your question, Senator. Without question, there is no greater responsibility than our safety of our sailors and our marines. And particularly when sailors go into an extended overhaul. And as shipyards. Shipyard life itself is challenging enough. When you’re in the shipyard that long it presents additional challenges.

And I think institutionally, at the Department of the Navy, we need to collectively do a better job to provide the necessary resources to the ship itself in the contracts that are negotiated with the shipyard itself to provide a higher quality of life for those sailors in the shipyard. There are two investigations that are ongoing right now, command investigation as well as an additional investigation by the Navy to look at some of these additional quality of life factors that perhaps played a role in this — in this very unfortunate situation.

But we need to develop a plan that’s more robust than what we’re currently doing for especially aircraft carriers because you’re introducing upwards of 2500 sailors into an already challenging environment.


Thank you, Mr. Secretary. And finally, General Berger, I’m just going to conclude. My wife and I are moving this weekend from the family home of 30 years into a condo. And everything — every drawer we open house a memory. And everything we throw away is a memory. And everything we give to the kids or to refugee families is a memory.

We’re excited, but change is hard. Change is hard. And I’ve been thinking about that a little bit in connection with some of the comments about force design 2030. I for one appreciate the — the fact that you’ve rethought fundamental assumptions and recognized the great things we’ve been doing. But also that the realities of the world mandate a marine corps that can perform the same mission but in very different ways.

And that you’re willing to embrace some significant change. I appreciate it. Thanks, Mr. Chair.


Thank you, Senator Kaine. Senator Cotton, please.


Good morning, gentlemen. Welcome. Thank you all for your testimony and for your service to the country. Mr. Secretary and Admiral, I want to thank you two for taking the time recently to discuss the findings of the report that I commissioned with a few House members about the state of culture and warfighting in the Navy, especially the surface Navy.

I want to thank you for your thoughts on what you’re doing to try to address some of those challenges. Mr. Secretary, I want to raise one of those specifically with you. The — what the report found was the so-called zero-defect mentality in the Navy, especially among the officer corps in the surface fleet.

Could you talk to us about the specific policies that you have enacted since you took over to counteract that zero-defect mentality?


Yes, sir. It’s more about an approach to our cultural approach in the Navy with regards to command. As you know, the CNO with my support and collaboration have initiated a — a policy of get real get better. And part of getting real is coming to a very honest determination of the challenges that you face and things that have to improve in order for us to get better.

Part of that cultural dynamic is — is not having a zero-defect mentality so that we can actually encourage our leadership at all levels. Not just within the officer corps, but also within the noncommissioned officer corps, which is critical to our mission so that they can honestly face the challenges that they have and provide recommendations to actually make things better.

So it’s more a cultural change than just the issuance of individual policies.


Okay. Do you think that Lieutenant Halsey or Lieutenant Nimitz would have made it past Lieutenant Commander in today’s Navy?


Probably not.


Admiral Gilday, what about you?


Sir, one of the things that we did recently is I — I issued a new charge of command. So this is direction to our commanders. And I specifically addressed some areas where we have a Navy where we don’t have tolerance, drug use would be an example. But we certainly can’t be a no defect Navy. And so one of the things that in terms of changing the culture that I’m trying to — that we’re — that we together our trying to institute is this idea of embracing the red.

So as — as you see slides in the Pentagon, they’re usually stoplight slides and people like to focus on things that are green, things that are going well swimmingly well. When — what we really need to focus on and create an environment to address is to embrace the red and to fix the red. So this gets right to the fundamental need to be able to selfm self-assess and then to self-correct as individuals in as — and as an institution.

And we take a look at a major fires review. And we took a look at 15 different fires over the course of 12 years. And we took a look at the variance between units that perform very well and units that — that don’t. It came down to the ability to self-assess in an environment that allow that to happen without being punished for basically communicating fearlessly up the chain of command.

That’s what we’re looking for fundamentally, sir, in terms of — in terms of changing the culture, not just in the surface Navy but across the Navy. It’s going to take us a while, but I think we’re on the — we’re in beginning of a right path that’s been well received by the fleet.


Okay. Thank you both. Again, that was just one issue from that report. And I thank you all for the time you took to discuss that and the other issues. And look forward to continue to work with you to implement those reforms and make sure our surface Navy is strong and healthy and ready to fight and win wars in the future.

General Berger, I’ve heard a lot today about your Force 2030 concept and you’ve heard some support for it from the committee as well. I just want to be direct about it though. So you seem to have kicked over a hornet’s nest among a lot of your fellow retired Marines. I guess you’re not retired, but fellow Marines who are retired.

Even among a former Marine who was Secretary of the Navy and a member of the Senate. So I just want to give you a chance in — in plain English to respond to their many public critiques of your plan. Why do you think they’re wrong in those critiques?


The genesis, the start point was really General Dunford during — when he was commandant and then followed by General Neller when they in a setting like this articulated that the Marine Corps, although was very healthy and capable at that time was not organized, wasn’t trained, wasn’t equipped for what the national defense strategy called for.

I agree with that. I also think that the speed at which we have to change is not necessarily driven by ourselves. It’s driven by the adversary. It’s driven by the pace of change of the threats. The — the level of risk is probably where it boils down to between those who feel like we should go at a more conservative, slower pace.

I am driven by the pace at which the adversary is moving. We have to stay in front of that. And my job, like the CNOs is not just to make sure that the Marine Corps is capable today. But five years from now that we have a margin of advantage over the PLAN or whatever the pacing challenges five years from now.

That’s our job.


Thank you for the testimony and thank you for all the hard work you’ve put into that. I hold you and the Marine Corps in high esteem. I hold many of your critics in high esteem as well though. And I know the committee will be working through all of those arguments about what’s happened because we share the same goal about a marine corps that ready, not just to fight today, but fight tomorrow as well.


Thank you, Senator Cotton. Senator Hirono, please.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Secretary Del Toro, thank you for your support and commitment to deal with the Red Hill Fuel Installation situation in a way that helps restore Hawaii’s confidence in the Navy. The President’s decision to include $1 billion for the Red Hill Recovery Fund in his fiscal year ’23 requests to permanently close Red Hill not only projects the island’s drinking water, but ultimately benefits our operations in the INDO PAYCOM AOR. And the closure of Red Hill is going to be a multiyear and multifaceted endeavor.

And will require the Department of Defense to work closely with the Hawaii Department of Health and the EPA. Secretary Del Toro, can you explain how the Navy is planning for the execution of these funds and any concerns you have related to the safety fueling of the tanks and closing of the facility?


Thank you, Senator. Thank you, Senator and thank you for your leadership on this issue. It means a great deal to our sailors and Marines, our Air Force or Army soldiers and of course all the people of Hawaii as well too. And I’m pleased that Department of Navy has collaborated very closely with all the agencies in — on — in Hawaii on Oahu and elsewhere on this very important task.

We will continue to collaborate and work very aggressively with all the appropriate agencies. As you know, I have a requirement to submit to the Secretary of defense a PO A&M. [ph] We are currently in the assessment stage of putting together that plan of our objectives analysis memorandum to come up with the right steps that are necessary.

At the same time, there are several investigations are underway that are going to be revealing matters and issues that have to be corrected as well, too. Those findings will be included in our overall plan. There is a third party — assessment as you know that has concluded and is being reviewed right now in the Department of Defense, so that we can properly make the investments that are necessary to determine what steps have to be taken to properly and safely defuel Red Hill.

And we’ll be collaborating very closely in accordance with the executive order that was just issued, revised executive order. As you know, we’ve — we’ve appealed the right to a hearing on that. And we wish to continue to collaborate very closely with Hawaii and all the involved agencies to get to the right result so that we can also inform the Congress in terms of the investments that have to be made to properly execute the plan.


Well, what started off from my perspective as a situation where the state of Hawaii, the Navy, DOD writ large, we were definitely not on the same page. And that’s why your commitment to collaborating and where I have seen that the state of Hawaii is withdrawing probably some concerns they had about the third party assessment and the Navy holding back on some appeals processes that they could pursue.

I think that’s what we have to do, that everybody needs to get on the same page and work together. So that’s what I’m looking for. Because this is a very complicated situation, as you well know. General Berger, we’ve heard a lot about the 30 — commitment to 35 — 31 amphibious ship situation, and this is a new number.

So how would terminating the OPD line and having fewer than 31 ships impact the Marine Corps ability to respond globally? What I’m getting at is I too am committed to 31 ships. And there are people who — who don’t think that that’s the right number. But what — if you — if you have fewer than 31 ships, what does that do to your ability to respond globally?


I’ll start off and if there’s time, ma’am, ask the CNO if he has additional thoughts. But from my perspective, with the rest of the Joint Force modernizing as it is, the Marine Corps is probably one of the best hedges you have right now in the next four or five years. We have to be forward. We have to be ready.

This study that came to the result of 31, incorporated as the CNO highlighted not just the scenarios that OSD uses, but how to deter how to respond quickly. 31 is a floor. Even with 31, there is risk. Of course there is. If we don’t have 31, there’s places in — there’s things that are going to happen in the next four or five, six years where the US cannot respond.

And the worst case is somebody else gets there first and they’re not a friend of ours.


Admiral Gilday, do you have anything to add?


I do. Thank you, ma’am. So this is all about speed. It’s about flexibility. It’s about agility. It’s about having options, not just in one theater but around the globe. And so — so the Fleet Marine Force afloat provides options to every single combatant commander, whether it’s in the high north, where we see those forces exercising today or whether it’s in the Middle East or whether it’s in the Western Pacific, everything from humanitarian assistance to they are perhaps our best platforms for working together with allies and partners.

Why? Because they’re — they’re like they’re like F-150 trucks filled with hundreds of Marines with K bars in their teeth. They’re a motivator. They’re a motivator for our allies and partners that there’s hundreds of different uses. Almost — you’re almost only limited by your imagination in terms of how you can use that force.

So again they provide options, agility, speed. And I think the number 31 allows you to get more ships at sea. And allows you to have — allows you to have more options.


Thank you. And Mr. Chairman, if I could just make two very short observations or comments regarding the R– SIOP. We better do a much better job of estimating the costs of — of the drydocks and — and all of that because that is — that was a huge difference in what was happening with Portsmouth. And the cost estimate was $750 million.

And then the contract came in at $1.7 billion, a difference. We need to not have that. And then for — I brought up the 15 ship multiyear procurement. And I checked with the shipbuilders and they said that they could build an additional ship. So we need to come together on whether or not the 15 ships is what we can actually get to. So I just want to make that observation, Mr. Chairman.


Thank you, Senator Hirono. Senator Rounds please.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Gentlemen, first let me begin by saying thank you to all of you for your years of service to our country. Admiral Gilday, let me once again thank you for the time that you’ve taken to visit with us most recently on Tuesday of this week. And your explanation of the movement that you’re making within the cyber operations for the Navy and the improvements that you envision making as well.

I would like to — to pivot from that a little bit and move back in along a similar line to what some other members here have talked about and that is with regard to the maintenance and then the operations within our shipyards. And in particular, I come back down to the same boat that I’ve talked about in the past.

That’s the USS Boise. I believe they Los Angeles class attack submarine. This is an item which has been up for and it was supposed to be in the shop for its overhaul in 2015, 2016 time period. It’s been delayed for a number of reasons since that time. And there’s been a constant discussion about moving forward.

I understand that you are now moving forward and that you’ve decided to begin that process. Could you share with the committee the thinking that you’re using and the thought process that goes into the decision that rather than scrapping that — that — that piece of machinery and actually rehabbing it and the other ones which are also behind it in line for their upgrades?


Yes, sir. So I think everybody in this room understands the utility of our submarine force. And its importance on a day-to-day basis and not only deterring adversaries, but when it comes to fight and win, they’re absolutely essential as our most survivable, stealthy strike — effective strike platform that we have in the Navy perhaps in the entire Joint Force.

And so given away any single submarine should only be — that decision should be made after great deliberation and exhaustion of other options. And so with the case of some of our newer 688 — 688 submarines or 688 Is, which have a VLS capability, we have seven of them planned for engineering overhauls as an example.

To keep what — what some might refer to as a legacy — legacy platform continue to get four or five deployments out of these — out of these submarines so that we can continue to keep them in the fight if you will. The challenge with Boise really rests inside the private shipyard that is doing that work.

So we have two private yards that do that work and we need their capacity. So based on the fact that we continue to build a viable submarine force and we know that we don’t have the capacity in our public shipyards to handle all of that maintenance, we need Electric Boat and we need Huntington Ingalls to do that work.

They are underperforming. They are over cost and way over schedule. But because we need them, we need to hold their feet to the fire to those contracts. They need to pay penalties when they don’t meet their requirements. But we need them to be all in with us and the nation that they’re supporting in this critical effort.

But we need to continue, sir, to press them to do a better job. We need — we need that capability. It’s a — it’s a national imperative.


Thank you, sir. General Berger, I have looked at your Force Design 2030. And I know that Senator Cotton led into this a little bit. There are some very well-respected former officials within the Marine Corps that had questioned whether or not it was the right direction to go. I appreciate the fact that you’ve continued to move forward, but I — I think perhaps just for the committee, we could walk our way back a little bit in terms of all of the — the reasons for the need to move in this direction.

And I think back to perhaps and I may be off on this, but in the Nagorno Karabakh war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which was fought between September of 2020 and November of 2020, we saw two countries that — that really did not have huge armies. And yet in a very short period of time, Azerbaijan was able to have a very decisive victory using 21st century weapons systems, including loitering munitions, long-range precision fire.

A lot of the items that you’re identifying as being necessary for the Marine Corps. Could you talk a little bit about the way that you envision the Marines fighting, not just when it comes to PRC, but other areas around the world that some people think we’re only looking at PRC. It appears to me that you’re looking at lots of different scenarios here, but in particular, the reason why you’ve moved in the direction of loitering ammunitions and so forth.


Some folks have written about the precision strike regime, the evolution of that over the past 15 years, 20 years. I’m in full agreement there. Combine that with the proliferation of sensors, makes it a very different battlefield than we had 20 years ago. So we have to be able to operate inside the threat collection range, inside their weapons range and be lethal both.

That meant adjusting the construct, the war fighting concepts of the Marine Corps and the — our own structure within to make sure that we can operate inside there persistently, strip away the adversary’s ability to collect against the Joint Force and collect against them all at the same time. That’s where we’re headed.

It’s a different force than we had in Desert Shield, Desert Storm. It’s not a persistent — it’s not a second land army. It’s what the nation needs us to be able to do.


Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


Thank you, Senator Rounds. Senator King, please.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I want to start with an observation. Senator Cramer and I the other night had dinner with a former member of the Ukrainian parliament from Odesa and he told us this is a side effect of this war that I thought reflected well on our support of the Ukrainians. Apparently, a common name for a new male Ukrainian baby these days is Javelin.

And for female babies, it’s Javelina. And I thought that was an indication of — of the importance of the support we’re providing to the Ukrainian people. Mr. Secretary, I want to start with a compliment which often doesn’t occur at these hearings. I want to compliment you because as I see it, your largest single increase in your budget is R & D. And I think that is absolutely essential.

Looking back through history, technology often wins wars or certainly has an important influence on — on the outcome of wars. In World War II, radar and of course the invention of the atomic weapon which was pure R & D ended World War II. Going back to the Battle of Agincourt was the Longbow and even the homely stair up many historians believe was the basis of Genghis Khan’s ability to conquer the known world at that time because it provided stability to his mhis archers on horseback.

So I want to thank you for that. Now here’s the question. I believe the technological breakthrough of — of this moment in time is the hypersonic missile. And my question is, are we — are we dealing with that issue both from a defensive and an offensive capability point of view with the requisite sense of urgency?

My concern is that our — for example, our forward presence in the Pacific is based upon aircraft carriers. And I realize this is an unclassified setting, but I want some assurance that this is a hair on fire issue at the Pentagon to deal with what the — what is could be a strategic game changing technology of the hypersonic missile.


Thanks for the question, Senator. And let me assure you wholeheartedly that this is a hair on fire type of investment in terms of developing the necessary — not just developing the R & D for it, but also as it applies to all our platforms and ensuring that we can quickly acquire that technology from the R & D to capabilities that we could actually put in the hands of the warfighters across the board.

And with regard to hypersonic, yes, we are making major investments in hypersonic. I feel quite confident that we’re going to be seeing some of these tremendous capabilities, particularly CPS on Zumwalt-class destroyers be deployed within the next couple of years. And then we’ll be aggressively deploying those ships in the — in the Pacific where they’ll be most needed.


Admiral Gilday, are you comfortable with our progress in — in dealing with the strategic notifications of hypersonic?


No, sir, I’m not. But I’ll tell you what we’re — what we’re taking a look at with respect to the terminal defense layered terminal defense. Right now we have — we are deploying directed energy systems on some of our ships. We are testing it real time against both swarming surface vessels as well as a ballistic missile defense system, which gets your point about hypersonics.

High powered microwave is another critical technology that we’re investing in. And a critical enabler for any of those terminal defense systems is going to have to be quantum computing. Another area where the secretary has — is making additional advances with respect to R & D. So in terms of giving us decision superiority over the adversary and understanding, applying both quantum computing with their AI capabilities, helping us put a defensive weapon on a target like — like a fast-moving hypersonic missile is going to be key.

And those are some of the things that we’re working on right now, sir, inside of that R & D.


I like it that you started your answer to my question with no rather than bland assurances because that indicates to me that you recognize the seriousness of this issue. A quick final point, Mr. Secretary on an entirely different subject. There is data that indicates the most dangerous point for veteran suicide is in the first two or three years after they separate from the service.

I believe that the — the services should be putting as much money and time and effort and thought into transition out as it is to recruiting in because this veteran suicide issue is — is serious. It’s — it — it’s — it’s — it’s an embarrassment and it’s a tragedy to be losing something in the number of 20 veterans a day.

But since we know from the data that that first year or so after leaving active duty is — is a moment of maximum danger, I hope that — that you will think about how to make that handoff from after active duty to the VA warmer. And think about not only the physical pieces, but also the mental and the stressors that — that impact our veterans as they become veterans.


Senator, I have, and I do actually having personally made that transition myself. I know the challenges that one faces with regards to suicide and depression and things of that matter. I talk about it just about everywhere I go. I talk about how important it is for our sailors to take care of each other to really care for each other throughout.


When a sailor shows up to the ship or the squadron wherever it may be, while they’re there and as — actually as they transition from their command to another command or to the civilian sector as well to. So we are focused on that. And we actually do work with the Department of Veterans Affairs on this issue.

Thank you. I hope that’ll be an urgent priority as well. Thank you, Mr. Chair.


Thank you, Senator King. Senator Blackburn, please.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And thank you to each of you for — — For your service and for being here with us today. I want to start with the Nuclear Posture Review. And Admiral Gilday yesterday and the House Armed Services Committee hearing you were asked about support for continuing SLCM. And your quote was you supported continuing it while we get a better understanding of the world we live in with two nuclear capable peer competitors.

And this is something that I’ve talked about with our Commanders as they’ve come before us for their hearings. And I’ve mentioned it to our Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. And they have all expressed concern with the Administration’s decision to cancel the sea launch cruise missile and have the Administration’s position that that is redundant with our other capabilities.

That is something that causes me concern. And so Admiral Gilday, I appreciated your remarks on this. So Secretary Del Toro, let me ask you what’s your position on — on this?


Yes, Ma’am. I agree with the — the President’s budget. I believe that we should zero out the SLCM line. I believe the President has all the tools in his toolkit necessarily to deter and deal with the threat of a tactical nuclear missile —


— So you’re not worried about our capabilities?


I — I am not. I believe that the President has all the tools in his toolkit with the W76 weapon to deal with —


— And your assessment of China as they — with their push on great power competition, that doesn’t keep you up at night or worry you?


That absolutely keeps me up at night and worries me. But as far as deterring China’s nuclear capability, I believe that we far exceed what we have right now in terms of being able to deter the use of a tactical nuclear missile with the W — W76 —


— Okay. What message do you think it sends to our competitors if we’re going to reduce rather than bolster our nuclear capabilities —


— I — I think the message that it sends is that we’re actually using those resources and to the tune of about $30 billion to make the necessary investments in hypersonics —


So you completely agree with the President.


Excuse me, Ma’am?


You completely agree with the President.


I completely agree with the President and the Secretary of Defense.


Okay. That’s what I wanted to — to know. Admiral Gilday you also referenced a — in your words a particular gap in capabilities which SLCM could fill. So tell me what is that particular gap?


So the — the gap specifically is the tactical nuclear capability of specifically Russia, but gaining steam is China. And the question is how do you best close that gap? SLCM-N has been offered as a single point solution. I would offer that there are others to think about, including low ne — low — low yield nuclear weapons that we deploy right now and had support of the Congress making those changes based on the previous NPR. I also think hypersonics are an important capability.

The Army’s fielding that capability this year. The Navy is going to follow suit in 2025 —


— Yeah —


— As the secretary mentioned —


— Yeah. Let me —


— With that same capability —


— Let me ask you about hypersonics. Because — and by the way, thank you for mentioning quantum computing. I totally agree with you, and Oak Ridge National Lab is doing some great work —


— Yes, Ma’am —


— In quantum research. When we look at hypersonics and we look at Arnold Engineering Development Center in Tennessee, which has the capability to support this hypersonic supply chain, talk to me about where you think we are with modernization for our testing facilities, where we are with outsourcing when it comes to our hypersonic capabilities.


We continue to make investments in the testing facilities, including the testing — testing facilities that allow us to take a hypersonic weapon into — into — and to refine its capabilities so that it’s actually able to be launched from a submerged — submerged submarine. Because we want to put that capability aboard our new subs as early as 2028. So that’s an example of continued investment.

As I look at the hypersonics program that — it’s a joint program among the services — we are meeting every benchmark and milestone in that program. So I am confident — I have a pretty high degree of confidence that — in the army system that’ll field this year in a mobile system and then the Navy system to follow suit.

Ma’am, I think with the continued support of Congress in those funding lines — and last year, you actually di — doubled the Navy’s funding for hypersonics, which we’re grateful for.


Well, I spoke to General Brown during the Air Force posture hearing about this issue and the capabilities that we have at Arnold, and also about looking at how we leverage risk and how we take more risk in pushing forward in this sector. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Yield back.


Thank you very much, Senator Blackburn. Senator Kelly, please.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. General Berger, I’ve got a question about the Marine Corps Air Station in Yuma. Arizona is really proud to host the Marines in Yuma, including F-35 squadrons. I’ve had the opportunity to fly the F-35 simulator a couple of times.


It’s nice to know that our fighters, our premier fighters outmatch those of our adversaries and we’re happy to have them in Arizona. So we’ve got this premier fighter, but we also have a base that has some infrastructure problems, critical infrastructure. At Marine Corps Air Station Yuma they’re currently planning to upgrade the water treatment facilities on the installation.

And my understanding is that the current treatment plant was built in 1947. So it’s nearly 80 years old. And this treatment plant supplies water for a large part of the base — base’s — the base’s systems, but also supplies water for family housing and tenant commands. And the water doesn’t meet water quality standards.

And I understand that the current budget plans would seek funding for this project — would not seek funding for this project until fiscal year 2026. So I’m concerned that the system is not able to meet these water quality regulations for potable water. And this cannot be — with the current plan will not be addressed for a number of years.

So General, are you looking to expedite projects like Yuma’s Water Treatment Plant that affect the health and safety of our Marines and their families?


Thanks, Senator. Having lived at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma in 1991 to 94, I think, I know exactly what you’re talking about. If you’ll allow me, Senator, I’d like to look into this problem and come back to you individually with where that project is in funding and to your point what might be done to accelerate it. But you’re never going to — I don’t think you expect us to shoot from the hip.

So if it’s okay with you, I’ll do the homework and I will come back to your office with here’s where it lays right now. And we — and this is what it would take to accelerate it.


I appreciate that. I’ve spent a lot of time down there on the base looking at facilities. You know, I really love looking at the airplanes and spending time there. But as — as important as the airplanes are, you know, things like enlisted housing, which also we — my — my office would like to follow up on that issue as well.

I’ve got a totally different question for Secretary Del Toro and Admiral Gilday. So in April, the State Department announced that the United States and India had agreed at their recent two plus two dialogue to explore possibilities of utilizing Indian shipyards for repair and maintenance of ships of the US Maritime Sealift Command.

I was in India just a few weeks ago and had discussions about this with Indian officials, deputy national security advisor, their Secretary of Defense. And they were really interested in this opportunity and optimistic about it. So in connection with this possibility, Mr. Secretary, to what degree would doing this work enhance Navy and DOD operations in the Indo-Pacific region?

And would doing this work in Indian shipyards, strengthen US Indian relations?


Thanks, Senator. And — and thanks for your dedication to this issue. Because what distinguishes us from the Russians and the Chinese is the alliances — the strength of the alliances that we have with our partner nations around the globe. And that is no better example of our relationship with India as it continues to grow.

And while the specifics of this deal is being negotiated, I think overall that it’s a perfect representation of what we need to continue to do around the globe as well in order to support our ships deployed in the Indo-Pacific. The CNO has been very engaged in this. If — with your permission, I’d like to ask him to discuss the matter further.


Thank you, Sir. So I visited India and I specifically asked to go to Mumbai to take a look at their civilian shipyards to see for myself what their capabilities are there. Their cap — this is a quick win for the United States India relationship. We’re just sending now a — a team over there to do a more detailed survey.

My goal is to get a ship in there this summer to do voyage repairs. So it gives us more — more flexibility, more opportunities in theater to get ships fixed. They have a high — I have a high degree of confidence in their ability to do that. I think we’re on the right track, Sir. And I’ll follow up with you as we nail down that deal.


All right. And if there’s any other, you know, gaps in authorities that you need from Congress, please let us know. And I’d like to figure out a way to get this — get this done. India and the United States, we have the same strategic problem in the region and that’s — and that’s China. So it’s — wherever we can look for more opportunities to work joint — jointly with the Indian government, the Indian military, I think it benefits us. Thank you.


Thank you, Senator Kelly. Senator Tuberville please.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you very much, gentlemen, for being here today and your service. Admiral Gilday, after the fall of Afghanistan we didn’t see a single senior officer lose their job. I think that surprised many, many people here in the United States. You know, we’ve heard a lot today about current culture problems plaguing the military.

But I want to commend something that the Navy does exceptionally well: accountability. The Navy has a huge culture in accountability. For example, the USS Connecticut hit an underwater mountain last fall. Am I correct that you removed the Commander, Executive Off– Officer, and the senior enlisted boat chief?


Yes, Sir. We did.


In your words, why is the Navy’s culture of holding senior officers accountable more important in maintaining standards and performance? Could you give me your — your thoughts?


Well, Sir, I think — I think standards of command are very important. They’re grounded in the law. They’re also grounded in Navy — Navy — Navy regulations. But more importantly, there’s the expectation that our sailors have that we — that we hold their seniors — hold their seniors accountable. And perhaps even more important than that the confidence of the American people that they’re — that they — they send their youth to serve for their country.

And that they be well-led. And if they’re not well-led, then we change those leaders out.


Thank you. In your opening statement, there was a couple of things that struck me. And this is also for General Berger. Recruiting, training, and accountability. You said that you’d much prefer quality over quantity and I think we all agree with that. A 21st century military. I think that we all need to open our eyes about what just happened in the last 70, 80 days.

Russia going into Ukraine. Russia had every hand up on Ukraine. Except Russia didn’t realize — they hadn’t been in a war in a while and their mid-level officers failed, their leadership failed. They had all kind of weapons and they got their tails handed to em. I think it’s very, very important that we understand this is a different era.

I just came from coaching. The kids, young men and women have changed over the last 20, 30 years. And we need to change with it. And I — I take my hat off to General Berger for what he’s done in terms of changing his philosophy of the weapons that they might use in — in — in certain ways. What do you think about the future of recruiting and training and the accountability of today’s young men and women in our armed forces?


Well, Sir, I think — I think our recruiting cha — there are definitely recruiting challenges based on the fact that the pool of qualified recruits is getting smaller. It’s not getting larger. I will say this. I think it’s important for the country to celebrate what a great military that we have so that our youth actually see that as a viable attractive option for them — for them to serve their country with pride and — and to make their families proud.

But it’s something that, you know, all too often, you know, there are plenty of cheap shots out there. It’s easy to be negative. But boy, the further you get away from DC the better things look with respect to the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps, in the quality of people that we have serving, in the quality of leaders, the dedication, the passion, the commitment.

It’s a great outfit with a great future for anybody that wants to — that wants to join.


Thank you. General Berger.


Sir, you mentioned Russia. Other folks in here have mention China. I think in the same way as some people contrast the democracy versus, you know, autocracy, we have an all-volunteer force. Not lost on us, right? In other words, sort of like democracy is an experiment, all volunteer force is not on autopilot.

That — I mean, that’s where you’re driving it. We have to work at an all-volunteer force. It’s not on autopilot. You know, all of us, every recruiter, all of you are part of the health of that force. They — they come into the military for a lot of reasons. Money is — is an incentive, but that’s not why they joined the Navy.

That’s not why they joined the Marine Corps. They want to be part of something bigger. They want to be challenged. They want to contribute to the US. We — we all have to be proactive, I think, in how we bring them into the military. It’s not on autopilot. It’s not on cruise control.


And we can’t lose our hard-nosed training because you — you just saw what happened with Russia’s military. Social media — so those men and women fighting for Russia was a problem. They all had phones. And they were able to read those. It’s a different — different era. And we need to make sure we can adjust to this era along with it. Because if we don’t, then it doesn’t make any difference how much money we spend or how we go about recruiting.

If we don’t look at the problems that we just saw from a superpower, then we will not learn ourselves and — and we could end up on the same side of the boat. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.


Thank you, Senator Tuberville. Senator Peters, please.


Thank you, Mr. — thank you, Mr. Chairman. Secretary Del Toro, in February of this year a federal judge approved a settlement agreement in the class action lawsuit Manker v Del Toro. The lawsuit alleged that the Navy had systematically denied discharge status upgrades to Corporal Manker and thousands of other Marines and sailors who were suffering from PTSD or TBI at the time of their discharge.


These denials were in direct contravention of statute, as well as internal DOD memoranda. That both a federal judge and the Department of Navy agreed to settle — to a settlement demonstrates the veracity of the claims put forward by Corporal Manker. This agreement is also in line with earlier settlement agreement from Kennedy v McCarthy, which dealt with nearly the same issue but for the Department of the Army.


As a sponsor of the Fairness for Veterans Act, the issue of bad paper discharges and ensuring our veterans are — are getting the benefits they’ve earned through their service is a priority for me. And the allegations leveled in Manker v Toro are certainly extremely troubling. These folks who were suffering from PTSD and was not diagnosed at the time of that discharge.


My question for you, Sir, is why did the Navy choose to ignore the Fairness for Veterans Act as well as protections laid out in Hagel, Kurta, Wilkie, and Carson memos when dealing with veterans appearing before the Naval Discharge Review Board?




Mr. Secretary, could you bring the microphone closer, please?


Thank you, Senator for your support of the Fairness for Veterans Act. As to the question — and thank you for your support of our veterans in general. I’m committed to ensuring that our veterans receive the appropriate due process through the Navy’s Discharge Review Board. And I am pleased that we were able to settle on this matter.

As I understand it, the Department of the Navy did not ignore the Fairness for Veterans Act or the protections laid out in these memos, though the Department of Navy did not clearly articulate that the memos were taken into consideration during the adjudication process itself. The memos provide that not all misconduct can be mitigated.

However, there are nuances including when the memos were issued and which entities and classes of veterans were subject to them. And I’d be happy to set up a specific briefing with your office to discuss these nuances and your concerns. But let me assure you that we will continue to cooperate to the fullest extent as we actually execute the details of the agreement itself.


Do — do you see any difficulties in fully complying with a settle — settlement? And — and what are the timelines you have?


I do not and I’ll have to get back to you on the exact time line, Senator.


Well, I appreciate it. I’d love to work with your office on this issue going forward.


Yes, Sir.


General Berger, force — force design 2030 calls for among many things the Marine Corps to more enthusiastically embrace the use of drones, both at the tactical level through the use of ravens and pumas, but also at the operational level with the recent procurement of MQ-9s.


If — if INDOPACOM is the theater priority which it is and increasing the Marines’ organic ISR is a priority of yours as well that I — that I understand. I’m curious though how you plan to embrace these new platforms as you also at the same time simultaneously seek to divest yourself of roughly 10,000 Marines over the — for the next decade.

So my question for you is in an era of constrained budgets and static or declining personnel levels, how do you plan to leverage the manpower resources available to you in the Marine Corps Force’s reserves to bolster the Marine Corps ISR capabilities and use of drones?


A couple thoughts, Sir. First, the divestments for the Marine Corps are largely done. That’s what the last three years was focused on including the structure. We’re — we’re about where we’re leveled off at 177,000 plus or minus. And that’s about where we were before 9/11. So that part is complete. The modernization of the Marine Corps, as you highlighted, will amplify the role of unmanned systems: air, surface, ground.

And close and — organically close and kill chains and kill webs is — is what enables that forward force to do what it ha — to do what it’s going to need to do. So what’s the difference? Well, some — some of it is the change in the way that we operate. In other words, unmanned systems for the last 15 years had a big footprint on the ground in terms of ground control stations, infusion, all of that.

I think artificial intelligence and the modernization of the network will shrink that. Second, frankly the — the folks who operate those systems now are they’re — they’re digital natives. This is the — this is the world they grew up in. So we’re not teaching somebody something from scratch. This is something they have lived with since they were a teenager.


Great. That’s correct. Thank — thank you so much. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


Thank you, Senator Peters. Senator Sullivan please.


Mr. Chairman — thank you, Mr. Chairman. And gentleman, thank you for your service. General, I want to stay focused on force design. Again, I appreciate like a lot of the Senators the bold initiatives pursuant to the 2018 NDS that you’ve undertaken with force design. I do want to go into a couple of the bigger issues that have emerged, one in which I — I see probably the biggest risk to the force and the mission.


The Marine Corps that I’m concerned about is the rate of divestiture compared to the rate of new capability development being fielded. It’s in essence building on what Senator Peters mentioned. In particular, a lot of the experts view one of the most dangerous periods in United States China relations as in the late 2020s. And as you have executed force design, the Marine Corps has reduced the number of — the number and size of infantry battalions, divested all its tanks, reduced the number of aviation squadrons and canon artillery batteries.


Additionally, just last month, the light amphibious warship, a central piece to the concept of stand in forces and force design was announced will be further delayed until 2025. First shipment’s not expected till 2027. Can you explain how the rate of divestiture in the rate of new capability development integration keeps the Marine Corps optimally prepared for conflict today and in the future?

And is there risk and how do you mitigate it? I believe there is risk.


There absolutely is risk. I think in any organization that goes through force design, civilian sector or military, if you’re going through that effort there’s absolutely some risk. The challenge is making sure you can see it, you can understand it, that you share it with the stakeholders including this committee.

And you — you have ways to offset that risk while you’re modernizing at speed. If we had waited — for example, Senator, if we had waited three years — let’s say we waited this year to start divestment. We would never be able to stay in front of China. That’s the assumption going forward. At the rate that they are modernizing and expanding, if we had waited we never could have closed the gap, never would have stayed in front.


Can I ask you, General, just to your comments that you just made to work with this committee to ensure that this — again, there’s a lot of divestment going on right now. Pretty dramatic. In capability development is further out. The laws are delayed. Some of these systems haven’t been fully developed. Can you provide to this committee a timeline and a chart that anticipates year by year between now and 2030 or maybe even looking back when force design 2030 began to what we’re divesting and what we’re gaining and how will that make sure that the gap in the trough between divestment and combat capability is not so big that it po — poses risk to the force or mission.

Can you provide that to the committee?


I can absolutely do that. And that is the rationale. That’s the reason behind publishing each year this is where we are with force design. This is what we’ve learned to date, the actions taken. This is the plan ahead, which we published last month for this year.


Yep. No, I saw that.


That is the goal.


I appreciate you working with us on that. Let me go to another issue. And you mentioned it in your testimony, but some of the criticisms of force design is that it’s so China focused that it undermines the Corps’ capability to be a lethal force in readiness to meet any contingency anywhere in the world which, of course, is a hallmark of the Marine Corps.

Can you describe in detail how the Marine Corps of 2030 will apply a combat — combined arms across a range of global conflict scenarios and how that compares and enhances your current combined arms and mag to have capabilities anywhere in the world, not just China?


The distinction — the — the understanding of what pacing means matters —


— Of course —


— And the — the term pacing of course predates 2018 when the National Defense Strategy first came out. Pacing — that’s that level — that’s the bar at which the capabilities that you have to either match or overmatch that in order to compete and win. It’s not about invading China. It’s not about fighting China.

It’s about — that is the level of capabilities that the Joint Force and the Marine Corps has to have — has to have a relative advantage over. So the — the whole force design effort, in fact, the — the modernization of the joint force is meant with that in mind. Not us — what’s the likelihood of us fighting China.

But what is the level of capabilities that we will need in order to have a relative advantage now and into the future. Combined arms in the past, of course, was — worked very well for the Marine Corps, has ensured our success. It will be the foundation going forward. That — but how we fight combined arms will change.

The integration of centers to shooters was step number one. The second one is the — the shortening the steps from the data to the shooting element. Thi — this is a progression of combined arms that’s natural. This is evolution. Again, driven by technology on the one hand and the threat on the other hand.

Combined arms in 2030 or combined arms in 2027 will look a little bit different than today. And it’s necessary. But it was — it is still combined arms, and it’s in support of or in conjunction with maneuver always.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


Thank you, Senator Sullivan. Senator Rosen, please.


Well, thank you Chairman Reed for holding this hearing. Thank you for the witnesses for being here today, for your service. And Secretary Del Toro it is really good to see you again. Thank you for meeting with me recently. And of course I’m going to talk about Fallon Naval Air Station today. And Secretary Del Toro, as you well know, we are so proud — Nevada’s so proud to host Fallon Naval Air Station, it’s home to TOPGUN and our — our nation’s premier carrier air wing and our SEAL training centers.

And the Navy is seeking to expand Fallon by over 650,000 acres. And as we’ve discussed on several occasions, this proposal would impact our local communities, our tribes, sportsmens[Ph], ranchers, and others who currently access and operate on these lands. And I really appreciate the visits you and Admiral Gilday have made to Fallon, your continued collaboration with me and the Nevada delegation.

Thank you. All the local stakeholders as we all work to reach consensus on a proposal that both supports the military modernization requirements you’re speaking of keep up with our current and — — surging threats, while maintaining Nevada’s natural and cultural resources through land mitigations in the northern parts of our state.

And I know we’ve been working with the Department of Interior to improve the original expansion requests and that OMB has just cleared the legislative proposal on Tuesday for congressional review. So now that it’s been released to Congress, could you speak a little bit about the specifics and how you think it addresses a concern — concerns raised in the original Fallon proposals, Mr. Secretary?


Yes, ma’am. And thank you for your leadership and the leadership of the entire delegation on this critically important issue to our combat readiness across the Department of the Navy, both Marine Corps and Navy. Obviously, the expansion of Fallon is just simply critical to our combat readiness in the future to be able to deter our aggressors and — in China, Russia, and anywhere else around the globe with modernized aircraft and missile systems and weapon systems.

It’s just simply critical that our warfighters be able to train like they fight in order to create a culture of war fighting excellence. And I’m very pleased that the Department of the Navy has been able to come to agreement with all the stakeholders. They’re involved in a very respectful way across the entire community to try to come to a better place so that this legislative proposal can move forward here in the Congress.

And we do look forward to its possible passing this — this coming year.


Thank you. I want to talk critically about — a critical housing shortage though at the Naval Air Station, because it’s the only naval base in the continental United States. It’s designated as a critical housing area. So the housing shortage is just been — we’ve been briefed to leadership for future construction.

Little progress has been made. And the shortage of course is only getting worse. So as we modernize and expand, this is going to place a bigger strain on housing. So I understand that there’s about 400 acres of — of land adjacent to the current base housing in Fallon, which was once housing that was demolished years ago.

Are there plans to utilize this? And can I have your commitment to really increase housing in — in Fallon and the surrounding areas?


So Senator, this is another issue that’s incredibly important to the quality of life of our sailors across the whole nation and specifically to Fallon as well to allow me to come back to you with answers that regard this specific issue there at Nevada in terms of the timeline, but we are deeply committed to providing not just family housing to our sailors who have families, but also to our single sailors as well, too, in order to provide them the quality of life that they deserve.

Would you like to comment any further on that or —


Just a quick comment, ma’am. Fallon is a national treasure. We — what it provides for our war fighters is absolutely unmatched. If you take a look at Russia, showing up to a fight untrained, it gives you — that’s the reason why we need — we need Fallon. The first time we used these weapons with these aircraft can’t be in conflict.

With respect to housing, we are making an investment in Fallon and we hope to put — we’re on track to put a contract for 172 new units in place about a year from now.


Well, that’s — that’s terrific because we know Fallon, of course, is a small area surrounding there. There’s a housing shortage already. And you can’t expand and modernize and bring the kind of staff that we need that even the surround [ph] — workforce for the surrounding community support everyone, unless we have at least affordable housing for our servicemen and women.

So I appreciate you getting on this and thinking about it as quickly as we can and get it on the board because I — we can’t have homeless service men and women. That’s for sure. Thank you. Yield back.


Thank you very much, Senator Rosen. Senator Scott, please.


Thank you, Chair, for — for holding this meeting. And I want to thank each of you for your service, your hard work and try to make sure we have the most lethal military in the world. Can you talk about how — you know, it doesn’t seem like where our — our — our risk are going down, China is continuing to be belligerent.

They’re trying — they’re — they’re building big navy. Russia is not getting better. You know, there’s not — there’s no place in the world that seems like it’s getting safer right now. So the President budget has us shrinking our naval battle force from 298 ships today to 280 in fiscal year 2027. So talk about how you’re going to — how you’re going to deal with the reduced capacity, how, you know, what — what plans do you have to be able to continue to provide the same support around the world where it might be needed?


Morning, Senator. It’s an incredibly important question. Yes, capacity does dip down in the next five years, but then it steadies out again five years later — I feel — in accordance to the shipbuilding plan. But what’s more important is that although the size of the Navy may dip, the capabilities of the Navy are actually going to be greater than they ever have been before.

And we’re actually bringing online just over the next fit [ph] of 50 battleships and supply ships that are going to be far more capable of deterring our aggressors, China, Russia, anywhere else that we face aggressors around the globe, than we have been able to in the past. With the type of R&D investments in modernization, that’s critical to deter them in every way.


Admiral Gilday.


Sir, we’ve underinvested in the United States Navy for two decades for good reason based on our priorities in Afghanistan and Iraq. As you know, getting the industrial base, putting that rudder over, and generating new capability at speed, that’s a challenge, particularly when you think about the complexity of the warships, the best warships in the world that we put to sea, manned by the best sailors in the world.

And so it’s going to take time. And we have — I would draw a parallel to the — to the Commandant’s challenge with force design 2030; when new capabilities always lag the divestment, but based on the top line that we have and based on the threat that we face, particularly with respect to China, we have to make sure that based on the budget we have, we are fueling [ph] the most lethal, capable, ready for the we can.

You mentioned in your comments upfront that lethality matters — matters. So I think we’re 100 percent aligned with respect to that. And we are trying to make sure that both the Navy that we have today and the Navy we have in the future has the best — has the best capabilities, but also has the best trained force that we can put on those ships.


Thanks. Can you explain what happened with the — with the littoral combat ships that we just commissioned a couple of years ago. Now we’re talking about — what happened and — and we just did — or did our needs change or did we pick the wrong ship before? I mean, it’s a pretty big investment to — to get rid of.


Yes, sir. So the Navy’s enduring missions are sea control and power projection. And we should never ever lose sight of the capabilities that we’re going to invest in contribute — contribute to those two missions. I would offer that LCS was an idea 20, 25 years ago that just did not consider those two missions with respect — to those two enduring missions with respect to a high end peer competitor like we face right now with China.

With respect to the nine ships we have right now on the table in this budget proposal to retire, that is primarily driven by the fact that the systems that we were going to put on that ship just did not plan [ph] out in terms of technical capability against the threat that we’re facing. And my — my best advice would not have been put another dollar against those systems, but to reinvest that in systems that really make a difference in the future and in weapons that we need today in the fleet.


Thank you. General Berger, as you — as you revamp what the Marine Corps is doing, can you talk about how you’re going to have to change your working relationship with the other branches of government to be able to fulfill your mission — your mission?


I don’t know that it’s a fundamental shift. Or are you talking about outside the Department of Defense, Senator? Is that what you mean or —


No. The other branches of the military.


The other branches. Here, I think, no fundamental change, no. But I think a more realistic view of where overlaps are between the services that are healthy and where they’re redundant and excessive. In certain areas, for the joint force to do what it needs to do, overlap is healthy — overlap is a good thing.

But where it gets to be excessive, inefficient, okay, there we have to be able — we have to make the hard decisions And that’s part of what’s driving force design.


All right. Thank you. Thank each of you for what you’re doing.


Thank you, Senator Scott. Senator Wicker, please.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I understand there’s been a lot of discussion about LPDs. Let me just see if we can summarize. General Berger, your requirement for traditional amphibious ships is 31, is that right?


That’s correct, sir.


And — and Admiral Gilday, you agree with that, is that correct?


Yes, sir. Our joint analysis supports that.


Okay. Now, there — there is a study that the CNO, Admiral Gilday, has told us today confirms that 31 is the requirement. So Mr. Secretary, that is a fact, is it not?


The study has concluded. The findings of the studies are now being reported out and being discussed in the Department of Defense as well as by myself as well as in the Department of Navy. And that has — the findings of that study now has to be balanced by the force naval structure assessment that’s being conducted for POM 2024 that is aligned to the National Defense Strategy.

So there is some additional work that needs to be done before the — the final determination is made.


Mr. Secretary, do Admiral Gilday and General Berger know what they’re talking about?


Yes, sir, they do.


Okay. So have they made a misstatement today?


No, sir, they have made a misstatement today.


Okay. And we were told we would have this study before today’s hearing. Assistant Secretary Stephanie said that. So why do we not have the study yet?


I don’t know why the assistant secretary told you that sir. He may have misspoken, but certainly he did not consult with me in releasing that study because it hasn’t been reviewed yet by senior leaders of the Department of Defense.


When do you think we will have that study when all these extra steps you mentioned are done?


It should be, if required, it should be released in the next several weeks, sir.


Let me just say also, during the Chairman’s opening statement, he talked about the 355 ship Navy and that is — I think he may have mentioned it as a goal. You are aware, Mr. Secretary, that that is in the statute, the law of the land passed by both houses of Congress and signed into law by the President of the United States.

Are you aware of that?


Yes, sir, I am.


Okay. And are you guided at all by the fact that the statute actually says 355 ships?


Yes, sir, I am guided by that. And if you actually look at the — one of the alternatives in our shipbuilding plan, it actually meets the requirements of that statute.


Okay. General Berger, will you elaborate on the update to Force Design 2030? What does it mean in layman’s terms about the Hider Finder emphasis and its ability to support lethality and our ability to win future fights?


Hider Finder reconnaissance — counter reconnaissance goes by different names, but it’s the same idea, Senator, in that if you have the lethal means to engage your target, hold them at risk, there’s a presumption there you can find them. And there’s also a presumption that you can find them first and get the first round downrange.

So more and more as from satellites down to terrestrial down to subterranean sensors are allowing not just great powers, but a lot of powers to see what’s going on around them. So winning that, when I say, when we say winning the Hider Finder competition, it means the ability to detect, track, and conceal your own location or stay within a displacement cycle that moves you more rapidly than they can target you.

Winning that stays in front of the adversary. Losing that means they can engage you. Means you’re held at risk. So it doesn’t decrease the importance of lethality. Absolutely as important as it always has been. But more and more and more important is the realization that we have to have the means to detect, to track, to hold at risk the adversary and do it first.


Thank you very much. Mr. — Mr. Chairman — I don’t — in 6 seconds, I don’t have time to ask about the — the failure of the USS Sioux City and the reason for the class wide failure of the ship’s engineering plan. So I’ll — I’ll — I’ll see if I can take a second round or ask that on the record. And I yield.


Thank you very much, Senator Wicker. Let me recognize Senator Tillis please.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Gentlemen, thank you for being here. Admiral Gilday, I enjoyed the time that Senator Gellibrand and I spent with you and Admiral Joiner. Thank you for giving us that time. I want to — I want to talk a little bit about Finland and Sweden for a moment because we have a number of members, I think they need to increase their level of understanding as we move into to what will likely be an invitation from — from NATO to join NATO after they expressed their desire to do so in the coming days or weeks.

Just for edification purposes, Finland is a nation of 5 million people. Right now, they have 62 F-18s, they have 64 F-35s on order. They are already spending 2 percent as a percentage of GDP on military. And they’ve announced putting out another $2.2 billion. In Sweden, they have 80 gripen fourth generation, somewhere between an F-16, F-18 capability.

They’re spending 1.3 as a percentage of GDP today and they’ve expressed a commitment to getting to 2 percent by 2028. We know that they embrace Western norms. They have the rule of law. They check all the boxes with respect to what would be a welcome member of NATO. Number one, would you refute any of that?

And number two, can you tell me a little bit about your relationships with your counterparts in both Sweden and Finland and your observations on their participation in various joint exercises that we’ve had? And we’ll start with Admiral Gilday and then — and then Mr. Secretary, you’re more than welcome to opine, but I’m really interested in the mil to mil relationships first and how you would assess their capabilities.

I for one think they’d be a net exporter of security if they were able to achieve accession into NATO. I’d like to get your view on that for the record.


Yes, sir. I have a relationship with both heads the Navy. In terms of the Swedish CNO, she was just at my — my home last month for dinner. And so we have ongoing dialogue with her. Both of those militaries as you stated, are very capable. We like their geography as well. They are in a key position. I would also just reiterate with the committee our — our — already knows and that’s the — they both enjoy special partnership as a — as a near ally — near ally status.

And so we exercise and work very, very closely with those militaries. I would characterize our — our ability to work together with them in exercises as highly interoperable. And so I see this transition into NATO if it happens as virtually seamless from a — from a military perspective.


General Berger.


Sir, I’ve, probably like the CNO and some others, I’ve trained with both countries and also from Kosovo to Middle East fought with them. Combat in combat, served with them in units. They’re phenomenal. Both countries. Both are very focused, very dedicated, disciplined, and well-trained, well-led. Second part, I would say Finland because of the long border that they have with Russia and the decades since World War Two have a unique insight into Russia, very valuable for us, just because of the length of the shared border.

And I would just call it a unique relationship that’s very valuable. Norway just has a little short border with them, but Finland a long one. Third, I would say the unique relationship between Norway and Finland and Sweden will be hugely valuable to us because Norway being a founding member of NATO and us working with them for 70 years, they — their relationship with Finland and Sweden will be a tremendous benefit to the US and to the mil to mil relationship.


Thank you. Mr. Secretary.


The only thing I’ll add, Senator, is I think there’s tremendous opportunities for collaboration among all four of those nations that were mentioned in the high north in the Baltic.


Okay. I’m going to submit a lot of questions for the record about FARC, East and resource requirements, things like that. Admiral Gilday, I appreciate your comment when we had breakfast about getting back down there again. And Commandant, I appreciate your focus on that area. The last thing I want to focus on is whether or not you all believe that that Admiral — Admiral Mullen’s concerns about our national debt back in 2011 when it was just approaching $12 trillion is every bit as much a threat to us today in terms of national security now that we’re approaching 30 trillion.

Now he didn’t — he didn’t state it if you read all that he spoke on and wrote there, it wasn’t because of a dollar value, it was because of how disruptive that becomes with the ebbs and flows of investment for defense for modernization. And am I correct in assuming that at least some of what’s driving you all to rethink how we counter to the threat in an effective way in the future is driven by — by the ebbs and flows and the lack of certainty that you get from Congress with respect to short and long term investments?

And Mr. Secretary, I’ll start with you and then I’ll have either of the two opine as well. Thank you, Mr. Chair.


Senator, I’m always concerned about the nation’s deficit and the nation’s national debt as well and the impact it has on the economy. These are challenging economic issues that have to be well balanced among all the other concerns that the nation faces. And certainly, our nation has faced great challenges since 2001 economic, militarily, and with regards to COVID as well.


Yes, sir. Quickly, I’d say that a key piece of that is lack of predictability and stability. And so not just inside the military, and not just for the US industrial base, but also what we project to our allies and partners and potential adversaries.


CNO captured it, and I think that then things like a continuing resolution hurt both internally and externally, just the — just the way that Admiral Gilday highlighted. So working closely with this committee to make sure we do get a budget on time in October, absolutely instills the confidence that we need.


And Mr. Chair, I know I run over and I try not to most of the time. And, you know, I just want to say that when we — excuse me, we have discussions about our disappointment with progress on certain systems, progress on implementing certain strategies that from time to time we have to look at ourselves and recognize that decisions we make here are part of the root cause for some of the challenges that you have to deal with.

Not that they are error free, but I think this is a joint — we’re jointly responsible for doing a better job and helping you all be more successful. Thank you.


Thank you, Senator Hill. Senator Blumenthal, please.


Thank you. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Thank you all for your leadership and your service. Commandant, you know, I was very interested in one of your responses to an earlier question about the enduring lessons of war and the new lessons, the technology changes, but some of the enduring facts about military strength remain.

One of them has always seemed to me — and it’s a strength of the Marine Corps are noncommissioned officer leadership. And if what we hear and see is true about the Russian military right now, one of their central weaknesses has been lack of leadership on the ground among the equivalent of our noncommissioned senior leadership, not so senior, probably for us, it’s men and women in their twenties and early thirties who command units and are able to drive them in times of danger and need.

And I think that is one of the enduring facts about the Marine Corps that is a source of its strength to the nation. And I’m assuming that you are focused on developing that kind of leadership wherever it may be regardless of geography, race, religion, and gender.


Two thoughts to offer back to you, Senator. Absolutely, yes, And I am so grateful that my predecessors like General Gray and others put the emphasis and the resources on the training and the education of the noncommissioned officers. Because without that they didn’t have the tools. He — he and others focused on that 25, 30 years ago, we are reaping the benefits of that now.

The second part of that, I would say the — the NCO corps itself is the officers have to have confidence in them and delegate to them without micro-managing, trust that they’re going to — they’re going to lead trust that they’re going to make decisions on their own. And that’s the way that the Marine Corps operates.

That is, as you captured it, that is the strength of what we do as the NCO corps.


Thank you. Admiral Gilday, I know you made reference to earlier in response, I think to Senator Rounds, the value of having a private shipyard do submarine maintenance work. I — I think that Electric Boat has been a source of great strength in terms of maintenance. The Navy has not yet awarded the contract for work on the Hartford and I hope that it will do so fairly promptly.

I understand it may be in June. Am I correct in that understanding?


Sir, I’ll get back to you and the exact timeline, but yes, I’d just like to double down on my comments and how important both Electric Boat and Huntington Ingles are from a repair — not only from a production standpoint, but from — from a repair standpoint, they’re absolutely critical.


I also want to focus on a somewhat arcane, but I think important question about the unusually hazardous risk indemnity. This issue is complex, but again for contractors, it’s a very important one. I recently voiced my concerns over a change in the unusual — unusually hazardous risk indemnity policy in an exchange with Assistant Secretary Stephanie last week, as a matter of fact.

I’m not going to have time and I know we’re at the end of a lengthy hearing. But I would be interested in comments that you may have in writing. The Navy risks losing its private partners and thus its ability to build major weapons systems and technology for future conflict if it fails to take account of the risks that they undertake by reversing a decades old indemnification policy to no longer cover those kinds of risks involving conventional weapons that rely on high energy propellants.

It may seem like a technical issue, but it’s one of great concern to the companies that manufacture these weapons, and I’d appreciate your looking into it.


Yes, sir.


Thank you very much. Thanks, Mr. Chairman.


Thank you, Senator Blumenthal. Senator Hawley, please.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thanks all of you for being here. Thank you for your service. General Berger, I just want to start by saying that I was particularly pleased to see in the Force Design 2030 annual update, your continued focus on China as the nation’s pacing threat on the Taiwan scenario and your continued use of — of those scenarios and that threat to benchmark the — what the Marine Corps efforts are in your strategic design.

I think it’s a bold vision which you’ve been doing, much overdue. And I just want to say, I think you’ve done it in a very rigorous and thoughtful way. So I think it’s a model. Keep up the good work. Mr. Secretary, if I could come to you, you said in response to a question a minute ago that one of the shipbuilding profiles — this is on the shipbuilding plan — one of the profiles, there are three of them, one of them supports the statutory requirement of a 355 ship Navy.

Is that profile three, I assume?


Yes, sir.


Okay. On the same plan, Admiral, the Navy officials told me earlier this week and last week that profiles one and two of the ship building plan do not meet the Navy’s operational requirements for the pacing scenario in PACOM with regard to Taiwan.


Can you confirm that profile three would meet the navy’s operational —


Sir, three, does a better job. The constraint — is constraint you still face in three is the ability of the industrial base to — to produce those — for the production line to actually produce — produce those ships at pace to meet — to meet our requirements. So the warfighting requirements in the Navy Marine Corps are what — they are best reflected in an alternative three.


So are you telling me, Admiral, we would get there in three, but we might — it might still be a push even under three? Am I hearing you right?


We would get there with three, but that would require real growth in the budget.


Let me just ask you how long it would take to get to the point under three where the Navy be able to meet its operational requirements?


So with respect to 355, sir, that would be out in the 2040s in order to put us — put us on that — put us on that path, which I think is probably, you know, physically reasonable given again the constraints of the industrial base.


What about the operational requirements for the pacing scenario in — in PACOM? That is a defeating a fait accompli — it gets done.


So capacity — capacity does give — you obviously gives you greater capability and based in the way we’re going to fight, which we believe is to be distributed — distributed fleet rather than massing forces. We would mass effects. We want — we need more ships of every — of every different type. And so I’m not ignoring the need for capacity.

But given the top line that we have and dealing with reality, what we’re trying to do, Senator, is make sure that the ships that we have and that we are building are the most capable and high quality that we — that we can field.


I just want to say again —


— for the record that I think it’s disturbing, This is no reflection on you, Admiral, but I think it’s disturbing that of the three profiles in the shipbuilding plant, only one of them comes close. And you were saying even then, it’ll be a push, but comes close to meeting the operational requirements that the Navy has to deal with the pacing challenge and the pacing theater.

I mean, if that’s not a wakeup call to this committee, I don’t know what is. Let me ask you about the danger of simultaneous conflicts, Admiral, in multiple theaters. So what would happen if the Navy — let me ask it this way. What — what would the impact be on the Navy’s ability to meet its operational requirements in EUCOM if we had to withhold Navy forces from Europe in order to deter Chinese aggression in PACOM?


I think we’d be challenged. We’d have to take a look at how you squeeze the most out of the joint force you have and use it in the best — best possible way. But I think we’d be challenged. You know, right now the force is not sized to handle two simultaneous conflicts. It’s — it’s sized to fight one and to keep — keep a second adversary in check.

But in terms of a two — two all-out conflicts, we are not sized for that.


Can you give us a sense of — of what kind of capabilities that the Navy provides that would be in high demand, are in high demand in both EUCOM and PACOM?


First of all, submarines. I think secondly would be carrier air. Third would be amphibious ships. And then you need destroyers with multiple weapons in order to — in order to protect — protect those assets. So across the board, you need more of everything.


Yeah. Thinking about the constraints that we’d face in either theater, but particularly in EUCOM, what are some of the capabilities you would say that the Navy’s currently providing in Europe that maybe our allies in that region could be doing more to provide on their own, should we need them in PACOM or elsewhere?


I think — I think submarines are a key — a key capability in any fight. And so that would be one message I would give the Europe, to invest more heavily in those kinds of platforms.


Yeah, thank you. In my few remaining seconds here, Mr. Secretary, let me ask you about an interesting article I read from former undersecretary of the Navy Robert Work, who recently said — and I want to make sure I get this right. He’s talking about forward presence. And he said, over time an emphasis on forward presence could lead to a decline in warfighting readiness with potentially dire results.

Do you agree with the former secretary that presence operations can trade off with proficiencies that are critical to combat?


I don’t agree with his assessment that we need less forward presence. I think we need greater access to bases and logistics bases in particular across the globe, wherever we can find them.


Let me — last question here, Mr. Chairman, and I’ll finish with this. Let me ask you if you agree with this statement. This is Work again. The Navy warfighting material readiness should no longer be sacrificed on the altar of forward presence, and the Navy should no longer confuse that with winning a war.

Do you think that that’s right, wrong, oversimplified?


I don’t think we’ve sacrificed our wartime capabilities in exchange for — for presence. I think the two go together. I think, you know, what we need is the right capacity, the right capabilities to deliver the right lethality. And that also demands access to the logistical bases throughout the globe, working with our partners and allies.


I’m not so sure about that, but we’ll follow up. Thanks, Mr. Chairman.


Thank you, Senator Hawley. We’ve concluded the first round. Members have requested a second round. We also will have a classified session in SBC217. So I will recognize Senator King first, and then go to the other side. I would ask you to keep your questions concise and necessary for this open session, because you’ll have another opportunity to talk to these gentlemen in a closed session.

Senator King, please.


Just several quick points. Number one, I want to associate myself with Senator Hirono’s comments about the 15-ship multi-year for destroyers. And I know there’s some discussion about whether the industrial base has the capacity to meet that. I think there’s a bit of a — of a circular argument. My experience working with Bath Iron Works is you give them the signal and they can meet it. If they don’t get the signal of the longer-term multiyear, then there’s — then it makes it less likely that they’ll meet it. So I don’t think that should be a constraint.

I think everyone realizes from this discussion that, number one, multiyears or better for the taxpayers, they’re better for the industrial base. And a longer multiyear sends a strong signal to the industrial base that — that the business will be there. They can make the investments and meet that requirement.

That’s number one. Number two, on the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, we’ve been talking a lot about readiness. And I want to thank you for the investment that that the budget makes in completing or at least moving forward the capital improvements at the shipyard. Already with that new dry dock, Mr. Secretary, that you and I saw, the — the USS Cheyenne is in that drydock successfully.

So the next step, of course, is to double the — double the capacity of that drydock. But I want to mention sort of a side issue. In talking to the people of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, they’re talking about all the investments in the — in the infrastructure. That’s really important. But they also have investments in the people, and every — every worker, every business in America is short of workers.

And they told me that the way to attract additional workers to Portsmouth Naval Shipyard is child care and parking. And, as you know, you don’t really think about parking as a naval function. But if we want good people and they’re competing for the — for the best in the region, we’ve got to think about those quality of life things.

And that — we were talking a lot today about new requirements of younger workers. And those are the two things that have been brought to my attention. So I wanted to mention those to you as you think about the investment in the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. And finally, Mr. Secretary, you have indicated in an excellent report about the collaboration and joint development that’s going on between Huntington Ingalls, Bath Iron Works and the Navy on the new DDG(X). And I want to commend you for that report.

And just if you could just state for the record why it’s important in the development of this new platform. Because where we’ve had problems in the past is on new platforms, and this is a case where I think we’re moving down a very — a very beneficial path. And if you would just state for the record your conclusions on that subject.


Yes, Senator. And obviously, given the power constraints on our current classes of DGG Flight IIs and Flight IIIs, due to the size of the hull, DDG(X) is sort of that next transition to new technologies that take us above and beyond, such as the utilization of laser systems, as one example. And so it’s important to have that — that transition.

As we stated earlier today,


it’s also important to ensure that the technologies that are going to go on that platform are mature, well-understood technologies that work, so that we don’t make the mistakes of the past. And finally, I would argue that we also need to ensure that DGG(X) is the concept of operations for its employment is well thought out, so that we could also integrate the autonomous or semi-autonomous technologies that we look forward to integrating well into the future as well.

And in order to do that successfully, working with the yards to be sure that what we design and — and set for requirements can be built, I think, is an important part of that process. Do you agree?


It is, Senator.


Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


Thank you, Senator King. Senator Wicker is recognized next, and I — just for the benefit of everyone, I’m going to enforce the five-minute rule. I don’t do it usually.


Very good, and I think we can do this in less than 5 minutes. Secretary del Toro, just last Friday it was reported that the USS Sioux City would be headed to the Arabian Gulf. It has been spending time in the Mediterranean. This is a Freedom variant LCS ship. The Navy’s announced it will decommission a total of 24 battleships, including the first ten Freedom variant LCSs. The Sioux City is reportedly going to be decommissioned only four and a half years after it was commissioned, in part due to a class-wide failure in the ship’s engineering plan.

So I want to ask this; how many ships have this class-wide failure in the ship’s engineering plan? And if — if the failure is that serious, why is it capable of being sent to the Arabian Gulf for serious duty? Either it’s not reliable and not capable, or it is capable enough to send it to be sent into harm’s way.

And then we’ll leave time for Admiral Gilday to help answer that question, also.


Yes, sir. It’s my understanding that the — the USS Sioux City being of the Freedom variant with the USW module on it — and that’s particularly the reason why it’s going to be decommissioned. As to the class-wide failure, there are operational restrictions that were put on the utilization of the ships in general, which keeps them safe to operate, but not in their most extreme fashion.

And perhaps I could ask the CNO to further elaborate on that.


The Secretary’s right, sir. We have operating limitations on those ships based on a known problem in the engineering plant that needs to be replaced. Over time, you know, we’re replacing the combining — it’s called the combining gear. It gives you more flexibility with your engineering plant configuration and allows you — it allows you to operate at high speeds.

To your point, we believe the risk is — we can mitigate the risk using that vessel forward, given the operating constraints that that we’ve identified and the guidance that we’ve given to the commanding officers. So we have trained that ship for combat and sending her forward to be able to provide the capability needed by the CENTCOM commander.


Is the failure in — Admiral, is the failure in the engineering plan the same in all of these ships — in all of this class?


No, sir, just in the Freedom. Just in the Freedom variant.


And how many are — how many of those are there?


So, sir, there are about — between 15 and 20.


And so the failure is the same in those 15 or 20?


The fix needs to occur in those 15 or 20, but one of the proposals is to decommission 9, right? And so — and so as the Secretary mentioned, it’s not just the combining gear, but also we were making an investment in an anti-submarine warfare module for that ship that is — technically has not met its requirements.

It is incapable, in other words.


What about the others that are going to be — that are going to not be decommissioned?


So 15 of those will have a mine countermeasures module. So that particular capability is on track to be IOC this year. And so those 15 ships are going to be required to replace our existing minesweepers that operate out both Yokosuka, Japan and Bahrain. Additionally, there are six LCS that we would have the existing surface — anti-surface module on those ships, and that’s a proven capability That went IOC three years ago.


Mr. Chairman, I yield back 49 seconds.


We appreciate it, and that’s the challenge with our other colleagues. So, Senator Sullivan, you are recognized.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman. General Berger, you mentioned that the — the rate of divestiture and the rate of new combat capability development pose a risk, and you’ve got to manage that risk. One of your assumptions on the overall force design was flat budgets, that you had to make these difficult choices.

Unfortunately, I think you’re seeing that that’s actually true. And if you actually had a more robust budget, it would help mitigate some of the risk in modernization, wouldn’t it, General?


It would, absolutely. Everything on the unfunded priority list for us accelerates modernization, correct.


So, Mr. Secretary, I was disappointed — and I’ve raised this with Secretary Austin and General Milley. We have clearly a more dangerous national security situation around the world, and yet the budget that was being put forward by the President for the Department of the Navy — that’s the Navy and Marine Corps combined — is a 4 percent increase from the enacted budget.

We bolstered that. Again. the President put forward a weak budget last year. But with 8 percent inflation, that’s actually a 4 percent inflation adjusted cut. So do you support a 4 percent inflation adjusted cut? The Commandant just showed that this would help mitigate the force design risks if we had a more robust budget.

But I’m concerned, very concerned. And Congress is likely going to have to do cleanup like we did last year and significantly increase the budget, despite the President putting forward a weak budget. He’s done it again. So how do you support such a budget, 4 percent inflation adjusted cuts?


Senator, I do support the President’s budget completely. It’s actually the first time in quite some time where we’ve actually proposed a budget that’s greater than the previously enacted budget.


But it’s a 4 percent cut; 4 percent increase with 8.3 percent inflation is a 4 percent inflation adjusted cut, correct?


So it is today. However, budgets, as you well know, Senator, are prepared well in advance of when they’re executed. And inflation is always a difficult thing to — to predict in the future. And it’s part of the reason why in the President’s ’23 budget, we actually also enacted a 4.6 percent increase for our sailors and marines across the board, and a 5 percent increase in BAH and [Inaudible]


Again, I appreciate all those, but the reality is even those don’t keep up with inflation. But let me — I’m going to try to keep to my 5 minutes. I want to turn to Force Design, but to you, Mr. Secretary and the Admiral. I was struck by the Navy’s documents, strategy documents, which my team and I read the Tri-Service Strategy, CNO’s Navigation Plan, the Surface Warfare Competitive Edge Plan, and how they don’t articulate how the Navy will support the survivability and sustainability of Marine Corps stand-in forces and otherwise facilitate the execution of the Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations.

And those are all key parts of the Marine Corps Force Design strategy. So here’s my question. Actually, when you look at the Navy documents, Stand-In Forces, Force Design, I don’t even think they’re mentioned. They’re alluded to, but much of these documents describe how stand-in forces will enable the fleet to control the seas and reposition to conduct naval strikes from a myriad of different directions.

But there’s little, if anything, in these documents about support in the reverse. And what I mean by that is the fleet support to enabling successful EABO or stand-in forces. So, Mr. Secretary — maybe start with you, Admiral. Are fleet commanders ready to help execute this part of force design and stand-in forces to execute the EABO concept and other things which would put ships at risk?

And if so, how come none of that is articulated in the Navy strategies that at least I’ve been reading thus far?


I would offer, sir, you can get an inaccurate picture by just judging our commitment to Force Design based on the Tri-Service Strategy and the Navigation Plan. And the reason I say that —


You see my question, though.


I do, but the reason I say that is because most of what’s been written publicly about stand-in — about stand-in forces has been produced after the production — after the release of both of those documents. Now, if you take a look at the concept of operations that are co-signed by both fleet commanders and MEF commanders, whether it’s in the Western Pacific or whether it’s in Europe, they both rely heavily on stand-in forces as part of the war — as part of warfighting concept.

I would also offer that today, the — the naval commander in Europe, the component commander under General Walters. has marine elements. I would characterize them as EABO — EABs in terms of what they are doing. in terms of sensing and making sense of the environment. in terms of helping understand what effects that we can produce in theater.

They are right now on the ground in places like Estonia, in Iceland, and in Norway. And so I would offer, sir, that it’s very much alive at the fleet level in terms of how we’re integrating with the Marine Corps. I’ll have an update to my navigation plan within the month, and I will take special note to make sure that I foot stomp stand-in forces.


Thank you, Senator Sullivan. Thank you very much. Senator Hawley, do you request recognition?


Yes, sir, just briefly. Admiral, just a question for you on aircraft carriers. I realize that by statute, by law, the Navy is required to maintain at least 11 operational carriers. But absent that statutory requirement, my question is, is it the best use of the Navy’s allocation to maintain 11? Here’s where I’m going with this.

If you had eight or even ten, that would free up a lot of resources to invest in other capabilities that might be more effective in deterring China and our pacing theater. So do you have a thought on that?


Yes, sir. Honestly, I think 11’s a conservative estimate based on — based on the demand signal from combatant commanders now, there is no more survivable airfield in the world than an aircraft carrier. And in terms of what it brings to the fight, in terms of sortie generation, in terms of our move now with unmanned — unmanned refueling, that extends the range of the airwing by hundreds of miles.

My unfunded list tries to top off on domestic production of weapons with range and speed principally for the air wing. They remain, along with our submarine force, the main batteries of the United States Navy with respect to offensive weapons. And so — so, sir, I remain very bullish on aircraft carriers.

And I can’t think of anybody out there in the joint force that is not..


How survivable, though is the carrier, Admiral, if it’s parked in the Taiwan Strait? I mean, I know they’re survivable off the coast of Hawaii, but doesn’t it depend on where they are?


So based on how we use those carriers, sir, we’re going to put them in a place where they’re going to be most effective. And we also are leveraging both space and cyber in terms of how we position those units. I’ll tell you that if you take a look at an airfield in an island in the middle of the Pacific that was targeted when the lava cooled, you can move an aircraft carrier tomorrow.

Reagan National is going to be in the same place that it is today. If that were an aircraft carrier, tomorrow it would be west of the Mississippi and Missouri, or it could be off of Newfoundland or it could be off of Key West, Florida. So we can move them around. That’s the — that’s one of the real value of naval forces in general.

Fair enough. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


Thank you. Senator Hawley. Thank you, gentlemen. We will recess or adjourn the open session, and let us attempt to reassemble at SBC217 at 12:30. For my colleagues, there’s a vote pending right now. We’ll vote and then we’ll attempt to get together again at 12:20 at SBC217. Again, gentlemen, thank you for your testimony.

The open hearing is adjourned.

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