U.S. Attorney Josh Hurwit to Co-Sponsor United Against Hate Event in Treasure Valley

Source: United States Department of Justice News

BOISE – U.S. Attorney Josh Hurwit along with the College of Idaho, the Wassmuth Center for Human Rights, DOJ Community Relations Service, and the FBI are convening a United Against Hate meeting on January 16 at College of Idaho in Caldwell, Idaho. The event is free and is open to the public. The registration link can be found here: www.eventbrite.com/e/united-against-hate-tickets-492001348277.

United Against Hate is an initiative launched by the Department of Justice focused on improving efforts to combat hate crimes and hate incidents through relationship building at the local level.  Through this endeavor, the Office seeks to create and strengthen trust and partnerships among law enforcement, community leaders, and residents.

“In my view, this initiative is particularly timely for Idaho, as we have experienced a series of troubling hate incidents throughout the state in the past several years,” said U.S. Attorney Hurwit. “As Attorney General Garland has said, this is a moment for an all-hands-on-deck approach to combatting unlawful hate.”

The January 16 event will include presentations from prosecutors about hate crimes laws and reporting mechanisms and speakers who will share their courageous experiences responding to hate.

“I look forward to meeting community members and hearing different perspectives on how we can work together to unite our community in standing up to unlawful hate,” said U.S. Attorney Hurwit. “And I am deeply honored to partner with our co-sponsors to prioritize this critical mission.”
