Defense News: Cybersecurity Awareness Month (Week 4): Prioritize Cybersecurity: Adopting the Navy’s Cyber Ready Initiative

Source: United States Navy

“A successful cyber-attack in one part of our network can jeopardize systems and data because attackers move across the network to other targets once they are inside it — at network speed,” said Scott St. Pierre, Director of the Navy’s Enterprise Networks and Cybersecurity Division. “Cybersecurity must be practiced all day every day, at home and in the office.”

In August 2022, Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro released a strategic intent memo providing guidance for transforming the Department of the Navy’s approach to cybersecurity. In this memo, Secretary Del Toro directed the department to pivot from a compliance-based mindset to a more dynamic model rooted in the philosophy of readiness. And consequently, “Cyber Ready” came to be. 

Cyber Ready is a continuous state of cybersecurity awareness, where the Authority to Operate (ATO) on the Navy’s network is earned and managed every day. A Cyber Ready posture ensures secure delivery of information into the right hands at the right time and allows programs with network applications to continuously evaluate their security for threats and vulnerabilities. 

“Teach Cybersecurity, Practice Cybersecurity and Prioritize cybersecurity should be everyone’s mantra.” said Director St. Pierre. “These 4 themes are the foundation stones for effective cybersecurity, And we must ensure going forward that our Sailors, civilians, contractors, industry partners, and family members have a comprehensive understanding of cyber threats and actions that increase Navy’s cybersecurity readiness.”

The cyber environment is constantly changing, therefore being Cyber Ready equates to continuous monitoring of networks and systems, thus making the system owner responsible for staying up-to-date and at the ready for someone or something to test the system for vulnerabilities.  

While National Cybersecurity Awareness Month is coming to a close, remember that cybersecurity, while focused on in October, truly has no season and must be prioritized 24/7/365. Thank you for your dedication as we continue to be CYBER WARRIORS! 

For the most up to date policy and news about Navy cybersecurity visit and search “cybersecurity.”