Justice Department Secures Settlement with Colton Joint Unified School District to Protect the Civil Rights of English Learner Students

Source: United States Department of Justice News

          LOS ANGELES – The Justice Department announced today that it has reached a settlement agreement with the Colton Joint Unified School District to resolve an investigation into the district’s program for students learning English.

          The department’s investigation, conducted jointly by the United States Attorney’s Office and the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, revealed that the district denied some English learner students the instruction they needed to become fluent in English, and the necessary supports to fully participate and thrive in school.

          “We are committed to giving English learners meaningful access to the education provided by their school districts,” said United States Attorney Martin Estrada. “These students can learn English, develop critical skills, graduate and attend college, and then contribute to our shared society. But first they must have real access to the educational programs offered in their district. This settlement ensures that English learner students have that access.”

          “Students learning English have a right to receive an education equal to that of their classmates,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “School districts have an obligation to overcome language barriers and support English learners in participating fully in their schools’ academic programs. The Civil Rights Division is committed to ensuring that school districts across the nation comply with federal law and provide all students equal access to a quality education.”

          The department’s investigation identified failures to ensure that all teachers were qualified to provide instruction in how to learn English, meaning that some students did not have access to the language services they needed to become fluent. Similarly, math, science and social studies teachers were often not qualified to support English learner students in their classrooms, depriving those students of an education on these essential subjects. In addition, the department found lapses in services to English learners with disabilities, as well as barriers to participation in the district’s gifted and talented program, among other issues.

          Under the agreement, the district will work to ensure that all English learners receive instruction on the English language from a trained and qualified teacher. Similarly, the district will ensure that teachers instructing these learners on core subjects, like math, science and social studies, can provide the type of support necessary for those students to understand and learn the material. The department will monitor the district’s progress over the next three years.

         Assistant United States Attorney Katherine Hikida of the Civil Division’s Civil Rights Section and attorneys from the Educational Opportunities Section of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division handled this matter.

         Information about the Civil Division’s Civil Rights Section is available on its website at https://www.justice.gov/usao-cdca/civil-division/civil-rights. Individuals in the seven counties of the Central District of California may report possible civil rights violations to the United States Attorney’s Office by calling (213) 894-2879 or emailing USACAC.CV-CivilRights@usdoj.gov.