Defense News: U.S. Navy Operations in the Information Environment (OIE) Defined

Source: United States Navy

In August of 2023, the U.S. Navy recognized this evolution of the battlespace by establishing a division for Operations in the Information Environment (OIE) within the office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (DCNO) for Information Warfare (OPNAV N2N6). This division serves as the advocate for policy, requirements, and resources for influence-related capabilities and synchronizes OPNAV’s OIE efforts.

In furtherance of the Navy’s OIE division’s efforts, Vice Adm. Karl Thomas, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, recently approved a new definition of U.S. Navy Operations in the Information Environment (Navy OIE) that underscores the critical role of cognitive effects in Navy operations and activities.

Navy OIE is now formally defined as “The ability to create cognitive effects to achieve deterrent and warfighting advantages by shaping adversary attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors through influence activities and public messaging paired with Navy, Joint, and combined operations and activities.”

Navy OIE highlights the importance of cognitive effects that are based on influence activities such as deception and operations security. It acknowledges that, to achieve success in the cognitive domain, influence activities must be integrated with the informational power of Navy public affairs and technical capabilities such as electronic warfare and cyberspace operations.

The definition marks the Navy’s adoption of OIE as its preferred term to describe the complex incorporation of influence and information capabilities to carry out the Information Joint Function in support of the Joint Force and national objectives.

“In the face of sophisticated state adversaries that pursue ruthless information campaigns against the United States Navy, the elevation of Navy OIE will make our force more resilient, bolster our ability to shape the information environment, and strengthen vital alliances and partnerships,” according to Rear Admiral Mike Brown, Director for Operations in the Information Environment, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations.

With the new Navy OIE definition, OPNAV’s OIE team will next promulgate an OIE Instruction to structure and organize the Navy’s cognitive warfare capabilities and to spur new Navy OIE doctrine and tactics, techniques, and procedures.