Defense News: NRL, 100 Years Strong!

Source: United States Navy

Commissioned July 2, 1923, as the Naval Experimental and Research Laboratory — later shortened to the Naval Research Laboratory (c.1926) — NRL has changed the way the U.S. military fights, improved its capabilities, prevented technological surprise, transferred vital technology to industry, and tilted the world’s balance of power on at least three occasions; with the first U.S. radar, world’s first intelligence satellite, and first operational satellite of the Global Positioning System (GPS).
“For nearly a century, NRL employees have been at the forefront of innovation and research, and we are excited to honor this Centennial as we look to the next 100 years,” said Peter Matic, Ph.D., NRL’s Centennial Celebration Coordinator. “Today we are kicking off the celebration with an event at the Laboratory to share this momentous occasion.”
A Vision Realized
In 1873, the U.S. federal government purchased 90 acres of Bellevue in southwest Washington D.C. and added this land to the adjacent Naval Gun Factory. This land was known as the Bellevue Annex to the Naval Gun Factory until 1923, when the federal government opened the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory on the site. The Laboratory remains on this tract of land to this day.
In a 1915 New York Times article, Thomas Edison suggested that the U.S. government should maintain a “great research laboratory.” With this interview and with the progression of World War I, the idea of a central research facility for the Navy began to take shape.
Secretary of the Navy, the Honorable Josephus Daniels seized the opportunity created by Edison’s public comments to enlist Edison’s support. Edison agreed, serving as the head of a new body of civilian experts — the Naval Consulting Board — to advise the Navy on science and technology.
The Board’s eventual recommendation was “for the: establishment of a research and experimental laboratory, whose investment for grounds, buildings, and equipment should total approximately $5,000,000, and which should be located on tidewater of sufficient depth to permit dreadnought [class battleships] to come to the dock … near, but not in, a large city, so that labor and supplies might be easily obtained.”
The Board’s most ambitious plan was the creation of a modern research facility for the Navy. Congress allocated $1.5 million for the institution in 1916, but wartime delays and disagreements within the Naval Consulting Board postponed construction until 1920. On December 6, 1920, Daniels broke ground for NRL’s Building 1.
Radio Silence
In September 1922, nearly eight months prior to the grand opening of the newly created laboratory, two Navy radio engineers Albert Hoyt Taylor and Leo Clifford Young stationed at the Naval Aircraft Radio Laboratory at Anacostia, just north of Bellevue, began to seek new frequencies for radio communication. Building a high-frequency transmitter and portable receiver, the two set out to ‘field-test’ their device.
As Taylor and Young were testing their new equipment across the half-mile stretch of the open Potomac, the steamer Dorchester was cruising up the Potomac from Alexandria. As the vessel steamed toward the Anacostia, the researchers took note to the discernable fluctuations and peaks they were observing on their equipment. After somewhat tweaking the efficiency of the signal, the scientists were soon able to more effectively identify approaching vessels along the river, some as far off as three miles. It was soon after this discovery the team truly believed they could further develop their device for practical military use in modernizing the efficiency of detecting enemy warships.
Unfortunately, neither the Navy nor the Bureau seemed interested, and Taylor and Young in lieu of other demanding priorities shelved the project before being moved slightly down river to the newly commissioned Bellevue lab several months later.
At NRL, Taylor became chief radio scientists of the Laboratory’s Radio Division and Young his top assistant. During the greater portion of the 1920s, the division was tasked with advancing high-frequency radio technology for service to the Navy fleet.
1923 and Beyond
After opening its doors, the laboratory’s two original divisions — Radio and Sound — pioneered in the fields of high-frequency radio and underwater sound propagation. They produced communications equipment, direction-finding devices, sonar sets, and perhaps most significant of all, the first practical radar equipment built in the U.S.
Nearly a decade after Taylor and Young’s breakthrough in detecting distant moving objects via radio, a patent for “System for Detecting Objects by Radio,” was approved November 27, 1934. Later referenced as radar – for ‘radio detection and ranging’ – the technology contributed to major Naval victories in battles at the Coral Sea, Midway, and Guadalcanal during World War II.
During the war, scientific activities necessarily were concentrated almost entirely on applied research. New electronics equipment — radio, radar, sonar — was developed. Countermeasures were devised. New lubricants were produced, as were antifouling paints, luminous identification tapes, and a sea marker to help save survivors of disasters at sea. A thermal diffusion process was conceived and used to supply some of the uranium-235 isotope needed for one of the first atomic bombs.
During the years since World War II, the laboratory has conducted basic and applied research pertaining to the Navy’s environments of earth, sea, sky, space, and cyberspace. Investigations have ranged widely — from monitoring the sun’s behavior, to analyzing marine atmospheric conditions, to measuring parameters of the deep oceans.
Laboratory researchers also performed basic research, participating for example, in the discovery and early exploration of the ionosphere. Moreover, the laboratory was able to work gradually toward its goal of becoming a broadly based research facility. By the beginning of World War II, five new divisions had been added: Physical Optics, Chemistry, Metallurgy, Mechanics and Electricity, and Internal Communications. Detection and communication capabilities have benefited by research that has exploited new portions of the electromagnetic spectrum, extended ranges to outer space, and provided a means of transferring information reliably and securely to stare down massive jamming tactics.
Submarine habitability, lubricants, shipbuilding materials, firefighting, and the study of sound in the sea have remained steadfast concerns, to which have been added recent explorations within the fields of virtual reality, superconductivity, biotechnology and nanotechnology.
The laboratory has pioneered naval research into space — from atmospheric probes with captured V-2 rockets, through direction of the Vanguard project (America’s first satellite program) and development of the world’s first intelligence satellite (GRAB-I), to inventing and developing the first satellite prototypes of the modern day Global Positioning System (GPS).
Office of Naval Research
Because of the major scientific accomplishments of the war years, the United States emerged into the post-war era determined to consolidate its wartime gains in science and technology and to preserve the working relationship between its armed forces and the scientific community.
While the Navy was establishing its Office of Naval Research (ONR) as a liaison with and supporter of scientific research, it was also encouraging NRL to broaden its scope. Placement of NRL within the Navy Secretariat allowed it to pursue long-range high-risk projects and serve the Navy in the broadest sense.
Commissioned August 1, 1946, there was a transfer of NRL to the administrative oversight of ONR and a parallel shift of the laboratory’s research emphasis to one of long-range basic and applied investigation in a broad range of the physical sciences. However, rapid expansion during the war had left NRL improperly structured to address long-term Navy requirements.
One major task — neither easily nor rapidly accomplished — was that of reshaping and coordinating research. This was achieved by transforming a group of largely autonomous scientific divisions into a unified institution with a clear mission and a fully coordinated research program.
The first attempt at reorganization vested power in an executive committee composed of all the division superintendents. This committee was impracticably large, so in 1949 a civilian Director of Research (DOR) was named and given full authority over the program. Positions for associate directors, or ADORS, were added in 1954.
Leading Naval Research into the 21st Century
Today, NRL leads advances for the Navy in space systems development and support, as well as in fire research, tactical electronic warfare, microelectronic devices, and artificial intelligence (AI). The laboratory now focuses its research efforts on new Navy strategic interests in the 21st century, a period marked by global terrorism, shifting power balances, and irregular and asymmetric warfare.
NRL scientists and engineers strive to give the Navy the special knowledge, capabilities, and flexibility to succeed in this dynamic environment. While continuing its programs of basic research that help the Navy anticipate and meet future needs, to include innovations in wireless transfer of solar energy; hypersonic technologies and quantum information science.
NRL also moves technology rapidly from concept to operational use when high-priority, short-term needs arise. Some past examples are pathogen detection, lightweight body armor, contaminant transport modeling, and communications interoperability.
The interdisciplinary and wide-ranging nature of NRL’s work keeps this “great research laboratory” at the forefront of discovery and innovation, solving naval challenges and benefiting the nation as a whole.

Author’s note: Don DeYoung, Executive Assistant to NRL’s Director of Research; and Dr. Peter Matic, Associate Director of Research, Materials Science and Component Technology Directorate contributed to this article.

Defense News: NRL Scientists Use Pulsar Timing to Measure Gravitational Waves from the Distant Universe

Source: United States Navy

 While earlier NANOGrav results showed evidence for an unexplained signal detected in the pulsars they observed, it was too faint to determine the cause. Additional data, published today in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, show that the signal is consistent with gravitational waves passing through our galaxy, likely generated by supermassive black holes merging in distant galaxies. This is the first evidence for gravitational waves at these low frequencies, opening a new way to study the most massive objects in the universe
The signal was revealed by looking for tiny perturbations in the arrival time of radio pulses from pulsars, which are rapidly spinning neutron stars. The fastest pulsars, called millisecond pulsars, spin on their axis up to 700 times per second. These pulsars are essentially cosmic clocks that are as stable as some of the best laboratory atomic clocks. “Our research group at NRL has led an effort to discover and time millisecond pulsars, many of which have been added to the NANOGrav pulsar timing array,” said Dr. Paul Ray, head of the High Energy Astrophysics and Applications Section at NRL. This stability allows tiny deviations, of less than 1 millionth of a second, to be measured, tracing the stretching and squeezing of spacetime as gravitational waves pass the Earth and pulsars. Those deviations, and the pattern of their correlations on the sky, are the telltale signature of gravitational waves, allowing scientists to conclude that gravitational waves are the most likely cause of the observed signal.
Another use of highly stable pulsars is a natural analog to GPS, giving a spacecraft the ability to navigate and tell time autonomously, even far out in the solar system where GPS is not available. “Any pulsar-based navigation system will ultimately be limited by the random sloshing around caused by gravitational waves, so the characterization of these signals is of keen interest to NRL and the Navy,” said Dr. Paul Ray, “We must fully understand and characterize these clocks if we are going to use them in precise navigation and timekeeping applications.”

The current NANOGrav results are based on radio observations using some of the largest radio telescopes in the world. These radio signals can be perturbed by the tenuous plasma of ionized gas in interstellar space, requiring a careful procedure to correct for those perturbations. At NRL, Research Physicist Dr. Matthew Kerr is taking a different approach by timing many of the same pulsars using gamma-rays instead of radio waves.
“Although the gamma-ray measurements are less precise, they are unaffected by interstellar plasma, and we have a consistent 15 year dataset from the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope,” said Kerr, “and it is important to ensure that radio propagation effects are not masquerading as the gravitational wave signal we are seeing.” Kerr’s analysis was recently published in the journal Science.
Astrophysicists around the globe have been busy chasing this gravitational-wave signal. Several papers released today by collaborations in Europe, China, and Australia also see a consistent signal in their data. As part of a broader collaboration called the International Pulsar Timing Array (IPTA), various groups are combining their data in order to better characterize the signal and search for new types of sources.
“The NANOGrav result is strengthened by international collaboration with the IPTA,” said Dr. Megan DeCesar, an astronomer at NRL. “Other pulsar timing arrays also see this signal in independent data, which increases our confidence that it is real. By combining our data into a single larger data set, we will be able to characterize the signal more precisely and perhaps confirm its origin.”
About the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
NRL is a scientific and engineering command dedicated to research that drives innovative advances for the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps from the seafloor to space and in the information domain. NRL is located in Washington, D.C. with major field sites in Stennis Space Center, Mississippi; Key West, Florida; Monterey, California, and employs approximately 3,000 civilian scientists, engineers and support personnel.
For more information, contact NRL Corporate Communications at (202) 480-3746 or Please reference package number at top of press release.

Missouri Man Arrested on Felony and Misdemeanor Charges For Actions During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach

Source: United States Department of Justice News

            WASHINGTON — A Missouri man has been arrested on felony and misdemeanor charges related to his actions during the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. His actions and the actions of others disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress convened to ascertain and count the electoral votes related to the presidential election.

            Kyle Kumer, 43, of Kansas City, Missouri, is charged in a criminal complaint filed in the District of Columbia with civil disorder, a felony charge, and misdemeanor charges of entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, and impeding passage through the Capitol grounds or buildings.

            Kumer was arrested in Kansas City and made his initial appearance today in the Western District of Missouri.

            According to court documents, on Jan. 6, 2021, Kumer was identified as being present in the lower west terrace tunnel entrance to the Capitol building. At approximately 2:56 p.m., Kumer is accused of entering the tunnel and engaging with a crowd of rioters in a concerted “heave-ho” movement against the line of law enforcement officers protecting the entrance to the building.

            At approximately 3:10 p.m., court documents say that rioters were being moved out of the tunnel by police officers, but Kumer remained. Later, rioters again returned to the tunnel, and Kumer is accused of joining in a second, concerted effort to push back against police officers protecting the entrance to the building.  During this effort, Kumer used his back to push and encouraged other rioters to push by calling out, “Let’s go! C’mon! Let’s go!”

            This case is being prosecuted by the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and the Department of Justice National Security Division’s Counterterrorism Section. Valuable assistance was provided by the United States Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Missouri.

            This case is being investigated by the FBI’s Kansas City and Washington Field Offices, which identified Kumer as BOLO (“Be On the Look Out”) #126 on its seeking information photos. Valuable assistance was provided by the United States Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police Department.

            In the 29 months since Jan. 6, 2021, more than 1,000 individuals have been arrested in nearly all 50 states for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol, including nearly 350 individuals charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement. The investigation remains ongoing. 

            Anyone with tips can call 1-800-CALL-FBI (800-225-5324) or visit

            A complaint is merely an allegation, and all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Tennessee Man Arrested on Felony and Misdemeanor Charges For Actions During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach

Source: United States Department of Justice News

            WASHINGTON — A Tennessee man has been arrested on felony and misdemeanor charges related to his actions during the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. His actions and the actions of others disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress convened to ascertain and count the electoral votes related to the presidential election.

            Michael Asbury, 43, of Knoxville, Tennessee, is charged with the felony offense of obstruction of law enforcement during a civil disorder and misdemeanor offenses of entering or remaining on restricted grounds without lawful authority to do so, disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, and disorderly conduct in a Capitol building.

            Asbury was arrested in Lenoir City, Tennessee, and made his initial appearance today in the Eastern District of Tennessee.

            According to court documents, on Jan. 6, 2021, Asbury was present in the lower west tunnel entrance of the Capitol building at approximately 2:49 p.m. While inside the tunnel, Asbury is accused of working with other rioters to push his body back and forth in a concerted “heave-ho” movement against the line of law enforcement officers protecting the entrance to the building.

            This case is being prosecuted by the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and the Department of Justice National Security Division’s Counterterrorism Section. Valuable assistance was provided by the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Tennessee.

            This case is being investigated by the FBI’s Knoxville and Washington Field Offices, which identified Asbury as BOLO (“Be On the Look Out”) #122 on its seeking information photos. Valuable assistance was provided by the United States Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police Department.

            In the 29 months since Jan. 6, 2021, more than 1,000 individuals have been charged in nearly all 50 states for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol, including nearly 350 individuals charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement. The investigation remains ongoing.

            Anyone with tips can call 1-800-CALL-FBI (800-225-5324) or visit

            A complaint is merely an allegation, and all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

District of Columbia Woman Found Guilty in Scheme to Steal Money From Non-Profit She Was Entrusted to Run

Source: United States Department of Justice News

            WASHINGTON – Rowena Joyce Scott, 70, of the District of Columbia, was convicted today of wire fraud, credit card fraud, filing false tax returns, and failing to file tax returns, in connection with a scheme to steal and embezzle money from the non-profit corporation she was entrusted to run for the benefit of some of the District’s economically disadvantaged residents.

            The verdict was announced by U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves and Acting Special Agent in Charge Kareem Carter, of the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Washington D.C. Office. A sentencing hearing is scheduled for October 18, 2023.

            The offense of wire fraud carries a statutory maximum of 20 years in prison.  The offense of  filing a false income tax return carries a statutory maximum of 3 years in prison.  The offense of credit card fraud carries a statutory maximum of 10 years. The offense of willful failure to file tax returns carries a statutory maximum of one year. All the offenses also carry financial penalties. 

            According to evidence presented in court, from approximately January 2010 through May 2014, Scott served as the president of the board of directors and manager of Park Southern Neighborhood Corporation (“PSNC”), a non-profit, non-member corporation that owned and operated the Park Southern apartment complex in Southeast Washington, D.C. Instead of serving PSNC’s charitable mission – of providing adequate, safe, affordable housing for the District’s underhoused and underprivileged residents – Scott engaged in a scheme through which she embezzled at least $125,000 from the organization’s coffers and used nearly $30,000 in additional funds to make purely personal, unauthorized purchases from third-party vendors.  All the while, Scott collected $260,000 in “salary” (about $60,000 per year), lived in the building rent-free, and used the property’s common rooms, free of charge, to operate her own ministry.  Scott failed to report all of the income she received from PSNC – legitimate or otherwise – for tax purposes.  Meanwhile, under her watch, the PSNC failed to finish renovations for Americans-with- Disabilities-Act compliant units and failed to make loan payments to the District.

           This case was investigated by IRS-CID, Assistant U.S. Attorney Kate Rakoczy, and former Assistant U.S. Attorney Peter Lallas. It was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Brian Kelly and Diane Lucas, and Paralegal Specialist Sona Chaturvedi.