Defense News: NSWCPD Trains Future U.S. Navy Officers on Land Based Engineering Site

Source: United States Navy

Led by U.S. Navy Lt. Padraig O’Brien, 14 Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (EN) 350 Marine Engineering Systems Class Midshipmen from the U.S. Naval Academy learned about several naval systems including the Integrated Bridge Navigation System that gives the user all of the information about the ship’s navigation in one place.

“The Integrated Bridge System is comprised of the steering and propulsion control systems, electronic charting and navigation radar display. Knowledge of these systems and how they function provides bridge watch teams the ability to transit to wherever the mission requires safely and on time,” explained NSWCPD Electrical Engineer Daniel Weissgerber.

NSWCPD Systems Engineers Kuldip Singh and Stephen Schwegler discussed with the Sailors the importance of the DDG 51’s Machinery Control Systems (MCS), which are responsible for controlling the propulsion, electrical, HVAC, auxiliary and damage control systems on the ship.

“MCS combines discrete and analog signals from around the ship and provides that information to members of the engineering department in a centralized location. With that information, the operators can make decisions when to start and stop equipment on-board the ship,” Singh said.

O’Brien and his class had an impactful experience at LBES. Once the Midshipmen were able to see the engineers who were responsible for assisting the fleet that put it in perspective how important their role is.

“The Mids (Midshipmen) got so much out of seeing both the practical applications of what they are learning in the engineering classes and their professional development courses. They all left with a better understanding of how the Fleet operates with NSWC to maximize our lethality,” O’Brien said.

“Seeing the evolutionary design changes between Flight II and Flight III shows the design capabilities of the Navy,” Midshipman Ian Ishmael of Coloma, Mich. said.

“They’re the people behind the curtain who are making changes in the Fleet,” Midshipman Cassidy Kiko of Louisville, Ohio said.

“I had no idea how important Philly was to the Fleet’s development,” Midshipman Chris Nicholson of Phoenix, Ariz. said.

NSWCPD employs approximately 2,800 civilian engineers, scientists, technicians, and support personnel. The NSWCPD team does the research and development, test and evaluation, acquisition support, and in-service and logistics engineering for the non-nuclear machinery, ship machinery systems, and related equipment and material for Navy surface ships and submarines. NSWCPD is also the lead organization providing cybersecurity for all ship systems.