Defense News: Readout of U.S. Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday Meeting with Finland Head of Navy

Source: United States Navy

Today, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday met with Commander of the Finnish Navy Rear Adm. Jori Harju in Venice, Italy, at the Trans-Regional Seapower Symposium.

The two leaders discussed maritime and regional security, as well as the strength of their relationship and the ongoing process to deepen new areas of defense cooperation.

Gilday noted the strong defense relationships with Northern European Allies and partners, one of the Navy’s greatest strategic advantages. He expressed appreciation to the Finnish Navy for supporting BALTOPS 22, which demonstrated NATO interoperability and readiness.

Gilday reaffirmed the U.S. Navy’s commitment to trans-regional unity and to sustaining strong relationships with our Allies and partners.