Defense News: NECE Entomologist Augments Warfighter Research Across INDOPACOM

Source: United States Navy

Entomological support typically includes the study of insects and bugs commonly found in a particular region in order to prevent the spread of insect-borne disease.

McGlynn provided entomological expertise in support of multiple studies during this time including: a project in Mongolia surveying for difficult to find mosquitoes that transmit malaria, examining new pesticides to treat service member uniforms, surveillance of melioidosis, a disease caused by a bacteria that can cause severe pneumonia in humans in Australia and insecticide resistance studies in Vietnam.

NAMRU-2 was established during World War II in Guam to conduct applied research in support of force health protection and has operated intermittently since 1955. Currently, NAMRU-2 is located in Singapore and acts as the center of a hub-and-spoke research model in multiple southeastern Asian countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Mongolia, and Laos.

In Malaysian Borneo, the particular species of parasite that can cause malaria through mosquito transmission is becoming an emerging public health threat. Typical malaria transmission is from one infected human to another human through the bite of a mosquito, but this species of parasite is transmitted by mosquito between non-human primates in heavily forested areas. Urbanization, climate change, and farming practices that encroach upon natural jungle habitats provide increased opportunities for this species of parasite to be transmitted from monkeys to humans via mosquito.

To better understand the threat of malaria transmission in the region from this particular parasite, McGlynn worked with the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) to coordinate the training of 29 officers and noncommissioned officers in entomological surveillance techniques and identification of malaria parasites in human blood. These military personnel will now be able to train their respective units within the MAF to increase their army’s capacity to survey for insect-borne diseases such as malaria.

“This was an incredible experience for me, and I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity,” said McGlynn. “The leadership and personnel at NAMRU-2 were fantastic to work with, conducting cutting edge research in support of the warfighter.”

Lt. McGlynn was awarded his first Navy Achievement Medal (NAM) for his efforts and entomological support of this mission.

NECE is the Navy and Marine Corps’ Center of Excellence for operational entomology located at Naval Air Station Jacksonville, FL. NECE’s unique DoD mission is to develop and evaluate novel products, pesticides, and technologies to better protect deployed forces from vectors of disease. NECE also provides operational medical entomology and pest management training to DOD military and civilian personnel and is the program manager for all Navy shipboard pest management. NECE plays a key role in supporting national strategic interests though engagement and exchange with foreign health and military partners.