Defense News: Navy Leaders in Ventura County Commemorate Memorial Day

Source: United States Navy

Throughout the course of U.S. History, soldiers, sailors, airmen, marine and coast guardsman have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our nation and allies and partners. Memorial Day serves as a special day of commemoration to honor their selfless service.

Kranz spoke from Conejo Funeral Home & Memorial Garden in Camarillo, where the remains of over 8,000 service members have been laid to rest.

“Those who have served and those at rest here at Conejo Mountain have willingly paid a price to ensure that our country will always enjoy the freedom to commemorate, or celebrate, as they see fit,” said Kranz. “Throughout my own career I have been thanked for my service on Memorial Day, and I’ve accepted each “thank you” in the spirit it was intended.”

Kranz stated that by honoring those who serve today we also honor those who have fallen; to include the 4,000 active service members onboard NBVC, and those standing watch.

“The memory of our fallen service members is a never-ending reminder that there will always be threats to our way of life,” said Kranz. “While the world has become a safer place due to their accomplishments and sacrifices, history shows us that the price of freedom is constant vigilance.”

Meno delivered keynote remarks at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

“Ventura County has a long history of service, said Meno. We are home to the Seabees, who pay great respect and admiration to fallen service members such as Construction Mechanic 3rd Class Marvin G. Shields, Steelworker 2nd Class Robert Stethem, and Lt.jg. Francis L. Toner IV.”

By the end of the 19th century, the Navy adopted regulations for proper observance of Decoration Day to be held on May 30. In 1971, Memorial Day was declared a national holiday by an act of Congress, though it is still often called Decoration Day.

NBVC is a strategically located Naval installation composed of three operating facilities: Point Mugu, Port Hueneme and San Nicolas Island. NBVC is the home of the Pacific Seabees, West Coast E-2D Hawkeyes, 3 warfare centers and 80 tenants.