Three Nigerian Nationals Extradited from the United Kingdom and Spain to Face Fraud Charges

Source: United States Department of Justice News

Three Nigerian nationals were extradited to the Southern District of Florida to face federal charges related to allegations that they operated an international fraud scheme. Kennedy Ikponmwosa was extradited from Spain and made his initial appearance before U.S. Magistrate Judge Edwin G. Torres on April 18. Iheanyichukwu Jonathan Abraham and Jerry Chucks Ozor were extradited from the United Kingdom today and will make their initial appearances before U.S. Magistrate Judge Eduardo I. Sanchez on Monday, May 1, in Miami.

Ikponmwosa, 51, Ezennia Peter Neboh, 48, and Prince Amos Okey Ezemma, 49, of Madrid, Spain; and Abraham, 44, Ozor, 43, and Emmanuel Samuel, 39, of London, UK, face federal charges in Miami, Florida. Neboh, Ikponmwosa, Abraham, Samuel, and Ozor were arrested in April 2022 by authorities in Madrid and London, based on an indictment filed in the Southern District of Florida, and have remained incarcerated since then. Samuel pleaded guilty to conspiring to commit mail fraud and wire fraud on March 27.

According to court documents, the defendants are charged with operating an inheritance fraud scheme. Over the course of more than five years, they allegedly sent personalized letters to elderly consumers in the United States, falsely claiming that the sender was a representative of a bank in Spain and that the recipient was entitled to receive a multimillion-dollar inheritance left for the recipient by a family member who purportedly had died years before in Spain. Victims were told that, before they could receive their purported inheritance, they were required to send money for delivery fees, taxes, and payments to avoid questioning from government authorities. Victims sent money to the defendants through a complex web of U.S.-based former victims, whom the defendants convinced to serve as money mules. According to the indictment, victims who sent money never received their purported inheritance funds.

“The Department of Justice’s Consumer Protection Branch will pursue and prosecute transnational criminals who defraud U.S. consumers, wherever they are located. I thank the Kingdom of Spain and the UK for their tireless efforts in assisting U.S. authorities to find and arrest these individuals so that they may face charges here in the United States,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. “The Justice Department and U.S. law enforcement will continue to work closely with law enforcement partners across the globe to bring to justice criminals who attempt to defraud U.S. victims from outside the United States.”

“The U.S. Postal Inspection Service constantly strives to protect our communities from predatory criminals seeking to abuse and exploit the most vulnerable members of our society,” said Postal Inspector in Charge Juan A. Vargas of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) Miami Division. “This case is an example of how Postal Inspectors will vigorously pursue fraudsters and ensure that they are brought to justice for the crimes they have committed.”

“These extraditions prove that by pulling law enforcement agencies together, we can best focus on investigating individuals and illicit criminal organizations associated with foreign-based fraud schemes that disproportionately affect vulnerable seniors,” Special Agent in Charge Scott Brown of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). “I want to thank everyone involved in this investigation and in the extradition process for their dedication; together we have the tools to keep our elderly from falling prey to these scams.”

The defendants are all charged with conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, as well as mail fraud and wire fraud. Neboh and Samuel were both extradited earlier this year. If convicted, Ikponmwosa, Abraham, and Ozor each face a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison per count. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

The Consumer Protection Branch, USPIS, and HSI are investigating the case.

Senior Trial Attorney Phil Toomajian and Trial Attorneys Josh Rothman and Brianna Gardner of the Justice Department’s Consumer Protection Branch are prosecuting the case. The Justice Department’s Office of International Affairs, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida, Europol, and authorities from the UK, Spain, and Portugal provided critical assistance.

The department urges individuals to be on the lookout for these types of schemes. An inheritance scam is a form of an imposter scam in which fraudsters pretend to be someone they are not, often a lawyer, banker, or foreign official. These fraudsters will try to get people excited about a large windfall and may use legitimate-looking legal documents as part of the scam. Be wary of unexpected contact from individuals offering a large inheritance. Do not send money or provide information to anyone you do not know. Seek advice from a trusted individual or an independent professional if you are in doubt.

If you or someone you know is age 60 or older and has experienced financial fraud, experienced professionals are standing by at the National Elder Fraud Hotline: 1-833-FRAUD-11 (1-833-372-8311). This Department of Justice hotline, managed by the Office for Victims of Crime, can provide personalized support to callers by assessing the needs of the victim and identifying relevant next steps. Case managers will identify appropriate reporting agencies, provide information to callers to assist them in reporting, connect callers directly with appropriate agencies, and provide resources and referrals, on a case-by-case basis. Reporting is the first step. Reporting can help authorities identify those who commit fraud and reporting certain financial losses due to fraud as soon as possible can increase the likelihood of recovering losses. The hotline is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET. English, Spanish and other languages are available.

More information about the Department’s efforts to help American seniors is available at its Elder Justice Initiative webpage. For more information about the Consumer Protection Branch and its enforcement efforts, visit its website at Elder fraud complaints may be filed with the FTC at or at 877-FTC-HELP. The Department of Justice provides a variety of resources relating to elder fraud victimization through its Office for Victims of Crime, which can be reached at

An indictment is merely an allegation. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta Delivers Remarks at the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney’s Annual Convention

Source: United States Department of Justice News

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery

Thank you, Richard, for that kind introduction. It’s a privilege to be here at NACBA’s annual convention. NACBA does important work ensuring that debtors receive high-quality legal representation and advocating for systemic improvements to the bankruptcy system. I’m grateful for the chance to speak to you all today about the Justice Department’s efforts on consumer-bankruptcy issues and how those efforts connect to our broader priorities.

I don’t need to persuade this group of the importance of bankruptcy law. More Americans come to the courts in bankruptcy proceedings than in almost any other area of practice. And they come to the courts at a vulnerable point in their lives. The bankruptcy system has enormous power — yet, in part because of that power and because it can be so difficult to understand from the outside, the bankruptcy process is prone to abuse. 

The stakes of the bankruptcy process succeeding or failing are very high. People coming to the bankruptcy courts may not have great trust in our legal system. They have often just experienced a wrenching event, like a job loss, a natural disaster or a medical emergency. They may have been the victims of fraud or of unfair, deceptive or abusive lending practices. They may feel that other legal protections should have stopped them from reaching this point. And they may worry about what comes after the bankruptcy filing. If a bankruptcy goes well, the debtor will start fresh with increased confidence in our institutions and our legal system. But if it goes poorly, she or he may experience a loss of trust as well as more acute financial harms.

So people in bankruptcy need skillful, ethical, creative, empathetic lawyers — lawyers who understand the gravity of the situation and who prioritize their clients’ interest in putting their debts behind them. What NACBA does to disseminate best practices throughout the bankruptcy bar is essential. And what the National Consumer Bankruptcy Rights Center does in coordinating high-quality legal arguments in important cases is also crucial for the development of the law.

But even the most talented debtors’ attorneys cannot confront these problems alone. The success of the bankruptcy system is too important to leave to any single group. And understanding these failures requires thinking about bankruptcy’s relationship to the legal system as a whole.

So I want to focus today on what the Department of Justice is doing, across our components, to reflect our commitment to “ensur[ing] economic opportunity and fairness” in bankruptcy and beyond. Our work falls into four themes — breaking down barriers, ensuring access, promoting fairness and demanding accountability.

The first of these themes is about breaking down barriers, both within the Justice Department and across the federal family.

I have spent my entire career pursuing justice for the most vulnerable among us, including communities of color, immigrants and refugees, victims of violence and people who are incarcerated. I know that, at its best, law can be a tool for those communities to vindicate our country’s promises of liberty and justice for all. When people face employment or housing discrimination; when they are victims of financial predators; when their communities are disproportionately affected by environmental harms; when they lose their jobs as companies consolidate — those actions distort the free, fair, and competitive economy. They undermine our democracy. And they often violate the law. The Justice Department is working hard to address those wrongs.

My portfolio as Associate Attorney General touches upon a wide range of subjects: everything from voting rights and police practices to competition and consumer protection, as well as efforts to ensure that we improve the quality of indigent criminal defense and enhance civil legal representation for low-income litigants. But there are values that bring those disparate strands together. And among those values is a commitment to economic justice. 

Bankruptcy law is an area where law and economic justice meet. And so a key piece of our bankruptcy work needs to be connecting that work to the department and the government’s broader economic justice priorities.

That project will be spearheaded by the United States Trustee Program, which I have the privilege of overseeing. The program occupies an unusual position in the department: Its client is not the federal government or an individual agency. Instead, it advocates for the fairness and integrity of the bankruptcy process itself, helping ensure that the system works for everyone and not just for the powerful. It guarantees that the bankruptcy laws are followed, even when others would prefer to bend those rules.

As you know, we are delighted to have a new director of the Trustee Program — Tara Twomey, who was a leader in your organization before she became a leader in ours. For over two decades, Tara has been a passionate voice for making the bankruptcy system accessible to all. She will build on the leadership of her predecessor, Ramona Elliott, who led the program with distinction following Cliff White’s retirement.

I’ve asked Tara to build bridges to other parts of government with a role to play in this work. The department’s own Office for Access to Justice, relaunched in this Administration after a period of dormancy, will be paying more attention to consumer-credit issues, and is planning to co-host a listening session in the coming months on virtual consumer debtor meetings, a subject I’ll return to later. We are deepening our relationships with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, because patterns of creditor misconduct we see could inform its actions under its own, independent authority. We are in dialogue with the Department of Education about a range of bankruptcy-related issues, including one I’ll soon discuss in detail. Every part of the federal government has its own perspective on these issues, and lowering the barriers between them will allow us to better see the effects of our policy decisions on the people most directly affected by the bankruptcy process.

Another theme of our work is ensuring that obtaining a fresh start is no more burdensome than the relevant statutes, rules and court decisions require. Filing for bankruptcy is onerous: Tara has shown me examples of the dense collection of complex forms that a debtor must file to initiate the process. Some of that burden is necessary for the system to function. But where we can make it easier for eligible debtors to enter the bankruptcy process, we should. And here’s what we are doing to advance that goal.

First, we are committed to opposing the use of unnecessary form questionnaires and document checklists. We are working to ensure greater compliance with the best practices developed in 2012 in coordination with this group, NABT (National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees), and NACTT (National Association of Chapter 13 Trustees). To that end, we have amended our Chapter 7 trustee handbook to incorporate these best practices and are clearly communicating these expectations to the field.

Second, I’m very excited about our Video 341 pilot project. 341 meetings are often the only meeting a debtor will need to attend as part of a bankruptcy case. And before the pandemic, they often required the debtor to take time off of work, secure child care, or travel long distances to attend the in-person meeting. COVID forced us to consider alternative models for these meetings, and we saw that those meetings made it easier for debtors and their families. Because of that experience, we are trying to keep the flexibility of virtual meetings without sacrificing those meetings’ utility. Already this year, we have had over 2,000 video meetings in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming — and, just last week, we announced that we are expanding the pilot program to Ohio, Michigan, the San Diego area, Hawaii and the Pacific Island territories. We will continue to refine and expand the program based on the feedback we receive — and, as I mentioned earlier, USTP and Access to Justice will hold a listening session on this topic in the coming months.

Third, we heard from consumer advocates, including NACBA, that chapter 7 trustees were challenging fee waiver requests submitted by the lowest income debtors. Congress has chosen to allow impoverished debtors to waive chapter 7 filing fees.  The statute does not require trustees to review, evaluate, or object to fee-waiver applications, and needless examination of these applications can be intrusive and impede access to justice. Earlier this year, we updated our trustee handbook to instruct trustees that, unless local rules or procedures require otherwise, they are not expected to scrutinize these fee-waiver requests.  Absent a direction from Congress or the courts, we do not want trustees to spend their time flyspecking fee waivers.

We are also committed to ensuring that the bankruptcy process, once initiated, proceeds fairly. 

I’ll focus on a policy that I’m very proud of — our creation of a more equitable and accessible process to handle student-loan discharge requests. You know all about — and are advocating to change — the high bar Congress has set for discharging student loan debt. But we also know that the bar was not meant to be insurmountable. And after extensive conversations with our colleagues at the Department of Education and other stakeholders, we are taking steps to ensure that the statute is not applied in ways that prevent eligible debtors from discharging their loans.

We came into that policy process with three goals. First, to set clear, transparent and consistent expectations for discharge that even unrepresented debtors can understand. Second, to simplify the fact-gathering process and avoid intrusive and burdensome discovery. And third, where the facts and law support it, to increase the number of cases where the government recommends to the bankruptcy court that student loans should be discharged.

I’m happy to say that our new process meets those goals. I’ll cover just a few highlights:

We have minimized the need for discovery by encouraging debtors to file an attestation form with the information the government needs to evaluate a discharge request. We all know that discovery can be invasive and time-consuming, and there is no reason to require that prolonged and extensive process in every case when student-loan-discharge cases often turn on discrete pieces of information we can obtain in advance.

We have set out a number of circumstances where we will presume that debtors lack future ability to pay. We know, based on our and the Department of Education’s experiences, that there are categories of people who are really unlikely to improve their financial circumstances.  And so if your clients are elderly, disabled, have experienced long-term unemployment, were unable to obtain the degrees for which they incurred loans, or have been in repayment on their loans for more than ten years, we will presume that they will continue to lack ability to repay their loans, and so will satisfy the relevant portion of the test. We think that this common-sense approach will make a real difference on the ground.

We are also rethinking our approach to what many courts call the “good faith” prong of the undue-hardship standard. In our guidance to Justice Department attorneys litigating these cases, we note that there are many reasons debtors do not enroll in income-driven repayment plans, especially given the flaws with many of those plans that the Department of Education and the CFPB have identified.  Reasonable decisions not to enroll in those plans should not preclude a debtor from discharging his or her debt. And decisions by a debtor to make payments, apply for deferment, or otherwise meaningfully engage with Education or with a loan servicer are steps that evidence good faith.

Since releasing the guidance, we have trained our lawyers throughout the country on how to implement the new policy. We are already seeing results: We are aware of at least 100 cases in which borrowers have agreed to use the process established by the guidance — and, with the benefit of that process, we have been able to support full or partial discharge in the overwhelming majority of cases we have considered to date. 

One thing that we wanted to do in creating the guidance was to reevaluate the procedures after one year of operation.  I hope that you will share your thoughts on how we can continue to improve.

Finally, we are hard at work to protect the bankruptcy system from fraud and inaccuracies. I would be remiss if I didn’t briefly mention our Chapter 11 work here: USTP is fighting — among other battles — to block attempts to abuse the bankruptcy process to avoid tort litigation, including through third-party releases that deprive injured Americans of their right to sue individuals and entities who are not seeking bankruptcy protections. But we are also taking a number of steps to protect consumer debtors specifically.

In October, we finalized the resolution of creditor enforcement matters with two national financial institutions. Those banks were providing inaccurate proofs of claim in bankruptcy. Together, they agreed to remediate about $8.5 million to consumer debtors and bankruptcy estates; neither resolution precludes affected debtors from pursuing their own actions as appropriate.

And moving forward, we are also going to be focused on protecting debtors from elder fraud and abuse. Combating elder fraud in all its forms is a priority of the Attorney General and of the Justice Department, and we have launched new initiatives to help advance elder justice. Elder fraud can often bankrupt seniors, and we are working to train department attorneys on how to recognize signs of abuse. We will not hesitate to make criminal referrals in appropriate cases.

What I’ve told you today is just a snapshot of our work to protect consumers, in bankruptcy and beyond. Our leaders in the department, including Tara, are thinking through a number of other policy changes to advance the department’s commitment to economic justice. So I’m sure we’ll have more to say soon. And in the meantime, I encourage you all to continue to engage with us when you see something we can do better. We are listening. Like all other institutions, we cannot change what we do not know.  And even though we will not see eye-to-eye on all issues, we are always grateful for thoughtful ideas in this complex area.

Let me close with this: During the height of the Civil Rights Movement, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy urged members of the legal profession, as part of their obligation to support equal justice under law, to use their knowledge and skills to advance the rights of those who are most vulnerable. He said: “It is time we used those traditional skills — our precision, our understanding of technicalities, our adversary skills, our negotiating skills, our understanding of procedural maneuvers—on behalf of the poor. Only when we have done all these things, when we’ve created in fact a system of equal Justice for all — a system which recognizes in fact the dignity of all [people] — will our profession have lived up to its responsibilities.”

Every day, consumer bankruptcy attorneys are at the front line of this work, bringing tenacity and subject-matter expertise to fight for a fresh start. Helping debtors traverse the bankruptcy system, although sometimes challenging, is a direct and tangible way to advance equal justice under law. So thank you for the work that you do, and I look forward to continuing to engage.

Former West Virginia Parole Officer Sentenced for Witness Tampering

Source: United States Department of Justice News

A former West Virginia regional director of parole for the West Virginia Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation in Parkersburg, West Virginia, was sentenced yesterday in federal court in the Southern District of West Virginia to 87 months’ imprisonment and three years’ supervised release for witness tampering.

David Jones, 51, admitted that earlier this year, he deliberately withheld information and lied to state and federal investigators during their investigations of sexual misconduct by a state parole officer whom Jones supervised. Jones also admitted that, on multiple occasions from 2020 to this year, he repeatedly instructed a witness in the same investigation to lie to federal investigators and to destroy and withhold evidence. Specifically, Jones admitted both that he encouraged the witness to delete recordings she had of the parole officer sexually harassing her and he instructed the witness to delete evidence of his communications with her.

“The defendant interfered with state and federal investigations of egregious sexual misconduct by a state parole officer the defendant was supposed to supervise,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “The Justice Department will continue to vigorously investigate and hold accountable individuals who obstruct and interfere with federal criminal civil rights investigations.” 

“David Jones’ attempt to cover up Anthony DeMetro’s reprehensible conduct makes the victim’s courage all the more commendable,” said U.S. Attorney Will Thompson for the Southern District of West Virginia. “Far too often, survivors of crime don’t seek justice because they are afraid that no one will believe them or that those in authority will betray them as David Jones tried to do in this case. We must be relentless in holding individuals like Mr. Jones accountable for their misconduct while ensuring that survivors are heard, believed, and supported.”

“Mr. Jones crossed a line and abused his position of public trust by asking a witness to lie and delete evidence in a criminal investigation,” said Special Agent in Charge Mike Nordwall of the FBI Pittsburgh Field Office. “As the Regional Director of Parole in West Virginia, he was entrusted to uphold the law. Instead, he attempted to use his official capacity to influence a sexual misconduct investigation. This sentencing is a reminder that the FBI is committed to ensuring those who violate the public’s trust are held accountable.”

The FBI Pittsburgh Field Office investigated the case.

Special Litigation Counsel Kathryn E. Gilbert and Trial Attorney Daniel E. Grunert of the Civil Rights Division’s Criminal Section and Assistant U.S. Attorneys Monica Coleman and Nowles Heinrich for the Southern District of West Virginia prosecuted the case.

Defense News: Navy Expands Low Carbon Fuel Credits Agreement with Port of San Diego to Additional Two Local Bases

Source: United States Navy

Under the groundbreaking 2022 joint Memorandum of Understanding, funds generated from the sale of LCFS credits are used to begin significant upgrades to the electrical infrastructure at Naval Base San Diego and the Port of San Diego. Since the signing of that agreement, $4.5 million has been generated from the sale of LCFS credits. The new agreement between the Navy and the Port, signed Wednesday, April 26, 2023, allows the Navy to generate credits at two additional bases, Naval Base Coronado and Naval Base Point Loma.

“Our collaboration with the Port of San Diego has already proven very successful, providing the Navy with a unique opportunity to upgrade our electrical infrastructure,” said Rear Adm. Brad Rosen, Commander, Navy Region Southwest. “Expanding this agreement to include two more of our local Navy installations strengthens the Navy’s mission readiness and energy resilience, and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality around San Diego Bay. This is a win for the Navy, the Port, and the people of San Diego.”

“Once again, San Diego is leading the way in innovative strategies to improve air quality and public health. We couldn’t be more thrilled to help facilitate the Navy’s expansion of this program as it means more money for and earlier deployment of clean air projects for our region. It’s a big win for our agencies and an even bigger win for our neighbors in the communities of Barrio Logan, Logan Heights, Sherman Heights, and National City,” said Chairman Rafael Castellanos, Port of San Diego Board of Port Commissioners.

The Navy’s participation in this program is the first ever participation by the Department of Defense in this type of carbon reduction effort. The Navy generates LCFS credits while ships are plugged into shore power, rather than generating power internally using traditional, carbon-intensive fuels, and limiting emissions of greenhouse gasses in the surrounding community. Connecting ships to shore power while in port directly aligns with two Presidential Executive Orders requiring all federal agencies to take steps to reduce carbon emissions and support clean energy activities.

The LCFS is a cap-and-trade-like program where the producers of fossil fuels must either increase the use of plant-based carbon (e.g., ethanol and soybean oil) or buy credits to meet the requirement. The Navy generates credits via its current use of shore power for its fleet. One LCFS credit generated is equivalent to one metric ton of carbon dioxide reduced. Creation of credits can be achieved utilizing alternative low carbon fuels or electrification.

For more information on the Navy’s energy conservation efforts, contact:
Brian O’Rourke,
Navy Region Southwest
(619) 985-3725

Defense News: $41.3M BOS Contract Awarded for NS Guantanamo Bay

Source: United States Navy

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Southeast awarded a $41.3 million fixed-price-award-fee, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract, April 27, to Vectrus Systems Corporation for base operations support (BOS) at Naval Station (NS) Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.