Defense News: Secretary Del Toro Releases 2024 Month of the Military Child Video

Source: United States Navy

VIDEO | 01:05 | 2024 SECNAV Month of the Military Child Video

Greetings, everyone. I’m Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro, wishing you and your family a very happy Month of the Military Child.

As April comes to a close, I want to take a moment to thank and celebrate the children of our Navy and Marine Corps service members and veterans – children who serve and make sacrifices in their own right – for the benefit of each and every one of us.

Our children embody the same values that we do in the Navy and the Marine Corps. They’re resilient, selfless, courageous, and committed.

Today and every day – this month and every month – we honor and give gratitude to the next generation, to those who serve even though they did not volunteer to do so.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

God bless you all, God bless our Department of the Navy, and God bless these United States