HSI Investigation Leads to Indictment of Chinese National Circumventing Antidumping and Countervailing Duties in Puerto Rico

Source: United States Department of Justice News

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – On April 26, 2023 a federal Grand Jury in the District of Puerto Rico returned an indictment charging Shuyi Mo, a citizen and resident of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), with thirty-one counts of wire fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1343, one count of a wire fraud conspiracy in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1349, and one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371.

Mo was arrested on Saturday April 29, 2023, by HSI San Juan in coordination with HSI San Francisco as he awaited to board a flight to the PRC via the San Francisco International Airport.

An investigation by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) San Juan Global Trade Investigations Group (GTIG), in collaboration with US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), revealed an illegal transshipment scheme of merchandise from the PRC to Puerto Rico via Malaysia.

According to the indictment, Shuyi Mo is the manager of PRC-based supplier Neviews Development Co. LTD (NEVIEWS) who conspired with a US importer based in Puerto Rico to transship porcelain mosaic tiles from PRC through Malaysia to circumvent anti-dumping and countervailing duties of approximately 718%.

“Companies that import products made abroad must comply with the law, including paying the import duties that protect domestic manufacturers and producers from unfair competition,” said W. Stephen Muldrow, United States Attorney for the District of Puerto Rico. “The U. S. Attorney’s Office is committed to enforcing the law against those who fail to pay the government money it is owed, just as it will enforce the law against those who falsely claim government funds.”

“The misclassification of merchandise to pay lower duties to the United States Government is a duty evasion violation that will not go unpunished. One of our main missions in HSI is to protect U.S. businesses from fraudulent trade practices. We will continue our collaboration with customs and trade authorities to expose these illegal practices and bring those who engage in these practices to justice,” said Acting Special Agent in Charge Rebecca González-Ramos.

“CBP remains vigilant on products produced in certain countries and are transshipped through third countries to evade detection and elude duties,” stated Roberto Vaquero, Director of San Juan Field Operations. “CBP has a long history of innovation and technology to support a growing trade enforcement mission and has been successful with origin determinations in the past, whether it be through DNA analysis, pollen analysis, or other means.”

Assistant United States Attorney Alexander Alum of the Financial Fraud & Public Corruption Section of the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Puerto Rico is prosecuting this case.

If you have information on potential customs fraud violations, please contact Homeland Security Investigations at 787-729-6969.

An indictment is merely an allegation, and all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

About Homeland Security Investigations (HSI)

HSI is the principal investigative arm of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), responsible for investigating transnational crime and threats, specifically those criminal organizations that exploit the global infrastructure through which international trade, travel, and finance move. HSI’s workforce of more than 8,700 employees is comprised of more than 6,000 special agents stationed in 237 U.S. cities and 93 overseas locations in 56 countries. HSI’s international presence represents the largest DHS investigative law enforcement presence overseas and one of the largest in U.S. law enforcement.


Network of Transnational Fraudsters Indicted for Racketeering in Scheme to Steal Millions from American Consumers’ Bank Accounts

Source: United States Department of Justice News

A federal grand jury in Los Angeles has returned an indictment charging 14 defendants for their participation in a years-long scheme to steal millions of dollars from American consumers’ bank accounts, the Justice Department announced today.

According to court documents, Edward Courdy, 73, of Hawaiian Gardens, California; Linden Fellerman, 67, of Las Vegas; Guy Benoit, 68, of Cyprus; Steven Kennedy, 54, of Canada; Sayyid Quadri, of Canada; Ahmad Shoaib, 63, of Canada; John Beebe, 52, of Honolulu; Michael Young, 41, of Hollywood, Florida; Lance Johnson, 52, of Laveen, Arizona; Jenny Sullivan, 46, of Denver; Veronica Crosswell, 35, of Long Beach, California; Eric Bauer, 65, of Huntington Beach, California; Randy Grabeel, 71, of Pittsburg, California; and Debra Vogel, 68, of Las Vegas, were members and associates of a racketeering enterprise that unlawfully debited money from the bank accounts of unknowing U.S. consumer-victims.

Through various members and associates, the enterprise obtained identifying and banking information for victims, and created shell entities that claimed to offer products or services, such as cloud storage. The enterprise then executed unauthorized debits against victims’ bank accounts, which it falsely represented to banks were authorized by the victims. Some of the unauthorized debits resulted in returned transactions, which generated high return rates. To both conceal and continue conducting unauthorized debits, the enterprise’s shell entities also generated “micro debits” against other bank accounts controlled and funded by or for the enterprise. The micro debits artificially lowered shell entities’ return rates to levels that conspirators believed would reduce bank scrutiny and lessen potential negative impact on the enterprise’s banking relations.

Co-conspirator Harold Sobel was previously convicted for his role in the scheme in Las Vegas federal court and sentenced to 42 months in prison. In a related civil case also filed in Los Angeles federal court, injunctive relief and settlements totaling nearly $5 million were obtained against various persons, including several who are charged in this criminal indictment.

“The scheme alleged in the indictment involved an elaborate plot to reach into consumers’ bank accounts and steal their hard-earned savings,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. “The Department of Justice will use all of the tools at its disposal to prosecute such schemes.”

“This sophisticated scheme allegedly generated millions of dollars in revenue by stealing consumers’ personal information and then using that information to fraudulently reach straight into the bank accounts of thousands of Americans,” said U.S. Attorney Martin Estrada for the Central District of California. “The indictment alleges that an international network of fraudsters engaged in a wide-ranging ring which sought to victimize consumers while concealing their activities from banks and law enforcement authorities. Thanks to law enforcement, the defendants’ alleged efforts to continue this scheme have failed.”

“The U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) is committed to protecting the U.S. Postal Service and its customers, the American people,” said Inspector in Charge Eric Shen of the USPIS Criminal Investigations Group. “This case is illustrative of our efforts to protect American consumers from a sophisticated fraud scheme that cost American consumers millions of dollars. Postal Inspectors are proud to partner with the Department of Justice to put a stop to these types of schemes.”

Courdy, Fellerman, Benoit, Kennedy, Quadri, Shoaib, Beebe, Young, Johnson, Sullivan, Crosswell, and Bauer are charged with racketeering conspiracy and wire fraud; Grabeel and Vogel are charged with racketeering conspiracy. Some defendants made their initial court appearances yesterday. If convicted, each defendant faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison for racketeering conspiracy and, if applicable, 30 years in prison for each count of wire fraud. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

The department urges individuals to be on the lookout for unauthorized debits to their accounts. Regularly check your bank, credit card, and other financial statements and contact your financial institution if you see a charge you do not recognize. Report any fraudulent debit you identify to law enforcement. Reports may be filed with the FTC at www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov or at 877-FTC-HELP.

The USPIS is investigating the case.

Trial Attorneys Wei Xiang, Meredith Healy, and Amy Kaplan of the Justice Department’s Consumer Protection Branch and Assistant U.S. Attorney Monica Tait for the Central District of California are prosecuting the case. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Texas provided substantial assistance.

The Consumer Protection Branch, in conjunction with the USPIS, is pursing wrongdoers who disguise the unlawful nature of business activities by, among other methods, artificially lowering financial account return rates. These tactics are designed to deceive banks, resulting in bank accounts remaining open and facilitating fraud schemes and other illegal activities, including schemes that debit consumers’ bank accounts without authorization, tech support scams, and subscription traps.  

An indictment is merely an allegation. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General Marshall Miller Delivers Remarks at the Ethics and Compliance Initiative IMPACT Conference

Source: United States Department of Justice News

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery

Good morning. Thank you for that warm welcome and kind introduction. It’s great to be with you today to discuss the Justice Department’s corporate criminal enforcement priorities. I bring with me greetings from Deputy Attorney General  (Deputy AG) Lisa Monaco who spoke to this group last year.

In my remarks, I will focus on the increasing intersection of corporate crime and national security and the department’s commitment to consistency and transparency in our corporate enforcement work.

Then I’m looking forward to engaging in dialogue with this group of subject matter experts. The Deputy Attorney General and I are deeply interested in how the department can best provide clarity and predictability to help you and your organizations identify and mitigate risk, incentivize compliance, and stay out of the crosshairs of our enforcement efforts.

But before I dive in, let me take a few moments to thank you for the work you all do every day to promote compliance in companies across America and across the globe. It is not always easy being the voice of compliance in the room. Undoubtedly, many of you have had to raise thorny or uncomfortable issues – with your own teams, with company leadership, and with the government. I’m sure every one of you has had to make tough and sometimes costly decisions. Thank you for the work you do to prevent misconduct before it happens and to foster ethical, compliance-promoting cultures at the institutions where you work.

In today’s world, corporate crime presents a significant and growing threat to our national security — a threat increasingly at the heart of our approach to corporate crime at the Department of Justice.    

We’re seeing that threat play out every day in our investigations and our prosecutions. As we engage in corporate criminal enforcement, we are identifying national security risks and violations in more and more of our cases. And the flip side is true: as we pursue national security investigations, we are encountering corporate crime with disturbing frequency.

Make no mistake: companies in the private sector are on the front lines of the geopolitical and national security challenges that mark today’s global environment. From money laundering and cyber- and crypto-enabled crime to sanctions and export control evasion and even funneled payments to terrorist groups, corporate crime increasingly — now almost routinely — intersects with national security concerns.

Since October 2022 — so over the last seven months — roughly two-thirds of the department’s major corporate criminal resolutions have implicated United States national security. The charges have varied, from sanctions violations to terrorism crimes and money laundering for Russian interests, and so have the corporate defendants, which have operated in industries from construction and finance to agriculture and telecommunications. But the trend is real, and we’re committed to dedicating the resources necessary to counter the threat.

In today’s world, the stakes are higher than ever, and more and more frequently the personal and collective security of Americans and our allies hangs in the balance. Let me use one egregious example to drive home the point: last October, the department secured the first-ever corporate guilty plea to material support for terrorism from LaFarge, S.A.

Now, LaFarge wasn’t some fly-by-night shell company. Far from it. We’re talking about a huge, publicly traded, multinational construction company — in fact, the world’s largest cement manufacturer — funneling money to the world’s most deadly and notorious terrorist groups like ISIS, for the purpose of maximizing its profits. Let that sink in for a moment.

Through senior executives, LaFarge brazenly paid millions of dollars to terrorist groups in order to run a cement plant in Syrian territory controlled by ISIS and to gain market advantage over its competitors in the region. Now, LaFarge stands convicted of a terrorism offense and on the hook for financial penalties of more than $750 million.

Simply put, times have changed. Our adversaries—terrorist groups, oligarchs, malign nation-states, and more — are engaging in novel ways to raise money and sow discord, through cybercrime, crypto-laundering, sanctions evasion, export control circumvention and technology theft. To meet the moment, companies must pay a new level of attention to a wider range of national security compliance issues than ever before. 

Where in years past a compliance team might have mitigated national security risks through sanctions-screening software and attention to a few sanctioned countries, today a new level of diligence and attention is required. In this way, to quote Deputy Attorney General Monaco, sanctions truly are the new FCPA.

Investing significant additional compliance resources in this space is common sense; it’s good business; and it’s the right thing to do.

Let me give a couple of recent examples of why a more expansive view of compliance is necessary — ripped from last week’s headlines. Last Tuesday, the department reached a ground-breaking resolution with the British American Tobacco company and its Asia-based subsidiary in a case involving bank fraud and sanctions violations. Again, no fly-by-night operation here: BAT has been in business for over 120 years and, as of 2019, was the largest tobacco company in the world by net sales.

And yet despite its venerable history, for over a decade from 2007 to 2017, British American Tobacco used an offshore subsidiary and a third-party intermediary to conduct surreptitious and illicit business in North Korea. While falsely claiming no involvement in North Korea, BAT used the intermediary to maintain control over a program of North Korean tobacco sales and to launder the resulting income, to the tune of approximately half a billion dollars. And our investigation exposed that North Korean revenue from BAT’s tobacco sales was funneled to support that rogue nation’s nuclear weapons program.

Simply put: the department is finding dangerous violations of our national security laws in unexpected places. And we believe company executives and compliance officers need to reassess corporate risks with that threat landscape in mind.

Let me give you another, quite different example: also last week, the department unsealed criminal charges against a North Korean official and a handful of China-based crypto launderers, for their alleged roles in cyber-enabled, sanctions-evading, revenue generation schemes – again, to support the North Korean weapons program. Of course, the DPRK generates much of its cryptocurrency revenue through rank theft — by hacking crypto exchanges and other virtual asset providers and stealing cryptocurrency. But some of last week’s charges exposed a novel North Korean scheme that capitalizes on a toxic combination of high-tech labor shortages, remote telework, and identity theft. Based on those charges and additional investigative work, we now know that thousands of skilled information technology (IT) workers are using fake or stolen identities, obtaining telework employment at companies across the world, and then laundering their salary payments into the coffers of the North Korean regime. In some instances, those IT workers have also introduced vulnerabilities into company systems to enable DPRK hackers to conduct intrusions. 

While last week’s charges related to IT workers at blockchain companies, the FBI has tracked the North Korean scheme across numerous businesses and industries, as well as social networking, health and fitness, and entertainment platforms.  And the threat here extends not just to salary payments redirected to evade sanctions, but also to insider-enabled cybercrime and intellectual property theft—as to which unaware companies can quickly fall victim. In May of last year, to help companies and compliance personnel better protect against this threat, the U.S. government released an advisory warning, identifying red flag indicators and due diligence measures for companies hiring freelance or remote IT workers and software developers.

So what’s the takeaway? First, it’s a reminder that even business operations and lines far removed from the defense sector — cigarettes, cement, information technology — can pose dire national security risks if the company is not highly sensitive to high-risk actors, high-risk areas, and high-risk internal activity.

Before last year, remote IT workers were not on anyone’s list of threat vectors for sanctions evasion. And at first blush, the agricultural industry and the tobacco market don’t jump out as national security hotspots. But our investigation exposed BAT and infiltrating IT workers as important components in funding North Korea’s WMD proliferation program.

Particularly for any company whose operations touch parts of the world controlled by autocracies, the message is simple: national security laws must rise to the top of your compliance risk chart, with the recognition that even the most innocuous-looking transaction or activity could implicate our collective security. 

But secondly — and just as importantly, we need to put a premium on collaboration. On the cyber- and crypto-enabled crime front, the Department of Justice is working more closely with companies than ever before, as we prioritize dynamic threat disruption and place victims at the center of our work.  And the department is increasing outreach to the private sector about national security compliance risks.  With threats shifting and risks morphing, it is critical that we work together — government and industry — to identify and share information about new risk streams and threat actors.

For our part, the Department of Justice is dramatically scaling up our investment in fighting national security-related corporate crime. 

When I was in the private sector, I spent time assessing the priorities of the Department of Justice from the outside — and of course, I’d carefully review policy announcements and speeches like this one. But another way I gauged areas of focus was by assessing where the department was investing new resources. Speeches can set policies, but they don’t charge cases — prosecutors do. 

In March, the Deputy Attorney General announced that we are adding over two dozen new prosecutors to our National Security Division to focus on corporate crime; that group will include the first-ever Chief Counsel for National Security Corporate Enforcement. And we’re also staffing up the Bank Integrity Unit of the Criminal Division’s Money Laundering & Asset Recovery Section, where, among other things, we investigate and prosecute complex and cross-border sanctions cases that involve financial institutions.

We are investing those resources because the days when corporate crime solely jeopardized pensions and jobs and markets are gone. We know that our adversaries seek to use our technology against us and our allies, often to repress their own populations and extend their international influence.

So, in February, the Deputy Attorney General announced the formation of the Disruptive Technology Strike Force — a multi-agency collaboration led by the Justice and Commerce Departments to target illicit actors, strengthen supply chains, and protect critical technological assets from being acquired or used by our adversaries.

The illegal export of sensitive technology is a direct threat to our national security, with implications for the stability of our economy and the competitiveness of American businesses. These threats require our constant vigilance in enforcing our export control laws.

The department is now issuing joint advisories with the Commerce and Treasury Departments — akin to the FCPA guidance we publish jointly with the SEC that I know the private sector relies on. We will also continue issuing joint guidance on national security compliance risks, like the joint FBI, State, and Treasury advisory on North Korean IT workers I mentioned earlier. This is another way the Department will inform the private sector about enforcement trends and convey our expectations as to national security-related compliance.

Speaking of expectations, over the last nine months, the Deputy AG and I have each delivered remarks discussing the department’s efforts — across our components and across the country — to achieve consistency, transparency, and predictability.

We want corporate and compliance leaders to have a clear understanding of how the department will assess different fact patterns and how companies can expect to be treated. We hope this sets expectations around behavior and creates a zone of understanding where companies can step up and own up when they discover wrongdoing.

An animating principle in this work has been to standardize and upgrade the department’s approach to voluntary self-disclosure. If you’ve been following our message on corporate crime in the last year, I trust one thing has come through loud and clear: the department is placing a new and enhanced premium on voluntary self-disclosure. 

We know that it’s critical for companies that discover wrongdoing to be able to predict how the department is going to evaluate a voluntary self-disclosure. 

To that end, at the Deputy AG’s direction, every DOJ component and office with any responsibility for corporate enforcement matters now has a VSD policy in place. Those policies are publicly available on the DOJ website, and they all adhere to core department-wide principles. For the first time, all 94 U.S. Attorneys’ Offices have now adopted a single Voluntary Self-Disclosure policy that applies from Anchorage to Miami, from San Diego to right here in Jersey City.

Our work on this is not done. We are reviewing how components deploy those policies – looking at metrics and considering how we should tweak and recalibrate those policies going forward. And we are seeking feedback from all quarters. If you have experiences or insights you wish to share, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our office.

One area where we’ve received lots of input about self-disclosure relates to mergers and acquisitions. Encouraging corporate responsibility includes avoiding unintended consequences – like deterring companies with good compliance programs from acquiring companies with histories of misconduct.

Acquiring companies should be rewarded — rather than penalized — when they engage in careful pre-acquisition diligence and post-acquisition integration to detect and remediate misconduct at the acquired company’s business. That’s why, as I’ve said before, the Department of Justice will not treat as a recidivist any company with a track record of compliance that acquires a company with a history of compliance problems, so long as those problems are promptly and properly addressed in the context of the acquisition.

The Criminal Division’s Voluntary Self-Disclosure Policy currently incentivizes companies to come forward and disclose misconduct uncovered during due diligence by offering a presumption of a declination of prosecution. Consistent with this policy, the Criminal Division has declined to take enforcement action against companies that promptly and voluntarily self-disclosed misconduct uncovered in the M&A context and then remediated and cooperated. The Criminal Division’s Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs — last revised earlier this year, in March 2023 — also emphasizes the importance of including compliance voices in the M&A process. 

We are working toward an update and extension of that approach across the department as part of our ongoing efforts to promote and standardize voluntary self-disclosure. That update and extension will highlight the critical importance of the compliance function having a prominent seat at the table in evaluating and de-risking M&A decisions.

The department welcomes your feedback on the issue. Indeed, I understand our team has already spoken to a number of you here in the audience to identify areas where more clarity from the Department would be helpful. Stakeholder outreach and engagement are core tenets of the Corporate Crime Advisory Group process the Deputy AG announced at the beginning of her tenure.

Before we get to some questions, let me close with two key takeaways.

First, today’s world is filled with national security risks — risks that impact our nation, our markets, and our workplaces. Those of you in compliance are on the front line. When you mitigate compliance risks for your companies, you are serving your clients well and protecting our national security. Thank you for that work.

Second, at the Department of Justice, we are working every day not only to conduct robust enforcement but to do so with transparency, uniformity, and predictability so we can empower and incentivize companies to detect, deter, and report corporate misconduct. We look forward to continuing our work with the compliance community on that important effort.

Thank you. I look forward to taking some questions.

Tallahassee Couple Sentenced To Federal Prison For Wire Fraud Conspiracy, Money Laundering Conspiracy, And Making False Statements Relating To COVID-19 Relief Programs

Source: United States Department of Justice News

TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA – Wilbert Jean Stanley, III, 43, and Felicia Jackson Stanley, 43, both of Tallahassee, Florida, were sentenced, after previously pleading guilty to one count each of wire fraud conspiracy, money laundering conspiracy, and making false statements in connection to COVID-19 pandemic relief. Wilbert Stanley was sentenced to 40 months in federal prison, and Felicia Stanley was sentenced to 24 months in prison. Jason R. Coody, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Florida announced the sentences.

“The theft of any amount of taxpayer funds is inexcusable but stealing over $4.8 million dollars from honest, hardworking Americans truly in need of pandemic relief is simply abhorrent,” said U.S. Attorney Coody. “Today’s sentences both punish the defendants’ criminal conduct and should serve as a significant deterrent to others who would steal from their fellow citizens to unlawfully enrich themselves. With our law enforcement partners, we remain committed to investigating and vigorously prosecuting those who engage in acts of covid-related fraud.”

Court documents reflect that between March 1, 2020, and September 1, 2021, the Stanleys made false and fraudulent representations in applications to the Small Business Administration (SBA), financial institutions, and other lenders, for three different federal COVID-19 relief programs: Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs), and Shuttered Venue Operators Grants (SVOGs).  The false representations included inflated average monthly payroll expenses and the use of false tax forms as supporting documentation. The Stanleys submitted a total of 166 false and fraudulent EIDL applications, of which 50 were funded, in their names for businesses that they owned and in the names of other individuals (whom they recruited). The Stanleys also submitted 20 false and fraudulent PPP loan applications, and 3 false and fraudulent SVOG applications in their names for businesses that they owned and in the names of other individuals (whom they recruited). For most of the applications that the Stanleys submitted (which were not in their names), the Stanleys had an arrangement with the named applicants to receive a kickback from the named applicants, which was paid from the PPP, EIDL, and SVOG proceeds.

“Diverting federal funds intended to provide critical relief from the effects of a pandemic steals resources from those who need it most,” said Brian Payne IRS-CI Special Agent in Charge.  “These sentences reinforce our commitment to stopping criminals so every American taxpayer can maintain confidence in our system of taxation.”

“These sentences bring justice to the defendants who fraudulently obtained millions from Federal programs that were created to provide assistance to businesses struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Special Agent in Charge Kyle A. Myles of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Office of Inspector General (FDIC-OIG).  “The FDIC-OIG will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to hold those accountable who steal from such programs and threaten to undermine the integrity of the banking system.”

In total, through their false applications for federal COVID-19 relief funds, the Stanleys attempted to obtain over $7 million for themselves and others, to which they were not entitled.  The Stanleys were successful in fraudulently obtaining over $4.8 million in such funds.

Additionally, the Stanleys engaged in multiple monetary transactions that involved at least $10,000 of fraudulently obtained PPP loan, EIDL, or SVOG proceeds that they obtained through their scheme. Many of these transactions included payments for the purchase of real estate and to invest in virtual currency.

“These sentences demonstrate that those that steal taxpayer dollars will face the consequences for their actions,” said SBA OIG’s Eastern Region Special Agent in Charge Amaleka Brathwaite-McCall. “I want to thank the U.S. Department of Justice and our law enforcement partners for their dedication and pursuit of justice.”

The Stanleys’ imprisonment will be followed by 3 years of supervised release.  Additionally, the Stanleys were ordered to pay restitution to the SBA in the amount of $2,802,690.76, and the Court entered an order of forfeiture with respect to several parcels of real property and accounts at financial institutions.

This case was investigated by the Internal Revenue Service-Criminal Investigation, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation-Office of Inspector General (FDIC-OIG), Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), and the U.S. Small Business Administration-Office of Inspector General (SBA-OIG. Assistant United States Attorney Justin M. Keen prosecuted the case.

This case was prosecuted as part the Department of Justice’s prosecution of fraud schemes that exploit the CARES Act relief programs. The CARES Act is a federal law enacted in March 2020, designed to provide emergency financial assistance to the millions of Americans suffering the economic effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the two programs that were developed through CARES Act is the PPP. It provides funding to businesses through PPP loans for payroll costs, interest on mortgages, rent and utilities. PPP allows the interest and principal on loans to be forgiven if the business spends proceeds on certain expense items within a designated time and uses a certain percentage of the loan on payroll expenses. The SVOG program was established by the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act, and amended by the American Rescue Plan Act. The program included over $16 billion in grants to shuttered venues, to be administered by SBA. The SVOG program’s mission is to support the ongoing operations of eligible live venues and operators, live venue promoters, theatrical producers, talent representatives, live performing arts organization operators, museums, and motion picture theaters during the uncertain economic conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Department of Justice remains vigilant in detecting, investigating, and prosecuting wrongdoing related to the crisis.

The United States Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Florida is one of 94 offices that serve as the nation’s principal litigators under the direction of the Attorney General. To access public court documents online, please visit the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida website. For more information about the United States Attorney’s Office, Northern District of Florida, visit http://www.justice.gov/usao/fln/index.html.

Queens Woman Charged With Fraudulently Obtaining Government Funds

Source: United States Department of Justice News

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, John Gay, the Inspector General of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Office of Inspector General (“PA-OIG”), Jonathan Mellone, the Special Agent in Charge of the Northeast Region of the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Inspector General (“DOL-OIG”), and Ivan J. Arvelo, the Special Agent in Charge of the New York Field Office of Homeland Security Investigations (“HSI”), announced today the unsealing of a Complaint charging JASMIN GADSON, an employee of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, with wire fraud and theft of government funds for submitting fraudulent applications to obtain unemployment insurance benefits from the New York State Department of Labor at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021.  During that period, GADSON also allegedly submitted fraudulent applications for loans under the United States Small Business Administration’s (“SBA”) Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”).  GADSON was arrested this morning and will be presented this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Stewart D. Aaron in Manhattan federal court.  

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “Jasmin Gadson, an employee of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, allegedly stole government funds intended to help those who were struggling as a result of a national emergency.  This Office will continue to prosecute those who used the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to line their pockets with fraudulently obtained taxpayer money.”

PA-OIG Inspector General John Gay said: “We are appalled that a toll collector, on her own time, allegedly filed for fraudulent government benefits.”  

DOL-OIG Special Agent in Charge Jonathan Mellone said: “An important part of the mission of the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Inspector General is to investigate allegations of fraud related to Pandemic unemployment insurance programs.  We will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to investigate these types of allegations.”

HSI Special Agent in Charge Ivan J. Arvelo said: “As alleged, Jasmin Gadson not only fraudulently claimed unemployment benefits while actively employed by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, but this defendant also defrauded a program intended to assist hardworking Americans who were financially impacted due to the unprecedented COVID-19 health crisis.  HSI will not abide those who engage in theft of federal funds destined to help the financially vulnerable.  I am extremely grateful to our partners at the Port Authority of NY/NJ, Office of the Inspector General and the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of the Inspector General, as well as HSI New York’s Document & Benefit Fraud Task Force for uncovering and investigating Gadson’s criminal scheme that allegedly defrauded U.S. taxpayers out of $78,000.” 

According to the Complaint unsealed today in Manhattan federal court and publicly available information:[1]

JASMIN GADSON is currently employed by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, where she has worked since 2015.  Beginning in the summer of 2020 through the fall of 2021, she submitted fraudulent applications for unemployment insurance benefits to the New York State Department of Labor and fraudulent applications for PPP loans to the SBA.  In support of her fraudulent unemployment insurance applications, GADSON falsely claimed, in an initial application and weekly verifications, that the last date that she worked was during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020.  At all times from March 2020 through the present, GADSON was employed by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and received salary or paid sick leave or was on unpaid protected parental leave.  During that period, she received full health benefits and was not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits.  In addition, GADSON falsely claimed five-figure net revenues for a business that did not exist in support of her fraudulent PPP loan applications.  

Between both of these schemes, GADSON stole more than $78,000 from the New York State Department of Labor, the SBA, and financial institutions that issued SBA-guaranteed loans.

*                *                *

JASMIN GADSON, 29, of Queens, New York, is charged with wire fraud, which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, and theft of government funds, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

The maximum potential sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding investigative work of the PA-OIG, the DOL-OIG, and HSI.  The investigation was conducted by HSI’s Document and Benefit Fraud Task Force (“DBFTF”), a specialized investigative group comprising personnel from various state, local, and federal agencies with expertise in detecting, deterring, and disrupting organizations and individuals involved in various types of document, identity, and benefit fraud schemes.

The case is being prosecuted by the Office’s General Crimes Unit.  Assistant U.S. Attorney Amanda C. Weingarten is in charge of the prosecution.

The charges contained in the Complaint are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the Complaint and the descriptions of the Complaint set forth herein constitutes only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.