Defense News: Department of Navy Delivers Third-Party Analysis of Alternatives for Closure of Red Hill Tanks, Formally Requests Permanent ‘Closure in Place’

Source: United States Navy

“The detailed analysis shows that closure in place of the Red Hill facility minimizes impacts to the environment, public health, and safety, which continue to be our highest priority,” said Meredith Berger, Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Energy, Installations and Environment).

Following DOH approval, the DON will commence permanent tank closure as early as possible once the Joint Task Force Red Hill completes defueling Red Hill, which is currently targeted for June 2024. The detailed analysis estimates closure in place to take three years, projecting that the closure will be complete in June 2027. 

If the DOH approves beneficial non-fuel reuse for the facility as well, the DON will actively engage the Oahu community to solicit input on options and coordinate with DOH prior to finalizing the design and process for permanent “Closure in Place” for Red Hill. The DON will submit a non-fuel reuse evaluation to DOH as a supplement to the Red Hill Tank Closure Plan. The non-fuel reuse evaluation will be completed in a timely manner and will not affect the overall schedule for tank closure. A final determination on the reuse of the facility is not required in order to close the facility. 

“This important step underscores our commitment to safely close the Red Hill facility and we look forward to hearing the Hawaii Department of Health’s feedback,” said Rear Adm. Steve Barnett, commander, Navy Region Hawaii. “We are hopeful for an expeditious approval of the proposal so that we can continue on our path to close Red Hill.”

To find more information and download the full Red Hill Tank Closure Plan and Alternatives Analysis, visit