Defense News: Physical Evaluation Board Discharge Claims

Source: United States Navy

In accordance with the District Court’s ruling, the Department of the Navy has established a Class Action Review Board (CARB) as a remedial PEB process for those impacted. To that end, the CARB is reissuing PEB findings for those identified as class members over the next 12-18 months.

If class members do not want further review of their PEB case, no action is required. If no review is requested, there will be no impact to your current status and benefits, to include your VA benefits. Inquiries about the CARB or general information about the CARB may be directed to a CARB Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer at or 202-685-6436.

For class members desiring legal advice or counsel regarding the Torres CARB, a Government attorney is available for advice and counsel, free of charge, through the Department of the Navy’s Office of the Judge Advocate General, Disability Evaluation System Counsel Program (DESCP). The DESCP may be reached at or (202) 875-1198.

For additional information and the latest updates about the CARB please visit the CARB website: