Defense News: SECNAV and Betty Del Toro Give Thanks to Sailors and Their Families on Thanksgiving

Source: United States Navy

Secretary and Mrs. Del Toro toured the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68), served food on the mess decks, and enjoyed a meal with Sailors and their families, giving back and showing appreciation on behalf of a grateful Nation. 

“Betty and I want to say – from the bottom of our hearts – thank you to all of our service members, civilians, and their families who sacrifice so much for our Nation. It bears repeating that our people are our strength. We owe them so much. So, Betty and I want each and every one of them to know that we appreciate those sacrifices and their service,” said Secretary Del Toro.

Nimitz recently concluded a seven-month deployment to U.S. 3rd and 7th Fleet areas of operations sailing over 65,000 nautical miles and completing over 14,500 successful aircraft launches and recoveries.

“We’re extremely thankful Secretary and Mrs. Del Toro took the time to travel to Bremerton and spend Thanksgiving with our Sailors and their families. For those Sailors who have duty and brought their families aboard to spend Thanksgiving together this visit by the Secretary makes spending this holiday on the ship even more memorable ” said Capt. Douglas Graber, Nimitz’s commanding officer. “I would be remised if my wife Barbara and I didn’t extend our heartfelt thanks to all the families of our Nimitz Sailors this holiday season. The support you provide our command, knowing you are out there supporting all the ship does, really motivates us and keeps our heads in the game so we can keep getting wins.”

While in Bremerton, Secretary and Mrs. Del Toro also visited the crew of the Seawolf-class submarine USS Connecticut (SSN 22).

Earlier this week, Secretary Del Toro released a message to the Force, reiterating that he is honored to serve as the 78th Secretary of the Navy. 

“You stand the watch in support of one another and in defense of our Nation. I could not be more proud of all that you accomplish. Please accept my profound and humble thanks. A very special thank you goes out to our teammates deployed and underway. While you may not be able to gather at the table with your families this year, please know that the Nation’s thoughts, prayers, and thanks are with you, wherever you find yourselves,” said Secretary Del Toro.

Defense News: U.S. 7th Fleet and Armed Forces of the Philippines Begin Maritime Cooperative Activity

Source: United States Navy

The MCA is designed to enhance interoperability between the two militaries and further advance combined capabilities in the maritime domain.

C7F units participating in the MCA are the Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Gabrielle Giffords (LCS 10), assigned to Destroyer Squadron 7, and a P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft, assigned to the “Fighting Tigers” of Patrol Squadron (VP) 8. 

AFP units participating are two FA-50PH aircraft, an A-29B Super Tucano aircraft, and three Philippine Navy ships: BRP Conrado Yap, BRP Jose Rizal, and BRP Gregorio del Pilar.

U.S. 7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet, and routinely interacts and operates with allies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacific region. 

Defense News: Jordan Assumes Command of Combined Maritime Forces’ Multinational Maritime Training Task Force

Source: United States Navy

U.S. Navy Capt. Oliver Herion turned over command of Combined Task Force (CTF) 154 to RJNF Capt. Ayman Salem Alnaimat. CTF 154 was established this past May, and is one of five operational task forces under Combined Maritime Forces, a multi-national naval partnership of 38 nations, which promotes security, stability and prosperity across approximately 3.2 million square miles of international waters, encompassing some of the world’s most important shipping lanes.

During Herion’s tenure, CTF 154 completed nearly 30 training serials across three major training events: Compass Rose in Bahrain; Southern Readiness in the Seychelles, and Northern Readiness in Jordan. This is in addition to numerous key partner engagements and working alongside other maritime organizations, such as the European Union Naval Force.

“Being CMF’s newest task force, we hit the ground running with CTF 154 to deliver maritime security enhancement training to and with partners” said Herion, who also commands Task Force 56, expeditionary combat forces, under U.S. Naval Forces Central Command. “Through CTF 154, we truly are better, stronger and ready together to deter and counter unlawful activity from non-state actors.”

CTF 154 conducts multinational maritime training at locations across the Middle East, enabling more CMF partner-nations to participate in training opportunities without ships or aircraft, particularly during courses that are facilitated ashore. It organizes training events around five core areas: maritime awareness, maritime law, maritime interdiction, maritime rescue and assistance, and leadership development. Each training opportunity is tailored to meet partner requests ranging from basic to advanced levels. CTF 154’s core staff consists of members from Canada, Egypt, Jordan, Seychelles, Türkiye, and the United States.

Alnaimat recently completed a tour at the Royal Command & Staff College. He previously served as the intelligence officer in CTF 152, and as a planning staff officer for CMF. He has also commanded the Combat Boat Group.

“I look forward to continue the CTF 154 mission and expand our information sharing among our partner nations,” Alnaimat said. “Our shared mission between countries proves that no one nation can do it alone.”

Combined Maritime Forces, headquartered in Bahrain with U.S. Naval Forces Central Command and U.S. 5th Fleet, is the largest multinational naval partnership in the world, with 38 nations committed to upholding the international rules-based order at sea.

CMF’s other task forces include CTF 150 that focuses on maritime security in the Gulf of Oman and Indian Ocean; CTF 151, which leads regional counter-piracy efforts; CTF 152, dedicated to maritime security in the Arabian Gulf; and CTF 153 in the Red Sea.

Defense News: Combined Maritime Forces Hosts Young Leaders Program

Source: United States Navy

Participants attended a Q&A session with the CMF commander, Vice Adm. Brad Cooper, and other key leaders from CMF as well as the International Maritime Security Construct. Attendees also visited a display of maritime unmanned systems, hosted by Naval Forces Central Command’s Task Force 59, the first unmanned and artificial intelligence task force.

“As the largest maritime coalition in the world, we are invested in promoting maritime security across regional waters,” said Cooper. “Bringing young minds together for conversations on these topics allows for a greater multinational engagement within the organization and community.”

The event gave these up-and-coming strategic thinkers from across the region a platform to engage with top military leaders. Some of the topics they discussed included the integration and advancement of unmanned systems among regional partners to help ensure the free flow of commerce in vital waterways.

“We were very thankful that Vice Adm. Cooper and the other naval leaders took the time to talk with us and address many policy issues concerning people in the region,” said Maha Ghazi, a Young Leaders participant.

CMF, a 38-nation naval partnership, upholds the international rules-based order by promoting security and stability across 3.2 million square miles of water encompassing some of the world’s most important shipping lanes.

IMSC promotes collaboration among member nations to deter threats and reassure regional mariners in and around the Strait of Hormuz and Bab al-Mandeb. Current members include Albania, Bahrain, Estonia, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States.

Defense News: Secretary Carlos Del Toro Released the Following Thanksgiving Message to the Force

Source: United States Navy

Happy Thanksgiving to the Navy-Marine Corps Team of Sailors, Marines, civilian employees, and families.

This holiday encourages us to take stock of and reflect on all that we have to be grateful for.  For me, doing so is simple:  I am forever grateful for the honor to serve as your Secretary of the Navy.  You stand the watch in support of one another and in defense of our Nation.  I could not be more proud of all that you accomplish.  Please accept my profound and humble thanks.

A very special thank you goes out to our teammates deployed and underway.  While you may not be able to gather at the table with your families this year, please know that the Nation’s thoughts, prayers, and thanks are with you, wherever you find yourselves.

Please check in and say thanks to one another and your families during this Thanksgiving weekend.  Let them know you care and that you are grateful for them, as I am grateful for each of you.

Thank you for everything you do.  Happy Thanksgiving.

Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.