Defense News: Republic of Korea Assumes Command of Anti-Piracy Task Force

Source: United States Navy

Republic of Korea Navy Rear Adm. Ko Seung-bum assumed command of Combined Task Force (CTF) 151 from Brazilian Navy Rear Adm. Nelson de Oliveira Leite.

Established in 2009, CTF 151 is one of four task forces under Combined Maritime Forces, the largest naval partnership in the world with 38 member-nations and partners. CTF 151 conducts maritime security operations to deter, disrupt and suppress piracy and armed robbery at sea, outside the Horn of Africa.

“It was a huge honor to represent my country and carry out such an important mission to the maritime community,” said Leite. “Brazilian Navy has reaffirmed its commitment to the Combined Maritime Forces by leading CTF 151 once more and we look forward to commanding the task force again in the future.”

Leite served as CTF 151’s commander since August and led several initiatives over the past six months, including two major maritime operations and 18 partner engagements that fostered regional collaboration on piracy suppression efforts.

After assuming command from the Brazilian Navy, the Republic of Korea Navy is leading CTF 151 for the sixth time.

“As the commander of CTF 151, I will do my best to succeed in our counter-piracy operation, whilst in close cooperation with all related entities,” said Ko. “I will utilize the lessons the Republic of Korea Navy has accumulated operating in the Gulf of Aden.”

Ko has served in the Republic of Korea Navy for nearly 30 years and was most recently completed a tour as an operational division director on the Republic of Korea’s joint staff.

CTF 151 is headquartered in Bahrain with U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, U.S. Fifth Fleet and Combined Maritime Forces.