Security News: Convicted Felon Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison for Illegal Firearms Possession

Source: United States Department of Justice News

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. –  A federal judge yesterday sentenced a Northport man for being a felon in possession of a firearm, announced U.S. Attorney Prim F. Escalona and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Acting Special Agent in Charge Mickey French.

Chief United States District Court Judge L. Scott Coogler sentenced Dedrick Dawon McDowell, 24, of Northport, to 240 months in prison on two counts of being a felon in possession of a firearm.  

“This young defendant continued to engage in dangerous and illegal activities even after being convicted of a felony. The result is that he must now spend many years in prison,” said U.S. Attorney Escalona. “We are grateful for the work of the Tuscaloosa and Northport Police Departments, in cooperation with the ATF, in bringing this repeat offender to justice.”

“ATF’s top priority is to reduce violent crime.” SAC French said. “This individual continuously ignored the law in several ways that cause harm to the community. Narcotics distribution and the prevalence of guns on our streets continue to plague our community at alarming rates. Individuals who illegally possess firearms and distribute narcotics will be held accountable for their actions.  The ATF will continue to work together with our law enforcement partners to aggressively investigate and apprehend those individuals.”

According to the plea agreement, on November 18, 2020, Northport Police officers responded to a 911 call at mobile home park on Hunter Creek Road in Northport, Alabama.  An agent with the West Alabama Narcotics Task Force heard the police radio traffic and advised the responding officers that McDowell had numerous outstanding felony warrants.  Officers observed McDowell lying down in the back seat of a vehicle.  McDowell was ordered out of the vehicle and was arrested on the outstanding warrants.  Officers found two small bags of marijuana and $3,700 cash in McDowell’s pockets.  The officers recovered a digital scale with cocaine residue, four bottles of Promethazine, most often mixed with a controlled substance to form the popular drug known as “lean”, from a backpack in the front passenger’s seat, orange pills that were confirmed to be Adderall, and a Smith and Wesson .40 caliber pistol on the back floorboard where McDowell had been hiding.  The pistol was fully loaded with a round in the chamber.

On June 8, 2021, Tuscaloosa Police officers conducted a traffic stop on McDowell for speeding and failing to signal a lane change. Officers found hydrocodone pills, alprazolam pills, a small bag of marijuana, and $2,000 in McDowell’s possession. Officers then searched the vehicle and found a large bag of marijuana and a Glock .45 caliber pistol under the driver’s seat. The pistol was loaded with a high-capacity extended magazine. The pistol had been reported stolen to the Tuscaloosa Police Department in 2017.

ATF investigated the case along with the Northport Police Department and Tuscaloosa Police Department.  Assistant U.S. Attorney Kristy Peoples prosecuted the case.

Security News: Swansea Man Agrees to Plead Guilty to Child Pornography Offense

Source: United States Department of Justice News

BOSTON – A Swansea man agreed to plead guilty yesterday in federal court in Boston to possession of child pornography.

Todd Miozza, 52, pleaded guilty to one count of possession of child pornography. The Court deferred acceptance of the proposed plea agreement until sentencing, which U.S. Senior District Judge William G. Young scheduled for Jan 19, 2023. Miozza was arrested and charged on June 29, 2022.

As stated during the hearing, Miozza admitted that he had obtained child pornography over the internet using a social media platform. During a search of Miozza’ s residence in June, his iPhone and laptop were seized and found to contain child sexual abuse material – including videos depicting infants. 

Miozza was previously convicted of possession of child pornography in the District of Massachusetts in 2002.

The charge of possession of child pornography by a person previously convicted of a child pornography offense carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years and up to 20 years in prison, a mandatory minimum of five years and up to a lifetime of supervised release, and a fine of up to $250,000. Sentences are imposed by a federal district court judge based upon the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and statutes which govern the determination of a sentence in a criminal case.

United States Attorney Rachael S. Rollins and Matthew Millhollin, Special Agent in Charge for Homeland Security Investigations, New England made the announcement. The Swansea Police Department provided valuable assistance to the investigation. Assistant U.S. Attorney Elianna J. Nuzum of Rollins’ Major Crimes Unit is prosecuting the case.

This case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse, launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice. Led by the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and the DOJ’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, Project Safe Childhood marshals federal, state and local resources to locate, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who exploit children, as well as identify and rescue victims. For more information about Project Safe Childhood, please visit

The details contained in the charging documents are allegations. The defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Security News: Pittsburgh Felon Indicted on Drug Trafficking and Firearms Charges

Source: United States Department of Justice News

PITTSBURGH, PA – A resident of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has been indicted by a federal grand jury in Pittsburgh on charges of violating federal narcotics and firearms laws, United States Attorney Cindy K. Chung announced today.

The two-count Indictment, returned yesterday, named Cecil Lee Pinnix, 53, formerly of the City’s Upper Hill District neighborhood, as the sole defendant.

According to the Indictment, Pinnix is alleged to have possessed with the intent to distribute 5 kilograms or more of cocaine, 40 grams or more of fentanyl, and 28 grams or more of cocaine base on or about July 29, 2022. Pinnix is also alleged to have possessed a firearm as a convicted felon on or about July 29, 2022.

The law provides for a maximum total sentence of life in prison, a fine of $10,000,000 or both. Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, the actual sentence imposed would be based upon the seriousness of the offenses and the prior criminal history, if any, of the defendant.

Assistant United States Attorney Douglas C. Maloney is prosecuting this case on behalf of the government.

The Drug Enforcement Agency and the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police conducted the investigation leading to the Indictment in this case.

An indictment is an accusation. A defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

Security News: Counselor for War Crimes Accountability Eli M. Rosenbaum Opening Statement Before the Senate Judiciary Committee at a Hearing Titled, “From Nuremberg to Ukraine: Accountability for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity”

Source: United States Department of Justice News

Opening Statement as Prepared for Delivery

Thank you, Chairman and Ranking Member, for inviting the Department of Justice to address gaps in federal law that significantly limit our ability to bring war criminals and perpetrators of human rights crimes to justice.

Given the shocking crimes being perpetrated by Russia during its unprovoked war against Ukraine, this hearing could not possibly be held at a more appropriate, urgent, or, frankly, terrifying time.

The Justice Department is committed to holding the perpetrators of such grave crimes fully accountable. During a trip to Ukraine in June, Attorney General Garland announced the creation of the Department’s War Crimes Accountability Team, to centralize and strengthen our Ukraine accountability efforts, and he asked me to lead it. 

Unfortunately, however, the Title 18 war crimes statute does not cover the vast majority of war criminals who have come to the United States, who are here, or who will eventually come here – because it confers jurisdiction only when a victim or perpetrator is a U.S. person, not on the basis that the perpetrator has immigrated to our country or is otherwise on U.S. soil. The statute also contains other provisions that limit our ability to enforce it.

Having prosecuted World War II Nazi cases for nearly four decades, I can attest to the deep frustration we experienced because statutory limitations like those made it impossible to criminally prosecute any of the many Nazi criminals we found here. Instead, we could bring only civil actions against them. Russian and other war criminals who come here should not be able similarly to escape criminal justice or even find safe haven here.

There’s a second major gap: the federal torture statute doesn’t confer jurisdiction based on the victim’s U.S. nationality. Thus, even if a civilian U.S. citizen or a U.S. military servicemember becomes a victim of torture abroad under color of law, the U.S. ordinarily has no jurisdiction to prosecute unless the perpetrator is a U.S. citizen or is subsequently present here.

And there’s a third major gap: we don’t have a statute criminalizing “crimes against humanity.” Such laws – the first of which the United States famously co-prosecuted at the post-World War II Nuremberg trials – allow for the prosecution of certain criminal acts, such as enslavement or mass murder, when committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack against a civilian population, even if those acts occur outside the context of an armed conflict or a genocide. War crimes and genocide statutes alone simply are not sufficient to address the full and tragic array of large-scale atrocity crimes that continue to beset the world. I would be pleased to provide examples of infamous and horrific crimes that are beyond federal prosecutors’ reach in the absence of a crimes against humanity statute.  

The Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, State, and Justice, among other agencies, have agreed on technical solutions that would fill all three gaps that I’ve just mentioned. If those gaps are filled, the Justice Department can play, and is eager to play, a much fuller role in the crucial effort to make the post-Holocaust imperative “Never Again” a reality, not just an endlessly unrealized aspiration. 

Thank you, Chairman and Ranking Member, for affording me the opportunity to testify here today. I would be pleased to respond to questions.

Defense News: CNO Delivers Remarks at Combined Joint Operations from the Sea Centre of Excellence Future Maritime Warfare Symposium

Source: United States Navy

Below is a transcript of the remarks as delivered:

Admiral Bauer … Admiral Dwyer … Fellow Heads of Navy … Shipmates … Good morning! 

I’d like to extend a special welcome and shoutout to our friends and partners from Sweden and Finland, who joined us. I also think it is noteworthy to point out that Sweden is celebrating their 500th birthday of their Navy this year, so that’s a big deal. A bigger deal, I think, is they will help us think differently and focus more intently on the high North and the arctic basin, as those areas become even more critically important in the areas of competition, now and the years ahead… so it’s great to have you. 

I hope you will all accept my regrets for not being able to attend in person today.  Believe me when I tell you … I’d rather be down there in Norfolk … where I can smell the salt water … the water front … and listen to the world-class discussions that you are having today.  I’ll just have to live vicariously through Victoria Krikorian and Admiral Dwyer for the next couple of days.

Nevertheless … I’m proud and humbled to be able to present this Host Nation Address.  For those of you visiting from overseas … welcome to the United States and welcome to Norfolk!  And I know for many of you it is really just “welcome back.” 

I don’t think there is another city in the Alliance that is quite like Norfolk.  In my view, it is not only a concentration area for U.S. naval forces … but its also a center of gravity for combined sea power. 

We are proud to host NATO’s Allied Command Transformation, Joint Force Command Norfolk, U.S. Second Fleet, and of course … Combined Joint Operations from the Sea Centre of Excellence – the only NATO C-O-E in the United States. 

This symposium is an important forum … it represents what gives our Alliance … along with our Partners … a strategic warfighting advantage over our competitors and adversaries … namely … the steadfast commitment and resolve we all share to protect our citizens … defend our territory … and safeguard our freedom and democracy through decisive naval power. 

This morning, I thought I would first share my perspective on the way forward for combined sea power … and then provide you a few insights on how the U.S. Navy is thinking about force design to build our fleet of the future.  I’ll keep my remarks brief so we can get to your questions. And those will be most important in terms of a healthy dialogue. 

It’s clear to me that the world has entered a critical, potentially decisive decade … and as the theme of this conference suggests … the international, rules-based order is under attack. 

Both the People’s Republic of China and Russia are attempting to establish de facto sea control of strategic maritime regions in order to expand their influence … and jeopardize the free flow of goods, information, and energy.

In so doing, they seek to endanger the global maritime commons … undermine multilateral norms and institutions … and promote their authoritarian principles.  Thus, during this decade, our navies, ALL of our navies, will play a unique and crucial role.  As we consider what that role entails … I would offer that we must do three things:  first, strengthen deterrence in key regions … second, improve interoperability … and lastly, to accelerate our progress in capabilities that will define the future of maritime competition.

First, campaigning together, we must strengthen deterrence in those vital areas where Russia and the PRC are attempting to assert control … denying free, open, and lawful navigation.  We must not allow Russia to assume maritime dominance in the Black Sea, Baltic Sea, or eastern Mediterranean. 

Nor must we stand by while the PRC seeks to normalize coercive behavior in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait.  We must challenge their growing influence, protect vital trade routes, and support the international norms that should govern maritime disputes.  This requires, I think, a collaborative approach working with international partners, institutions, and maritime industries—all backed by combined, combat-credible naval power.

Exercises like BALTOPS 22 are vital to this effort.        16 NATO allies and partner nations … 47 ships … 89 aircraft … 7,000 personnel … all operating side-by-side … that makes a powerful statement with real deterrent effects.

Second, our navies must increase integration … further improving interoperability. 

We need to expand our vision … think creatively … and find ways to seamlessly exchange capability with transposable force elements that can meet the mission of our fleet commanders across the spectrum of military operations.

I mentioned BALTOPS … another example would be this summer’s Bulgarian-led exercise “Breeze 2022” in the Black Sea … which brought together 24 warships, cutters, and auxiliary vessels … along with planes and helicopters … from eleven NATO member countries.  We must train like we will fight … and in a high-end, high-intensity conflict … our alliances and partnerships will only be as strong as our interoperability allows. 

Third, we must make smart, ambitious investments in advanced technologies that will enable us to maintain our warfighting edge. 

We must seize the initiative in competitive areas such as artificial intelligence … quantum computing … directed energy … advanced manufacturing … and unmanned technologies … including autonomous systems.  And to remain competitive at the speed of change … we must partner with government, industry, and academia to turn science projects into operational capabilities under … on … and above the oceans. 

This involves engaging with small businesses and start-ups to identify non-traditional acquisition channels and fast-track game-changing innovations.  For example, look at what Admiral De Beurme is doing to protect “the digital ship” with the integration of cyber defense capabilities on the Belgian Navy’s new mine countermeasure ships.

Similarly, this week Portugal is hosting 16 NATO nations for Dynamic Messenger 2022 … the first full NATO operational experimentation exercise to specifically focus on integrating unmanned systems into the maritime domain.  This is a tremendous opportunity to work alongside industry and academia to create exercise scenarios … collect data … and quickly analyze new technologies we can embrace to accelerate capability development. 

Whether its adapting existing solutions or developing and designing brand new ones … these are the kind of innovative efforts we need to retain our advantage at sea.

So that’s what I see as the way forward for combined sea power:  strengthening deterrence in key regions … improving interoperability … and accelerating the modernization of our capabilities. 

Now, as we think about modernization … how is the U.S. Navy planning to design the fleet of the future? 

First … I would tell you that we are fully engaged in an intensive campaign of learning … using war-gaming … analysis … and experimentation to inform how we fight. 

This summer I released our Navigation Plan 2022 … which provides more details … but essentially … we’re learning that we must:

  • Distribute and spread our forces,
  • Mass effects from multiple vectors,
  • And integrate all domains, from seabed to space, and from the physical to virtual.

In turn … these lessons are informing the design of our future force … what we fight with.  The trends in our force-structure assessments call for:

  • More submarines,
  • More supply and logistics ships,
  • More smaller, but still multi-mission surface combatants,
  • Fewer larger surface combatants,
  • And more unmanned platforms.

We’re trying to expand distance through investments in long-range precision fires … hypersonic weapons … space-based capabilities … and unmanned tanking.

We’re trying to leverage deception and harden our defenses through investments in undersea platforms … next-generation aircraft and surface platforms … and integrated weapons systems.

And we’re trying to enable a more distributed fleet … with the ability to deliver logistics … and generate decision advantage through investments in small more lethal platforms … autonomous systems … AI … and resilient networks.

Let me say a bit more on unmanned and AI.

This is no longer a luxury…but a NECESSITY.

Without unmanned systems and AI, we will be challenged to operate and fight in a distributed manner.

With unmanned and AI, we can:

  • See farther,
  • Move faster,
  • Decide quicker,
  • Operate in contested areas,
  • Pose new dilemmas on adversaries,
  • And reduce risk to the force.

So I am prioritizing unmanned and want to move us to a hybrid fleet that’s a mix of manned … unmanned … minimally manned … and optionally manned platforms … and I want to do it as quickly as possible.

So that’s a sense of the direction we’re heading to design the fleet of the future. 

In closing … let me bring my comments back to where I began … and that’s with you … our Allies and Partners.  The pillar of our U.S. National Defense Strategy is integrated deterrence.  We understand that combining our strengths with you is what gives us all our strategic advantage.  We have something our strategic competitors simply cannot match.

Nowhere is that more evident than on the oceans … where our combined sea power is upholding and protecting the free and open international order.

With that … I’ll end by encouraging you to have really thoughtful, tough conversations throughout this symposium.  The mantra we’ve adopted in our Navy is “Get Real, Get Better.” 

Let’s not be content with the status quo.  Our partnerships and friendships are too valuable.  I know there are people here who have ideas that will make us better … so please … share them … and let’s learn from each other.  Let’s take full advantage of this time together.  With that … I look forward to your questions.