Defense News: MV Cape Hudson Arrives at Indonesia for Super Garuda Shield 24 Offload

Source: United States Navy

The vessel embarked on its voyage from its home base in San Francisco and made stops to load cargo and personnel in Tacoma, Wash.; Honolulu; and Japan before arriving at Banyuwangi.


Super Garuda Shield, one of the largest multinational exercises in the Indo-Pacific region, continues to solidify the U.S.-Indonesia Major Defense Partnership Defense Cooperation Agreement and advances cooperation in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

“This is not a typical commercial route,” said contracted mariner Benjamin Day, ship’s master, MV Cape Hudson. “We originated from the West Coast of the United States, then Hawaii and Japan, to bring equipment and a mission set all the way to Banyuwangi, Indonesia, to support (exercise Super Garuda Shield).”

Oversight of the offload in Indonesia was conducted by a detachment of the U.S. Army’s 835th Transportation Battalion, 599th Transportation Brigade, Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), out of Okinawa, Japan.

Within two days, the ship unloaded approximately 313 pieces of equipment and containers. Once the items were discharged off the ship, they were staged at the marshalling area for onward movement to the respective training area.

Between the expertise of MSC, SDDC and Banyuwangi port officials, all gear was off loaded as scheduled.

Cape Hudson is a 750-foot-long roll-on, roll-off container vessel with four decks of cargo space. The ship can accommodate 186,000 sq. ft. of cargo, which equates to about 4.3 acres of space that can equal roughly 38,000 tons of cargo. It is part of the Cape H-class of ships that include MVs Cape Horn and Cape Henry.

Despite its massive presence, the ship’s characteristically low draft allows for this tonnage while still getting into smaller ports. This ship has a significant cargo capacity and is multimodal, making Cape Hudson ideal for the charter.

According to Day, his experience on commercial container ships differs from these types of ships and missions.

“These ships are a lot different then what I’m used to,” said Day, who has more than six years of experience with the Cape H-class ships. “Doing this type of mission is fun because the cargo is different, you’re lashing it differently; it takes a broader skill set.”

Cape Hudson is part of the Ready Reserve Force fleet of vessels. The RRF is a subset of vessels within the Maritime Administration’s (MARAD) National Defense Reserve Fleet ready to support the rapid worldwide deployment of U.S. military forces.

As part of the crew of Cape Hudson, MSC also assigned a tactical advisor (TACAD), whose job is to deploy on commercial chartered vessels and act as a liaison between military higher headquarters and the ship’s crew.

The Navy Reserve is MSC’s manpower solution for surge mission sets, and TACADs are typically Strategic Sealift Officers (SSOs), who are warfare qualified Navy Reserve Officers with civilian Merchant Mariner credentials and military training to support the activation, operation, and sustainment of the Sealift fleet.

“I make sure the vessel gets from point A to point B safely and that we are in contact with higher headquarters,” said Lt. j. g. Alexa Lumpkin, TACAD on Cape Hudson. “This involves establishing secure communications between the ship and military operations center. I also provide contested-maritime-environment training with the crew.”

Lumpkin is serving on her fourth TACAD mission. She stated she enjoys serving as the TACAD. In her civilian job, she is a merchant marine and sailing on her third mate’s license as a merchant mariner can be stressful.

“As a mate, I don’t feel like I have a lot of time when we get to port,” said Lumpkin. “But as a TACAD, it’s a whole different experience. I get to work with lot of people; I get to be involved in missions such as this. I just like being a part of it.”

Additionally, to support the discharge of equipment, MSC deployed a three-member Reserve-component team from various Reserve Expeditionary Port Units (EPU) in the U.S. to assist with port operations.

“We’re here to help MSC and SDDC with the offload of Cape Hudson. Our role is to act as a liaison between SDDC, the ship, and port authorities, and to make sure that the port is suitable for the ship in Banyuwangi,” said Quartermaster Chief Joshua Vest, senior enlisted leader, EPU 112, from Little Rock, Ark. “We’re also making sure everyone involved is adhering to safety procedures. I think we’ve been maintaining a good schedule, and everybody has learned something valuable toward the expeditionary side of port operations.”

According to Vest, it makes a lot of sense to bring out EPUs to support these specialized missions.

“EPUs play a crucial role that is sometimes overlooked,” said Vest. “Their contributions are not tethered to certain tasks or responsibilities but on providing expertise in varying situations.”

According to the MARAD website, RFF provides nearly 50 percent of government-owned surge sealift capability.

MSC Far East supports the U.S. 7th Fleet and ensures approximately 50 ships in the Indo-Pacific Region are manned, trained, and equipped to deliver essential supplies, fuel, cargo, and equipment to warfighters, both at sea and on shore. U.S. 7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet and routinely interacts and operates with allies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

Celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2024, MSC exists to support the joint warfighter across the full spectrum of military operations, with a workforce that includes approximately 6,000 Civil Service Mariners and 1,100 contract mariners, supported by 1,500 shore staff and 1,400 active duty and Reserve military personnel.

Former Congressman George Santos Pleads Guilty to Fraud and Identity Theft

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

Former U.S. Representative George Anthony Devolder Santos pleaded guilty today to committing wire fraud and aggravated identity theft.

In pleading guilty, Santos, 36, of Queens, New York, admitted he filed fraudulent FEC reports, embezzled funds from campaign donors, charged credit cards without authorization, stole identities, obtained unemployment benefits through fraud, and lied in reports to the House of Representatives.

“As part of his campaign for election to the U.S. House of Representatives, George Santos committed fraud and identity theft, and lied to the American people about his personal finances and campaign supporters,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri, head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “In doing so, Santos violated laws designed to ensure that the public has accurate information about the personal finances of individuals who seek to represent them in Congress and how their political campaigns are funded. The transparency and accuracy that these laws require are essential to the integrity of the election process, and today’s conviction is proof that the Criminal Division is committed to enforcing them.”

“Today, for what may seem like the first time since he started his campaign for Congress, Mr. Santos told the truth about his criminal schemes. He admitted to lying, stealing and conning people,” said U.S. Attorney Breon Peace for the Eastern District of New York. “By pleading guilty, Mr. Santos has acknowledged that he repeatedly defrauded federal and state government institutions as well as his own family, supporters and constituents. His flagrant and disgraceful conduct has been exposed and will be punished. Mr. Santos’s conviction demonstrates this Office’s enduring commitment to rooting out corruption and grift by public officials.”

“Today, George Santos admitted that he did in fact lie, cheat, and steal his way to elected office,” said Acting Assistant Director in Charge Christie M. Curtis of the FBI’s New York Field Office. “When public officials place their self-interests above those they swore an oath to serve, it undermines confidence in our system of government and damages the very foundation of our democracy. The FBI is committed to investigating and eradicating public corruption—no matter the form it takes.”

“George Santos lied to his constituents, cheated his supporters and quite simply made a mockery of his position in public office,” said Agent in Charge Thomas M. Fattorusso of IRS-Criminal Investigations New York. “Today’s guilty plea is a step towards getting justice for those he has wronged. IRS-CI New York worked closely with the Eastern District of New York, the FBI and Nassau County DA’s office to ensure that Santos faces the consequences for his years of fraud and deceit, because corruption is not to be tolerated.”

The Party Program Scheme

During the 2022 election cycle, Santos was a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in New York’s Third Congressional District. Nancy Marks, who pleaded guilty in October 2023 to related conduct, was the treasurer for his campaign committee, Devolder-Santos for Congress. During the election cycle, Santos and Marks devised and executed a fraudulent scheme to obtain money for the campaign by submitting materially false reports to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) on behalf of the campaign, in which they inflated the campaign’s fundraising numbers for the purpose of misleading the FEC, a national party committee, and the public.

Specifically, the purpose of the scheme was to ensure that Santos and his campaign qualified for a program administered by the national party committee, pursuant to which the national party committee would provide financial and logistical support to Santos’s campaign. To qualify for the program, Santos had to demonstrate that his congressional campaign had raised at least $250,000 from third-party contributors in a single quarter.

To create the public appearance that his campaign had met that financial benchmark and was otherwise financially viable, Santos and Marks agreed to falsely report to the FEC that at least 10 family members of Santos and Marks had made significant financial contributions to the campaign.  In fact, Santos and Marks both knew that these individuals had neither made the reported contributions nor given authorization for their personal information to be included in such false public reports. In addition, understanding that the national party committee relied on FEC fundraising data to evaluate candidates’ qualification for the program, Santos and Marks agreed to falsely report to the FEC that Santos had loaned the campaign significant sums of money, when, in fact, Santos had not made the reported loans and, at the time the loans were reported, did not have the funds necessary to make such loans. These false reported loans included a $500,000 loan, when in fact Santos had less than $8,000 in his personal and business bank accounts. 

Through the execution of this scheme, Santos and Marks ensured that Santos met the necessary financial benchmarks to qualify for the program administered by the national party committee. As a result of qualifying for the program, the congressional campaign received significant financial support.

As part of his plea agreement, Santos stipulated that he had engaged in the below additional criminal conduct, as set forth in the second superseding indictment and other court filings, and agreed that this criminal conduct will be considered by the Court at the time of sentencing.

The Credit Card Fraud Scheme

Between approximately July 2020 and October 2022, Santos devised and executed a fraudulent scheme to steal the personal identity and financial information of contributors to his campaign. He then charged contributors’ credit cards repeatedly, without their authorization. Because of these unauthorized transactions, funds were transferred to Santos’s campaign, to the campaigns of other candidates for elected office, and to his own bank account. To conceal the true source of these funds and to circumvent campaign contribution limits, Santos falsely represented in filings with the FEC that some of the campaign contributions were made by other persons, such as his relatives or associates, rather than the true cardholders. Santos did not have authorization to use their names in this way.

Fraudulent Political Contribution Solicitation Scheme

Beginning in September 2022, during his successful campaign for Congress, Santos operated a limited liability company (Company #1) through which he defrauded prospective political supporters. Santos enlisted a Queens-based political consultant (Person #1) to communicate with prospective donors on Santos’s behalf. Santos directed Person #1 to falsely tell donors that, among other things, their money would be used to help elect Santos to the House, including by purchasing television advertisements. In reliance on these false statements, two supporters (Contributor #1 and Contributor #2) each transferred $25,000 to Company #1’s bank account, which Santos controlled.

Shortly after the funds were received into Company #1’s bank account, the money was transferred into Santos’s personal bank accounts—in one instance laundered through two of Santos’s personal accounts. Santos then used much of that money for personal expenses. Among other things, Santos used the funds to make personal purchases (including of designer clothing), to withdraw cash, to discharge personal debts, and to transfer money to his associates.

Unemployment Insurance Fraud Scheme

Beginning in approximately February 2020, Santos was employed as a Regional Director of a Florida-based investment firm (Investment Firm #1). By late-March 2020, in response to the outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States, new legislation was signed into law that provided additional federal funding to assist out-of-work Americans during the pandemic.

In mid-June 2020, although he was employed and was not eligible for unemployment benefits, Santos applied for government assistance through the New York State Department of Labor (NYS DOL), falsely claiming to have been unemployed since March 2020. From that point until April 2021—during which time Santos was working and receiving a salary on a near-continuous basis, and throughout his first unsuccessful run for Congress—he falsely affirmed each week that he was eligible for unemployment benefits when he was not. As a result, Santos fraudulently received more than $24,000 in unemployment insurance benefits.

False Statements to the House of Representatives

Santos, like all candidates for the House, had a legal duty to file with the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives a Financial Disclosure Statement (House Disclosures) before each election. In his House Disclosures, Santos was personally required to give a full and complete accounting of his assets, income, and liabilities, among other things. He certified that his House Disclosures were true, complete, and correct.

In September 2022, in connection with his second campaign for election to the House, Santos filed a House Disclosure, in which he vastly overstated his income and assets. In this House Disclosure, he falsely certified that during the reporting period:

  • He had earned $750,000 in salary from the Devolder Organization LLC, a Florida‑based entity of which Santos was the sole beneficial owner;
  • He had received between $1,000,001 and $5,000,000 in dividends from the Devolder Organization LLC;
  • He had a checking account with deposits of between $100,001 and $250,000; and
  • He had a savings account with deposits of between $1,000,001 and $5,000,000. 

These assertions were false. Santos had not received from the Devolder Organization LLC the reported amounts of salary or dividends and did not maintain checking or savings accounts with deposits in the reported amounts. Further, Santos failed to disclose that, in 2021, he received approximately $28,000 in income from Investment Firm #1 and more than $20,000 in unemployment insurance benefits from the New York State Department of Labor.

Santos is scheduled to be sentenced on February 7, 2025, and faces a mandatory minimum of two years in prison and a maximum of 22 years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

As part of the guilty plea, Santos will pay restitution of $373, 749.97 and forfeiture of $205, 002.97.

Trial Attorneys Jacob Steiner and John Taddei of the Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section, and Assistant U.S. Attorneys Ryan Harris, Anthony Bagnuola, and Laura Zuckerwise for the Eastern District of New York are prosecuting the case. Former Trial Attorney Jolee Porter and Litigation Counsel Victor R. Salgado provided substantial contributions to the prosecution.

Justice Department to Monitor Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Laws in Alaska

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

Note: View the release in Yup’ik here. 

The Justice Department announced today that it will monitor compliance with federal voting rights laws in certain jurisdictions in the State of Alaska for the Aug. 20 primary election. The department will assign federal observers to monitor in Bethel Census Area, Dillingham Census Area, Kusilvak Census Area, Nome Census Area and North Slope Borough, Alaska. The federal observers, permitted by court order, will monitor for compliance with the language requirements of Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act, including the provision of election assistance in Yup’ik dialects.

The Justice Department enforces the federal voting rights laws that protect the rights of all citizens to access the ballot. The department regularly deploys its staff to monitor for compliance with federal civil rights laws in elections in communities all across the country. In addition, the division also deploys federal observers from the Office of Personnel Management, where authorized by federal court order. 

The Civil Rights Division’s Voting Section, working with U.S. Attorneys’ Offices, enforces the civil provisions of federal statutes that protect the right to vote, including the Voting Rights Act, National Voter Registration Act, Help America Vote Act, Civil Rights Acts and the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act.

More information about voting and elections is available on the Justice Department’s website at Learn more about the Voting Rights Act and other federal voting laws at Complaints about possible violations of federal voting rights laws can be submitted through the Civil Rights Division’s website at or by telephone at 1-800-253-3931. 

Justice Department Secures Agreement to Eliminate Voting Barriers for Native Americans in South Dakota

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

The Justice Department has secured an agreement with Bennett County, South Dakota, and county officials to resolve claims that the county has failed to make its registration and early voting opportunities equally open to Native American voters as required by Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.

Under the terms of the agreement, Bennett County will operate a satellite office in Allen, South Dakota, to provide in-person registration and absentee voting services during regular business hours for the full state-mandated 46-day absentee voting period prior to federal, state and county elections.

“It is time to eliminate all barriers standing between Native American voters and the ballot box across our country. An inclusive democracy must provide all of its eligible voters access to the full range of voter registration and early voting opportunities required by law,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “With this agreement, we will ensure that Native American voters will have the same access to registration and early voting as do other voters. The Justice Department will continue to challenge discriminatory election-related laws and policies and will vigorously enforce federal law to move us ever closer to a fully enfranchised Native electorate.”

“The right to vote is fundamental to our democracy, but that right is hollow without access to registration and early voting opportunities,” said U.S. Attorney Alison Ramsdell for the District of South Dakota. “We are grateful Bennett County has agreed to improve voting access for Native Americans in South Dakota by adding and staffing a satellite office in Allen.”

The Justice Department’s investigation found that Native Americans in Bennett County did not have equal access to the in-person registration and absentee voting available under state law. American Indians who live on Tribal lands disproportionally lack the ability to travel long distances to the county seat of Martin, South Dakota, for those in-person voting services. Since 2015, the state has made Help America Vote Act funds available to counties like Bennett to establish a satellite office on Tribal lands.    

More information about voting and elections is available on the Justice Department’s website at Learn more about the Voting Rights Act and other federal voting laws at Complaints about possible violations of federal voting rights laws can be submitted through the Civil Rights Division’s website at or by telephone at 1-800-253-3931. Individuals can also contact the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of South Dakota either by emailing  or by calling 605-330-4400.

Ten Additional States Join Justice Department’s Suit Against Live Nation-Ticketmaster for Monopolizing Markets Across the Live Concert Industry

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

Today, the Attorneys General of Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dakota, Utah and Vermont joined a civil antitrust lawsuit filed by the Justice Department, 29 other states and the District of Columbia against Live Nation-Ticketmaster for monopolization and other unlawful conduct in violation of Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act.

The department, and its now-expanded group of 40 co-plaintiffs, filed an amended complaint in the Southern District of New York. The amended complaint also alleges additional details about Live Nation-Ticketmaster’s anticompetitive course of conduct in markets across the live entertainment industry.