Defense News: NAS Sigonella Improves Water Resiliency

Source: United States Navy

Two waste water treatment projects already under construction and an upcoming water system redundancy and resiliency repairs project aim to save water and increase energy savings in Sigonella for years to come.

“By saving potable water, NAS Sigonella saves a very precious source and helps the environment,” said Antonino Piluso, installation energy manager, NAS Sigonella PWD. “By reducing the potable water usage for irrigation, the base saves energy too. This is why these projects are double winners for the installation.”

The two water-saving projects already under construction will treat waste water discharged on both NAS Sigonella bases – NAS 1 and NAS 2, then use the reclaimed water to irrigate the installation, reducing potable water usage by 10 percent, annually.

The newest project – a water system redundancy and resiliency repairs project – will save raw and potable water for the whole installation by repairing and upgrading the existing distribution system and using the discharge water from the treatment process to reduce the overall potable water usage for irrigation.

Sigonella PWD encourages everyone to save water by utilizing the following tips:

1. Repair leaky faucets promptly. One faucet leaking one drop per second can waste 2,400 gallons of water each year – 13 years’ worth of drinking water for one person.

2. Install low-¬flow shower heads, toilets and aerators on kitchen and bathroom sink faucets to save water. They can cut water usage by as much as 280 gallons a month for a typical family of four.

3. Shorten showers. Each minute less in the shower can save between two to five gallons, depending on the type of showerhead.

4. Fill the sink when washing the dishes by hand, instead of letting the water run – it could save up to 25 gallons of water.

5. Don’t leave the water running when brushing teeth – it could save as much as nine gallons each time you brush.

6. Fill a sink when shaving – you’ll use only one gallon of water instead of up to 15 gallons.

7. Repair “silent leaks” in the toilet. If food coloring put in the tank ends up in the bowl without flushing, it is leaking. Repairing the leak will save up to 200 gallons of water per day.

8. Run the dishwasher with a full load, not partial (do the same with laundry).

9. For cold drinks, keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap. You can save hundreds of gallons over the course of a year by not letting water run down the drain.

10. When landscaping, use drought-resistant plants. Check the drought tolerance of plants by reducing the amount of watering a few minutes a day (or cut one day a week) to see how well they do.

Naval Air Station Sigonella provides consolidated operational, command and control, administrative, logistical and advanced logistical support to U.S. and other NATO forces. The installation’s strategic location enables U.S., allied, and partner nation forces to deploy and respond as required, ensuring security and stability in Europe, Africa and Central Command.

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