Defense News: SECNAV Del Toro Emphasizes Importance of Service and Leadership to School Students in Miami

Source: United States Navy

During a special presentation with students in the STEAM program, Secretary Del Toro highlighted his time as a small business owner and his 26-year career in the Navy.

“I wanted to share that experience with you, and perhaps, open your mind to serving our Nation as well,” said Secretary Del Toro. “While you continue to pursue your passion, remember, there isn’t anything that we don’t do in the Department of the Navy. Explore a career in the Navy or the Marine Corps.”

“We are excited to welcome Secretary Del Toro to our campus,” said José E. Roca, Belen’s Principal and 1984 graduate. “We are honored to be able to provide our students with this opportunity and enjoyed hearing his story and words of inspiration.”

Secretary Del Toro toured the school’s Innovation Center, home to the school’s STEAM Program, and observed an engineering and design and innovation class.

“He greeted us and asked my team what project we were working on,” said Senior Jake Usallan. “I was happy to explain, and he listened intently and asked us insightful questions. I wasn’t sure how it would go at first, but it went even better than I expected. Meeting him definitely reaffirmed that what we were working on was worth it and gave us even more motivation to push harder to get it done.” 

“Technical education isn’t just about learning the tools; it’s about empowering students to shape our future,” said Adriana Salazar, Ph.D., STEAM Director. “I’m thrilled Secretary Del Toro highlighted the importance of this and the opportunities the Department of the Navy provides to innovate.”

While in Miami, Secretary Del Toro also visited at U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) headquarters. There, he met with command leadership, discussed maritime security in Latin America and the Caribbean, and spoke with Sailors and Marines.