Defense News: Pacific Partnership Returns to the Philippines

Source: United States Navy

Returning to the Philippines since last year’s stop in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Pacific Partnership enables participants to work together to enhance disaster response capabilities and foster new and enduring friendships in the Philippines.

At the invitation of the Philippines, Pacific Partnership’s mission is to conduct tailored humanitarian and civic preparedness activities in areas such as engineering, disaster response, public health, and Philippine outreach events. This year’s mission, featuring nearly 1500 personnel, was a joint effort on behalf of Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

“The U.S. Navy and our allies and partners value our growing cooperation with the Philippines,” said U.S. Navy Capt. Claudine Caluori, mission commander. “I am confident that the planning and hard work we’ve invested thus far with our partners will have a long-lasting impact here in the Philippines.”

While in San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines, Pacific Partnership 2023 will provide tailored medical care focusing on subject-matter exchanges and community education; constructing and reconstruction of multiple schoolhouses and knowledge exchanges with exercises covering disaster response and humanitarian assistance. Additionally, the U.S. Pacific Fleet Band will perform in a variety of community engagements.

“We welcome our allies and partners as we embark in another opportunity to build strong, stable and resilient communities, “ said Lt. Col. Enrico Gil Ileto, Chief of the Public Affairs Office. “This exercise underscores our commitment to regional stability, disaster response readiness, and the well-being of every Filipino and our neighbors. With our partners, this will help us hurdle challenges by fostering goodwill and fostering safer, more resilient communities for generations to come.”

As part of PP23, the mission team will conduct missions throughout Southeast Asia and the South Pacific Islands.

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