Defense News: Onward, Upward: 2022 Naval Horizons Contest Boasts Greatest Number of Winners Yet

Source: United States Navy

Naval Horizons is a STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) essay contest designed to introduce high school and college students to cutting-edge STEM topics impacting the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps through an engaging video series.

With 10 new videos, NSCO expanded the technical areas to include aerospace optometry, aircraft test and evaluation, environmental science, nuclear engineering and more. It was also the first year a Navy officer and a Senior Executive Service member served as guest speakers.

“In addition to impressive platforms such as aircraft carriers and submarines, we’re excited to be able to illuminate some of the lesser-known STEM fields the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps are working daily,” said Sandy Landsberg, who is both the Naval STEM Coordination Office executive and a division director in ONR’s Information, Cyber and Spectrum Superiority Department.

“Our student survey data is very positive: 95% of participants agree they have a better awareness of real-world naval science and technology challenges after participating in Naval Horizons. Also, 94% agree they are more aware of the many pathways towards a STEM career after participating in Naval Horizons,” Landsberg continued.

In addition to the great feedback from the students participating in the contest, the complete Naval Horizons video library, available on the Naval Horizons website, has over 31,000 views.

“Naval Horizons allows us to reach students, parents and educators and bring clarity to what we do in the Navy and STEM,” said Landsberg. “We will keep Naval Horizons going, and we hope to see continued growth in participants and video views each year. So stay tuned for the 2023 contest!”

Learn more about Naval Horizons and the contest winners and highest honors at