Defense News: FFSP’s New Virtual Clinical Counseling, Another Avenue to Help Sailors, Navy Families

Source: United States Navy

Virtual Clinical Counseling is short-term non-medical counseling with solution-focused therapy provided by licensed clinical counselors for individuals, couples, and families available through Microsoft Teams. Clients can access the program with no need for a Common Access Card.

“Virtual counseling is just another avenue to help Sailors and their families with problems in daily living,” said Rebecca Goodman, Clinical Counseling Program Analyst. “This could include difficulty adjusting to the military lifestyle, marital and personal problems, parenting issues, grief, and any other challenges that can have a negative effect on Navy families and military readiness.”

Due to the need for more counseling services and to provide flexibility and convenience, CNIC’s Counseling, Advocacy and Prevention (CAP) Program added additional remote clinical counselors as the program launches. 

The remote counseling is an ongoing launch. The program soft launched services in OCONUS/Pacific on 1 April, and a hard launch of services is scheduled for 15 April, when the virtual counseling will officially be available enterprise wide.

Virtual counseling provides flexibility, reducing wait times and increasing the availability for all FFSC counseling services. Of course, with every new pilot program there are also the questions of eligibility and what to expect.

“Right now, we have 30 remote clinical counselors, supplementing the services FFSC clinicians already provided to Navy families,” said Goodman. “If Sailors and their families are eligible for services in a Fleet and Family Support Center then they are eligible for virtual clinical counseling services.”

When clients connect with a remote clinical counselor, they can expect to be provided a wide range of evidence-informed clinical interventions. Intervention varies, depending on each client’s particular needs.

Clinical counseling services, either in-person or virtual include assessment, treatment planning, and appropriate referrals. Additionally, the number of clinical sessions will depend on the client and specific challenges facing them. Counselors will discuss the best course of action with each client in the initial assessment. 

“Virtual Clinical Counseling is not a replacement for face-to-face counseling services, it is another avenue to support Navy families,” said Goodman. “It is a supplement to the existing CAP services, staffed with trained clinicians. It extends our service area, providing services anywhere that a client has a private space and internet connection.”

For those interested in services call 1-855-205-6749 to connect with a centralized scheduler, who will be able to make an appointment. For OCONUS regions, clients can fill out a virtual interest form at Review and sign document(s) | DocuSign.

For more information on Virtual Clinical Counseling or other Fleet and Family Support Program services contact your installation’s FFSC at FFSC Directory 2023.pdf (