Defense News: Secretary Carlos Del Toro Releases ALNAV 034/24 Authorization of Combat Awards and Devices for the Red Sea Area

Source: United States Navy

The geographic area enclosed by the latitude and longitude coordinates below, and the air space above, is an area within which may be awarded: the Combat Action Ribbon (CAR); personal military decorations that include the “V” and “C” devices (including the Bronze Star Medal without devices); and the Air Medal on a Strike/Flight basis.  The “R” device may be awarded on personal military decorations that recognize direct hands-on impact on combat operations and engagements that occur within this geographic area.  This authorization is effective from 19 October 2023 to a date to be determined.  The designated area is bounded by the following coordinates:

       27-00N 032-05E

       09-38N 043-00E

       11-49N 051-16E

       16-39N 053-07E

       19-10N 051-56E

       17-30N 043-05E

       28-40N 035-53E

To qualify for any of these awards and devices, a Service Member must meet all the requirements set forth in separate reference.

     a.  Imminent danger pay is not currently authorized for this geographic area.  Therefore, award of the Bronze Star Medal, CAR, and personal decorations with the “V” and “C” devices will be limited to instances in which the awardee received hostile fire pay for the incident for which the award was made, or at some date within the merit dates of the award.

     b.  A mission involving aerial flight may only be credited toward the Strike Flight Air Medal if at least a portion of that mission took place within the designated airspace.

Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.