Defense News: CNO and Linda Gilday Issue a Statement for Month of the Military Child

Source: United States Navy

CNO: Shipmates, CNO Gilday with my wife Linda to recognize our unsung heroes… military children.

Linda: During April, we celebrate the Month of the Military Child… a fantastic opportunity for us to honor the contributions of all military children… crucial players on our Navy team. 

CNO: With every deployment, every move, and every school transfer, our children teach us a whole lot about resiliency and push us to do better… and be better.

Linda: It’s true that military children face different challenges – but as they grow up in our Navy family they do so with unique experiences and perspectives. I know our children are often exposed to a lot of different cultures, and with you as strong role models, they learn to adapt and grow where they are planted.

CNO:  Every child’s experience growing up in the military is unique… but they are all united by the resilience they learn, the friendships they make, and the connectedness they share.

Linda:  We celebrate the month of the military child to recognize and say thank you to all of our military children and families. We applaud your service, dedication and support… and want to recognize your strength and the challenges you often overcome. Take every day this month to say thank you to a Navy child, young and old, who are doing their part for our nation.

CNO: To all of our military children… you inspire and motivate us. We couldn’t do what we do without your love and support.