Defense News: U.S. Navy Hosts Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force, Holds Bilateral Strategic Dialogue

Source: United States Navy

The dialogue built upon the Strategic Approach Plan, originally signed by the JMSDF and the United States Navy in 2020. The Strategic Approach strengthens existing cooperation, addresses mutual strategic priorities and promotes collaborative development of defense capability.

“This dialogue is a testament to our combined determination and commitment to shared interests in the Indo-Pacific. I am honored to host our JMSDF partners and continue to strengthen our longstanding partnership through interoperability,” said Black. “Our discussion allows us to evaluate our progress and seek future opportunities for growth.”

This year’s strategic dialogue highlighted capabilities across warfare domains, including undersea and information warfare as well as logistics.

“I’d like to thank RADM Black and his staff for hosting the meaningful and concrete meeting for enhancing the Japan and US alliance, which is essential to maintain and develop international orders and values based on international law,” said Takenaka. “On the dialogue, we discussed our ways in increasing our bilateral capabilities in various warfare domains including our Replenishment at Sea (RAS) capabilities in logistics, and undersea warfare. The two navies are striving to further strengthen collaboration to improve our interoperability and interchangeability.”

The U.S. – Japan alliance is a cornerstone of peace, stability, and security in the Indo-Pacific. The two navies routinely operate together in high-end maritime exercises that enhance interoperability, boost deterrence, and demonstrate shared resolve.

The leaders will convene again next year for a strategic dialogue in Japan.

The Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Operations, Plans and Strategy (N3/N5) is the principal advisor to the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) on Navy strategies, plans and policies, including planning and coordinating the global employment of naval forces.