Defense News: Navy Recruiting Command Announces Mission Results for Fiscal Year 2022 and Goals for 2023

Source: United States Navy

150304-N-VN372-003 HOUSTON, Texas — (March 4, 2015) Approximately 100 future Sailors from across Navy Recruiting District (NRD) Houston took the Oath of Enlistment Wednesday, March 4, during a joint swear in ceremony at the Houston Rodeo. The Navy’s goal is to hire the best men and women to accomplish today’s missions and meet tomorrow’s challenges. Navy Recruiting District Houston seeks out quality candidates throughout the surrounding areas, helping the Navy meet their hiring goals while also conducting volunteer activities designed to help give back the city of Houston and the surrounding communities they serve. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Chris Fahey/RELEASED)

The Navy finished FY22 with the following numbers:
FY22 Goal Actual
Enlisted (Active) 33,400 33,442
Officer (Active) 2,507 2,298*
Enlisted (Reserve) 7,400 5,442*
Officer (Reserve) 1,360 982*
*Preliminary numbers, which may change slightly based on Sept. 30 activity.

“We’ve completed a very challenging year, and I am very proud of the tremendous efforts our Recruiters gave to bring in the nation’s top talent and build the future of the fleet,” Rear Adm. Alexis “Lex” Walker, Commander, Navy Recruiting Command said. “The coming year promises to be even more challenging, as we are not starting the year in as strong a position as FY22. In order to achieve our mission goals this year, we will need an all-hands-on-deck effort, not only from our recruiters, but from throughout the active and reserve fleet, our retired Navy veterans, and our community leaders around the country who are centers of influence in the lives of the young people we are trying to recruit. We are going to do everything within our power to ensure that our recruiters are empowered and have the assets they need in order to accomplish the mission.”

BALTIMORE (Sept. 8, 2022) Rear Adm. Nancy Lacore, Commandant, Naval District Washington, celebrates with future Sailors from the Baltimore area after administering the oath of enlistment aboard the historic ship USS Constellation during Maryland Fleet Week and Flyover Baltimore. Maryland Fleet Week and Flyover is Baltimore’s celebration of the sea services and provides an opportunity for the citizens of Maryland and the city of Baltimore to meet Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen, as well as see firsthand the latest capabilities of today’s maritime services. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Maurice Brown)

While the enlisted active accessions reached their mission goal, this came at a heavy price. The Navy entered FY22 with a relatively healthy Delayed Entry Program (DEP) pool and finished the year with the lowest DEP pool in 40 years. DEP allows future Sailors to be contracted to join but remain on hold before shipping off to Recruit Training Command (boot camp). The goal of the program is to acclimate future service members to the military environment, military rank structure, history, customs and courtesies and to improve their physical fitness prior to shipping out. It also allows the military flexibility in when they ship future service members to regulate the flow of future Sailors to boot camp and follow on training schools.

Draining the DEP pool to critically low levels brings many new challenges for the upcoming year. Around a third of those remaining in DEP are future Sailors who are seniors in high school, who cannot ship until after graduation in May/June 2023. So the Navy is expected to be in a contract-and-ship posture, where future Sailors are shipped to boot camp within weeks or even days of contracting to serve. This posture is expected to persist through FY23.

The goals for FY23 are below:
FY23 Goal
Enlisted (Active) 37,700
Officer (Active) TBD*
Enlisted (Reserve) 8,100
Officer (Reserve) 1,732
*Active Officer goals are usually released during the first quarter of the FY

In an effort to bring more future Sailors into the DEP pool, the Navy has been offering multiple incentives to generate a greater interest in naval service among qualifying applicants. In August, Navy Recruiting Command (NRC) announced enlistment bonuses up to $50,000 and student loan repayment up to $65,000. This offers the opportunity for future Sailors to earn a substantial sum as they begin their careers. The loan repayment program remains in place for FY23, and the bonus structure for the start of FY23 is posted at this link, with a maximum bonus remaining $50,000:×tamp=1663602235466

“The maximum current enlistment bonus is $50,000, and the maximum loan repayment is $65,000,” said Walker. “They are not mutually exclusive, so if a future Sailor maximizes both, that adds up to a life-altering $115,000, and the opportunity to serve in the world’s finest Navy.”

In addition to bonuses and loan repayment, leadership throughout the Navy is engaged in helping to improve Navy recruiting numbers. Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro has begun sending letters to high school principals to promote military service and to foster school access for recruiters. These initial letters will be followed up with a letter from Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (CNRC) to further foster a relationship with these centers of influence.

190519-N-RR095-131 INDIANAPOLIS (May 19, 2019) Future Sailors from Navy Recruiting District (NRD) Michigan take the Oath of Enlistment during a joint service enlistment ceremony on Armed Forces Day at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The ceremony is held annually to recognize all future service members. NRD Michigan is committed to recruiting the best and brightest to join America’s Navy. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Stephen D. Doyle II/Released)

CNRC also began the “Every Sailor is a Recruiter” (ESAR) program in July. The goal of the program is for U.S. Navy Sailors all over the world to share their positive experiences of naval service with qualifying applicants and provide referrals based upon these interactions.

“Every Sailor has a voice, and it’s not just up to recruiters to represent the Navy back at home, but it is their duty to share their experiences and inspire people to serve their country,” Master Chief Navy Counselor Gerald Allchin, NRC National Chief Recruiter said. “Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, I know first-hand how rare it can be in non-fleet concentration areas to hear anything about the Navy. So, I tell my shipmates to share your stories!”

This program will be a force multiplier and will make the Navy more competitive in today’s challenging labor market. Navy leadership is currently determining the best way to recognize and award Sailors that provide referrals who ultimately join.

To address Reserve recruiting shortfalls, the Navy altered its recruiting command structure this summer, standing up Navy Recruiting Reserve Command (NRRC) to specifically tackle these challenges. Part of this restructure’s focus is on Canvasser Recruiter (CANREC) professionals. They make up 65% of NRRC and carry a critical portion of the NRRC enlisted goal and 100% of the officer mission goal.

“Our success depends upon CANREC professionals, and I am continually amazed at their commitment,” said CAPT Karen Muntean, Commander of NRRC. “These individuals are Selected Reservists (SELRES) and civilian professionals who have committed themselves to joining our challenging recruiting charge. Their role is to recruit for the reserve mission, educate active duty, civilians and veterans on the benefits of serving in the Navy Reserve, and partner with military and industry organizations.”

CNRC consists of a command headquarters, two Navy Recruiting Regions, NRRC, and 26 NTAGs that serve more than 1,000 recruiting stations around the world. Their mission is to attract the highest quality candidates to assure the ongoing success of America’s Navy.

For more news from Commander, Navy Recruiting Command, go to Follow Navy Recruiting on Facebook (, Twitter (@USNRecruiter) and Instagram (@USNRecruiter).