Defense News: USS Shoups’ Congressional Visit

Source: United States Navy

The representatives included: Rep. Trent Kelly (R-MS), House Armed Services Committee, Chairman of SeaPower and Projection Forces Subcommittee, Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN), House Armed Services Committee, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), House Armed Services Committee, Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL), House Appropriations Committee, Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX), House Financial Services Committee, and Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY), House Ways and Means Committee. It was a wonderful opportunity for the congressman and sailors to sit down and discuss a variety of topics ranging from national security to the food served onboard.
Matthew Heimer, the Weapons Officer, onboard states, “It was really eye opening to meet with Representatives from a variety of districts throughout the United States. SHOUP crew members enjoyed interacting with our nation’s leaders and were proud to show them the capabilities of a patrol ready Forward Deployed Naval Forces (FDNF) destroyer. “The visit consisted of lunch with the crew and a tour of the ship featuring the pilot house, combat information center, engineering spaces and much more.
Command Master Chief, Sean Baney says, “The SHOUP crew had an excellent opportunity to highlight their efforts as part of Seventh Fleet to our elected representatives. It is important for elected officials to see first-hand the challenges and opportunities our Sailors have here in Japan. Hosting the delegation visit gave our shipmates the chance to share their experiences with the decision makers from the highest level of government. I couldn’t be more proud of the way our crew represented their professionalism and the fighting spirit of the Navy.” The crew of mighty warship Shoup effectively displays their warfighting attitude in every aspect of shipboard life and were extremely grateful for the opportunity to welcome these elected representatives.