Defense News: Richard Seeloff and Jose Goncalves: Unsung Heroes of NAVFAC Atlantic LRA Campus Consolidation Awarded “2022 Team of the Year (Product & Service) – Silver”

Source: United States Navy

In a heartwarming tale of dedication and teamwork, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic’s Richard Seeloff, Support Systems Specialist, and Jose (Joe) Goncalves, Mail & File Assistant, have been awarded the honor of “2022 Team of the Year (Product & Service) – Silver” for their exceptional contributions to the Lafayette River Annex (LRA) consolidation.

Rear Adm. Lore Aguayo, Commander, NAVFAC Atlantic and Fleet Civil Engineer and Director, Fleet Installations and Environment, US Fleet Forces Command, praised Seeloff’s and Goncalves’ achievements, stating, “I am truly delighted to commend Rich and Joe for their exceptional work. Amidst the intricacies of a significant administrative transition, the entire team admirably upheld our standard commitments to our valued customers, and their steadfast reliability proved to be an invaluable asset in keeping us firmly on course.”

Richard and Joe emerged as the Move/Build Team for the LRA consolidation, a project that involved furniture builds, moves, reconfigurations, and catering to the needs of employees during and after the campus consolidation. Their tireless efforts and willingness to assist anyone in need provided a glimmer of hope and comfort to employees navigating the challenging transition.

The consolidation of the LRA campus, from three buildings to one, posed significant challenges, compounded by the increase in telework and a reduction in operations and maintenance funds. Despite holding full-time positions, Richard and Joe became indispensable to the consolidation process.

Their collaborative approach resulted in the completion of more than twenty-three interior furniture reconfigurations, knock-downs, and builds within tight timelines, often with mere days’ notice. Every challenge was met with determination and an unwavering commitment to delivering results on time, within budget, and safely.

Richard and Joe went above and beyond by cleaning up existing inventory, removing damaged furniture, and paying meticulous attention to details, enhancing the comfort of their colleagues during the transition.

The consolidation project included phased moves, all of which were completed on schedule, thanks to their relentless efforts. They not only adhered to schedules but also improved designs to better serve employees. Their dedication extended to volunteering for additional tasks, such as shred days, coordinating with movers, and replacing existing equipment or furniture with betterments from the abandoned buildings.

Their camaraderie and positive attitudes transformed what could have been a daunting experience into a positive one for all involved.

Even though the consolidation was completed in the summer of 2022, Richard and Joe’s commitment has not waned. Throughout the year, they continued to fine-tune, move, adjust, and assist employees as they settled into the new environment. Their forward-thinking and planning have laid a solid foundation for the future.

Goncalves remarked, “To me, it means I am doing the best I can to help all the customers. Even if I can’t make everyone happy, I’m pleased to help everyone I can.”

Seeloff added, “Being recognized meant a lot to Joe and me. It also made me aware that the work we do doesn’t go unnoticed. I realized that management took note of what we were doing above our normal duties and gave us recognition for it. Once again, very much appreciated.”

Richard and Joe’s exceptional dedication and unwavering commitment have left an indelible mark on NAVFAC Atlantic, making them worthy recipients of the “2022 Team of the Year (Product & Service) – Silver” award.