United States Attorney’s Office Paralegal Receives Department of Justice Award for Exceptional Service

Source: United States Department of Justice News

            Montgomery, Alabama – This morning, during a ceremony in the Great Hall at the Robert F. Kennedy Main Justice Building in Washington, D.C., Debbie Shaw, a supervisory paralegal specialist at the United States Attorney’s Office, received the Executive Office for United States Attorneys Director’s Lifetime Exceptional Service Award, announced United States Attorney Sandra J. Stewart. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco, and other senior Department of Justice leaders participated in the awards ceremony.

            Ms. Shaw has worked for the United States Attorney’s Office since 1982, serving at various times as a receptionist, criminal division legal assistant, and assistant to the United States Attorney. During that time, she has supported the work of the office and the Department of Justice in virtually every way imaginable. She has assisted in preparing and presenting nearly every significant case brought by the office over the past four decades. She has, on a near daily basis, coordinated with court personnel, law enforcement agents, and other officials, resolving every logistical issue that might arise in the office’s work. She has trained incoming legal support employees (and helped to train younger attorneys), always passing along the lessons she has learned and knowledge she has gained over the years. She has carefully read and edited attorney work product, ensuring that the work of the office is concise, professional, and persuasive. Although Ms. Shaw would likely describe her service as simply “doing her job,” the award issued today reflects the fact that Ms. Shaw is a cornerstone of the United States Attorney’s Office, the Montgomery legal community, and the Department of Justice at large.

            “No award or honor could ever capture all that Ms. Shaw has meant to the United States Attorney’s Office over the years,” stated United States Attorney Stewart. “Everyone who has worked at the office has benefitted from her work, her guidance, and her wisdom. I am delighted that the Department chose to recognize her and that I was able to be present as she received this award.”

            For almost 30 years, Ms. Shaw worked closely with Louis V. Franklin, Sr., Deputy Director of Enforcement for the Alabama Securities Commission and a former United States Attorney and Chief of the office’s Criminal Division. Mr. Franklin said, “Debbie is the office’s central nervous system, integrating information received from the public, client agencies, and the courts, then coordinating the response of the various office working components. To every employee, she offers institutional knowledge, warnings of danger, and a welcoming presence. She is the personification of support and cannot be replicated. She is so deserving of this award!”

            The United States Attorney’s Office congratulates Ms. Shaw on this high honor and expresses its deepest gratitude for her years of service.

Derry Man Indicted For Passport Fraud and Aggravated Identity Theft

Source: United States Department of Justice News

CONCORD – A Derry man was indicted for using another person’s identity in his application for a U.S. passport, U.S. Attorney Jane E. Young announces.

Andrew Mahn, 28, was indicted on one count of making a false statement in a passport application, one count of false statements, and one count of aggravated identity theft.  Mahn was arrested on May 2, 2023 and is being held pending a detention hearing on May 4, 2023.

According to the charging documents, on November 15, 2022, Mahn submitted a fraudulent passport application using the name and date of birth of his victim.  Mahn was previously charged with hacking in the Northern District of Illinois, and he was on pretrial release when he applied for the passport.

The charge of making a false statement in a passport application provides for a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.  The charge of making false statements provides for a sentence of up to 5 years in prison.  The charge of aggravated identity theft carries a mandatory sentence of two years consecutive to any other sentence imposed.  Sentences are imposed by a federal district court judge based upon the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and statutes which govern the determination of a sentence in a criminal case.

The U.S. State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and U.S. Postal Inspection Service led the investigation. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Alexander S. Chen and John J. Kennedy are prosecuting the case.

The details contained in the charging documents are allegations. The defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.


Defense News: Emory S. Land Makes Port Call in Saipan

Source: United States Navy

“We’re grateful to the local community for welcoming our crew,” said Capt. Brent Spillner, commanding officer of Emory S. Land. “Saipan is always a wonderful place to visit, and it’s the perfect spot for us to exercise the expeditionary capabilities that we might be called upon to provide anywhere in the Indo-Pacific.”

This is Emory S. Land’s second port visit to Saipan since taking over as the lead maintenance activity from USS Frank Cable (AS 40) in 2021. Their last visit was in February 2022.

“We extend our warmest welcome to the captain and crew of USS Emory S. Land to Saipan. We appreciate their visit to the Commonwealth, and equally important, thank them for engaging in community service work while in Saipan,” said Governor Arnold I. Palacios. “We also wanted to recognize and express pride in GMC Kevin Barbo, from Saipan, who – as Leading Chief Petty Officer of the USS Emory S. Land’s Gunnery Division – plays an important role in the Navy’s mission of defending our freedom, keeping America safe, and ensuring the seas remain free and open. We are proud of him and all the crew and thank them for their service.”

While in port, Emory S. Land is slated to participate in community outreach events and provide ship tours to students and civic leaders. The tender will also conduct small boat operations and rehearse its procedures to support submarines and surface ships in ports without established Navy facilities.
Guam is home to the U.S. Navy’s only submarine tenders, Emory S. Land and Frank Cable, as well as several Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarines. The submarine tenders are tasked to provide expeditionary intermediate level maintenance and repairs, services, and logistics support to submarines. The submarines and tenders are maintained as part of the U.S. Navy’s forward-deployed submarine force and are readily capable of meeting global operational requirements. They are manned by a unique hybrid crew of uniformed Sailors and Military Sealift Command civil service mariners.

For more information about USS Emory S. Land (AS 39), visit us at http://www.csp.navy.mil/emorysland/ or like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/EmorySLand. For more news from USS Emory S. Land (AS 39), visit http://www.navy.mil/local/as39/.

Defense News: U.S. Sixth Fleet and STRIKFORNATO to kick off FORMIDABLE SHIELD 2023

Source: United States Navy

Formidable Shield demonstrates allied interoperability in a live-fire joint and combined Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) environment, using NATO command and control structures. The exercise takes place biennially, occurring during odd-numbered years. It will take place from May 8 to 26, and involves 13 NATO Allied and partner nations, more than 20 ships and 35 aircraft, eight ground units consisting of radars, National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS), and High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), and approximately 4,000 personnel from across the Alliance.

“Formidable Shield is the premier IAMD and live fire rehearsal in the European theater, and highlights STRIKFORNATO’s proficiency in seamlessly integrating Allied and partner maritime and air forces into combined operations,” said Royal Navy Rear Adm. James Morley, deputy commander, STRIKFORNATO and Officer In Charge (OIC) of the exercise. “The strength and unmatched cohesion of our trans-Atlantic Alliance, now at 31 members with the addition of our capable Finnish Allies, lies in our mutual commitment to one another and to the deterrence and defense of the Euro-Atlantic area. This commitment shines through in complex, high-end evolutions like Formidable Shield.”

Throughout Formidable Shield, Allied and partner forces will participate in a series of live-fire events against subsonic, supersonic, and ballistic targets, incorporating multiple Allied ships, ground forces, and aviation assets working across battlespaces to deliver effects and effectively accomplish exercise objectives. This Integrated Air and Missile event will also test 4th and 5th generation fighter aircraft capabilities, including the F-35, fielded by multiple Allied nations.

“NATO Allied and partner nations field the most advanced technologies and capabilities in the world, and live fire rehearsals like Formidable Shield provide an ideal venue to integrate and mature these capabilities across all domains,” said Capt. Jon Lipps, U.S. Sixth Fleet’s Commander, Task Force 64 and Officer in Tactical Control (OTC) during the exercise. “The early iterations of Formidable Shield focused on maritime Ballistic Missile Defense. Today, we integrate joint capability from the ocean bottom to low earth orbit and span all domains to provide for the Deterrence and Defense of the Euro-Atlantic. Formidable Shield is not merely an exercise, it is the Alliance seamlessly demonstrating credible, collective deterrence and defense across all domains.”

U.S. Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) and U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe (MARFOREUR), as well as personnel and units from numerous national commands and combined NATO staffs, including STRIKFORNATO, Maritime Command (MARCOM), Air Command (AIRCOM) and Joint Force Commands will join the exercise from throughout North America and Europe.

A multinational Commander, Task Group (CTG) IAMD will be embarked aboard the Spanish Álvaro de Bazán-class frigate ESPS Blas de Lezo (F 103), which will serve as the flagship for the exercise. Blas de Lezo and other surface ships will conduct port visits in the United Kingdom and Norway prior to exercise kickoff next week to receive commander’s guidance and make final preparations for the various events.

“Exercises like this prove that ‘Stronger Together’ is a true mark of how the NATO Alliance operates,” said Italian Navy Rear Adm. Marco Papi, STRIKFORNATO’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations. “These events demonstrate that the military partnerships of the NATO Alliance remain as robust and relevant as ever. We look forward to continuing to strengthen our capabilities and our relationships during Formidable Shield.”

STRIKFORNATO, headquartered in Oeiras, Portugal, is a rapidly deployable and scalable headquarters, under the operational command of SACEUR, capable of planning and executing full spectrum joint maritime operations including IAMD, primarily through integration of U.S. and other nation’s carrier and amphibious forces into NATO operations to provide assurance, deterrence, and collective defense for the Alliance.

For over 80 years, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa (NAVEUR-NAVAF) has forged strategic relationships with allies and partners, leveraging a foundation of shared values to preserve security and stability.

Headquartered in Naples, Italy, NAVEUR-NAVAF operates U.S. naval forces in the USEUCOM and USAFRICOM areas of responsibility. U.S. Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF, and employs maritime forces through the full spectrum of joint and naval operations.

For imagery, press articles, and other products related to Formidable Shield, please visit www.c6f.navy.mil, www.dvidshub.net/feature/FormidableShield2023 and https://www.flickr.com/photos/cne-cna-c6f/albums/72177720305727519.

Defense News: Second Merchant Vessel Seized within a Week by Iran

Source: United States Navy

The oil tanker departed Dubai and was transiting from the Arabian Gulf toward the port of Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates when a dozen IRGCN fast-attack craft swarmed the vessel in the middle of the strait. The IRGCN subsequently forced the oil tanker to reverse course and head toward Iranian territorial waters off the coast of Bandar ‘Abbas, Iran.

A previous incident occurred six days ago when the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy seized Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker Advantage Sweet while it transited international waters in the Gulf of Oman.

Iran’s actions are contrary to international law and disruptive to regional security and stability. Over the past two years, Iran has harassed, attacked or interfered with the navigational rights of 15 internationally flagged merchant vessels.

Iran’s continued harassment of vessels and interference with navigational rights in regional waters are unwarranted, irresponsible and a present threat to maritime security and the global economy.